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Misconduct sanction scale⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 17 из 17
DIAGRAM 10: LOCATION OF REFEREEING CORPS AND THEIR ASSISTANTS Relevant Rules: 3.3, 23.1, 24.1, 25.1, 26.1, 27.1
«j)Rj = First Referee < R2> = Second Referee S/AS = Scorer/Assistant Scorer о = Lines Judges (numbers 1-4 or 1-2) (4) = Ball Retrievers (numbers 1-6) —| = Floor Moppers DIAGRAM 11: REFEREES' OFFICIAL HAND SIGNALS 1 AUTHORISATION TO SERVE Relevant Rules: 12.3,
Move the hand to indicate direction of service
O 2 TEAM TO SERVE Relevant Rules:,,
Extend the arm to the side of team that will serve OS 3 CHANGE OF COURTS Relevant Rule: 18.2 Raise the forearms front and back and twist them around the body O 5 SUBSTITUTION Relevant Rules: 15.5.1, 15.5.2, 15.8
Circular motion of the forearms around each other
OS 6a MISCONDUCT WARNING Relevant Rule: 21.1, 21.6
Show a yellow card for warning O 6b MISCONDUCT PENALTY Relevant Rules: 21.3.1, 21.6,
Show a red card for penalty O 7 EXPULSION Relevant Rules: 21.3.2, 21.6, Show both cards jointly for expulsion O
8 DISQUALIFICATION Relevant Rules: 21.3.3, 21.6, Show red and yellow cards separately for disqualification O
Cross the forearms in front of the chest, hands open OS
12 BLOCKING FAULT OR SCREENING Relevant Rules: 12.5,, 14.6.3,,, g,
Raise both arms vertically, palms forward OS 13 POSITIONAL OR ROTATIONAL FAULT Relevant Rules: 7.5, 7.7,,
Make a circular motion with the forefinger OS 14 BALL " IN" Relevant Rule: 8.3
Point the arm and fingers toward the floor OS 15 BALL" OUT" Relevant Rules: 8.4.1, 8.4.2, 8.4.3, 8.4.4,,
Raise the forearms vertically, hands open, palms towards the body
16 CATCH Relevant Rules: 9.2.2, 9.3.3,
Slowly lift the forearm, palm of the hand facing upwards O 17 DOUBLE CONTACT Relevant Rules: 9.3.4,
Raise two fingers, spread open O 18 FOUR HITS Relevant Rules: 9.3.1,
Raise four fingers, spread open OS
20 REACHING BEYOND THE NET Relevant Rules: 11.4.1, 13.3.1, 14.3, 14.6.1, Place a hand above the net, palm facing downwards O 21 ATTACK HIT FAULT
Relevant Rules: - by a back-row player, by a libero or on the opponent's service: 13.3.3, 13.3.4, 13.3.5,, e, - on an overhand finger pass by the libero in his/her front zone or its extension: 13.3.6 Make a downward motion with the forearm, hand open OS 22 PENETRATION INTO THE OPPONENT COURT_________________________________ BALL CROSSING THE LOWER SPACE OR______________________________________
THE SERVER TOUCHES THE COURT (END LINE) OR____________________________
THE PLAYER STEPS OUTSIDE HIS/HER COURT AT THE MOMENT OF THE SERVICE HIT Relevant Rules: 8.4.5, 11.2.2, 12.4.3,, f, 24.3.2.' Point to the center line or to the relevant line OS
DIAGRAM 12: LINE JUDGES' OFFICIAL FLAG SIGNALS 1 BALL " IN" Relevant Rule: 8.3, Point down with flag L 2 BALL " OUT" Relevant Rules: 8.4.1, 27.2.'
Raise flag vertically L
Relevant Rule:
Raise flag and touch the top with the palm of the free hand
L 4 CROSSING SPACE FAULTS, BALL TOUCHED AN OUTSIDE OBJECT, OR FOOT FAULT BY ANY PLAYER DURING SERVICE Relevant Rules: 8.4.2, 8.4.3, 8.4.4, 12.4.3,,,, Wave flag over the head and point to the antenna or the respective line L 5 JUDGEMENT IMPOSSIBLE
COMPETITION/ CONTROL AREA The Competition / Control Area is a corridor around the playing court and free zone, which includes all spaces up to the outer barriers or delimitation fence. See diagram/fig 1a. ZONES These are sections within the playing area (i.e. playing court and free zone) as defined for a specific purpose (or with special restrictions) within the rule text. These include: Front Zone, Service Zone, Substitution Zone, Free Zone, Back Zone, and Libero Replacement Zone. AREAS These are sections of the floor OUTSIDE the free zone, identified by the rules as having a specific function. These include: warm-up area and penalty area. LOWER SPACE This is the space defined at its upper part by the bottom of the net and the cord joining it to the posts, at the sides by the posts, and the bottom by the playing surface. CROSSING SPACE The crossing space is defined by: - The horizontal band at the top of the net - The antennae and their extension - The ceiling The ball must cross to the opponent's COURT through the crossing space. EXTERNAL SPACE The external space is in the vertical plane of the net outside of the crossing and lower spaces. SUBSTITUTION ZONE This is the part of the free zone through which substitutions are carried out. UNLESS BY AGREEMENT OF FIVB This statement recognizes that while there are regulations on the standards and specification of equipment and facilities, there are occasions when special arrangements can be made by FIVB in order to promote the game of Volleyball or to test new conditions. FIVB STANDARDS The technical specifications or limits as defined by FIVB to the manufacturers of equipment. PENALTY AREA In each half of the competition/control area, there is a Penalty Area located behind the prolongation of the end line, outside the free zone, which should be placed a minimum of 1.5 metres behind the rear edge of the bench. FAULT a) A playing action contrary to the rules. b) A rule violation other than a playing action. DRIBBLING Dribbling means bouncing the ball (usually as a preparation to tossing and serving). Other preparatory actions could include (amongst others) moving the ball from hand to hand. TECHNICAL TIME-OUT This special mandatory time-out is, in addition to time-outs, to allow the promotion of Volleyball, analysis of the play and to allow additional commercial opportunities. Technical Time-Outs are mandatory for FIVB, World and Official competitions. BALL RETRIEVERS These are personnel whose job it is to maintain the flow of the game by rolling the ball to the server between rallies. RALLY POINT This is the system of scoring a point whenever a rally is won. INTERVAL The time between sets. The change of courts in the 5th (deciding) set is not to be regarded as an interval. RE-DESIGNATION This is the act by which a Libero, who cannot continue or is declared by the team " unable to play", has his/her role taken by any other player (except the regular replacement player) not on the court at the moment of the re-designation. REPLACEMENT This is the act by which a regular player leaves the court and either Libero (if more than one) takes his/her place. This can even include Libero for Libero exchanges. The regular player can then replace either Libero. There must be a completed rally between replacements involving any Libero. INTERFERING Any action which will create an advantage against the opponent team or any action which prevents an opponent from playing the ball. OUTSIDE OBJECT An object or a person which while outside the playing court or close to the limit of the free playing space provides an obstruction to the flight of the ball. For example: overhead lights, the referee's chair, TV equipment, scorer's table, and net posts. Outside objects do not include the antennae since they are considered as the part of the net. SUBSTITUTION This is the act by which one regular player leaves the court and another regular player takes his/ her place. INDEX
A Actions involving the Libero...................... 41 Additional Equipment............................... 15 Antennae................................................... 15 Application of misconduct sanctions......... 47 Assistant Coach......................................... 20 Attack hit................................................... 32 Authorization of the service....................... 31 at the net............................................. 28 crossing the net.................................. 28 " in"......................................... 26, 72, 76 in play............................................... 26 in the net........................................... 29 " out"....................................... 26, 72, 76 out of play........................................ 26 touching the net................................ 29 s......................................................... 16 Block.................................................. 33, 65 Block contact............................................. 34 Blocking............................................ 33, 72 Block and team hits................................... 34 Blocking faults.......................................... 34 Blocking the service................................... 34 Blocking within the opponent's space........ 34 C Captain.................................................... 19 Change of courts................................ 40, 69 Change of equipment................................. 18 Characteristics of the attack hit.................. 32 Characteristics of the hit............................ 27 Coach........................................................ 20 Contact with the net................................... 30 D Default and incomplete team...................... 22 Delay sanctions......................................... 39 Designation of the Libero.......................... 41 Dimensions............................................. 12 E Equipment.......................................... 18, 41 Exceptional game interruption................... 39 Exceptional substitution............................ 36 Execution of the service............................. 31 External interference.................................. 39 F Fair play.................................................... 45 Faults in playing the ball........................... 28 Faults made during the service.................. 31 Faults of the attack hit................................ 33 First Referee.............................................. 50 - Authority................................................ 50 - Location................................................. 50 First service in a set................................... 30 Forbidden objects.................................... 18 G Game delays.............................................. 38 Game interruptions............................. 35, 39 H Height of the net........................................ 14 I Illegal substitution.................................... 37 Improper request...................................... 38 Injury / Illness......................................... 39 Interruptions........................................... 35 Intervals.................................................... 40 Intervals and change of courts................... 40 L Lighting.................................................... 14 Limitation of substitutions......................... 36 Line judges................................... 55, 76-77 Line judges' flag signals................ 56, 76-77 - Location................................................. 55 - Responsibilities..................................... 56 Lines on the court..................................... 13 Location of the team.................................. 17 M Minor misconduct..................................... 45 Misconduct and its sanctions.................... 45 Misconduct before and between sets.......... 47 Misconduct leading to sanctions............... 46 N Net and posts............................................ 14 Number of regular game interruptions....... 35 O Official signals.................... 56, 69-75, 76-77 Official warm-up session........................... 22 P Player's faults at the net............................. 30 Playing area........................................ 12, 59 Playing surface.......................................... 12 Playing the ball......................................... 27 Positions................................................... 24 Positional fault.......................................... 24 Posts....................................................... 15 Prolonged interruptions........................... 39 R Reaching beyond the net.................... 29, 74 Refereeing corps................................ 49, 68 - Procedures............................................. 49 - Responsibilities................... 51, 53, 54, 56 Referees' hand signals................... 56, 69-75 Request for regular game interruptions...... 35 Requirements of conduct........................... 45 Restrictions of the attack hit....................... 32 Rotation.................................................... 25 Rotational fault................................... 25, 72 S Sanction cards........................ 47, 67, 70, 71 Sanction scales................................... 46, 67 Scorer....................................................... 53 - Location................................................. 53 - Responsibilities..................................... 53 Screening........................................... 31, 72 Second Referee.......................................... 52 - Authority................................................ 52 - Location................................................. 52 - Responsibilities..................................... 53 Service...................................................... 30 Service order............................................. 30 Sequence of regular game interruptions..... 35 Serving faults and positional faults............ 32 Side bands................................................ 15 Sportsmanlike conduct.............................. 45 Standards................................................. 16 States of play............................................. 26 Structure................................................. 15 Structure of play........................................ 22 Substitution.............................................. 36 Substitution for expulsion or disqualification. 37 Substitution procedure 37 T Teams....................................................... 17 Team composition..................................... 17 Team leaders........................................... 19 Team hits............................................ 27, 34 Team starting line-up............................... 23 Temperature............................................. 14 The Libero Player....................................... 41 The toss.................................................... 22 Three-ball system...................................... 16 Time-out and Technical Time-out.............. 35 To score a point........................................ 21 To score a point, win a set and the match... 21 To win a set............................................... 21 To win the match....................................... 22 Types of delays......................................... 38 U Uniformity of balls..................................... 16 Z Zones and areas........................................ 13