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The verger

Kx. 19. Rewrite the sentences using the model.

It looks/smells/sounds as if/as though...

Model: We took an umbrella. It was going to rain.

We took an umbrella because it looked as if it was going to rain.

1. The place sounds very quiet. I think it's deserted.

2. They look very happy. I think they've got some good news.

3. This milk smells awful. I think it's gone sour.

4. Your engine sounds very bad. I think it's worn out.

5. He looks very angry. I think he's going to make trouble.

6. I feel awful. I think I'm going to be sick.

Ex. 20. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the following construction.

They look/sound/feel as if...

A. 1. Аня говорит (sound) так, как будто она простудилась. 2. Ты выглядишь так, как будто ты не спал. 3. Голос его звучал взволнованно (как будто он волновался). 4. Ты слышишь музыку в соседней квартире (next door)? Музыка гремит (sound) так, как будто у них вечеринка. 5. На ее лице было такое выражение, как будто бы ей не нравился этот концерт. 6. Голоса их звучали так, как будто они ссорились. 7. Они поглощали еду, как будто не ели со вчерашнего дня. 8. Ты выглядишь так, как будто бы увидел привидение. 9. На улице скорая помощь и полиция. Кажется, произошел несчастный случай. 10. Он шел как-то странно. Похоже было, что он повредил ногу.

B. 1. Он был бледен, как будто ему нанесли смертельный удар. 2. Он выглядел растерянным, как будто ему дали указания (instruc­tions), которые он не совсем понимал. 3. Она говорила медленно, как будто она плохо владела языком. 4. Она улыбалась, как будто услышала прекрасную новость. 5. Она выглядела потрясенной, как будто бы она никогда раньше не бывала в таком доме.



Ex. 21. Memorize the proverb and use it in retelling and discussing the text.

Every black cloud has a silver lining. — Нет худа без добра.

Ex. 22. Make up a plan of the story. Retell it in accordance with your plan.

Ex. 23. Make up a brief summary of the story {4-5 sentences).

Ex. 24. Render the contents of the story as told by:

a) the vicar; b) Albert Foreman's wife; c) the bank manager.

Ex. 25. Talk on Albert Foreman's service before his appointment to his ecclesiastical office.

Ex. 26. Tell how Albert Foreman started and developed his business.

Ex. 27. Pick out from the text adjectives and other words used to char­acterize: a) the vicar; b) Albert Edward Foreman. Give their character


Ex. 28. From the facts given in the story what impression do you form

of Albert Foreman?

Ex. 29. Make up dialogues based on the following suggestions: I. The vicar and the churchwardens are talking to Albert Foreman.

The vicar asks Foreman to go to the vestry with him; on their way the foreman compliments the vicar on his unusual gift. The vicar also informs Foreman that the two churchwardens are waiting for him in the vestry. He stresses the fact that the verger fulfills his duties to the satisfaction of every­body but he is greatly disappointed that Foreman can neither read nor write. The verger informs those present that the last vicar knew that and explains why he has never had the opportunity to learn. The give him three months to learn.


II. Albert Foreman speaks to his wife.

He tells her about his unpleasant talk with the vicar and the church­wardens. His wife admits that the last vicar knew about his illiteracy. Fore­man tells his wife about his decision to quit. The wife is very much upset. Albert wants to cheer her up and tells her about his idea to set up a busi­ness. His wife remarks that it is a dreadful come down, but Albert replies that one should move with the times. His wife doesn't approve of it. She doesn't believe that her husband can manage a shop.

III. Albert Foreman speaks to the bank manager.

The manager speaks to him about the money he has got on deposit with the bank. He asks whether Mr. Foreman knows exactly how much he has got and informs him that Mr. Foreman has got about thirty thousand pounds. He proposes to invest the money. Albert Foreman answers that he doesn't want to take any risk. The manager assures him that the gilt-edged securities will bring him in a better rate of interest than the interest on the loan, He asks him to sign some documents. Albert Foreman is in the situation when he has to confess that he doesn't know how to read or write. The manager is shocked. He wonders what would happen to Mr. Foreman if he knew how to read and write.

Ex. 30. Topics for discussion and essays.

1. What, in your opinion, was the vicar's attitude toward Albert Fore­man? Did he make him leave? Why?

2. Why couldn't they afford a scandal in a church like St. Peter's Neville Square?

3. Should a vicar always fall in with the ways of his congregation?

4. What helped Albert Foreman be efficient in every position he occu­pied?

5. Does one need to be unimpeachable to fulfil his work well?

6. What are the ways to start a business? Talk on instances you know.

7. Use the story to prove the proverb " What is worth doing at all is worth doing well" (Если уж делать, так делать хорошо).

Ex. 31. Give a free translation of the text.


no О'Генри

Джон Этвуд был консулом (Consul) Соединенных Штатов в Коралио. Уже девять лет торчал он на этом тропическом острове. Жизнь здесь

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