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The Development of State System.

1. After completion the war with Prussia the main political problem was future state formation of the country.

Constituent assembly was to take new Constitution. But political reaction has taken in its own hands decision of constitutional questions. The Law from August 31, 1871 National meeting, where majority belonged to monarchist, assigned itself constituent functions. However in France it had already not a sufficient social base for monarchy. The policy of the Second Empire had scattered monarchy illusions of peasantry, which formed beside 70% of population of the country. The workers kept the republican beliefs. This compelled to abandon recovering monarchy by the monarchist majority in meeting. The Meeting was compelled to provide the chapter of executive authorities by title " president of the Republic".

2. Constitution of the Third republic, taking by Constituent assemblies in 1875, did not present itself united document, but formed from three laws:

- Law from February 24, 1875 about organizations of Senate;

- Law from February 25, 1875 about organizations state authorities;

- Law from July 16, 1875 about relations between state powers.

The Constitutional acts defined the structure and competency of supreme authorities of state power.

The Absence of united constitutional normative act enabled to avoid the question about the general principles of state building.

Nor one article straight did not confirm the republic, but as a whole three constitutional laws installed the republican formation with president at the head, parliament as supreme authorities of legislative and parliamentary government.

The Chapter of state was shown president, who elected for 7 years by absolute majority of Senate and Chambers deputy, which united in united National meeting to this effect. He could be re-elected. It was given to him the right of legislative initiative, publishing laws, and observations for its performance. He could delay meetings of chambers, require repeated discussing the bill, which had already coordinated by chambers. With the consent of Senate he dismissed the Chamber of deputies prior to the expiration of legal period of its authority.

The President was shown by chapter of armed power. It was given to him right of purpose on all high military and civil job titles.

The Legislative power was realized by Chamber of deputies, which elected on 4 years by general voting, and Senate, consisted of 75 senator for life and 225 senators, who were elected indirect by special board of voters on department for 9 years.

The Senate as upper chamber of the parliament was constantly acting institution. It could not be licentious and each 3 year was updated on one third. Either as Chamber of deputies, it possessed the right of legislative initiative, development of laws, checking for activity government. Only financial laws must were in the first place introduce in lower chamber and be taken by it.

The Meetings of chambers passed simultaneously, but each of chambers worked itself. On united National meeting they were convened in the event of election of the president or revising to constitutions.

The Constitution of 1875 provided making the Advice of ministers, but its legal status was not developed detailed.

3. The State formation of the Third republic, which created in accordance with Constitution of 1875, has suffered the essential changes to relationship with the further development of French society and intensification of fight conservative and liberal-democratic powers.

The important adjustments and addends to Constitutions of 1875 were accepted in 1884:

- it was forbidden revise the republican form of the rule;

- representatives of dynasty, who ruled in France, lost the right be elected on post of the president;

- It was changed order of kit senate.

The development of the state system of the Third republic was shown in essential reduction power of president. As from 80 years president in practice ceased to use his own the most significant constitutional authorities (the right of the dismissal of the chamber, delays session and so on).

In order to avoid political conflicts on taciturn agreement of main political parties on post of the president became to be chosen undoubtedly lacking initiative and little-affected politicians.

Official constitutional authorities of the president remained the reserve on event crisis or exceeding situation.

The evolution of the Third republic has found its reflection in activity of the chambers of French parliament too. On measure of the tightening inwardly-parliament party fight internal regulation of Chamber of deputies more limited the liberty debates - a chairman at own discretion defined the order of the day, broke the meetings and so on. It was created a system of commissions of Chamber of deputies and Senate, where was carried discussion of the most important or political sharp questions.



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