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Task 93. Перекладіть українською мовою речення, в яких вжито опрацьовану технічну термінологію. 1. The dielectric of a condenser may be found in solid, liquid or gaseous form in combinations of these forms in a given condenser. 2. We can also explain why soft iron has a higher permeability than steel. 3. By the beginning of the 20th century it was clearly demonstrated that the movement of microscopic particles could be explained only on the basis of molecular bombardment. 4. Great care should be taken in the operation of the mercury vapor type of rectifier tube to permit the filament to build up space charge before applying plate voltage. 5. In atomic power plants special safety precautions must be taken to protect the workers from the danger of radioactivity. 6. We know small powerful electromagnets which can be used by doctors to remove steel particles from the eye. 7. In order to make profound observation the current should be passed for about half an hour. 8. We were sure we should be able to overcome all difficulties in our investigation. 9. Were the filament heated, we should get the electron emission. 10. It is essential that we should use iron as one of the principal magnetic substances in the case in question.
Task 94. Прочитайте речення. Назвіть номери речень, в яких модальне дієслово must виражає припущення або ймовірність. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.
1. This phenomenon must be described in detail. 2. The temperature must have been specified before. 3. I must have met that man somewhere. 4. This effect must have caused some change in the atomic structure. 5. Some new considerations must be involved into this study. 6. This evidence must provide some new facts. 7. This value must have been included into the above considerations. 8. They must have referred to the figures above. 9. These phenomena must be distinguished carefully.
Task 95. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.
1. The object of the experiment is to test the results obtained. You are to provide the necessary equipment for it. 2. They couldn't have applied that equation. They ought to have proved it mathematically. 3. They needn't know the exact temperature to make the plot. 4. He can't have explained these phenomena in this way. 5. The values given above must be converted into the English units. 6. They should have calculated the distance travelled more accurately. 7. This research team must be going on with the measurements.
Task 96. Перекладіть речення українською мовою. 1. Becquerel used photographic plates and and an electroscope for measuring the intensity of the radioactive emissions. These must have been used today though in somewhat different form. 2. Because our sense of temperature is not very reliable temperature measurements of our body must be made with accurate thermometers. 3. Mercury must have lost most of its atmosphere while it was still hot. 4. In the early stages of the Moon’s history the rate of escape of atmosphere must have been very rapid. 5. In order that we may be able to find out how efficient the engine is, we must measure the amount of energy that we put into it and compare this with the energy that it produces. 6. Life could not exist on the Earth but for the heat and light which it receives from the Sun. 7. It is theoretically possible that a part of the nuclear energy might be leberated by transforming either the lightest or the heaviest of the elements into others of medium weight. 8. Studies of the atmosphere show that temperature does not decrease as might have been expected. 9. Neutrons do not occur in nature and if they did, we could not accelerate them since they carry no electric charge. 10. The disintegration of the radioactive elements can give rise to three types of radiation. Таблиця найуживаніших нестандартних дієслів
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