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THE VERGER. о том, как скрыть (conceal) от прибывших истинные перспективы башмачной торговли в Коралио.

о том, как скрыть (conceal) от прибывших истинные перспективы башмачной торговли в Коралио.

— Я погиб! — твердил консул. — Это письмо вконец расстроило мои шансы.

— Не падайте духом, — сказал оптимист Кьоу. — Пусть откроют магазин. На первое время мы сможем устроить бум.

— Десяток покупателей, — сказал Джон, — а товару на четыре тысячи долларов. Мне надо подумать.

После бессонной ночи была отправлена следующая телеграмма:

" П. Доусону, Дейлсбург, Алабама.

Сто долларов посланы Вам почтой. Пришлите мне немедленно пятьсот фунтов крепких колючих репейников (burdock). Здесь большой спрос (demand). Рыночная цена 20 центов фунт. Возможны дальнейшие заказы.


by Ernest Hemingway

HEMINGWAY, ERNEST MILLER (1899 - 1961), American novelist and short-story writer, whose style is characterized by crisp-ness, laconic dialogue, and emotional understatement. Hemingway's writings and his personal life exerted a profound influence on American writers of his time. Many of his works are regarded as classics of Ameri­can literature, and some have been made into motion pictures.

Born in Oak Park, Illinois, after graduating from high school in 1917, he became a reporter for the Kansas City Star, but he left his job within a few months to serve as a volunteer in Italy during World War 1(1914-1918).

After 1927 Hemingway spent long periods of time in Key West, Florida, and in Spain and Africa. During the Spanish Civil War (1929 —1936), he returned to Spain as a newspaper correspondent. In World War II (1939 — 1945) he again was a correspondent and later was a reporter for the United States.

After the war Hemingway settled near Havana, Cuba, and in 1958 he moved to Ketchum, Idaho. Hemingway drew heavily on his experiences as an avid fisherman, hunter, and bullfight enthusiast in his writing.

One of the foremost authors of the era between the two world wars, Hemingway in his early works depicted the lives of two types of people. One type consisted of men and women deprived, by World War I, of faith in the moral values in which they had believed, and who lived with cynical disregard for anything but their own emotional needs. The other type were men of simple character and primitive emotions, such as prizefighters and bullfighters. Hemingway wrote of their courageous and usually futile battles against circumstances.

The train passed very quickly a long, red stone house with a garden and ur thick palm-trees with tables under them in the shade. On the other side vas the sea. Then there was a cutting through red stone and clay, and the ^ was only occasionally and far below against rocks.

" I bought him in Palermo2, " the American lady said. " We only had an; ^ur ashore and it was Sunday morning. The man wanted to be paid in -iilars and I gave him a dollar and a half. He really sings very beautifully."

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