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517 5890 – five-one-seven-five-eight-nine-o

223 7866 – double two-three-seven-eight-double six

1) 071 9746531 2) 067 4450178

3) 38044 576 8966 4) 38056 2999601

What is your (your friend’s, your parents’) phone number?

Practice reading numbers in pairs.

Ex. 3. Remember the following expressions.

Opening a call: Hello. This is …/ This is … speaking. Could/Can I speak to Ann, please? I’d like to speak to I’m afraid she’s at a meeting. on holiday (until …). not in the office. out of the office not available just now. Is that (Mr. Roberts)? Is it a good time to talk about this? / Do you have time right now? Structuring a call: I’m calling to (discuss) …/ I’m phoning about … There are three things I would like to talk about. Can I leave a message? Would you like to leave a message? / Can I take a message? Hold on. I’ll connect you / I’ll put you through to Mr. … What’s your extension number (mobile number, fax number)?
Closing calls: OK. I’ll send / post / phone / come … Is there anything else? I look forward to seeing (meeting, hearing) from you next week. I’ll call later today. Can I tell you back in ten minutes? Can you confirm that by tax? Thank you for your help. Thank you for calling (back). Communication difficulties: The line is engaged (busy). There’s no answer. We were cut off. It’s very noisy here. Can you speak up? Could you speak more slowly, please? Shall I repeat that? – Yes, please? I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said. Could you repeat that, please? Could you spell that (your name, surname), please? It’s bad line. Can you hear me? I’m sorry, I think you’ve got the wrong number. Try again.


Ex. 4. Look at these telephoning expressions. Underline the correct word(s) to complete the sentences.

Example: Can I speak to / with Helen, please?

1. Can I give / leave a message, please?

2. I am / This is Dan speaking.

3. The line’s occupied / busy at the moment.

4. I’m afraid / frightened Mr. Jones isn’t in the office now.

5. I like / I’d like to speak to John, please.

6. I’m / It’s Georgia King speaking.

7. Hold on / Hold you on a minute, please.

8. Could you call back in / after ten minutes?

9. I’ll call late / later today.

Ex. 5. Make up questions corresponding to the following answers.

- …? – This is Fred speaking

- …? – He’s not here.

- …? – Well. I’ll tell him you called.

- …? – You can call again this afternoon.

- …? – Just a moment. Let me get a pen.

- …? – I think you’ve got the wrong number. It isn’t 718 5433.

Ex. 6. Work in groups. Discuss.

1. What do you enjoy about using the phone?

2. What do you dislike about making phone calls?

3. What is difficult about making a first-time call to a stranger?

4. What can you do to make such calls easier?

5. What can you do to establish a relationship with a stranger more quickly?


Рекомендуемая литература:


1. Алексеева Т.К., Дарская В.Г., Журавленко К.В., Пикалова Л.А. Деловой английский.English for Business. Часть 1-2: Учебник английского языка. М.: Вече, 2002. – 640 с.

2. Бондар Т.І., Кириченко З.Ф., Колесник Д.М., Дєгтярьова Л.П., Шпак В.К. Англійська мова для аспірантів та наукових співробітників. Навчальний посібник. – Київ: Центр навчальної літератури, 2005. – 352 с.

3. Памухина Л.Г., Глуховская А.Г., Сочилина З.И. Деловой английский. English for Business. Часть 3: Учебник английского языка. М.: Вече, 2002. – 336 с.


1. Аммазова Л.А. Как научиться говорить по-английски: Учеб. пособие. – 2-е изд. испр. – М.: Высшая школа, 1980. – 224 с.

2. Хорнби А.С. Оксфордский интенсивный английский для взрослых. В 3 кн. – М.: АО «Буклет», 1991ю – 248 с.

3. American English for everyday and Academic Use. Санкт-Петербургская кафедра иностранных языков Российской академии наук. Санкт-Петербург. Академический проект, 1996.

4. Comfort, Jeremy. Effective Telephoning. Oxford University Press, 1997.

5. Schaffer R., Agusti F. International Business Law and Its Environment. - Hardcover, 8th Edition, 2011. – 768 p.

Практическое занятие №7

Тема: “ Business meetings ”


1. Работа с активным вокабуляром.

2. Работа с текстом “ Business meetings ”

3. Чтение перевод диалогов.

4. Работа с лексическими упражнениями

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