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Verbs taking to-infinitive or -ing form with a change in meaning

1.forget + to-inf= not remember I'm sorry, I forgot to buymilk. forget + ing form= forget a past event He'll never forget flyingover the Alps. 2.remember + to-inf =remember to do sth Remember to turn off the cooker before leaving.(future) remember + -ing form= recall a past event I don't remember stayingin this hotel before. (past) 3. go on + to-inf= finish doing sth and start doing sth else; then After finishing the report, she went on to typesome letters. go on + -ing form= continue She went on talkingfor hours. 4. mean + to-inf= intend to He means to finda job abroad. mean + -ing form= involve Finding a job means attendingmany interviews. 5. regret + to-inf= be sorry to Iregret to tellyou that there is no money left inyour account. regret + -ing form - have second thoughts about sth one has already done I regret buying/having bought this dress; itdoesn't look nice on me.   6. try + to-inf= do one's best, attempt The firemen are trying to put outthe fire. try + -ing form =do sth as an experiment Why don't you try addingsome sugar to the sauce? It might taste better. 7. want + to-inf= wish Iwant to spend my holidays in Spain. want + -ing form= need sth done This room wants paintingagain. 8. stop + to-inf= pause temporarily She stopped to getsome petrol before continuing on her journey to Leeds. stop + -ing form =finish; end Stop talking, please! 9. be sorry + to-inf =regret I'm sorry to hear they fired him. be sorry for + -ing form= apologise I'm sorry for being/having beenunfair to you. 10. be afraid + to-inf(the subject is too frightened to do sth) I'm afraid to climbup that tree. (I don't want to do it.) be afraid of + -ing form(the subject is afraid that what is described by the -ing form may happen) She won't climb up the tree; she is afraid of falling.(She is afraid because she might fall.)


Ex. 6. (A) Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the infinitive or the -ing form.

1. Remember..................... (go) to the bank. You've got to pay the bills.

2. I don't remember…………………………… (see) this film before.

3. When he had written his first book he went on…………. (write) seven more.

4. She went on:................. (talk) even after her friend had fallen asleep.

5. I regret........................................................... (leave) school at the age of 16.

6. I regret………………………….. (tell) you that you have failed the test.

7. He means………………. (build) a boat and travel round the world.

8. Doing well on this course means…………………… (study) very hard.

9. I've been trying……………………………. (start) this car for hours.

10. Why don't you try……………………… (put) some petrol in the tank?

11. I don't want to drive a car; I'm afraid of ………………….. (have) an accident.

12.He's afraid................................................................ (walk) alone at night.

13.She forgot…………………………….. (invite) her best friend to the party.

14.I'll never forget............................................... (see) snow for the first time.

15.On the way home he stopped...................................... (buy) some chocolate.

16.The baby didn't stop............................................................ (cry) all night.

17.These windows are dirty. They need................................................. (wash).

18.1 want................................................................. (speak) to Sally, please.

19. She's really sorry for.............. (shout) at you last night.

20 I'm sorry…………………………(tell) you your car has been stolen.


Ex. 7. (B, C) Complete the text by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form, gerund or infinitive.

Yukie Hanue is considered by many (1) .............. (be) the finest violinist of her generation - and she's still in her early twenties. When we visited her, in the music department of the University of New York, she was too busy practising (2)…………. (talk), but she invited us (3) ……………… (have) a coffee with her in her mid-morning break. Astonishingly, she manages (4) …………. (combine) her PhD at the university with international concerts and recitals, numerous public appearances and interviews. She evidently thrives on the workload, buzzing around the place with an industrious enthusiasm that leaves us all breathless. Her fame as a performer means (5) …………(make) regular appearances at high profile events. Last month, for example, she agreed (6) …………(appear) in a series of recitals

organised by Coca-Cola. This involved (7).. ….(travel) to far-flung places like Seoul, Oslo and Montevideo on successive days, a schedule which would have caused any normal person to wilt. 'I can't stand (8).................................... ………. (do) nothing, ' she says. I happen (9)………… (have) a particular talent, and it would be wasteful not (10) ……………..(exploit) it to the full. I encouraged her (11)…………. (tell) me about her upbringing, but she was rather reticent to sing her own praises. I did, however, succeed in persuading her (12)………… (confess) to a secret desire. 'If I hadn't been a musician, I would have loved to train (13)…………. (become) a martial arts expert, ' she says. Certainly, she would have had the discipline, but I couldn't imagine someone so physically frail actually (14) ……… (stand) there hitting someone. But it was an interesting revelation, and one that I was (15) ………… (learn) more about during my day with her.


Ex. 8. (В, С) Replace the parts in bold type by gerundial phrases.

1. When she saw him she stopped reading at once and put the letter away and even did not explain anything. 2. In this thick fog she was afraid that she might be knocked down. 3. He preferred to keep silent for fear that he might say something inopportune. 4. He felt much better after he had been operated on. 5. He was not only the author of brilliant short stories, but he was also a talented playwright. 6. While he was writing his report, he remembered that he had forgotten to mention some facts. 7. Once he gets into his head an idea of doing something, it is impossible to talk him out of it. 8. When the girl entered the room, she glanced a little wonderingly at the faces of the three men. 9. The whole neighbourhood was so dreary and run-down that he hated the thought that he would have to live there. 10. You will do nothing but irritate him if you will nag him all the time. 11. That I was on the spot was a bit of luck for him. 12. Samuel Griffiths came back from Chicago on this particular day, after he had concluded several agreements there.

Ex. 9. Complete the following by translating what is given in brackets using the Gerund. Insert prepositions where necessary.

I. (B)

1. They prided themselves... (что первыми изобрели этот прибор). 2. They accused him... (в том, что он предал своих друзей). 3. I can't recall... (чтобы меня с ним когда-нибудь знакомили). I even don't remember... (что видел его). 4. Не couldn’t get used...(к левостороннему движению/водить машину по левой стороне). 5. She was quite unconscious... (что пришла в неудачный момент). 6. Excuse me... (что я вошел не постучав). 7. I'm really ashamed... (что так вел себя на вечере). 8. She denied... (что обещала заглянуть к нам). 9. We hope he will succeed... (найти свое место в жизни). 10. Why do you avoid... (смотреть на меня)?

II. (С)

1. From the age of four, I had been used to... (делать все по-своему). 2. I was not used to... (когда меня развлекают дамы (entertain)). 3. How proud I was of... (что изобрел это замечательное устройство). 4. I was tired of always... (носить чужую одежду). 5. In the morning she was ashamed of herself for... (что была так груба вчера вечером). 6. He's merely used to... (что за ним ухаживают). 7. Не was grateful to Finch for... (что уговорил его зайти). 8. But they are used to... (иметь дело с настоящими бизнесменами (to deal)). 9. She wasn't fond of... (задавать множество вопросов). 10. At the time I was very keen on... (получить собственный доход).


Ex. 10. (В) Translate the following into English using Gerunds after the verbs in brackets. Fillin prepositions where necessary.

1. Я не виню тебя за то, что тебе так хочется уехать из города. (to blame) 2. Тогда я заподозрил его в том, что он меня дразнит. (to suspect) 3. Нам было не трудно работать вместе. (to have no difficulty) 4. Он настаивал на том, чтобы научить ее работать на ЭВМ. (to insist) 5. Не было ничего, что могло бы помешать ему вернуться в Лондон. (to prevent) 6. Он извинился, что не пришел вовремя. (to apologize) 7. Мне удалось заставить Энн говорить. (to succeed) 8. Отец часто обвинял меня в том, что я отношусь к дому как к отелю. (to accuse) 9. Она настояла на том, чтобы заплатить за такси. (to insist) 10. Дэн уговорил Беллу остаться на обед. (to talk into) 11. Доктор начал с того, что пощупал его пульс. (to begin) 12. Он настоял на том, чтобы Анну немедленно пригласили сюда. (to insist) 13. Я спросил его, как ему нравится быть отцом. (to feel about) 14. Как ты объяснил покупку этого автомобиля? (to account) 15. Он упрекал себя за то, что не попытался поговорить с нею. (to reproach)


Ex. 11. (В, С) Translate the following into English using Gerunds after the adjectives in brackets. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

1. Я гордился тем, что работал с ним тогда. (proud) 2. Я знал, что он не способен так поступить. (capable) 3. Доктор привык выслушивать всяких людей. (used) 4. Мне жаль, что я причинил вам так много беспокойства. (sorry) 5. Я больше, чем ты, заинтересован в том, чтобы найти ее. (interested) 6. Я уверен, что ты вполне способен решить эту проблему. (capable) 7. Мне надоело пытаться делать то, что мне не нравится. (tired) 8. Я удивился тому, что он вообще женился. (surprised) 9. Я был немного разочарован тем, что не встретил Чарльза, (disappointed) 10. Она была благодарна ему за то, что он понял, что ей не хочется говорить о себе. (grateful) 11. Он был раздражен на нее за то, что она втянула его в эту ссору. (annoyed) 12. Он любил смеяться над теми, кто был робок. (fond)


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