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Glossary. Adopt - take up or start to use or follow (an idea, method, or course of action).

Adopt - take up or start to use or follow (an idea, method, or course of action).

Affiliation - the state or process of being officially attached or connected to an organization or attaching (connecting).

Apparatus - the organs used to perform a particular bodily function the specialized male and female sexual apparatus; a complex structure within an organization or system.

Aristocracy - the highest class in certain societies, esp. those holding hereditary titles or offices.

Appoint - to assign officially, as for a position, responsibility, etc.

Approve - officially agree to or accept as satisfactory.

Authority (authorities) - 1) the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience, 2) (often authorities) a person or organization having political or administrative power and control.

Autonomous - having the freedom to govern itself or control its own affairs.

Bias - inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair.

Bicameral legislature - a legislative body having two chambers.

Cadre - a group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession.

Capitalism - an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Charter - a formal document from the sovereign or state incorporating a city, bank, college, etc., and specifying its purposes and rights.

Citizen - a native registered or naturalized member of a state, nation, or other political community.

Civil - relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters.

Collegiums - an advisory or administrative board in Russia.

Consolidate - make (something) physically stronger or more solid; reinforce or strengthen (one's position or power).

Constitution - a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.

Court - a body of people presided over by a judge, judges, or magistrate, and acting as a tribunal in civil and criminal cases.

Descendant -a person that is descended from a particular ancestor

Discretionary - available for use at the discretion of the user.

Decisive - having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.

Deliberative - relating to or intended for consideration or discussion.

Dismissal - an official notice of discharge from employment or service

Diversity - the state of being diverse.

Dualism - the division of something conceptually into two opposed or contrasted aspects, or the state of being so divided.

Duma - a legislative body in the ruling assembly of Russia and of some other republics of the former USSR.

Edition - a particular form or version of a published text; a particular version of a text that has been revised or created from a substantially new setting of type.

Elaborate - develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in detail

Elect - to choose someone to be a representative or a public official by voting.

Empire - an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, formerly esp. an emperor or empress; a government in which the head of state is an emperor or empress.

Excellency - a title given to certain high officials of state.

Executive - relating to or having the power to put plans or actions into effect.

Federalism - a system of government in which power is divided between a national (federal) government and various regional governments.

Government - the group of people with the authority to govern a country or state; a particular ministry in office.

Guarantor - a person or thing that gives or acts as a guarantee.

Hereditary - holding a position by inheritance.

Hierarchy - a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.

IMF - International Monetary Fund.

Impose - to establish as something to be obeyed or complied with; enforce.

In casu – in this case.

Inspectorate - a body that ensures that the official regulations applying to a particular type of institution or activity are obeyed.

Institution - a society or organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose a certificate from a professional institution; an established official organization having an important role in the life of a country, such as a bank, church, or legislature.

Judicial - relating to the administration of justice.

Jurisdiction - the official power to make legal decisions and judgments.

Landlord - a person, esp. a man, who rents land, a building, or an apartment to a tenant; a person who owns or runs a boardinghouse, inn, or similar establishment.

Law - the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties.

Legislation - the act or process of making laws; enactment

Legislative - having the power to make laws.

Liberal - open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.

Lineage - lineal descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree.

Mandate - the authority to carry out a policy, regarded as given by the electorate to a party or candidate that wins an election.

Manifesto - a public declaration of policy and aims, esp. one issued before an election by a political party or candidate.

Measure - a plan or course of action taken to achieve a particular purpose.

Monarchy - a form of government with a monarch at the head.

Navy - the branch of a nation's armed services that conducts military operations at sea.

Nobility - the group of people belonging to the noble class in a country, esp. those with a hereditary or honorary title.

Normative - formal establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm, esp. of behavior.

Oppose - disagree with and attempt to prevent, especially by argument.

Peculiarity -a trait, manner, characteristic, or habit that is odd or unusual.

Policy - a plan of action adopted or pursued by an individual, government, party, business, etc.

Politics - the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power.

Privatization - transfer from public or government control or ownership to private enterprise: a campaign promise to privatize some of the public lands.

Proceedings - an event or a series of activities involving a set procedure.

Punitive - inflicting or intended as punishment.

Rank - a position within the hierarchy of an organization or society.

Rationalize - make (a company, process, or industry) more efficient by reorganizing it in such a way as to dispense with unnecessary personnel or equipment.

Reform - the action or process of reforming an institution or practice

Regime - a government, esp. an authoritarian one; a system or planned way of doing things, esp. one imposed from above.

Regulation - a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority

Reign - the period during which a sovereign rules.

Representative - a person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others.

Sign - authorize a document or other written or printed material by attaching a signature.

State - a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government.

Statute - a written law passed by a legislative body.

Stipulate - demand or specify a requirement, typically as part of an agreement.

Subject - a member of a state other than its ruler, especially one owing allegiance to a monarch or other supreme ruler.

Taxation - the levying of tax.

Trend - a general direction in which something is developing or changing.

Trial - a formal examination of evidence by a judge, typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings.

Veto - a constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal made by a law-making body.




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