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Дієслово need
Дієслово need вживається як модальне і як смислове. Як модальне дієслово need у сполученні з Indefinite Infinitive виражає необхідність виконання дії стосовно теперішнього або майбутнього часу і вживається у питальних і заперечних реченнях. У значенні модального дієслово need має лише форму теперішнього часу. Питальна й заперечна форми утворюються без допоміжного дієслова to do і вживаються з інфінітивом основного дієслова без частки to:
Дієслово need як смислове означає мати потребу в чомусь. У цьому значенні воно відмінюється за загальними правилами і вживається в теперішньому, минулому і майбутньому часі:
Інфінітив після нього вживається з часткою to, питальна й заперечна форми в Present Indefinite і Past Indefinite утворюються з допомогою дієслова to do:
Perfect Infinitive, вжитий з дієсловом need, означає, що дія, в якій не було необхідності, відбулася:
Дієслово dare
Дієслово dare означає: мати сміливість або зухвальство зробити щось. Воно вживається переважно в питальних і заперечних реченнях. Dare вживається як модальне і смислове дієслово. У першому випадку воно утворює питальну й заперечну форми теперішнього і минулого часу без допоміжного дієслова to do, у третій особі однини теперішнього часу не має закінчення -(e)s і вживається з інфінітивом без частки to:
Як смислове дієслово dare відмінюється за загальними правилами; інфінітив після нього вживається з часткою to.
CAN Exercise 1. Make up five sentences from each table.
Exercise 2. Make the following interrogative and negative.
1. Peter can make a shelf. 2. Ann could go there yesterday. 3. His friends will be able to help him on Sunday. 4. Our pupils can read and speak English. 5. The tourists will be able to reach the village before dark. 6. I can show you the way to the park. 7. He could buy the ticket beforehand. 8. You will be able to catch the train. 9. She can fly in her dreams.
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.
1. Can you speak German? 2. Can your mother speak English? 3. Could you speak English three years ago? 4. Can you skate? 5. Will you be able to skate tomorrow? 6. Which of your friends can play tennis? 7. Where can you see the films? 8. Will you be able to go to the cinema this evening? 9. Where can you buy books? 10. How can you get to school? 11. What poems can you recite? 12. What can you adore people for?
Exercise 4. Ask questions as in the model.
Mode I: Ask your classmate if he can sing.-Can you sing? Ask your classmate: 1. if he can speak French; 2. if he could play the piano last year; 3. if he can run 100 metres in 13 seconds; 4. if he will be able to come to your place tomorrow; 5. if he can go to Kyiv by plane; 6. if his friends can play ice-hockey; 7. if he can repair a radio set.
Exercise 5. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb can.
A. 1. You have the right to use dictionaries. 2. He has the right to receive a passport. 3. They have the right to live in this flat. 4. She has the right to stay away from these lessons. 5. He has the right to take a month's holiday in summer. B. 1. Will you allow me to attend your lectures? 2. Will you allow me to take my seat? 3. Will you allow me to join you? 4. Will you allow me to take your dictionary? 5. Will you allow me to stay here? C. 1. You haven't the right to travel by train without a ticket. 2. You haven't the right to occupy this house. 3. You haven't the right to enter the cinema hall during the show. 4. We haven't the right to hunt hares now. 5. Children haven't the right to go to an evening show.
Exercise 6. Paraphrase the sentences using could + Perfect Infinitive as in the model.
Model: I could prepare the report but I didn't do it.-I could have prepared the report.
1. They could help him but they didn't do it. 2. She could buy this book but she didn't buy it. 3. She could write a good composition but she didn't do it. 4. You could send me a telegram but you didn't do it. 5. She could pass her examination in physics but she failed. 6. Our football players could win the match but they lost it.
Exercise 7. Paraphrase the following sentences using could or can.
M о d e 1 s: Is it possible that she went there alone? -Can she have gone there alone? I don't believe that he is teaching English. He knows it badly. - He can't be teaching English.
A. 1. Is it possible that he is writing a novel? 2. Is it possible that she knows five foreign languages? 3. Is it possible that Nick failed in mathematics? 4. Is it possible that she is so absent-minded? 5. Is it possible that he has finished school already? 6. Is it possible that our basketball team lost the match? 7. Is it possible that he was there yesterday? B.1. I don't believe that you saw a bear in this forest. 2. I don't believe that he is still working. It is very late. 3. It is impossible that they are still discussing this question. 4. I don't think she knows that man. 5. I don't believe that he lived in Odessa. He doesn't know anything about this city. 6. I doubt that he came in time. 7. I don’t believe that they lost their way.
Exercise 8. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay special attention to the meaning and use of the modal verb can and its equivalents.
1. " I can't hear a word", said Magda. 2. It's just a matter of how fast I can type. 3. So you can just imagine how embarrassing it all is. 4. But I could see Anna wasn't really listening to my replies. 5. They couldn't stand each other. 6. I could not take this seriously; it was impossible. 7. " One can't hear the bell from outside", she said, " we made it ring upstairs because we could never hear it". 8. I shall never be able to explain that. 9. She said: " What I need is a lawyer". " I don't suppose I'd be able to help you". 10. You could give me a ring, if you needed me. 11. That's not too bad, that could have been a lot worse. 12. You've sat there and listened. You could have got up and gone away. But you've listened. I hope you've been able to shed some light on poor Deirdre's past. 13. Perhaps I could get in touch with you another time. 14. I can't find him. Nobody'll ever tell me where he is. 15. You can both talk about Edward Driffield, but I shall be able to get away when I'm fed up with you. 16. She could not hear one of the questions in the noise. 17. Philip, can I speak to you for a minute? 18. I can't think how I could have made such a silly mistake. 19. She hadn't been able to save much out of what Birling and Company had paid her.
Exercise 9. Translate into English using the verb can.
A. 1. Ми можемо закінчити цю роботу сьогодні. 2. Моя сестра вміє грати на скрипці. 3. Я не міг відповісти на друге запитання. 4. Ви можете прийти завтра? 5. Цей хлопець вміє кататися на ковзанах. 6. Можна мені взяти твій зошит? 7. Я зможу зробити це завтра. 8. Вони не змогли купити квитків на концерт. 9. Ти зможеш поїхати туди влітку? 10. Вона могла запізнитися на поїзд. 11. Він буде в змозі допомогти тобі з комп’ютером через два тижні. 12. Цей студент вміє писати програми мовами програмування Pascal та Borland Delphi. Б. 1. Не може бути, щоб він “провалився” на екзамені з хімії. Це його улюблений предмет. 2. Невже вона сказала це? 3. Не може бути, щоб вони зараз чекали нас. 4. Невже він зараз вдома? 5. Не може бути, щоб він уже приїхав. 6. Невже вона вже виїхала з Києва? 7. Невже вона забула нас? 8. Не може бути, щоб вони були там з восьмої. 9. Невже вони працюють там з восьмої? 10. Невже вони вже чотири години грають у шахи? 11. Не може бути, щоб він прийшов так рано. 12. Невже вона не сказала тобі, що вона їде до Швеції? MAY
Exercise 10. Make up five sentences from each table.
Exercise 11. Paraphrase the following sentences referring them to the future and to the past.
Model: I may keep this magazine till Monday.-I shall be allowed to keep this magazine till Monday. – I was allowed to keep this magazine till Monday.
1. We may occupy this room. 2. He may stay away from school. 3. The tourists may spend the night in the camp. 4. You may see these documents. 5. She may work in the laboratory. 6. The pupils may go home. 7. I may be present at the meeting. Exercise 12. Change from direct into indirect speech.
Model: The teacher said to the pupils, " You may go home." -The teacher told the pupils that they might go home.
1. Mother said to her son, " You may go to the cinema." 2. The doctor said to the sick man, " You may go out." 3. He said to me, " You may look at it." 4. The girl said to her friend, " You may work in my room." 5. The militiaman said to them, " You may cross the street."
Exercise 13. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb may.
Model: Perhaps she is working at her report.- She may be working at her report. 1. Perhaps he has bought the dictionary. 2. It is possible that they are in the park. 3. Perhaps a letter will come to you today. 4. Maybe, it will rain tomorrow. 5. It is possible that the child was there! 6. Perhaps she read this story. 7. Maybe, his mother knows Spanish. 8. It is possible that they know each other. 9. It is possible that she has gone to the doctor. 10. Maybe, they left for Moscow yesterday.
Exercise 14. Paraphrase the following using the verb may. Model: I nearly lost my way.-I might have lost my way.
1.I nearly forgot about it. 2. It nearly killed him. 3. He nearly broke the window. 4. She nearly fell asleep. 5. I nearly caught cold. 6. He nearly fell off the bus. 7. She nearly cried listening to sentimental music.
Exercise 15. Paraphrase the following using the verb may expressing reproach.
Model: I wish you were more attentive. – You might be more attentive.
1. I wish you helped me. 2. I wish you did something for them. 3. I wish you were more modest. 4. I wish you had done it in time. 5. I wish they had been there yesterday. 6. I wish you spoke English at the lesson. 7. I wish you had visited him in the hospital. 8. I wish he behaved properly. 9. I wish he were here. 10. I wish my sister were with me.
Exercise 16. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay special attention to the meaning and use of the modal verb may.
1. You may wonder whether I ever thought of marrying Anna. 2. " I haven't anywhere to sleep tonight", I told her. " May I stay here? ". 3. You might not necessarily agree with my way of looking at it at all. 4. I live quite well. Though some people might not think so. 5. He might have taken them to my parents. But I don't know. 6. I'll come and see you, if I may. 7. She may not even have noticed me coming down. 8. He's been thinking about it too for twenty years. He might be glad to let you know that he forgave you. 9. I thought you might like a lift to work. 10. " Why don't you tell me all about it? " she said gently. " It may not be as bad as it looks". 11. " May I offer you some fruit? " 12. Mrs. Palgrave seemed not only far away; she might never have existed. 13. " It must have been exciting! " " Why, you may have passed the murderer in the street! You may have been quite near to him! " 14. " Good night, gentlemen". " May we all meet safely in the morning! "
Exercise 17. Translate into English using the verb may.
A. 1. Можна ввійти? 2. Можна розгорнути книжки? 3. Можна мені зачинити вікно? 4. Можна нам іти додому? 5. Можна їй іти в бібліотеку? 6. Можна їм грати в футбол на шкільному подвір'ї? 7. Можна мені писати олівцем? 8. Можна тут голосно розмовляти? 9. Можна мені ввімкнути світло? 10. Можна йому взяти з собою маленького брата? Б. 1. Я можу дістати квитки заздалегідь. 2. Ми можемо поїхати туди автобусом або залізницею. 3. У нашій школі є спортзал, де учні можуть займатися різними видами спорту. 4. Він може пообідати в їдальні. 5. У нашому місті ви можете побачити будинок, що був побудований у XVII столітті. Ви можете отримати дійсну насолоду. В. 1. Може, Стів чекає на вас біля кінотеатру. 2. Можливо, вони вже пішли додому. 3. Може, головний інженер повернеться завтра. 4. Може, вона зараз слухає радіо. 5. Може, завтра буде дощ. 6. Може, вона не знає твоєї адреси. 7. Можливо, він уже закінчив школу. 8. Може, Аня захворіла. 9. Можливо, іноземні студенти з Еквадору вже приїхали. Г. 1. На щастя, я зустрів дітей у лісі. Вони могли заблудитися. 2. Не грайте у футбол біля будинку. Ви можете розбити вікно. 3. Якби вона не наділа теплого пальта, вона могла б застудитися. 4. Ти така необережна. Ти могла б розбити тарілку. 5. У мене не було з собою грошей. Я міг би купити цю книжку. 6. Вимикайте електроплити! Ви можете створити пожежу в гуртожитку. Д. 1. Я незадоволений твоєю відповіддю. Ти міг би відповісти краще. 2. Ви могли б слухати уважніше. 3. Соромно вам. Ви могли б тоді допомогти йому. 4. Ти могла б бути скромнішою. 5. Ви могли б зустріти її на станції. 6. Він міг би бути більш ввічливим і чемним. 7. Ви могли б придбати квитки на цей спектакль заздалегідь. 8. Ви могли б повести іноземних студентів до краєзнавчого музею. 9. Ти міг би передати батькам ліки через провідника. 10. Йому важко ходити після операції. Ти міг би допомогти йому. 11. Ви могли б поїхати туди автобусом або потягом. 12. Ти могла б попіклуватися про молодшого брата. Він залишився дома один. 13. Ви могли б більше уваги приділяти виховній роботі з іноземними студентами. 14. Інструктор міг би вчасно провести бесіду щодо дотримання правил внутрішнього розпорядку. 15. Вона могла б організувати екскурсію до музея-садиби М. І. Пирогова. 16. Ви могли б ознайомити іноземних студентів з сучасним мистецтвом України. 17. Викладач міг би запропонувати їм подивитися картини в музеї на кафедрі культурології. 18. Ви могли б запросити слухачів підготовчого відділення на Міжнародний день студента. 19. Вони могли б запропонувати більше номерів на свято “День студентського співтовариства”. MUST
Exercise 18. Make up five sentences from each table.
Exercise 19. Make the following sentences interrogative.
1. You must air the room twice a day. 2. Children must sleep nine hours a day. 3. The pupils must clean their classrooms. 4. She must help her mother about the house. 5. We must read English books every day. 6. Everybody must go in for sports. 7. All children must go to school. 8. You must come to school in time. 9. You must forget your bad habits.
Exercise 20. Give negative answers to the following questions.
Model: May I take this book home? - No, you mustn’t. You must not take it home.
1. May I open the window? 2. May we fish in this pond? 3. May we play football here? 4. May I use this telephone? 5. May the children play in the street? 6. May they dance in this room? 7. May we hunt in this forest? 8. May I tell my friends about it? 9. May I invite foreign students to the party?
Exercise 21. Paraphrase the following sentences referring them to the past and to the future.
Model: I must go there at once. - I had to go there at once. - I shall have to go there at once.
1. I must catch up with my class. 2. The man must sell his house. 3. She must turn off the radio. 4. You must be there at nine. 5. The girl must water the flowers. 6. They must get up at six. 7. His sister must go shopping. 8. We must work in the reading-hall. 9. They must stay at home. 10. You must pay for it.
Exercise 22. Answer the following questions.
1. What time do you get up? 2. What time do you get up on Sunday? 3. What time must you come to school? 4. What time must children go to bed? 5. What must you do in the morning? 6. What must you do in the evening? 7. What must you do in the afternoon? 8. What must you do to know English well? 9. What must the pupil on duty do?
Exercise 23. Paraphrase the following using the verb must.
Models: I am sure she is at home now. - She must be at home now. I am sure they arrived in Kyiv yesterday. - They must have arrived in Kyiv yesterday.
A. 1. I'm sure you are very tired. 2. I'm sure your friend is a very modest girl. 3. I'm sure he is ill. 4. I'm sure they know you. 5. I'm sure he has plenty of time. 6. I'm sure he is a very good doctor. 7. I'm sure she is an experienced teacher. 8. I'm sure you like such films. B. 1. I'm sure he is skating now. 2. I'm sure they are working in the garden. 3. Evidently they are preparing for their examinations. 4. I'm sure she is cooking dinner now. 5. Evidently your friend is fishing. С 1. I'm sure you saw this performance last year. 2. I'm sure it happened on Sunday. 3. Evidently his daughter has finished the secondary school. 4. I'm sure he has fallen ill. 5. Evidently I have lost my pen. 6. I'm sure he has left his book at home. 7. Evidently they have gone away. 8. I'm sure the girl has known him since 1992. D. 1. I'm sure they have been working here since morning. 2. Evidently he has been waiting for you for half an hour. 3. I'm sure she has been learning English for three years. 4. I'm sure they have been living here for a number of years. 5. I'm sure they have been discussing this question since two o'clock.
Exercise 24. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay special attention to the meaning and use of the modal verb must.
1. I must tell somebody, I had to tell somebody. 2. If you don't agree, you must say so. 3. You must be tired. You must be wanting to go home. 4. I must have known it, you see, I must have been expecting this all the time. 5. Tell me why you gave that money to that school in Africa. You must have had some problem in choosing it. 6. Simon's quite right, you can't expect us to do your homework, you must do it for yourself. 7. He must have told you he wanted to go back. 8. " Oh, no! ", Anna said furiously, " oh, no, no, no. You must be joking! " 9. It wasn't an accident, so someone must be responsible. 10. She must think I'm blind or stupid. 11. And I really mustn't leave Sarah alone in this mood for too long. 12. You must give me your address in London. We live in Berkshire, not far out. Perhaps we could meet some time. 13. And tomorrow you must both come to lunch. 14. You must be Miss Hope, the governess I've come to meet. 15. Mother says we mustn't stay too long. 16. We must discuss this business quietly and sensible and decide if there's anything to be done about it.
Exercise 25. Translate into English using the verb must.
A. 1. Учні повинні виконувати домашні завдання. 2. Вона загубила ручку і мусила писати олівцем. 3. Тобі не можна їсти морозива. 4. Я мусив вимкнути телевізор. 5. Ми повинні приходити до школи вчасно. 6. Коли я маю повернути книжку? 7. Нам треба вивчити цей вірш напам'ять? 8. На екзамені вам не можна користуватися словником. 9. Вона сказала, що миповинні полити квіти. 10. Йому доведеться складати екзамени у серпні. Б. 1. Його батько, напевно, інженер. 2. Очевидно, це трапилося вчора ввечері. 3. Він, мабуть, зараз готується до екзамену з хімії. 4. Олена, мабуть, захворіла; вона ніколи не пропускає уроків. 5. Він, напевно, знає вашого батька. 6. Він тут уже, мабуть, півтори години. 7. Вони, напевно, все ще обговорюють це питання. 8. У Чернігові, мабуть, іде дощ. 9. Тобі, напевно, холодно, одягни пальто. 10. Вони, напевно, вже побудували новий міст через Дніпро.