

, 䳺 ( 1).


Test 1. 䳺 .

1. My sight is getting worse.

Next year, Im afraid, I read without glasses.

a) can not b) may not c) wont be able to

2. Dont you see Im tired? You me, darling.

a) might have helped b) could help c) may help

3. Police, firefighters, newspaper reporters and radio broadcasters work on holiday in the USA.

a) could b) might c) must

4. The real history of the period between 1688 and the middle of the eighteenth century summed up in three words: accumulation of capital.

a) need be b) will be able to be c) can be.

5. The power of knowledge placed in the hands of decent people.

a) should be

b) ought to be

c) need to be.

6. We commemorate great people.

a) must

b) need to

c) may

7. Whatever else the government to undertake its duty is to keep order in civil society.

a) must try

b) might try

c) may try

8. No museum ever buy even one painting by this artist.

a) has been able to

b) might have

c) has been allowed to.

9. Twelve delegates representing scientific groups from several countries arrive for six days of talks at the end of February.

a) will be able to

b) will be to

c) will have to

10. you get up early yesterday to meet the delegation at the airport?

a) Did have to

b) Had to

c) Have had to

1 - 䳺 Future Indefinite   He will be able to help you. ³ .   have to meet him       I shall be allowed to take this book I shall be permitted to take this book.
He will I shall
Past Indefinite He could help you. He was able to help you. ³ .   I had to meet him. I was to meet him.   I might take this book. I was allowed to take this book. I was permitted to take this book
Present Indefinite He can help you. He is able to help you. ³ . I must meet him. I have to meet him. I am to meet him. I should meet him. I may take this book I am allowed to take this book. I am permitted to take this book.
Modal Verbs / Equivalents can = to be able to , . must = have to be to should may = be allowed to be permitted to ,

Test 2. 䳺 .

1. You take care of your parents

a) should b) ought to c) are to

2. The leopard not change his sports.

a) need b) can c) ought

3. We learn from the past.

a) may b) need c) must

4. Teenagers who commit crimes be treated as adults and sentenced to the punishment.

a) would b) should c) ought to

5. The Senate and the House of Representatives approve a bill for it to become a law.

a) had to b) must c) was to

6. Excuse me, you tell me the way to the House of Parliament, please?

a) could b) may c) will

7. you come and sit down?

a) Could b) Are c) Wont

8. you like a cup of coffee?

a) Should b) Would c) Could

9. I mind a drink, if you care for another glass of wine.

a) shouldnt b) wouldnt c) havent

10. you come and present a new idea to the audience?

a) Are b) Could c) Wont

Test 3. 䳺 .

1. You will speak Spanish in another few months.

A. can C. be able to

B. have D. ought to

2. Id like.. skate.

A. to can C. to have to

B. to be able to D. could

3. Nobody answer the phone.

A. should C. can

B. would D. must

4. Im sorry. I have phoned to tell you I was coming.

A. should C. had to

B. ought to D. could

5. To my mind, the government take care of old people.

A. ought to C. must

B. need to D. may

6. I get up early on Mondays.

A. am able C. must

B. have to D. may

7. The policeman told the woman she worry.

A. neednt C. couldnt

B. neednt to D. didnt have to

8. you mind passing me the salt?

A. will C. could

B. should D. would

9. As you remember, I was always interested in scientific experiments.

A. may C. must

B. have to D. ought to

10. Little children like books with large print. They read them easily.

A. can C. must

B. shall D. ought to

11. I speak to Jane, please?

A. could C. must

B. shall D. ought to

12. My dentist says I eat so many sweets.

A. neednt C. ought not

B. mustnt D. shouldnt

13. Why hasnt Mr. Grill got in touch with us?

- I dont know. It be that he has lost our phone number.

A. may C. must

B. ought to D. should

14. Lui seems to be avoiding you.

I cant tell you for certain. She have been hurt by my words about her boyfriend.

A. should C. might

B. must D. neednt

Test 4. 䳺 .

1. What time tomorrow I see you?

A. can C. could

B. have to D. will be able to

2. I just hear what he has told them.

A. can C. to have to

B. could D. will have to

3. I write a message to him because I have his address.

A. could C. will be able to

B. can D. will have to

4. I write a message to him because I hadnt his address.

A. cant C. wasnt to

B. couldnt D. will not be able to

5. We do all these exercises in five minutes.

A. can C. will be able to

B. couldnt D. werent to

6. Oleg swim when he was six years old.

A. can C. was to

B. will have to D. could.

7. we go into your garden now, aunt?

A. can C. could

B. may D. might

8. Frederick asked if he borrow Toms bicycle.

A. can C. might

B. may D. is able to

9. Charles asked his aunt if he smoke in the sitting room.

A. can C. might

B. may D. could

10. Aunt Margaret said that he could come but he not.

A. may C. isnt allowed to

B. might D. wasnt able to

Test 5. 䳺.

1. We asked mother if she thought it rain.

A. may B. can C. might

2. I hear every word you said.

A. may B.. could . can

3. Henry lift that heavy box right now.

A. may B. will haven t C.can

4. You have worked hard all day, you be tired.

A. can B must C..will

5. - I can hear Browns phone ringing but no one is answering it.

- Oh, they be at home.

A. mustnt B. might not . cant

6. - Must I come at four oclock?

- Oh, no, you come at four, its too early.

A. cant B. neednt C. shouldnt

7. Remember, you be too late or all the best cakes may be gone.

A. mustnt . cant C.neednt

8. But I go home first to put on another frock.

A. can B. may C. must

9. I see the dentist tomorrow about my bad tooth.

A. can B.shall have to C. must

10. They run if they want to catch the train.

A. must B.will have to C. will be able to


Test 6. , .

1. I go to the dentist yesterday about my bad tooth.

A. have to B. will have to C. had to

2. We clear away the snow before we can get to the gate.

A. must B. may C. neednt

3. I read the story to the end cause I want to see who gets the treasure.

A. may B. can C. must

4. Little girl open the box of chocolates until her sister comes home.

A. may B. mustnt C. cant

5. I want to go home to put on another frock.

Oh, you do that. The frock youre wearing is very nice.

A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant

6. Oh, yes. I must change my frock, but you worry, Ill be in time.

A. mustnt B. couldnt C. neednt

7. You do the work this evening, it is not urgent.

A. neednt . couldnt . mustnt

8. I told him that he have said those silly things.

A. neednt B. shouldnt . cant

9. You sit there in your wet clothes, you will catch cold if you do.

A. neednt . mustnt . maynt

10. They do all the exercises, it will be enough if they do four of them.

A. neednt . mustnt . cant

Test 7. 䳺 .

1. We go away just yet; our train doesnt leave for half an hour yet.

A. mustnt . neednt . maynt

2. I give an answer at once.

A. can . must . may

3. They leave the house because the new owner wants to move in.

A. must . can . may

4. You spend all your money, his mother said.

A. mustnt . cant . couldnt

5. Fred, its your bed time. You go to bed now.

A. may . must . can

6. Yesterday Mrs. Green told her daughters that they help her with the work in the house.

A. must . might . had to

7. Ellen, youre big enough, you.. dust the sitting room.

A. can . must . may

8. You, Mary make the beds. Youre not a kid any more.

A. can . are able to . must

9. Yesterday Margaret was very busy. She mend daddys clothes.

A. must . may . had to

10. Today Lillian will not go for a walk. She help her mother in the vegetable garden.

A. must . had to . might

Test 8. 䳺 .

1. A word in English often have more than one meaning.

A. must . may . can

2. You use a(an) with countable nouns.

A. cant . can . couldnt

2. You use a(an) with uncountable nouns.

A. cant . can . may

3. The wood belonged to lord Northwood, a rich gentleman, and no one go there.

A. cant . could . may not

4. One break a piece of a chalk.

A. could . couldnt . can

5. But one have the whiteness of the chalk without the chalk.

A. can . cant . could

6. One of the men asked Serhiy if he tell them what the weather would be like for the following few days.

A. can . might . could

7. These old people know more of the secrets of nature than our science tell us.

A. will be able to . will be allowed to . can

8. Although it was foggy I see the car in the distance.

A. can B. could . might

9. She thought she finish her work by seven oclock.

A. may B. might . could

, , , 䳺 .


Task 1. , .

1. He cant speak to you now (in an hour).

2. They cant buy a new piano (in August).

3. Tom cant leave hospital now (in a fortnight).

4. I cant take the watch to the watchmaker today (the day after tomorrow).

5. They cant speak English well now (in a year or two).

6. You cant open a visa to Spain at present (in a month).

Task 2. , . .

1. I can meet you today (last night).

2. I can go with you now (an hour ago).

3. The students can translate well now (three months ago).

4. Roger can play the violin well (a few years ago).

5. He can come tonight (yesterday morning).

6. She can cure her children herself (last year).

Task 3. , 䳺 can /could .

1. They know how to get there.

2. She is trying so hard to please everybody now.

3. He is telling the truth now.

4. He knows the language quite well.

5. Children like to play here.

Task 4. , 䳺 can /could .

1. He understands every word you say.

2. She really likes that inquisitive child.

3. She is crying.

4. They are criticizing everything we do very much.

5. We hear strange sounds through the closed window.

Task 5. , .

1. It cant be so difficult after all.

2. You cannot know this.

3. But she cannot mean it.

4. He cant like the place.

5. They cant be very tired.


Task 6. , , 䳺 can. .

1. to cross the street here;

2. to write in pencil;

3. to take pictures here;

4. to raise ones voice;

5. to please everybody.

Task 7. , 䳺 can. .

1. to take smbs book;

2. to have milk with ones coffee;

3. to leave the child with the grandparents;

4. to drop in at a shop;

5. to use ones dictionary.

Task 8. .

1. Smoking can be very bad for health, ?

2. Your sister can cook very well, ?

3. You couldnt ride a bicycle when you were six, ?

4. John couldnt play chess when he was young, ?

5. No one can open the door, ?

Task 9. , 䳺 can..

1. Mary is sometimes very rude.

2. All of us are occasionally forgetful.

3. This medicine is often very good for the flu.

4. A foreign language is often of great value to us.

5. This child is frequently very annoying.

Task 10. , , 䳺 may. You .

1. open the window.

2. go and watch the TV program.

3. leave the office as soon as you have finished.

4. take my car.

5. take two books home with you.

6. speak to the secretary.

7. have a copy of the letter.

8. see Mr. Jones.

9. have a sweet.

10. take your book.

Task 11. should, shouldnt, may, mustnt, might, . .

1. The baby is asleep. You shout.

2. Weve got plenty of time. We hurry.

3. You come if you dont want to.

4. This book is very valuable. You lose it.

5. We have enough food at home. So we go shopping today.

6. Tom gave me a letter to post. I forget to post it.

Task 12. 䳺, . .

1. (Can, may, must) you speak English?

2. I (can, may) jump off this box, but I (cant, may not) jump off that wall.

3. (May, must) I have a cup of tea, please?

4. (May, must) I take a biscuit, Mum?

5. I (can, may) type this letter for you. Dont worry.

Task 13. 䳺, .

1. (May, can) I come in?

2. (Can, must) you go now?

Yes, I (can, have to) leave immediately.

3. (Did you have to, could you) take a taxi?

Im afraid I (had to, might).

4. (May, must) I smoke here?

Task 14. 䳺, .

1. (Can, must) you get up early tomorrow morning? Yes, Ill have to get up at 6 oclock.

2. (Do we have to, may we) walk to the station? - No, we (neednt, may not). We can catch a bus.

3. Hasnt your friend arrived yet? How long (have you had to, may you) wait for him? I (may, have had to) wait for two hours.

4. (may I, had I to) speak to you now?

Task 15. 䳺, .

1. My daughter (can, may, must) already read.

2. He (can, need) run fast.

3. I (can, must) go to the library. I have time to work there.

4. If you want to speak good English you (may, can, must) work hard.

5. I (mustnt, neednt) water the flowers now, itll rain soon.

6. I (had to, can) get up very early yesterday.

Task 16. 䳺 (a, b), .

1. You must a fool to think so.

a) be b) to be

2. Mind, you must not it all at once.

a) spend b) to spend

3. I must some shopping before school.

a) do b) to do

4. She must . Its five to ten already.

a) hurry b) to hurry

5. The pupils must their classroom.

a) clean b) to clean

6. Everybody must in for sports.

a) go b) to go

Task 17. 䳺 (a, b), .

1. Our pupils can good English.

a) speak b) to speak

2. We can a months holiday in summer.

a) take b) to take

3. The boy cant a box.

a) lift b) to lift

4. Can I with you for a while?

a) sit b) to sit

5. You cant the street here.

a) cross b) to cross

6. What poems can you ?

a) recite b) to recite

Task 18. 䳺 (a, b), .

1. The teacher told my friend that she must at the meeting.

a) speak b) be speaking

10. The line is busy; someone must the telephone now.

a) use b) be using

11. Bob is absent. He must ill now.

a) be b) have been

12. He is having a walk. He must better

a) be feeling b) have felt

5. She must at the library now because all of her books are gone.

a) study b) be studying.

6. Ann must married because she does not attend classes.

a) have got b) be getting

Task 19. 䳺 (a, b), .

1. The streets are wet: it have rained last night.

a) should b) must

2. The pen wont write, its ink have run out.

a) can b) must

3. My friend must yesterday.

a) be called b) have called

4. The ring that I was looking at in the jewelry store is gone. Someone else must it.

a) buy b) have bought

5. He doesnt have his keys; he must them in his case.

a) lock b) have locked

6. I dont see Martha anywhere. She must in the garden.

a) be left b) have been left

Task 20. 䳺 (a, b), .

1. Whatever you decide, you mustnt thinking about the prospects.

a) stop b) have stopped


2. I must the room twice a day. Its stuffy here.

a) air b) have aired

3. The pupils must this performance last year.

a) see b) have seen

4. Your friend is absent today. He must ill.

a) be b) have been

5. She must this translation tomorrow.

a) have done b) do

6. Think how she must now.

a) suffer b) be suffering

Task 21. 䳺 (a, b), .

1. He cant English for ten years.

a) be teaching b) have been teaching

2. Youve only just had dinner. You cant hungry already.

a) be b) have been

3. Can he at home now?

a) be b) have been

4. They cant for us now.

a) wait b) be waiting

5. The boy cant his way. He knows the city well.

a) be losing b) have lost

6. Can they this question now?

a) be discussing b) have been discussing

Task 22. 䳺 (a, b), .

1. She could fluently when she was six.

a) read b) to read

2. The pupil could not the problem.

a) solve b) to solve

3. Could it so late now?

a) be b) to be

4. The boy could not a lie.

a) be telling b) tell

5. Could you me your pen?

a) lend b) to lend

6. They could not a decent man.

a) have insulted b) to have insulted

Task 23. 䳺, .

1. Children may books from the school library.

a) borrow b) to borrow


2. May I your excursion?

a) join b) to join

3. The director is alone. You may him in his office.

a) see b) to see

4. You may a taxi by telephone.

a) order b) to order

5. She may this magazine till Monday.

a) keep b) to keep

6. He must not the room until I say so.

a) leave b) to leave

Task 24. 䳺, .

1. He may the letter but the signature is certainly not his.

a) be writing b) have written

2. Her daughter may at school now. She hasnt come yet.

a) be b) have been

3. She may her bag in the shop. She hasnt lost it.

a) be leaving b) have left

4. My son may at his report now.

a) be working b) have been working

5. They may French for two years.

a) be learning b) have been learning.

6. She may the dictionary already.

a) be buying b) have bought

Task 25. 䳺, .

1. You might the parcel for me.

a) carry b) to carry

2. Might I you?

a) join b) to join

2. Might I a word to you?

a) speak b) to speak

3. She might the window.

a) have broken b) to have broken

5. It is late. The child might

a) be sleeping b) to be sleeping

6. The manager might in his office.

a) be b) to be

Task 26. 䳺, .

1. He is Mother at the station at 6 p.m.

a) meet b) to meet

2. We had him all the details the day before.

a) tell b) to tell

3. You neednt here if you dont want to.

a) stay b) to stay

4. They ought not in pencil.

a) write b) to write

5. The tourists will be able the village before darkness.

a) reach b) to reach

6. She should better care of her health.

a) take b) to take

Task 27. i . .


1.That is all I can do for the moment. 2. We cant allow you to leave without asking about your new job. 3. Your paper may be published at our Institute. 4. My friend is satisfied that he may work at the computing center for students of our faculty. 5. Every student must know that our professor is well-known for his great inventions. 6. The students must know the rules of behaviour in the hostels as well as contract obligations. 7. An electronic calculator can add, subtract, multiply and divide. 8. Information or data can be stored in the computers memory or storage. 9. You may go to the students club while you have your summer holidays. 10. You can gain time by holding out there as long as possible.

Task 28. , , , 䳺 can.


1. The event has proved that atomic research was impossible to do without Kurchatovs genius. 2. You are almost a scientist, Ihor, I am unable to recognize you. 3. She was able to continue her research with a reasonable amout of accuracy. 4. She had not slept since midnight. 5. She had not been able to begin her own research since she figured out her disadvantageous position. 6. I was never able to think that I could make the benefit of this cooperation. 7. I am deeply disappointed. I am not able to work at my experiment for days and weeks like a real scientist. 8. She will be able to answer your question about outstanding scientists who worked in the field of nuclear physics. 9.It is possible to gpoup similar elements according to their position in Mendeleyevs table.


Task 29. , 䳺.


1.Your English is quite good for a beginner. You can read English books in the original. 2. Do you think that the word phase when properly used in technical terminology can be referred to time? 3. Can you imagine that only similar substances become electrified or acquire electrical charges, being touched together and then separated? 4. Do you think that the force developed by the generator can depend on the number of coils in the armature as well as on the speed of rotation? 5. Can you know anything about electrically charged particles? 6. Do you know that any two dissimilar substances could be electrified? 7. Do you know that the atom can be regarded as an electrical system? 8. Can you tell us anything about famous scientists in the field of physics? 9. Do you think that it was Yoffe who formulated a systematic theory of semiconductors? 10. Cant you think that a long series of experiments enabled the scientist to succeed in the physics of semiconductors?


Task 30. , 䳺 may, .

1. Minerals and crystals may possess properties whitch increase with heating and decrease with cooling. 2. Today a group of students may have practical training in the laboratory of semiconductors. 3. The teacher might ask the students about the properties and uses of semiconductor materials. 4. Investigations of the properties of radioactivity may show the strength of the radiation to be independent of any influences. 5. This device may be adapted for the study of radioactivity. 6. You might have heard the name of the outstanding scientist, academician Serhiy Korolyov. 7. You might tell us anything about the application of semiconductors. 8. You may know that semiconductors can generate heat from electricity. 9. You might have heard the name of the great scientist, academician I.Kurchatov.

Task 31. , 䳺 may . .


1. It might have been years before mankind put all the efforts into the development of atomic industry. 2. They might have completed a series of experiments. 3. I suppose he might have discovered the way of conducting these experiments. 4. This may have been the right way of splitting the atom. 5. May it be the truth that these scientists made a major discovery in nuclear physics? 6. May it have been his own contribution into neuron research? 7. We might even suggest that the most important discovery was still ahead of us. 8. Only a long series of experiments may enable the scientists to find high-performance systems. 9. It might have taken a lot of time before all the data compiled by Yoffe enabled him to formulate a systematic theory of semiconductors.


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