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Listen to the dialogue; find sentences with the Sliding and Scandent scales and define their type.

Pay attention to the sentences with the Fall-Rise and the Rise-Fall. How do they sound? Transcribe the sentences in bold and draw tonograms to them. Learn the dialogue by heart.

Nursing a Sick Husband


Harry   Noˌ ra! || ˌ ˌ Noˡ ra! ||
Nora   ͵ Yes, | ‛ what is it ˎ now, ˏ Harry? ||  
Harry   ̎ 'Oh, t̖ here you ˏ are.|| ˋ Look here, ˏ Nora.|| I’m & tired of & lying & here on my & back with 'nothing to ˎ do.|| & I & hate & doing ˋ nothing.||  
Nora   ‘Don’t be ͵ silly, ֹ Harry.|| ‾ You’ve ‚got a ̀ temperature.|| And 'staying in ˎ bed| is the ↗ only ↗ sensible ↗ thing to ˎ do.|| Now 'just be ͵ quiet| and 'stop pre'venting me from ↗ doing ↗ my ˋ housework.||  
Harry   ̷ No, | ˎ seriously, ˏ Nora, | I " can’t ˎ bear it, | 'lying 'flat on my ˎ back! ||  
Nora   ̷ Well, ˎ then| ↗ try ͵ lying on your ˋ stomach| for a ˋ change.||  
Harry   ˌ Stop being ˎ funny.|| I’m 'going to ·get ˎ up.|| ˎ There, | ˋ look, | I’m 'standing ˎ up.|| I’m 'quite all ˎ right.|| 'What’s the 'use of ʹ staying in ˎ bed? ||  
Nora   I 'think ‚you are ‚being ↑ very ˎ silly.|| You’ll ˆ only ‚make your ‚temperature go ‚up a̗ gain.  
Harry   It’s 'no ‚use ˎ talking, ˏ Nora, | ↗ being ↗ ill 'doesn’t ˋ suite me.||  
Nora   ˋ No, | ˉ and 'trying to ˋ nurse you| ↗ doesn’t ↗ suite ˎ me.||  
Harry   Now, ↷ don’t be ↷ bitter a̗ bout it.|| You ˈ know I’m ˈ grateful ˏ to you| for ˈ looking ˏ after me.|| But you ↗ mustn’t ↗ try to ↗ keep me in, bed 'like a " naughty ˎ boy.||  
Nora   ˎ Well, | 'you beˋ gan it| by beˋ having 'like a 'naughty ˎ boy.||  
Harry   I’m 'all aˎ gainst this| 'staying in ˎ bed| for 'no ˎ reason.||  
Nora   ˎ Harry, | 'being ˏ ill| ˎ is a ˎ reason…|| Now 'don’t ˎ stand by that ˏ window| and ˈ catch aˎ nother ˏ cold.|| ˈ Let me ˎ see…| ˈ half ˈ past eˎ leven…||  
Harry   ˈ Why do you ˑ keep ˈ looking at the ˎ clock? ||  
Nora   I’m exˈ pecting ˋ mother.|| She is coming ˋ over| for the ˋ day.||  
Harry   ˈ Good ˎ heavens! || I ‚didn’t ‚know ̬ that.||  
Nora   `Yes, | I ˈ think she has ˈ something she wants to ˋ talk to you a, bout.||  
Harry   'Oh, ˎ heavens, | ˏ has she? || ˎ Oh…|| You ˎ know, ‚Nora, | I ˎ do, feel a bit ˏ ill.|| Perˈ haps I ̬ had ˙ better get ˙ back to ˙ bed.||  
Nora   ˈ Oh, | ˈ what a ˎ pity! || I ↷ thought per↷ haps you ↷ might stay ↷ up to ˋ see her.||  
Harry   , That’s the, very ̬ reason| I’m ˌ getting ˙ back into ˎ bed.||  
Nora   ͵ What did you ˙ say? ||  
Harry ̀ Oh… ˏ er…| ˋ no͵ thing.||


18. Read the following passage, translate it and lay stress-tone marks according to the rules. Use the High Fall, the Fall-Rise and the High Rise where possible. Practice reading it about 10 times as fast as you can.


Scientists continually offer new interpretations and make new discoveries about the condition known as “sleep”. People are paid to sleep with various machines attached to them. These monitor changes in eye movement, heartbeat and body temperature, among other things. This information is fed into a computer and, after a few calculations, the scientist can establish the depth and quality of sleep. It is still unclear how successful these experiments are in establishing exactly what goes on between losing consciousness and awakening. However, one’s behavior the following day is dependent upon how satisfactory the previous night’s sleep was.

19. Listen to the dialogue, put stress-tone marks on the second part of it. What nuclear tones are used in this dialogue most of all? How do they sound? Practice reading and then learn the dialogue by heart.

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