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Task 62. Завершіть нижченаведені речення. Перекладіть їх українською мовою.


1. The students must have known the material because …. 2. I think I should make clear this point of view …. 3. I think I must wait next to our class-room because …. 4. I was sorry to bother the professor during the lecture but I had to announce …. 5. You needn’t be nervous about the exam because … 6. Later he was to learn that …. 7. You don’t have to answer all the questions as …. 8. We’ll have to do something about our research …. 9. She is to meet me at the dean’s office at 2 p.m. because …. 10. You ought to be able to differentiate between semiconductor characteristics as …. 11. Some dissertations must have been defended on the problem because ….


Task 63. Перекладіть нижченаведені речення українською мовою. Зверніть увагу на вживання модальних дієслів shall/should на відміну від допоміжного дієслова shall, яке утворює майбутній час.


1. I have promised my friend that his book shall be returned tomorrow. 2. If you can’t do the research yourself come to me and you shall have my assistance. 3. In a few years you shall have a diploma of a qualified engineer. 4. You shall have all modern conveniences in the hostel. 5. If you choose this profession, you should know higher Mathematics on a proper level. 6. You shall learn the importance of non-metallic insulators which have practically no free elecrtons available to conduct current. 7. You shall remember the major properties of building materials for the coming exam. 8. You should know about the modern concept concerning the nature of electricity. 9. All you sow, you shall mow.


Task 64. Перекладіть нижченаведені речення, в яких модальне дієсловао shall використовується для вираження запитання про подальшу вказівку. Дайте переклад українською мовою.


1. The exam is starting. Shall we take our seats and be ready to answer? 2. Shall we go to the dean’s office right now? 3. Shall I show you, Serhiy, what I have found during the experiment? 4. Shall we go and have a cup of coffee during the next break? 5. Shall the professor be here tomorrow to continue the debate I’ve started? 6. Shall our group go and start the work now? 7. Oleh’s grammar is terrible. Shall he go to the library and work hard? 8. Our dean is at the conference right now. Shall I call him out to talk to the students’ parents? 9. This conference hall is the best. Shall I make a reservation for our seminar there? 10. Shall I make a speech tomorrow? Shall I read my report or shall I speak at random? 11. Shall I reproduce pictures connected with image processing?

Task 65. Вкажіть, в яких нижченаведених реченнях shall допоміжне дієслово, а в яких – модальне.


1. Shall I wait for you next to the University? 2.You shall not copy the exercises from my copy-book into yours. 3. We shall have a party next Saturday. It will be my birthday. 4. Stay at the library a little bit longer. You shall finish your essay by all means. 5. You may realize the disadvantages of being a lazy student.You see that the youth shall be better organized nowadays. 6. Olha knows that everyone shall be well-prepared to work with the computer. 7. If I get ready for the seminar very well I shall be chosen as a participant of the conference. 8. My research assistant promises me that I shall not be deeply disappointed with the latest results obtained from our joint project. 9. If you are not ready for the classes now, you shall stay at the library till 8 o’clock. 10. You shall not touch my things. You have no right to do so. 11. You shall not run away before you answer. 12. Martin shall warn his friend about danger caused by his careless behaviour.


Task 66. Завершіть нижченаведені речення. Дайте переклад українською мовою, враховуючи функцію модальних дієслів.

1. Do you think something ought to be done in the field …? 2. If our teacher doesn’t come I think we ought to …. 3. One ought to know that the electric cell is a device …. 4. The amounts of power are to be transferred from …. 5. The electrons in two – element tubes have to go …. 6. If the temperature decreases, the velocity of electrons should …. 7. We should get the electron emission if …. 8. It is essential that we should use iron because …. 9. The discovery of atomic energy had to provide …. 10. We can also explain why soft iron ….

Task 67. Вкажіть, в яких нижченаведених реченнях shall допоміжне дієслово, а в яких – модальне.

1. I shall be ready for the classes within 10 minutes. 2. Shall I tell you that the lecture on chemistry is postponed till tomorrow? 3. Shall we come here next year and work here as young specialists? 4. When shall I take final – year examinations? 5. I rather think I shall be invited to the power plant as a highly qualified engineer. 6. You shall not leave the classroom until you answer oral examination questions about semiconductors. 7. I shall tell you about the theory of magnetism. 8. Shall the students of our group deal with some innovations achieved in this field? 9. We shall be able to overcome all the difficulties in our research. 10. Shall we use iron as a magnetic substance in this case?

Task 68. Складіть короткі діалоги, вживаючи нижченаведені речення.

1. I suppose I ought to clear up the effect known as self-induction. 2. Are you able to tell us about the induced current? 3. Can I ask you some questions about magnets? 4. Don’t you think we must increase the current in this circuit? 5. I know what I ought to do in this experiment. Can you help me with the device? 6. Shall we go to the dean’s office to talk about our practice? 7. He knew that he had to make a new circuit. 8. Can you improve this device by yourself or do you need someone’s help? 9. Can you imagine that lasers proved to be of great help in medicine? 10. It should be noted that these devices must be in many respects more reliable than vacuum tubes.

Task 69. Дайте переклад українською мовою.

1. A good experimenter must perform perfect operation for the purpose of discovering something unknown. 2. A small amount of power may be quite sufficient for establishing communication over vast distances. 3. In the laboratories students may work with the apparatus, i.e. instruments, machinery, tools intended for a specific use. 4. You had to object to this material being used as a filament. 5. One must admit that the density of force is the greatest at the poles. 6. A well – educated person must know that his views and opinions may by wrong, and he should always be ready to change them. 7. A modern engineer must know at least one foreign language well enough besides his native one. 8. Today every pupil of the first form must be able to read, write and do arithmetic before going to school. 9. You may not understand the whole scientific method but you must have elementary knowledge of at least one aspect. 10. All students have to remember the names of the scientists who have contributed to the development of their speciality.


Task 70. Завершіть речення, вживаючи модальне дієслово must або його еквіваленти.

1. Both devices are designed by our post – graduate students. Now the students of our group must …. 2. This professor’s lecture on microprocessors and microprogramming is immensely important. All students must …. 3. A number of computing devices were arranged in our laboratory. All of us must … 4. A computer can replace a human being in all respects. But people must… 5. Students discuss various problems of realization and computer graphics methods at the seminar. Next week the students of our group will have to …. 6. To be admitted to the University school leavers must … 7. Progressive people everywhere in the world must …. 8. Yesterday the students of our department …. 9. The invented machine was successfully put into operation. Now we …. 10. Having made many tests, the experimenter ….

Task 71. Поєднайте модальні дієслова can, could, may, must з правильною формою інфінітива, що в дужках.

1. The scientists may (to have, to finish) the research. 2. The experimenter may (to have, to get) interesting results. 3. These researchers can (to arrive) at new valuable conclusions. 4. This post – graduate must (to carry on) many experiments and tests. 5. The scientist can (to make) a thorough analysis of the data obtained. 6. Any two dissimilar substances can (to be; to electrify). 7. Scanning can (to be; to accomplish) by deflecting electron beams. 8. Solids must (to be; to divide) into two categories, i.e. amorphous and crystalline. 9. In amorphous substances the atoms or molecules may (to be; to bind) quite strongly to one another. 10. Some substances can (to be; to regard) as supercooled liquids in which the atoms are arranged in space.

Task 72. Перефразуйте вищенаведені речення, вживаючи модальні дієслова can або may у правильній граматичній формі.

1. I am afraid the well – known professor is not able to arrive at our conference. 2. Today you are not able to answer at the seminar. 3. The final – year students are able to know so many things in different fields of power engineering. 4. I’m so glad you were able to answer at the oral examination yesterday. You’ve made a great progress in mathematics. 5. Last week the students of power engineering department were allowed to take part in the important event. 6. During my experiment only a computer was able to perform such difficult calculations. 7. Students were allowed to deal with these substances. 8. Talking about plasma scientists are able to begin with the depth of intergalactic space. 9. The reaction which was able to produce useful energy will take place only at very high temperatures. 10. The amount of current flow was able to depend upon the ability of the cathode to emit electrons.


Task 73. Перекладіть речення, в яких вжито модальне дієслово must та його еквіваленти, що виражають необхідність чи обов’язковість, українською мовою.

1. All of the students must be in time for their classes. 2. According to the time – table we must begin our classes at 8.15. 3. Today my friend must perform some operations with the help of the computer. 4. Every student must know that incremental analog-to-digital conversion is performed by A/D converters. 5. Some data for this experiment have to be changed and new data have to be added. 6. The main task of this post – graduate was to show the results of his research work in his article. 7. Our lab assistant has to design the circuit with some other parameters. 8. The students of power engineering department must remember the names of the scientists who have contributed to the development of power engineering. 9. The results of final – year tests are to be announced on Monday after classes. 10. Senior students have to help first – year students to solve their freshmen’s problems.


Task 74. Змініть нижченаведені речення таким чином, щоб кожне речення починалось з модального дієслова shall. Дайте переклад українською мовою.

Model – Let’s go to the laboratory, shall we?

– Shall we go to the laboratory?

1. Let’s discuss this scientist’s point of view. 2. Let’s read about the success of physics in that article. 3. Let’s work in this field of engineering. 4. Let’s check up the results of our experiments. 5. Let’s create this device ourselves. 6. Let’s ask this inventor about his famous achievements. 7. Let’s construct a new device. 8. Let’s put down the results of our tests. 9. Let’s prepare our laboratory equipment for practical classes. 10. Let’s gather at 3 o’clock to continue our research.


Task 75. Завершіть нижченаведені речення. Дайте переклад українською мовою.

1. The books shall be returned to the library in time because …. 2. The day of the exam shall be announced when …. 3. The article shall be sent to this University if …. 4. You shall not leave for the conference if …. 5. Our friends shall not improve the conditions of performing their experiment if …. 6. You shall be able to achieve the main point in your article if …. 7. The lecture shall begin in time if …. 8. You shall study harder because ….


Task 76. Завершіть нижченаведені речення, вживаючи модальне дієслово shall.

1. If you want to succeed in physics you …. 2. In a few years you …. 3. I am quite sure that soon …. 4. I am convinced that our group …. 5. I remind you that you …. 6. I am explained how to solve this problem because I …. 7. In a few months the new department of mathematics …. 8. I must say that many books on computers …. 9. Some foreign students came to Ukraine without necessary documents. They …. 10. Modern scientists look for signs of intelligent life on other planets. They ….


Task 77. Складіть короткі діалоги, вживаючи нижченаведені твердження.

1. There must be some students’ scientific and technical society at our University. 2. Young people of our country may enter any institute or university. 3. There must be various computers at our computing centre. 4. Some young engineers of our Institute will be allowed to join the seminar on programming at 4 p.m. tomorrow. 5. A lot of our groupmates are allowed to make a report at the seminar. 6. Yesterday my friend was able to make a speech on cybernetics. 7. There must be a lot of ways of solving this particular problem. 8. Our new dean will be able to open some new laboratories at our Institute next year. 9. There might have been some precautions as for the number of electrical devices, especially computers used in each room of hostel №5.


Task 78. Прочитайте діалог. Складіть свій власний діалог за прикладом наведеного.

Demonstrator: You shall have to make comments on the experiment if you want to succeed in conducting it.

Student: The electric current is a quantity of electrons flowing in a circuit per second of time.

D.: What can you tell us about the unit of measurement for current?

S.: The unit of measurement for current is the ampere.

D.: How can we determine the magnitude of the current?

S.: I think the magnitude of the current can be practically expressed in amperes.

D.: How can the power of current be defined in the circuit?

S.: The power of current may be defined as the number of amperes per volt in a circuit.

D.: What can you tell us about the nature of a magnetic field?

S.: A stream of electrons in a circuit will develop a magnetic field around the conductor along which the electrons are moving.

Task 79. Вкажіть значення дієслів will/would в наведених реченнях. Дайте переклад українською мовою.

1. Will you tell us everything about the electric current? 2. If the conductivity is doubled, the current will be also doubled. 3. One could think that the electric current would always flow in a circuit, but this is not the case. 4. It is unlikely that they would allow the first – year students to take part in “Miss VNTU” performance. 5. I believe these new data would be indispensable for your research. 6. Everyone knows that if the conductivity were doubled the current would be also doubled. 7. A stream of electrons in a circuit will produce a magnetic field around the conductor along which the electrons are moving. 8. It is likely that the best student of our group will take an active part in preparing the conference. 9. He would give a profound answer if he were asked about unknown flying objects. 10. If hundreds of witnesses saw UFO most descriptions wouldn’t be identical. 11. The vice-dean will allow the students to pass their exams later according to the medical certificates submitted by the 5-th of December.

Task 80. Вкажіть, в яких нижченаведених реченнях дієслова will і would модальні, а в яких – допоміжні.

1. Would you help me to translate the text? – Yes, I will. 2. I’d never thought the day would come when I’d be an engineer. 3. I will not add anything to my report in physics. 4. I was informed that the meeting had started earlier than they planned and nobody knew when it would finish. 5. There would have been serious arguments for and against if the experimenter hadn’t stopped the discussion. 6. If you take part in that conference you will receive an excellent mark in chemistry. 7. I wouldn’t stop the experiment if I were you. 8. The students decided they would speak to the professor after the lecture. 9. She would have been an outstanding scientist if she had not given up the research in the right direction a few years ago. 10. I didn’t really think you would agree with my point of view as for this scientific approach. 11. If she join the students’ council of the hostel she will occupy the right place among the active members.

Task 81. Замість крапок вставте will або would. Дайте переклад українською мовою.

1. The teacher asked his students whether they … do the experiment themselves. 2. The student answered they … if he brought them into the laboratory. 3. I like these verses very much. I … read them after my English lesson. 4. I don’t think either of us … perform the experiment successfully after all. 5. – What … you like to be? – In the nearest future I … try to be Master of Science. 6. What a beautiful idea! I think I … move a little further with this research. 7. I think I … rest a while after the classes. 8. … you mind helping me with my homework now? 9. My friend asked the professor if he … write the article in coauthorship. 10. I enjoy the new data so much that I … tell my scientific supervisor about them at the very moment I see him.

Task 82. Дайте переклад нижченаведених речень українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на різницю між модальними дієсловами will/would та одноіменними допоміжними. Складіть свої власні речення за прикладом наведених.

1. I will show my friends what materials I have prepared for this design. 2. “Won’t you join our project? ” said the monitor of our group. 3. I will always remember this distinct field of science in which experienced instructors have been trained. 4. Would you like to come to the laboratory on Saturday to improve your professional skills? 5. Our dean wouldn’t be pleased if our group missed the lecture on the fundamentals of research work the following week. 6. I will show my scientific supervisor the results of my research work. 7. – Will you make a report at the students’ scientific conference? – I certainly will. I will do it with pleasure. 8. This jig-saw won’t cut. It is not suitable for this kind of wood.

Task 83. Замініть подані нижче речення, використовуючи ввічливу форму: would you mind або will you please.

1. Give me that book for translating the text. 2. Don’t tell us your point of view while I’m answering. 3. Take these test papers to the dean’s office. 4. Don’t watch TV while I’m doing my home work. 5. Don’t make so much noise in the corridor. 6. Try to come earlier to the classes. 7. Print this article for me. 8. Come another day as I’m quite busy now. 9. Help me with this research, please. 10. Give me more time to compile material for a small dictionary on radio electronics.

Task 84. Переробіть нижченаведені речення, вживаючи ввічливу форму will you please. Дайте переклад українською мовою.

Model: I will invite my group – mates to show how I use the computer in my work. – Will you please come to my place and see how I use the computer in my work?


1. If you prove to be enthusiastic and active enough I will invite you to share the achievements of the students’ scientific society. 2. Trust me absolutely and I will help you with your research. 3. When the time comes I will give you the assignment to make a speech at the conference. 4. I will ask you to take part in the seminar on intellectual technologies of identification. 5. I will ask you to help me with a new invention. 6. If you succeed in doing some independent work your scientific supervisor will ask you to present your thesis. 7. I will ask you to apply your own new building method while constructing houses. 8. She will ask him to find a way out of this situation himself. 9. Be sincere with him and he will bring the Earth to your feet.


Task 85. Завершіть нижченаведені речення, вживаючи модальні дієслова will/would.

Model: 1) If the weather is fine, I will go to the bank of the river.

2) If the weather were fine, I would go to the bank of the river.

3) If the weather had been fine yesterday, I would have gone to the bank of the river.


1. When our teacher allows us we …. 2. If I do everything right, I …. 3. If our dean had been at his office yesterday, we…. 4. If I had sent a message to him, I …. 5. If the professor gives a consultation to us, we …. 6. If I had sent the technical journal to that University, I …. 7. When I got a letter from my friend, I …. 8. If I had worked so hard, I …. 9. If I were you, I …. 10. If he were with us, we …. 11. If the delegation from Poland comes to our university on Monday, our best students ….

Task 86. Складіть короткі діалоги, вживаючи нижченаведені речення, що базуються на опрацьованому лексичному матеріалі.

1. Can you tell me what a semiconductor is?

2. Could you name some semiconductors?

3. Are you able to name the properties of minerals and crystals?

4. Are you able to speak about magnetism and some electrical phenomena?

5. How could substances be “electrified”?

6. Can only similar substances become electrified?

7. Could you, please, speak about the nature of electricity?

8. Will you, please, tell us a few words about the nucleus, the proton and the electron?

Task 87. Перекладіть нижченаведені речення українською мовою.

1. Atoms may have the same number of protons and a different number of neutrons. 2. Working in the laboratory we had to do with electricity in motion. 3. In the case just considered we have to do with thermal effects. 4. One can say that the force and motion always go together: one is a cause and the other is a result. 5. It should be noted that this characteristic is of vital importance in all electrical systems and for all apparatus. 6. In considering power in electrical circuit one should remember that all the electrical devices must have resistance. 7. Even the best conductors of electricity can offer some resistance to the current flow which must be kept in mind while dealing with electrical phenomena. 8. One should remember that breaking the circuit causes sparking. 9. Electromotive force must be defined as the work per unit charge done by the battery or generator on the charges in moving them around the circuit. 10. It must be mentioned that if two rubber rods electrified by being rubbed against fur are brought near each other, they will be found to repel each other.

Task 88. Порівняйте значення і вживання модальних дієслів shall та will. Зверніть увагу на вживання цих модальних дієслів на відміну від одноіменних допоміжних дієслів майбутнього часу.

1. I will make a few steps in science with the help of my friend and then I will do everything myself. 2. You shall speak about the structure of the atom at your exam. 3. While breaking the magnet into still shorter pieces we will get many complete magnets. 4. If a magnet is brought near any substance traversed by an electric current, this substance will generally be acted upon by a force tending to move it. 5. Once a molecule has been formed it will move about and behave as a unit particle under various physical conditions. 6. The lab assistant of the physics laboratory will explain Ohm’s law to the senior pupils at the next lesson. 7. You shall remember the phenomenon we are going to observe as it is of great practical importance. 8. You shall play the role of the demonstrator and I will be your assistant during our experiment. 9. Electric typewriters are very slow and they won’t be used any more being unquestionably replaced by personal computers. 10. – Listen! You are in charge of maintenance! You shall be very clever and experienced as a the computer operator. 11. – Will you give me a piece of advice? I definitely need it.

Task 89. Вставте замість крапок модальні дієслова, які підходять за змістом. Дайте переклад українською мовою.

1. To do the program the programmer … have a good understanding of the problem to be performed by the computer. 2. The experiment … conducted carefully in order to study what happens with the previous results and gain new data. 3. The programmer to do the program for a computer … display profound knowledge of mathematics. 4. To carry out the instruction the computer … accept the data in the form of punched holes and blanks. 5. In order to write programs in a good way the programmer … have a mathematical mind. 6. This electric field … thought of as comprising a number of lines of forces representing the directions in which the electric force acts. 7. The voltage … be too high as the insulation is broken down. 8. The experiment … done in a wrong way because of the obtained data being in contradiction with Lenz’s law. 9. This magnetized body … exert some attractive or repulsive force on the other one. 10. To get better results quite a different method … applied.


Task 90. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.


1. I am pleased I can involve you in a project of a chief programmer team. 2. In order to make good programs the programmer must be very talented and he must know the way it is to be done. 3. To carry out the instruction, the computer has to accept the data in the form of punched holes and blanks. 4. The students of our University have to know Norbert Wiener, the father of cybernetics. 5. The information that is stored in registers is to be computed today. 6. These operations are to be performed by the operator till the end of this week. 7. In ancient times people could think that the Earth was flat. 8. Everyone must know the first cosmonaut Y. Gagarin who made the first orbital flight around the Earth. 9. The prominent scientists of Ukraine have to make a contribution into industrial technologies of our country. 10. I must wait until the information about the exams will appear at the dean’s office.


Task 91. Дайте переклад українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на модальні дієслова. Складіть свої власні речення за прикладом наведених.

1. This summer the mean temperature in our town shall be about 25 0C. 2. The academic year at the University of Croatia will start in the end of September. 3. He wrote me that he would soon defend his diploma thesis. 4. Would you like to see our new Institute’s lab? 5. We will see our new laboratory equipment after lunch. Would you help me with my research in that laboratory? 6. The laboratory assistant should have examined the trouble caused by the overheated conductor. 7. Should the resistance on the load increase, the efficiency will be improved. 8. If each atom in an orange measured inch in diameter, the orange would be as large as the Earth.


Task 92. Дайте переклад українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на виділені конструкції з модальними дієсловами.

1. The nature of the material determines the ease with which electrons are allowed to pass. 2. The action of some instruments cannot be much relied upon because of their being not sensitive enough. 3. The friction between the wax and the flannel must have rubbed off some electrons of the flannel molecules and left them on the surface of the wax. 4. This magnetized body may have exerted some attractive or repulsive force on the other one. 5. To get better results another method ought to have been applied. 6. It must have been known for centuries that a colored glass is cooler at the bottom of a pot than a colorless glass. 7. This electric field may be thought of as consisting of a number of lines of force representing the directions in which the electric force acts. 8. You don’t have to explain the idea of your research again. I have just listened to your report. 9. Shall I speak to the professor about the day of a consultation now? 10. We were told that our sponsors would build a new concert hall for our theatrical and musical projects. 11. The structure an architect creates should give us pleasure and a sense of beauty.

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