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The Ancient Greece

1. The Polis Stage in History of Ancient Greece

2. Homer’s Period

3. The Archaic Period

4. Athenian State in V-IV BCE

1. After decomposition primitive-communal relations in history of Ancient Greece it has approached so called polis stage – the time of shaping and bloom polis, city-states. The classical type of slave-owning relations came on change primitive communal.

The polis stage is accepted split into 3 periods:

a) The Homer’s period – XI-IX BCE;

b) The archaic period – VIII_VI BCE;

c) The classical period – V_IV BCE.

The leading role in history of Ancient Greece had 2 polis – an Athens and a Sparta.

2. Homer’s period (XI-IX BCE) is characterized by mastery kid-tribal relations. The land represents itself tribal property, clan bodies had only the right of use it. However already there were landless and large land owners. The state device had not existed yet; primitive communal military democracy had had power. At the head of society the kid-tribal chieftain – bazelevs – stand. The title bazelevs combined functions of military leader, supreme judge and high priest; originally it had been electoral; aware it became hereditary. An advice of the most visible representatives of kid tops (родовой знати) – advice of elders (bulla) acted constantly. The Significant role had the public meetings.

By the end of given period kid-tribal relations are decomposed, the slave-owning formation came on change kid formation.

3. The Archaic period (VIII-VI BCE) is signified by creation an Athenian state.

Ancient Greek legend considers that Athenian polis was appeared as a result of undertaking by king Tesey sinoikism - the unity of isolated kid clans around Athenian acropolis. On the same legend, the free population of Athenian clan was prepared by Tesey on the following social groups:

- Eupatrids – a generic aristocracy, large land owners;

- Geomors – a tillers, small land owners, who gradually fallen into promissory dependency to eupatrids;

- Demiurges – a handicraftsmen. Together with geomors they formed demos.

Alongside with slaves and free people it existed intermediate layer – metek, personally free, but deprived political and some economic rights.

The old fission of demos on phile, fratries and families (роды) was saved. Athens were controlled by nine annually elected from ambience aristocrat archons and areopagus – an advice elders.

On measure of growing property inequality, the social-economic contradiction were deepened and fight was intensified between generic aristocracy and demos, who obtaining equations in rights, redistribution of the land, cancellation debts and cancelling the promissory servitude.

The bloom ancient Greek slave-owning society, polis building pertains to classical period (V-VI BCE).

In V BCE Greece defended its independence in Greek-Persian wars (500-449 y. BCE). The unity Greek polis on Delos alliance had brought big contribution to victory on Persian. United treasures were organized, united land powers and fleet were created. Management alliance’s deals were entrusted on advice from representatives all cities. Soon in that Alliance power of Athens was marked, so it became to be identified The First Athenian sea alliance and practically changed in Athenian sea power – arche.

In this time Athens was entered at period of the most ascent. The most progressive for that time state formation of antique slave-owning democracy was confirmed on the base of developed craft, trade and navigations in situations of sharp inwardly political fights in Athenian state. The Legislative power belonged to the Public meeting, executive – an Advice of five hundred and magistrates, proceedings was realized in court juror (gelie), who chosen from people on lot. Remuneration was fixed for performance state duties on election from state treasury. The increased expenses were covered to account of tax – foros, which must were pay by fallen into arche union cities. Thereby, welfare of Athenian people was based not only on slave usages, but also on usages population of union city.

In 449 y. BCE victory for Greek Kalliev piece was comprised, which stopped Greek-Persian wars. The first Athenian sea alliance had executed confronted by it military problem.

The Second Athenian sea alliance was organized in 378 y. BCE for the reason oppositions Peloponnese alliance, which was headed by Sparta. Peloponnese alliance represented group of Greek polis, in which oligarch orders were dominated, dominated aristocracy.

The having tolerated defeat in ruinous for whole Greece Peloponnese war, Athens had already forfeited its leading role in histories of country.


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