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Misconduct and its sanctions
21.1 MINOR MISCONDUCT Minor misconduct offences are not subject to sanctions. It is the 5.1.2, 21.3 1st referee's duty to prevent the teams from approaching the sanctioning level. This is done in two stages: D9, D11 (6a) Stage 1: by issuing a verbal warning through the game captain; Stage 2: by use of a YELLOW CARD to the team member(s) concerned. This formal warning is not in itself a sanction but a symbol that the team member (and by extension the team) has reached the sanctioning level for the match. It is recorded in the score sheet but has no immediate consequences. 21.2 MISCONDUCT LEADING TO SANCTIONS Incorrect conduct by a team member towards officials, opponents, team-mates or spectators is classified in three categories according to the seriousness of the offence. 21.2.1 Rude conduct: action contrary to good manners or moral principles. 21.2.2 Offensive conduct: defamatory or insulting words or gestures or any action expressing contempt. 21.2.3 Aggression: actual physical attack or aggressive or threatening behaviour. 21.3 SANCTION SCALE According to the judgment of the 1st referee and depending on the seriousness of the offence, the sanctions to be applied and recorded on the score sheet are: Penalty, Expulsion or Disqualification. 21.3.1 Penalty The first rude conduct in the match by any team member is penalized with a point and service to the opponent. 21.3.2 Expulsion A team member who is sanctioned by expulsion shall not play for the rest of the set, must be substituted legally and immediately if on court and must remain seated in the penalty area with no other consequences. An expelled coach loses his/her right to intervene in the set and must remain seated in the penalty area. The first offensive conduct by a team member is sanctioned by expulsion with no other consequences. The second rude conduct in the same match by the same team member is sanctioned by expulsion with no other consequences. 21.3.3 Disqualification A team member who is sanctioned by disqualification must be substituted legally and immediately if on court and must leave the Competition-Control Area for the rest of the match with no other consequences. The first physical attack or implied or threatened aggression is sanctioned by disqualification with no other consequences. The second offensive conduct in the same match by the same team member is sanctioned by disqualification with no other consequences. The third rude conduct in the same match by the same team member is sanctioned by disqualification with no other consequences. 21.4 APPLICATION OF MISCONDUCT SANCTIONS 21.4.1 All misconduct sanctions are individual sanctions, remain in force for the entire match and are recorded on the score sheet.
21.4.2 The repetition of misconduct by the same team member in the same match is sanctioned progressively (the team member receives a heavier sanction for each successive offence). 21.4.3 Expulsion or disqualification due to offensive conduct or aggression does not require a previous sanction. 21.5 MISCONDUCT BEFORE AND BETWEEN SETS Any misconduct occurring before or between sets is sanctioned according to Rule 21.3 and sanctions apply in the following set.
21.6 SUMMARY OF MISCONDUCT AND CARDS USED Warning: no sanction - Stage 1: verbal warning Stage 2: symbol Yellow card Penalty: sanction - symbol Red card Expulsion: sanction - symbol Red + Yellow cards jointly
Disqualification: sanction - symbol Red + Yellow card separately PART 2 SECTION 2: THE REFEREES, THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES AND OFFICIAL HAND SIGNALS