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Executive Power
The federal organs of executive power are ministries, services of State committees, commissions and other federal organs of executive power. The executive power of the Russian Federation realizes the governmental structures. The government is an autonomous organ, which has executive authority in spite of the fact that it comes under the head of State, the President. This is based on the President's right to appoint the Prime Minister and the cabinet. The President also appoints the heads of the offices subordinate to him. In general, there are three levels of executive power, which have definitive autonomy and independent spheres of competence. The status of the President makes him a key element in the State power of Russia. The President is not only head of State but also the guarantor of the Constitution and citizens’ rights in the Russian Federation. Article 80 regulates the real status of the President. The executive branch consists of the federal organs of executive power, the organs of the executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the organs of local executive power. The peculiarity of the modern development of executive power in Russia is the outstanding role of the President of Russian Federation in the political system and the mechanism of State decision-making. Article 14 of the Constitution gives the President great authority in domestic and foreign affairs. In his legal status, the President is head of State and at the same time he has great power, enabling him to realize the executive functions together with the government of the Russian Federation. Very often such dualism causes duplication of the functions between the government of the Russian Federation and the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. Control over the State apparatus enables the President to use strong administrative apparatus and methods at federal level. The President appoints people to the highest posts in the administration and the judicial system and also dismisses them. In the system of the Russian Federation, the President governs the State and the government implements his policy. His main methods are normative and individual orders. The normative orders have a State character. In practice this means a strong legislative role for the President without any obligation to consult legislative organs. Another form of Presidential tools are acts, which concern all the territory of the Russian Federation seven days after notice of the acts has been given. The administration of the President of the Russian Federation is a State organ, which helps and assists the President to implement his core functions, for which reasons it is obvious that the presidential administration is a powerful organ. Thus, it cannot implement decisions like a ministry. The most important units in the presidential administration are the main legal department, main directive department, the department of cadre politics, the territorial department and the security council. The main legal department evaluates the legal acts and documents which are signed by the President of the Russian Federation. According to the recommendations of the main legal department, the President can, for example, delay any law which counteracts the Constitution or other laws of the Russian Federation.
1. Give Russian equivalents (n) authority, level, competence, peculiarity, affairs, duplication, dualism, obligation, policy, decision
(adj) autonomous, governmental, subordinate, independent, outstanding, domestic, powerful
(v) appoint, enable, cause, dismiss, implement, assists, evaluate, delay, counteract, consult
2. True or false 1. The executive power of the Russian Federation realizes the municipal structures. 2. The government is an autonomous organ, which has executive authority because it comes under the head of State, the President. 3. The President also appoints the heads of the offices subordinate to him. 4. The peculiarity of the modern development of executive power in Russia is the outstanding role of the President of Russian Federation in the political system and the mechanism of State decision-making. 5. Control over the State apparatus doesn’t enable the President to use strong administrative apparatus and methods at federal level. 6. Another form of Presidential tools are acts, which concern all the territory of the Russian Federation seven days before notice of the acts has been given. 7. According to the recommendations of the main legal department, the President cannot delay any law which counteracts the Constitution or other laws of the Russian Federation.
3.Translate from Russian into English.
1. Исполнительная власть представляет собой относительно самостоятельную ветвь (вид, разновидность) единой государственной власти Российской Федерации, тесно взаимодействующую с законодательной и судебной ее властями. 2. Исполнительная власть реализуется через деятельность специальных субъектов, наделенных исполнительной компетенцией. В государственно-властном механизме она представлена органами исполнительной власти. Через деятельность государственных органов - субъектов исполнительной власти, исполнительная власть приобретает динамические качества. 3. В соответствии с Конституцией РФ исполнительная власть организуется и осуществляется на началах федерализма, то есть законодательным путем проводится разграничение предметов ведения и полномочий между федеральными и исполнительными органами и аналогичными органами субъектов федерации. 4. В распоряжении субъектов исполнительной власти находятся все наиболее существенные атрибуты государственной власти: финансы, армия и иные воинские формирования, милиция, важнейшие средства коммуникации, исправительно-трудовые учреждения, служба внутренней и внешней безопасности и т.п. 5. В настоящее время функциями исполнительной власти являются следующие: · Разработка и реализация политики, выражающаяся в государственных программах общефедерального и регионального масштабов · Установление и эффективное проведение в жизнь правовых и организационных основ хозяйственной жизни (например, обеспечение равноправия всех форм собственности, охрана прав потребителей, защита прав собственника и т.п.). · Управление учреждениями и предприятиями государственного сектора. · Регулирование функционирования различных объектов негосударственного сектора. · Координация функционирования национализированного и денационализированного секторов хозяйственного, социально-культурного и административно-политического строительства. · Обеспечение реализации прав и обязанностей физических и юридических лиц в сфере государственного управления. · Осуществление государственного контроля и надзора за работой управляемой и регулируемой сфер. 4. Read and retell the text. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, state power in the Russian Federation is broken down into the following branches: legislative, judicial and executive. The bodies of the legislative, judicial and executive powers are independent (Article 10 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). The proclamation of independence by the judiciary in Russia became possible only because of the democratic transformations that started in the former USSR at the end of the 1980s. Ratified in 1993, the Constitution of the Russian Federation in essence laid down the important reference points that correspond to a government with a democratic system. A strong and independent judiciary was to become the most important guarantee for the formation of a law-governed state and a civil society. It was namely this power that should have done away with human rights violations by government agencies, and secured society's interests from arbitrary rule. When applied to the judicial system, these innovations have historical significance. Under the former USSR, the judicial system's servitude became a self-evident concept. Bolshevik ideology led the courts to become a tool of political struggle; even into the 1960s, courts were an instrument of repression and part of a punitive system.
1. Study the following expressions and read the text. judicial authority – судебная власть, Сonstitutional Court – Конституционный суд, military courts – военные суды, three-tiered system – трехъярусная система, supreme judicial body – верховный судебный орган, Text 4