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Equipment Set

In the Integrate interface choose Ў°EquipmentЎ± to enter, show as:

Fig. 5-16

Press the Ў°Up/DownЎ± key to select the needed operation. Click on the Ў°ChooseЎ± key to change setting, Ў°NumberЎ± keys to set the value.

l Table model: General or Double. After choosing double table model, and set the Table Size parameter– the distance of double table model, the distance subjects to the two upper left corner of table model. The machine on double table has two tables: to go back and forth by Z axis, keep a table on the working position; and another one turn in there on the both sides of machine.

l LaserCar Mode: Single, Double1, Double2. Single means it just has one laser head. Double1 means it has two laser heads on one belt. Double2 means it has two laser heads with two belts. After choosing Double1 or Double2, need to set the Double Head Intv. parameter— which is the origin points between the two laser head. The X axis and V axis are used to control the two laser head movement. The X axis control the laser head near the origin of the machine, V axis control the laser head away from the origin of the machine. The X axis range is set to the maximum width of the machine can be processed. V axis range is set to X axis range minus the distance between two laser head. When itЎЇs even column, the two head will work at the same time; when itЎЇs odd column, one head on the last column work.

l Equipment Type: Common, Metal Cut (metal cutting), Round (machine with wheel).

a. When choose the metal cutting device, need to set Down Delay, Up Delay, Long Size.

n Down Delay: ItЎЇs the delay time when laser head move down to the focus position.After the delay, the machine starts to cut.

n Up Delay: ItЎЇs the delay time when laser head move up to the standby position after cutting.

n Long Size: If needs to cut more than two graphic, Define the distance that the previous graphicЎЇs end point to the following graphicЎЇs start point as A. If A is greater than the Long Size parameter, the laser head will move up after finish cutting first graphic. And then move to position of the next graphicЎЇs starting point. And then move down to the focus position to cut the second graphic.

b. When choose the wheel device, need to set the parameters: Reference Diameter and Reference Resolution.

Reference Resolution instructions:

a. Menu/Integrate/Equipment: Set the Equipment to Round. The Ў°Reference DiameterЎ± and Ў°Reference ResolutionЎ± are used to calculate the actual resolution with the different cylindrical materials.

b. Reference Parameters

n Because cylindrical materials with different diameter, the range and the resolution of Y axis is different. So the controller provides a reference diameter and reference resolution for convenience to calculate.

n After the reference diameter and reference resolution set correctly, each time replace material, it just needs to set the Ў°DiameterЎ± parameter in main menu interface. Then the resolution and the max range of Y axis will be recalculated according to the Ў°Reference DiameterЎ± and Ў°Reference ResolutionЎ±. It means you just need to set the new material diameter.

c. The Modification of Reference Parameters

n Set the Equipment to Round. You will see the Reference Diameter and Reference Resolution have a default value. Measure the diameter of a material for processing. Input this diameter into the Ў°Reference DiameterЎ± parameter. The Reference Diameter can remain as default value or input the estimate value to it, 10um for example.

n Set the laser max power low to draw out one 50mm length line on the surface of material. Measure the actual length of the line, 55mm etc. Go into the Menu/Integrate/Axis set/ Y Axis interface, set the resolution of Y Axis to reference resolution value. Then follow the normal steps to modify the resolution. Press Ў°ChooseЎ± key to display a window to calculate the resolution. Set want size to 50, real size to 55 in the resolution window. Press Ў°EnterЎ± key to calculate the right resolution as 11um, etc. Then Set the Ў°Reference ResolutionЎ± to 11um. Finish setting.

d. Next time you replace the new material with different diameter, just set the Ў°DiameterЎ± parameter in Main Menu interface.

l Buzzer set: Press Ў°NumberЎ± keys to set the times.

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