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User Set

In the Integrate Setting interface, press Ў°Up/DownЎ± key to select the Ў°User SetЎ± item. Press Ў°EnterЎ± key to go into User Set Interface as show below.

Fig. 5-25

Fig. 5-26

Press Ў°Up/DownЎ± key to select the items, press Ў°ChooseЎ± key to change the Combo Box, press the Ў°NumberЎ± key to edit the value, press Ў°EnterЎ± to save the setting, press Ў°ESCЎ± to back.

l Cover Protect: When it is ON, system will detect the cover protect switch signal. While the signal is valid it would stop the working.

l Key Move Continue: When it is ON, Press the Ў°UP/Down/Left/RightЎ± arrow key or Ў°Z+/Z-/U+/U-Ў± to move the axis, Release these key to stop moving.

l Key Move Dist.(mm): When the Ў°Key Move ContinueЎ± is OFF, the Ў°UP/Down/Left/RightЎ± arrow key or Ў°Z+/Z-/U+/U-Ў± to move the axis with the distance set by the Ў°Key Move DistЎ±.

l Return point: Origin, None Set Point. The position which the system back to while work is finishing.

l Laser On/Off Delay: Turn this ON for take the Laser On/Off Delay effect.

l Back Speed (mm/s): The homing speed.

l Pulse Time (ms): The time of laser is on when Ў°PulseЎ± is press.

l Feeding Delay (ms): The delay time after feeding.

l Door Polarity: Change the parameter while the Cover Protect switch working in wrong way.

l OUT7 Polarity: Change the OUTPUT7 electrical level. Negative is low level. Positive is high level.

l Min Acc.(mm/s2): The min acceleration for start moving or stop moving. The less this value, the smoother the movement, the longer the working time. Normally, it is set to400mm/s2, if a shorter work time is demanded, set the value no less than 850 mm/s2(According to the actual machine to set this value).

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