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Повторение причастий и причастных оборотов ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 9 из 9
Упражнеиия I Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на форму и синтаксическую функцию причастий и причастных оборотов: 1. When freshly prepared this substance is colourless. 2. Having obtained the necessary compound we can now 3. The acceleration of a body is proportional to the force causing it. 4. When studying a compound we have to know the 5. Having mixed these two substances we then put the 6. Rutherford's research work followed by many into physics. 7. The phenomenon as described by Dr. Adams is rather 8. The particles attracted to the anode are anions. Those 9. Ths relative density of a gas is equal to the molecular standard. 10. The pressure just calculated is the surface pressure. 11. The resistance drops when exposed to light. 12. Unless otherwise stated we shall consider only solutions in liquids. 13. The positron or positive electron was discovered in
14. While isolating and separating radium, Mine Curie 15. A base is coated with a layer of iodine followed by 16. Every body continues in its state of rest, or motion 17. Except where specially mentioned all the data are 18. The articles referred to above deal with alkali metals. 19. The application of these corrections, followed by 20. Once formed, a crack spreads due to stress II Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на причастные обороты: 21. The work of L. de Broglie soon followed by the 22. The angle of incidence of the electron beam on the 23. As stated before, the greater the binding energy, the 24. Only the uranium series is shown, it being typical of 25. Any body persists in its slate of rest or uniform 26. Carbon disulphide (CS2) burns readily, its vapour 27. With further heating the waves are still shorter and 28. As expected, using the cross section defined by equation 29. There being a close packing of molecules in a liquid, the molecular encounters occur much more frequently than in a gas under the same conditions. 30. It is a common observation that bodies expand when heated. 31. It is a matter of common observation thet light is 32. The basic principle is shown in Figure 6, which- 33. In the radioactive bodies alpha-, beta- and gamma-rays III Повторите справочный материал раздела " Причастие и причастные обороты". Определите характер причастной конструкции, переведите предложения: 34. According to atomic theory, well fortified as it is by 35. Situated about half-way along the interior of th flame 36. The part played by the electron is that of the elementary 37. Diffusion of gases or liquids through porous more rapidly. 38. The first step towards intimate understanding of a 39. The remaining light, coming as it does from the edge 40. From the northern station Venus is seen projected
41. There exist, of course, various kinds of light, each 42. Chadwick announced the discovery of the neutron, a particle having a mass nearly the same as that of a proton but carrying no charge. 43. Involved in the star fields of the individual galaxies, 44. Let о be the diameter of a molecule, and imagine a 45. Passing from one chemical element to the next, one 46. Associated with the existence of positive and negative 47. Going around the Earth once every 29 days is our 48. Coming as it did so early in the history of kinetic
49. Concealed in the foregoing figures are some very 50. These compounds may be prepared by similar 51. Radioactivity was discovered by Henri Becquerel in 52. There existing no satisfactory way of separating the 53. Taken together, these effects, occurring as they do in 54. The theory of this action is too extensive a subject 55. Now we find the effort heretofore spent in constructing enormous circles given to perfecting the graduation, and, while using the instrument, to protecting the circle from sudden changes of temperatures. 56. Drifting consists of brief accelerated passages in which the influence of external field is felt followed by collisions in which the atomic field exerts a far greater influence and sends electron or ion of a totally different path.