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Kill — murder

Both mean " put to death", but while killing may be unintentional, murder is intentional.

1. Many people were against the railways fearing that smoke might... birds in the air.

2. The old lady was... for her jewels.

3. A lot of passengers were... in the crash.

4. " I'm afraid your granddaughter has been..., " said the policeman.

5. She's always trying to... two birds with one stone.

Ex. 16. Translate the sentences using the words: occasion, case, chance, incident, accident.

" occasion " — time at which the particular event takes place. О I've met Mr White on several occasions.

□ He had few occasions to speak French. " case" — used in medicine, law, etc.

□ There were five cases of influenza.

□ It's a clear case of cheating. " chance" 1. fortune or tuck

□ This was the chance he had been waiting for. 2. in the hope

□ I'll call at his office on the chance I'll see him.

" incident" — happening, event, which authorities do not wish to describe precisely.

□ frontier incidents " accident" — some unfortunate event

□ He was killed in a road accident.

1. Это был случай, который нельзя было упускать. 2. Это был мелкий случай, о котором не стоило даже упоминать. 3. Больному требуется немедленная операция. Это очень тяжелый случай. 4. Возможно, вам и удастся купить билеты на сегодняшний спектакль. Говорят, это дело случая. 5. Я бы вам очень советовал пойти на встречу. Это прекрасный


случай познакомиться с интересными людьми. 6. Никто из нас не застрахован от несчастного случая. 8. Дети в восторге от фильма " Случай на границе". 9. В некоторых случаях мне пришлось пойти на уступки. 10. Почему он не захотел воспользоваться таким прекрасным случаем высказать свою точку зрения.

Ex. 17. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

a delicate: vase, child, question, shade of pink, flower, operation.

delicate: food, hands.

a neat: frock, cottage, figure.

neat: clothes, handwriting, as neat as a handbox, to make a neat job of

it. anticipate: an argument; a question; smb's wish; smb's order.

Ex. 18. Find in the text the synonyms for the following words and phrases.

To hurry; to stare; to beg; to overlook; to look after smb; to fall into the chair.

A terrible accident; a look; power; thought; boring; gentle; clever.

Ex. 19. Find in the text the following adjectives and adverbs. Match them with the corresponding nouns (verbs). Translate the phrases into J Russian.

Careful, tender, comfortable, delicious, distant countless, motionless, young, calm, dull, blue, intelligent, subtle, elusive, powerless, slender, free, vacant, keen, bright, monstrous, kind, gray, bitter, powerful, blind, private, cruel, strong, gently, broken, veiled, sad, wild, sudden, comfortable, fearfully.

Ex. 20. Join the pairs of the sentences according to the model. Model: The thought was subtle. She couldn't name it.

The thought was too subtle to name.

1. She was very weak. She couldn't bear the sad news.

2. She was very much upset. She couldn't talk to anybody.

3. She was very exhausted. She was unable to move.

4. The sounds were very distant. She couldn't name them.

5. The feeling was very elusive. She wasn't able to understand it.

6. She was powerless. She couldn't dismiss the thought.

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7. He is very weak. He can't lift it.

8. She is young. She can't drive a car.

9. The film was boring. I didn't watch it.

10. They were very poor. They couldn't afford a car.

Ex. 21. Translate the quotation.

Time is: Too slow for those who wait; Too swift for those who fear; Too long for those who grieve; Too short for those who love. But for those who rejoice Time is not.

Ex. 22. Translate the following sentences from the text. Use the patterns in the sentences of your own.

1. She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion.

2. The intelligence of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard's name leading the list.

3. Josephine was kneeling before the closed door with her lips to the keyhole.

4. There would be no one to live for her during those coming years.

5. There would be no powerful will bending hers.

6. There were patches of blue sky showing here and there.

7. There was something coming to her, and she was waiting for it.

Ex. 23. Make up sentences using the following words and expressions:

1. to assure smb of smth (that...)

See the text: He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth. Example: He assured me of his readiness to help.

We tried to assure the nervous lady that flying was safe.

2. as... as possible

See the text: Great care was taken to break the news to her as gently as possible.

Example: He tried to return as soon as possible.

3. it was not... but rather...

See the text: // was not a glance of reflection, but rather indicated a suspension of thought.


Example: It was not a mistake, but rather showed his lack of know-


Ex. 24. Translate the sentences using the pattern.

count for smth/much/little/nothing

иметь (большое/маленькое) значение; не иметь никакого значения

Example: What could love count for in face of this possession of self-assertion.

1. Его намерения не имели никакого значения.

2. Просьбы ее сестры были лишены для нее всякого значения.

3. Длинная вереница грядущих счастливых лет имела для нее сейчас самое большое значение.

4. Знания без здравого смысла не имеют большого значения.

5. Любовь без уважения не представляет особой ценности.

Study the verbs of seeing:

see, look, notice, glimpse,

watch, observe, peer, gaze,

stare, witness.

Ex. 25. Translate the text, pay attention to the verbs of seeing.

Yesterday I glanced out of the window and noticed a man observing the house opposite through a telescope. I thought I glimpsed a woman inside the house. Then I saw someone else peering into the window of the same house. I gazed at them wondering what they were doing. Suddenly the first man stopped staring through his telescope. He went and hit the other one on the head with the telescope and I realized that I had witnessed a crime.

Ex. 26. Which of the verbs in the text suggests looking:

1. on as a crime or accident occurs?

2. closely, finding it hard to make things out?

3. in a scientific kind of way?

4. quickly?

5. fixedly?

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