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Public Formation to France at Period of Class-Representative Monarchy (XIV - XVcc.)
Feature of the Period. Feature Class of Public Building. 1. Development cities and expansion interland economic relationships, as well as determination of strong economic relationships between city and village created the happy circumstances for overcome feudal disunity, for shaping united all-nationality market and the further economic and social development of country. Specialization of agricultural and craft production appears in separate region and city that brings strengthening of business relations between different lands of kingdom. The number of population of city increased in these conditions and their influence upon position of the deals reinforced in country. With termination period to feudal disunity state has took the form class-representative monarchy. This became possible whereas: - social-economic bases of alliance of royal authorities and city is reinforced, due to growing of town industry and trading cities has been able to render a help to monarchies; - main groups small and average gentry clustered around royal authorities in hope to protect its privileged position power to royal army, as well as for the sake of receptions of the revenue job titles; - the country needed for strong royal authorities for fight with external enemy. 2. In XIV – XV centuries shaping hereditary class was terminated. The French society divided on three classes: - class clergy; - class gentry; - third class, to which the merchant, handicraftsmen, free peasants pertained The First two classes were privileged, were freed from state taxes and obligations, used the primary right of access to state job title. The Third class was taxing. Essential changes to legal position of peasants. The Lords change the part of natural obligations and payments by money. To XIV v. is changed form of the peasant land-use – servage is displaced censers. Censers (цензива) was identified hereditary land ownership, holder which (censetary (цензетарий)) annually paid its mister a requirement - firmly fixed money, less natural rent, as well as executed certain obligations. At observance of these conditions censetary had a right to send on inheritance his censers, pawn, deliver in lease and sell it with the consent of senior and with payment duty by person.
The State Device to France at Period of Class-Representative Monarchy (XIV - XVcc.) Organs of State Management. Judicial Device. Army. 1. Beginning of the period of class-representative monarchy in France (XIV- XV cc.) is accepted to consider in 1302 the convocation General staffs - a supreme authority of class representation. The predecessors of General staffs in France were an extended meetings the royal advice (with attraction town top), as well as provincial assemblies class, which initiated the provincial staffs. The General staffs were a consultative organ, which convened on initiative of royal authorities at critical moments for rendering help to government; their main function was vote (вотирование?) taxes. Each class work apart from others: - in the first chamber - a high clergy; - in the second - a deputies from gentry; - in the third - electoral deputies from top townsfolk, " third class". Each chamber had only one voice regardless of numbers of representatives. Approving the decision was realized by all chambers with simple majority votes. Importance of General staffs increased during Centennial war, when royal power particularly had needed money. The Central management bodies in this period were: - State advice, which realized management and checking for separate section of management on instructions of king; - Counting chamber, which managed finances. To the most significant executives pertained: a) a chancellor, in functions of which entered current management and checking for activity of executives; during absence king he presided in State advice, projects of ordnances were formed under his management; b) connetabl - a commander of mounted chivalrous troops, subsequently commander of royal army; c) camerary - a treasurer; d) palatins - a royal advisers, who executed separate entrusts of king. 2. In system of judicial institutions it occurred following changes: - royal justice had crowded the senioral and church, vastly enlarged jurisdiction of royal court: it could revise any decision of senioral court; - though judicial organs as before were not separated from administrative, it was marked their isolation and accordingly shaping the judicial system. Under Lyudovik IX it was created special judicial organ - a Parliament, which hereinafter became high appellate court of kingdom, the most important appellate location. The Parliament considered the most important criminal and civics, could revise the decisions and condemnations of lower-level court with new checking all earlier considered or newly presented proofs, realizing thereby checking on local court. The Justice on places on behalf of king ordered balie, seneshalies and prevoes, considering the main mass criminal and civics. The Church court had changed in special court on deals by special subject and personal jurisdiction and formed the instantion system: a) undermost location - a court of officials, special accredited of bishop; b) second location - a court of archbishop; c) following location - a court of cardinal; d) high location - a court of roman cury, which considered the most important deals. In XIV c. it was created special organ of criminal persecution and accusations - a public prosecutor's office, which members were referred to as royal procurator and emerged in court as accusers on deals, affected interests of monarchies (" interests of crown"). 3. In move of military reforms of the second half of XIV c. and the first half of XV c. royal army became regular, significant on the number, with site management and clear system. Hereto time after entering the constant taxes government had in its dictation significant facilities, which were used for set to work mercenaries, mostly foreigners (German, Scotsmen and so on). Gentry occupied on advantage officer job titles.