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Legislative Power
According to the Constitution of 1993, the representative and legislative organ is the Federal Council, the Parliament of the Russian Federation. It consists of two chambers: the Sovietof the Federation and the State Duma. In the Soviet of the Federation there are two kinds of representatives from every subject of the Federation - those who represent administrative organs and those who are elected. The State Duma consists of 450 members elected by the citizens of the Russian Federation for a term of four years according to the Federal law, half being elected on mandate, and the other half according to the political parties or movement lists. The first State Duma was elected in December 1993, the second in December 1995. The electoral legislation imposes a 5% limit for the political parties and movements. The position of the executive power is strong. The Constitution names the organs and persons that have the right of legislative initiative. They are the President of the Russian Federation, the Soviet of the Federation, the members of the Federal Council, the members of the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation, the legislative organs of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation in questions regarding its competence. Federal laws are passed by the State Duma by simple majority vote. Then, in five days, the law goes to the Soviet of the Federation, i.e. to the upper chamber. The Federal law is approved by the Soviet Federation if more than half of all the members vote for it or if the law is not seen by the Chamber within 14 days. If a Federal law is not approved by the Soviet of the Federation, it goes next to the State Duma. If 2/3 of the total number of members of the State Duma approve the law, it is considered to be passed. Then the Federal law goes to the President to be approved and signed within 14 days. If the President does not sign it in 14 days, it means that he is opposed to it and the State Duma and the Soviet of Federation should consider this law again. If in their next discussion the law is approved by a majority of 2/3 of the members of both chambers, the President should sign it within seven days. If a Federal Constitutional law is discussed, the approval of 3/4 of the members of the Soviet Federation and 2/3 of the members of the State Duma is required. Any Federal Constitutional law should be signed by the President within 14 days. The State Duma can be dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation under conditions stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. When the President dismisses the State Duma, he gives the date of the election, taking into consideration that a new State Duma should convene not later than four months from the time of dismissal. This is a passive issue of presidential power. The Constitution stipulates that judicial power is realized only by the courts by means of constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal branches of judicial power. The judicial system of the Russian Federation is laid down by the Constitution and Federal Constitutional Law. The formation of extraordinary courts is strictly forbidden.
1. Give English equivalents: Федеральный Совет Палата Совет Федераций Государственная Дума Конституционный Суд Верховный Суд Арбитражный Суд Федеральный Конституционный Закон 2. Translate the following words and word combinations: Representative; elected by the citizens; to impose a 5 % limit; according to the Federal law; by simple majority vote; the upper chamber; within 14 days; to sign; consider this law again; dismissed by the President; under conditions stipulated by the Constitution; the date of the election; to convene; a passive issue of presidential power; judicial power; strictly forbidden.
3. Answer the questions. 1. What is the representative and legislative organ in Russian Federation? 2. How many chambers does the Parliament of Russian Federation consist of? 3. The State Duma consists of 450 members elected by the citizens of the Russian Federation, doesn’t it? 4. If a Federal law is not approved by the Soviet of the Federation, where does it go next? 5. By whom should any Federal Constitutional law be signed? 6. Is the judicial system of the Russian Federation laid down by the Constitution and Federal Constitutional Law? 4. Translate from Russian into English. a) Первым подобием парламента в России были законосовещательные орган - Боярская Дума XVI-XVII вв., совет сподвижников Петра I, " круг молодых друзей императора" при АлександреI. b) В результате земской реформы Александра II появились своеобразные губернские парламенты-земства, обладавшие законосовещательным правом. c) В январе-феврале 1905 г. в России началась первая русская революция (1905-1907 гг.). Она продемонстрировала, что самодержавный период в истории Российского государства завершается и начинается период практической конституционализации и парламентаризации страны. d) Отправной точкой становления парламентаризма в России стал Высочайший Манифест, подписанный царем Николаем II 17 октября 1905 г. " Об усовершенствовании государственного порядка" и целый ряд актов, развивающих положения Манифеста и также утвержденных указами императора. e) Государственная дума из законосовещательного органа преобразовывалась в законодательный. Расширялись права в законодательной деятельности не только Государственной думы, но и Государственного совета. Он, как и Государственная Дума, также наделялся уже не законосовещательными, а законодательными полномочиями.
5. Complete the chart. 6. Study the following vocabulary and translate the text. autonomous organ – автономный орган, executive authority – исполнительная власть, head of State – глава государства, appoint the Prime Minister – назначать Премьер-Министра, key element – ключевой элемент, guarantor of the Constitution – гарант Конституции, outstanding role – выдающаяся роль, decision-making – принятие решений, at federal level – на федеральном уровне, core functions – основные функции, cadre politics – кадровая политика
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