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Golden Rules for Writing Letters

l. Give your letter a heading if it makes it easier for the reader to understand your purpose in writing.

2. Decide what you are going to say before you start to write or dictate a letter, because if you do not do this the sentences are likely to go on and on and on until you can think of a good way to finish. In other words you should always plan ahead.

3. Use short sentences and paragraphs (not more than eight to ten lines).

4. Put each separate idea in separate paragraph. Number each of the paragraphs if it helps the reader to understand better. Leave a line space between each paragraph.

5. Use short, precise words that everyone can understand and say exactly what you mean. Do not break words at the end of a line.

6. Short forms are not used in business letters.

7. May produce a bad impression if there are mistakes in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Your letters should be correct.

8. It is polite to answer the letter that day when you have received it.

9. Think about your reader. Your reader:

- must be able to see exactly what you mean: your letters should be clear;

- must be given all the necessary information: your letters should be complete;

- is probably a busy person with no time to waste: your letters

- should be concise;

- must be written in a sincere, polite tone: your letters should be courteous.


Ex. 2. Read and remember:

In business letters, you should always be polite.

You should make requests rather than give commands:

Command: Tell me about your job conditions.

Request: Would you please tell me more about your job conditions?

Here are some suggestions used in polite requests:

Could you possibly… If possible, could you …

I would appreciate it if you would … If you have the time …

I would be grateful if you could … Would you please …

If it is not too much trouble … Would you possibly …


Ex. 3. Alter these commands into polite requests. Use a different expression for each sentence using the prompts above.

Example: Ask your office representative to call me. – I would appreciate if your office representative calls me.

1. Send me a brochure about your new car models.

2. Give me your most current prices.

3. Tell me when the tickets are available.

4. Fax me a list of our company’s clients.

5. Provide us the information and materials concerning last conference.

6. Submit the report on the fifteenth of every month.


Ex. 4. Complete the sentences in this letter. Use the words given in brackets (registration, interest, hesitate, enclose, brochure, forward, conference, City of London).

Dundee Police Constabulary

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