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Зведені вправи на модальні дієслова
Exercise 1. Перекладіть українською мовою. 1. He must have sold his piano. 2. He may have sold his piano. 3. He might have sold his piano. 4. He can't have sold his piano. 5. He should have sold his piano. 6. He shouldn't have sold his piano. 7. He needn’t have sold his piano. 8. He had to sell his piano. 9. He was to sell his piano. Exercise 2. Вставте придатні модальні дієслова must, can, need.
1. If you want to improve your English, you … work very hard. 2. … I take this book? – Certainly, but you … not give it to anybody. 3. Mother, … I go to the country tomorrow? – No, you … not. The doctor says you … stay at home for a day or two. 4. There is something wrong with your television-set. You … call a repair – man. Oh, we … not do it! My brother … fix it himself. 5. … we bring these text – books every day? – No, you … not: you … take them from the library. 6. … you go to the country with us? – No, I am afraid I … not: I … go to the library. Exercise 3. Вставте потрібні модальні дієслова must, may, can, need, have to, be able to. 1.You … not come to help them tomorrow as the work is done. 2. You … not change the whole text as the beginning is all right. You … only rewrite the second part of it. 3. … you help me now? – I am afraid not: I am in a great hurry. I shall be free in the evening. Come to my place at about eight, and I … help you. 4. John … not tell us the rules of the game: we know them. 5. … I return the book to you on Friday? I am afraid I … not finish it before. – No, that is too late. You … bring it to me not later than Wednesday. 6. It is already six o’clock. We … hurry if we don’t want to be late. 7. … you translate this text into English? - I think I … 8. They spent all the morning on the river bank. Only Ann returned home as she … not stay in the sun for such a long time. Exercise 4. Перекладіть англійською мовою, вживаючи придатні за змістом модальні дієслова (can, can’t, may, must, needn’t, shouldn’t).
1. Вона має бути вдома зараз. 2. Вона, напевно, була вдома вчора. 3. Ми, можливо, прийдемо до Вас завтра. 4. Вони, можливо, приходили до нас учора, але нас не було вдома. 5. Він, можливо, бачив цей пам’ятник, коли був у вашому місті. 6. Їй не треба дивитися фільми жахів наніч. 7. Не може бути щоб вона вела себе таким чином. 8. Їм не слід було розповідати про це прилюдно. 9. Вони можуть піти на дискотеку в п’ятницю. 10. Вони, напевно, вже підготувались до виступу на пленарному засіданні. Exercise 5. Проаналізуйте вживання модальних дієслів в наведених нижче реченнях і скажіть, яке значення вони виражають.
1. But have we really met since then, Oxana? I can’t remember where. 2. Peter, you can’t be serious in making such a proposition. 3. You can get the carriage for me now, Ivan. 4. “ I can’t say I have done it, ” he replied at last. “You know that I can recollect, anyhow.” 5. I can tell you what’s in the morning newspaper. 6. Can I get you a pill, Martin? 7. He had understood it better than could have been expected. 8. As far as he could see, not a single piece of furniture was worth a five – pound note. Exercise 6. Скажіть, в якому значенні вжито дієслово will/ would в нижченаведених реченнях. 1. “Would you do that for me? ” – “Yes, I will”. 2. I never thought the day would come when I’d be an engineer. 3. I know it is such a blow to you. I will not add further news. 4. I was informed that he had gone out early and they didn’t know when he would be back. 5. Would you come to the cinema with me sometimes? 6. If you do so I will never forgive you. I will never speak to you again. 7. I wouldn’t make such a mistake if I were you. 8. He decided he would speak to her in the train coming home. 9. I didn’t really think you would agree to that plan. Well, we must arrange a compromise. 10. I wish I had known it was your birthday, I would have covered the whole street in front of your house with flowers for you to walk. Exercise 7. Перекладіть англійською мовою, вживаючи придатні за змістом модальні дієслова can, may, needn’t. 1. Можете сьогодні туди піти. 2. Можете сьогодні туди не ходити. 3. Можете не переписувати твір. 4. Можете залишитись, адже у Вас є час. 5. Можете залишитись, якщо хочете. 6. Нам можна не повторювати ці правила: ми їх знаємо. 7. Ви можете взяти цю книгу: вона не важка. 8. Він міг і не приходити: усе було вже зроблено. Exercise 8. Дайте переклад англійською мовою, виражаючи сильний сумнів щодо даної ситуації, вживаючи модальне дієслово. Model: Невже він не перевірив, чи все на місці? Can he have failed to check up whether everything is on the right place? He can’t have failed to check up whether everything is on the right place.
1. Він не міг не чути дзвінка. 2. Не може бути, щоб вона у це вірила! 3. Невже Ви не принесли статтю з собою? 4. Невже він Вам дійсно не подобається? 5. Невже він не зрозумів Ваших пояснень? 6. Не може бути, щоб він завтра не приїхав. 7. Невже Ви ще не перевірили твори? 8. Невже він так і не відправив свою роботу на перевірку? Примітка. Модальне дієслово can може вживатись для того, щоб речення звучало більш емоційно. Такі речення хоча і мають форму запитань, але в смисловому відношенні не є запитаннями, тому що висловлювач не очікує на нього відповіді.
Наприклад: 1. Oh, Serhiy, how can you speak like that! – О! Сергію, як ти можеш так говорити! 2. Where can I have left my spectacles! – Де я міг залишити свої окуляри! 3. When can it have happened! – Коли це могло трапитись.
What can it mean! Who can it have been! Which of the two can have taken it! Exercise 9. Зробіть наведені нижче речення більш емоційними, перетворюючи їх за наведеними вище прикладами. 1. I wonder where he is now. 2. I wonder why he said so. 3. I have no idea who wrote that thesis. 4. The room was locked. How did he get in? 5. What astonishes me is why he left that note. 6. I wonder why she is making so much trouble. 7. The entrance was watched all the time. When did he get out, I’m asking you? 8. I wonder how it was possible for him to find us in that crowd. 9. It astonishes me that you find pleasure in reading such unserious books. 10. I wonder which of the students is writing the composition, making such mistakes. Exercise 10. Дайте переклад українською мовою. Скажіть, в якому значенні вживаються модальні дієслова.
Model: 1. Sorry, you can’t bring your own food here. – Вибачте, до нас не можна приносити їжу з собою. (Заборона) 2. Can it be so very expensive? – Невже це коштує так дорого? (Виражає сильний сумнів “невже”)
1. You can’t talk during classes! 2. Can I have another ice – cream? 3. Why didn’t you write any thesis? It could have been earlier, in end of April. 4. “You can’t play on the busy street”, mother said to her children. 5. Can he have meant it? 6. Could you show me how you do this exercise? 7. Can I bring my sister with me? 8. Sorry, you can’t take the papers out of the reading hall. Exercise 11. Дайте переклад англійською мовою, вживаючи модальні дієслова. 1. Під час контрольної не можна користуватись словниками. 2. Невже сьогодні так холодно? 3. Не міг він припуститися такої помилки. 4. Професор не міг Вам цього не пояснити. 5. Можете йти в кіно, якщо хочете. 6. Чому ти не запитав викладача? Він би міг тобі все пояснити. 7. Ви б не могли показати мені цю вправу в підручнику? 8. Як Ви могли запізнитись на лекцію! Ви дуже рано вийшли з дому. 9. Можна я спробую виконати вправу ще раз? 10. Я не знав, що Олег їздив додому. Я би міг попросити його привезти мені підручники. Примітка. Крім основного свого значення, відсутність перешкод, заборони до виконання дії, модальне дієслово may, може виражати прохання або докір про можливість виконання (або невиконання) дії.
Translate the following sententces: 1. You might do the home work, students. 2. You might bring a dictionary back into the class – room. 3. You might write the rule into your Grammar Page section.
Докір виражається за такою схемою: You (smb.) might have done smth. – міг би (в минулому, в той час)
Translate the following sententces: 1. You might have brought her a few flowers. It was her birthday. 2. You might have come. All the group was waiting for you. 3. You might have written the composition. You were free the whole last month. 4. You might have learned the irregular verbs. You were informed about the coming test paper. 5. You might have behaved properly at the students’ party. Exercise 12. Запитайте дозволу щось зробити; дайте дозвіл; забороніть дію; висловіть прохання, докір, вживаючи такі словосполучення.
– to show smb. how to do smth. – to explain to smb. how smth. happenеd; – to help smb. do smth. – to look after the children for smb. – to do the shopping; – to take the dog for а walk; – to exchange the books at the library; – to bring home a carton of ice-cream; – to take care of one’s grandmother. Exercise 13. Дайте переклад англійською мовою. Підберіть кілька варіантів, де можливо. 1. Можна я Вас зачекаю? 2. Йому не можна йти разом з нами кататись на ковзанах. 3. Ти міг би подумати, перш ніж відповідати. 4. Ти б приготувала мені сніданок, Катю. 5. А зараз Ви можете бути вільними! 6. Можна я візьму твій підручник на хвилину? 7. На жаль, тут не можна зупинятись і чекати. 8. Ти хоча б подзвонила, що не прийдеш. 9. Ви могли б бути уважнішими. В роботах багато помилок. 10. Можна я проведу експеримент завтра? Exercise 14. Перетворіть такі речення на іронічне прохання. Висловіть докір. Дайте переклад українською мовою. Model: You never listen when I speak to you. 1. Прохання чи припущення: You might listen when I speak to you. 2. Докір: You might have listened when I spoke to you.
1. You do not wear your new suit to the office. 2. You always forget to do the exercises, Kolya. 3.You don’t pay attention to the grammar rules. 4. Do come and help me to choose a present for her. 5. You don’t try enough. 6. Get up a little earlier and do every necessary correction in your work. 7. You never let me know when you are coming. 8. You always make the same mistake.
Примітка. Дієслово may (might) має значення припущення (сумнів): Smb. may/might (not) do/have done smth. – можливо, (не) може бути, щоб…
Форма might виражає більший сумнів. Вона практично не вживається в цьому розумінні в минулому часі, наприклад: 1. Let’s leave the key under the mat. She may come when you are out. 2. Someone may have seen her leaning against the building. 3. Let’s wait just a little longer. She might come after all. Exercise 15. Вживайте may з інфінітивом замість вставних слів у поданих нижче реченнях. Вживайте неперфектну форму інфінітива, коли речення відноситься до теперішнього або майбутнього часів, і перфектну форму, коли висловлення відноситься до минулого. Model: Maybe, he is at home now. – He may be at home now. Perhaps, the rain will stop later today. – The rain may stop later today. Maybe, he was too angry to measure his words. – He may have been too angry to measure his words. Perhaps, he was ill. – He may have been ill.
1. Maybe, you will meet him at the classes. 2. Maybe, he will recognize you when he sees you. 3. Perhaps, it is a less difficult exercise than you think. 4. Maybe, the door was not locked. 5. Maybe, she has forgotten her promise. 6. Maybe, he is only trying to help. 7. Maybe, she was out when you phoned. 8. Perhaps, you have left your gloves in the taxi. 9. Maybe, you will find this book in the library. 10. Perhaps, he does not know about it. Exercise 16. Дайте переклад англійською мовою. 1. Ти могла залишити зошит в аудиторії. 2. Вона може знати це правило. 3. Його може не бути на лекції. 4. Віктор може запізнитись на урок. 5. Книга може бути вже розпродана. 6. В цьому магазині можуть бути книги з історії України. Іноді вони там бувають. 7. А раптом він не пам’ятає цього правила! 8. Ви могли помилятись. 9. Ви могли прийти до більш точного розрахунку. 10. Сашко зможе зустріти батька на станції.
Exercise 17. Дайте переклад англійською мовою. Вживайте Continuous Infinitive для вираження сумніву про дію в теперішньому, а Indefinite Infinitive – для вираження сумніву в майбутньому. 1. Можливо, Ольга друкує це після занять. 2. Можливо, Ольга надрукує це після занять. 3. Можливо, студенти обговорюють це між собою. 4. Можливо, студенти будуть обговорювати це питання на семінарі. 5. Можливо, Ігор вже починає тренуватись. 6. Можливо, Ігор почне тренуватись. 7. Можливо, Катя проживає в цьому містечку. 8. Можливо, Катя буде жити в цьому місті після закінчення університету.
Примітка. May в значенні запитання, дозволу може заміняти фразу “Do you mind my …” – “Ви не заперечуєте, якщо я …” Exercise 18. Перефразуйте нижчеподані речення, вживаючи модальне дієслово may (в значенні запитання дозволу). Зробіть необхідні зміни. Model: Do you mind my taking your copy – book?
1. Do you mind my using your dictionary for a minute? 2. Do you mind my leaving later tomorrow? 3. Do you mind our coming again tomorrow? 5. Do you mind our coming to your birthday party? 6. Do you mind her joining us on our trip? 7. Do you mind my asking you a question? 8. Do you mind our professor’s helping us? 9. Do you mind my going out? 10. Do you mind my speaking to your friend for a minute? 11. Do you mind his helping you with operating the computer? Exercise 19. Дайте переклад даних речень українською мовою. Скажіть, в якому значенні вжито модальне дієслово may.
Model: 1. You might think what you are writing (наказ: могли б). 2. Kate may not know about this (припущення; можливо).
1. Students may borrow books from the University library. 2. No one may drive a car without a license. 3. It may stop raining in the afternoon. 4. You might go and wash your hands. 5. Oh, Mother, may we stay a little later? 6. I may be a late, but I’ll get to the lecture. 7. Olga may have written her thesis but she never told us about it. 8. You might remember that it is very important. Exercise 20. Завершіть подані нижче речення. Дайте переклад українською мовою. 1. You can’t prevent me from … 2. I can’t bring myself to believe … 3. How could I blame you for …? 4. I could never help thinking that … 5. One couldn’t help feeling … 6. I couldn’t bring myself to … 7. One can’t expect that … 8. You can’t deny that … 9. I couldn’t make out … 10. I couldn’t forget that … 11. One can readily appreciate … 12. Can I make you … 13. I can assure you that … 14. I couldn’t but wonder … 15. He could persuade his parents that …. Exercise 21. Складіть короткі діалоги, вживаючи модальні дієслова і подані нижче твердження. 1. Could I see you this evening? 2. She can have anything she asks. 3. Can I speak to you about our joint venture? 4. Could you spare me a moment? 5. Can I get you a cup of coffee? 6. I can’t understand the meaning of this sentence. 7. Can you get home by 4 o’clock? 8. You can’t be serious! 9. How can you be so careless! 10. It’s so absurd! I can’t even be angry with you. Модальне дієслово must має значення необхідності виконання дії, суворого обов’язку. Крім основного значення обов’язку виконання дії і заборони дії, дієслово must виражає емоційну пораду: Model: You must stop worrying about your examinations. You mustn’t give another thought to what he said.
Модальне дієслово must в цьому значенні вживається в стверджувальній і заперечній формі. Must може виражати припущення, яке містить сильну вірогідність в підтексті. Model: He must be ill. He looks so pale. It must be late as the streets are deserted.
В цьому розумінні must вживається тільки в стверджувальній формі. В таких випадках з модальним дієсловом must вживають дієслова у різних часових формах. При цьому мають на увазі теперішній час. Model: Jane must read the book. You must stay in the classroom.
Must в поєднанні з перфектним інфінітивом означає, що дія відноситься до минулого часу.
Model: He must have finished his work – Він, напевне, вже завершив свою роботу.
Must в поєднанні з перфектним тривалим інфінітивом означає дію, що почалась в минулому часі і продовжується до моменту мовлення.
Model: Oleg must have been reading this book. He is absent today.
Дієслово to have to для вираження обов’язку або необхідності дещо відрізняться від must. Воно перекладається як доводиться, змушений. В цьому розумінні воно вживається як в розповідних, так і в питальних і заперечених реченнях. В розмовній мові значення обов’язку і необхідності також виражається через have (has) got to. Цей вираз вживають у всіх часових формах і з простою формою інфінітива: Model: He has got to go right now. Has he got to go right now? He hasn’t got to go just yet. Цей вираз вживається також і в минулому часі, хоча і не дуже часто, наприклад: He had got to work himself. Exercise 22. Перефразуйте речення, вживаючи модальне дієслово must. Зробіть всі необхідні зміни.
Model: He must have finished his work. – Він, напевне, вже завершив свою роботу. 1. It was planned that the students should wait for the tutor in the reading hall. 2. It is planned that the “round table” must be arranged in a week. 3. It is planned thet the vice-deen should submit a report tomorrow at the council of the department for international relations of VNTU. 4. It is agreed that the prominent students engaged in self-government should represent their authorities’ opinion. 5. It was agreed that chemists should be bothered by degradation of the environment. 6. All the papers written by our masters will be included in the university scientific magazine. 7. It is settled that only the best student of VNTU will carry the banner of the university for the Day of the City. 8. The conference on computer systems and networks is supposed to be held in the main building of the university. 9. The dean of our department is expected to be elected for a new term. Exercise 23. Запитайте про подальші інструкції, які стосуються дій, описаних нижче. Model: to give smb. an example → Shall I give you an example?
1. to fetch an evening paper; 2. to go and change the schedule; 3. to write and tell smb. smth.; 4. to explain smth. to smb.; 5. to show smb. how to do smth.; 6. to give smb. one’s opinion; 7. to lend smb. one’s pen; 8. to let smb. go out; 9. to have lunch now; 10. to make smb. some coffee. Exercise 24. Перекладіть англійською мовою за зразком: Зробити це сьогодні? – Shall I (smb.) do it (smth.)?
1. Розповісти Вам про це? 2. Зварити Вам каву? 3. Показати Вам це місце в книзі? 4. Будемо зараз обідати? 5. Нам завершувати курсову до кінця тижня? 6. Піти і сказати їм, щоб вони не здіймали галас? 7. Нам Вас зачекати? 8. Мені перекласти це в письмовій формі? 9. Сказати йому результати контрольної? 10. Нам йти в аудиторію? 11. Нам іти на репетицію в актову залу? 12. Нам роздрукувати курсовий проект?
Примітка. Якщо вживати модальне дієслово should (not) з перфектною формою інфінітива, то фраза буде виражати критику дії, що відбулась в минулому часі. Exercise 25. Прокритикуйте дію в таких реченнях. Model: I took him to the pictures. → You shouldn’t have taken him to the pictures. – Не треба було брати його в кіно. Olga has forgotten to tell her brother about the seminar. → Olga should have told her brother about the seminar. – Ользі слід було сказати своєму брату про семінар.
1. I’m not feeling well. It’s probably the fish I ate for lunch. 2. I was never told to leave a message for her. 3. Didn’t he explain to me how to work the thing? 4. I can’t think now why I bought these red shoes. 5. We did not wait for them. It was beginning to rain. 6. I handed in my paper without rereading what I had written. I was afraid to. 7. She may not come. I forgot to remind her of her promise. Exercise 26. Розкрийте дужки, правильно поєднуючи модальні дієслова з інфінітивом, що в дужках. 1. I think we ought (to start). 2. Something must (to do) for them whenever they leave Norway and settle in a new home. 3. The architect said: “The principle of the house was that you should (to have) room to breathe”. 4. You’re the mistress of the house, Julia. You need not (to excuse) your absence to anyone except me. 5. We got poorer and poorer. The house need (to sell). 6. However, one thing must (to consider). 7. Now, students, you must (to understand) the importance of this rule. Exercise 27. Вставте замість пропусків модальні дієслова must, should, ought to, have to, be to, might в правильній формі. Дайте переклад українською мовою. 1. We think she … to go out more. 2. One morning they met in the class – room to decide what … to be done next. 3. Well, hurry up, if you don’t mind. I … to get back in time to take Maria to the theatre.4. Excuse me, doctor. There’s Mrs. Page calling me. I’ll … to run. 5. They … to take the train immediately after the ceremony, catch the afternoon boat to Calais and travel directly to Milan. 6. It … be a good job, this business. 7.You surprise me very much. Surely you … be mistaken. 8. I am so glad you understand that, Kate! I don’t think that you... have come. Exercise 28. Завершіть речення, вживаючи модальні дієслова must, should, ought to, have to, be to, need. 1.You have overestimated this, you …. 2. I suppose there is something you …. 3. He was wondering whether he …. 4. We have no obligation to them, only to ourselves, we ….5. They wanted her for questioning, that’s why she … 6. There was also something we felt we … 7. I often thought we …8. I’ll apologize if I … 9. What’s wrong with you? Do you …?
Exercise 29. Складіть діалоги, вживаючи подані нижче речення.
1. You shan’t go there. It’s too dangerous. 2. He shall see his name in the paper. 3. You shall be all right. Don’t worry. 4. Be sure you shall do nothing of the kind. 4. He shall be glad to see you. 5. Shall we go up there to the canteen? 6. You shall not do that again. 7. You shall not run away before you answer.
Exercise 30. Дайте переклад англійською мовою. Використовуйте неозначену форму інфінітива, говорячи про теперішній чи майбутній час, і перфектну інфінітивну форму, говорячи про минуле.
Model: Чому б Петрові говорити неправду? – Why should Peter lie? Заради чого Петру було сперечатися? – Why should Peter have argued?
1. Чому б Оксані не знати результати екзаменів? 2. Заради чого ми будемо її запитувати? 3. Навіщо їй приходити? 4. Навіщо їй було заважати їм? 5. Чому б нам не взяти з собою одногрупників? 6. Чому я повинен вірити цим результатам? 7. Чому б нам не поїхати на екскурсію до Львова? 8. Заради чого мені залишатись після уроків? 9. Чому Світлана повинна була запізнитись? 10. Чому йому потрібно було купувати словник? Exercise 31. Змініть форму інфінітива на should, must, had to, shall/will have to + інфінітив в залежності від того, містить речення пораду, критику минулого або вираження необхідності. Перекладіть речення українською мовою. 1. My sister was taking an examination yesterday and I (to look after) her baby. 2. I (to get up) at half past seven to get to the office in time. 3. You (to wear) a raincoat. You are wet through. 4. You knew I was bringing people to dinner. You (to bake) a cake. 5. It was my son’s birthday, so I (to bake) a cake. 6. My friends will get hungry in the train. You (to give) them some sandwiches. 7. He could not do his lessons. I (to explain) some things to him. It took me a lot of time. 8. You (not to get) so excited. It’s bad for you. Exercise 32. Дайте переклад англійською мовою. Використовуйте should + інфінітив для вираження поради, should + перфектний інфінітив для критики минулої дії, а have to i must для вираження необхідності. 1. Не треба було сперечатись з другом. 2. Вам треба більше працювати над теорією. 3. В кінці навчального року студенти повинні здати книжки в бібліотеку. 4. Не потрібно нічого писати на бібліотечних книжках. 5. Мені потрібно встати завтра о 6-й годині. 6. Мені довелось чекати довго. 7. Вам потрібно написати про результати своїх досліджень. 8. Вам потрібно було самому зайти в деканат. Exercise 33. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи should, need, have з інфінітивом відповідно до того, чи ви даєте пораду, дозвіл щось не робити, критикуєте минулу дію або стверджуєте відсутність необхідності. Дайте переклад українською мовою. 1. You (not to go out) in this rain. You’ll have a bad cold. 2. You (not to go out) today. We have everything we want. 3. You (not to lose one’s temper). It puts you automatically in the wrong. 4. You (not to give) all the details. You forgot that you were dealing with well – informed people. 5. It was Sunday and I (not to go) to the office. 6 You (not to put) so much sugar into the custard. 7. You never (to try) to do everything at once. You must plan things. Exercise 34. Перекладіть подані речення. Проаналізуйте дієслово should. Вкажіть, де воно допоміжне, де виражає модальність, а де – частина фрази, що виражає нереальність. Model: If it should be so I’ll be the first to congratulate you – модальна фраза, що виражає нереальність. But for his smile I should not have known him – умовний спосіб дієслова. You should have taken the first train home – модальне дієслово; критика дії, що вже відбулась. 1. Why shouldn’t he have said so if he meant it. 2. Oleg knew perfectly well that he should not have done it but he would not admit it. 3. This heat wave should last till the end of May at least. 4. But for these words I should have given in. 5. The more I thought the less I liked her idea that we should take Mom’s money. 6. Oxana really should try harder. She doesn’t seem to make any progress. 7. They should not allow children to be present at the party. 8. Why should it be always me? 9. You should not wear sports clothes with high – heeled shoes. 10. Nothing should have been touched in the room. Exercise 35. Дайте пораду, використовуючи модальне дієслово should і слова, які подані в дужках. Model: Her diction is not very good (to read aloud). – She should read aloud.
1. The boy is a little pale (to play out – of – doors). 2. I am afraid you will miss that train (to take a taxi). 3. There is no one in (to try the room next door). 4. I have a slight irritation in my throat (to smoke less). 5. This child doesn’t want to eat soup (not to give it sweets before dinner). 6. She makes a lot of spelling mistakes (to copy passages out of a book). 7. The dog is afraid of him (not to shout at the dog). 8. The students are unable to follow what I am saying (not to speak so fast). Exercise 36. Скажіть автору наведених нижче речень, що треба (не треба) було робити. Model: I bought that splendid book. – You should not have spent money for the previous one. I did not buy that book. – You should have bought the book.
1. So I took the child to the cinema. 2. We forgot to leave a message for her. 3. We did not wait for them because it was beginning to rain. 4. I did not put down her address and now I don’t know how to find her. 5. I did not explain to her how to get here. 6. I bought a pair of red shoes to go with my new dress. 7. So I told my idea to her. 8. I have not seen the film and now it is too late because it is no longer on. Exercise 37. Вставте модальні дієслова should або had to. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи потрібну форму інфінітива. Використовуйте зразок:
Model: I should have done it. – Варто було це зробити. I had to do it. – Довелося це зробити.
1. I … (to write) this composition yesterday, but I was too busy as I … (to translate) a very long text from English into Ukrainian. 2. I … not (to take) my little brother to the evening performance, he was so excited, but I really … (to do) so, for there was nobody at home to leave him with. 3. You … (to see) our team play! You have missed a lot. You … (to go) to the stadium. 4. It was a very important meeting and we … (to attend) it. That’s why we returned home late. 5. He … (to attend) the lesson: the material which the teacher explained was very difficult and now it will be impossible for him to write the test – paper well. 6. Although he felt unwell, he … (to attend) the lesson, because the teacher explained some very difficult material. Exercise 38. Вставте модальні дієслова should або had to. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи потрібну форму інфінітива. 1. He was out when we came, and we … (to wait) for over an hour. 2. It was raining heavily. We … (to wear) our raincoats. 3. I … (to take) a taxi, otherwise I might have missed the train. 4. You walked all the way here carrying this heavy suit – case. You … (to take) a taxi. 5. They won’t be able to buy anything but lemonade in the train. You … (to give) them some sandwiches at least. 6. Mother was coming to dinner, so I … (to bake) her favourite cake. 7. You knew I was bringing people to dinner. You … (to bake) a cake. 8. She is quite an authority. You … (to ask) her. 9. I could not stand that noise any longer. I … (to go) out and (to tell) them to stop. 10. How can you work in this noise? You … (to tell) the children to stop. Exercise 39. У наведених нижче реченнях частина тексту написана українською. Напишіть речення повністю англійською, вживаючи модальні дієслова need або have to. 1. а) Можна було не купувати цукор, and I didn’t go to the shop. б) Why did you go to the shop? Можна було і не купувати цукор: we have enough of it. 2. а) Ми могли не тривожитись за неї, as we knew that she was taken very good care of. б) Непотрібно було тривожитись за нас: you see that everything is all right. 3. a) Можна було і не ходити туди, you have wasted your time. They have phoned us and given us all the instructions. б) Можна було не ходити туди, and we remained at home. 4. a) Мені не треба було йти в бібліотеку, as I had all the books I needed. б) Непотрібно було ходити в бібліотеку: you have only wasted your time. Don’t you know that I shall give you all the necessary books? 5. a) Ви могли б і не їздити в центр: you could have bought everything you needed in the local shops. б) Я міг не їздити в центр, as a very good department store had recently opened in our district, so I went there and bought everything I needed. Exercise 40. Перефразуйте речення, вживаючи модальне дієслово must. Зробіть всі необхідні зміни.
1. Katherine is sure to be right. 2. I’m sorry if we are a little late, but I was obliged to call on the doctor. 3. Olga evidently expected me to go there at once. 4. She is sure to tell you about that. 5. Surely the girl has been kidnapped. 6. She surely has noticed the surprise with which you looked at that picture. 7. They are likely to have got married recently and they would never leave each other. 8. He definitely wanted to buy a new car this season. 9. They are likely to have changed their minds. 10. He is certain to improve his pronunciation this semester. 11. Slavik is sure to be the prominent student of his group. 12. The senior lecturer was sure to have chosen the best student in his speciality for the international conference. 13. It’s a pity that she missed the opportunity but she was obliged to visit her aunt in the hospital. Exercise 41. Вкажіть, яке модальне дієслово чи його еквівалент з наведених праворуч потрібно вжити в реченні.
Exercise 42. In this exercise you have to use can or be able to. Sometimes it is possible to use either; sometimes only be able to is possible. Model: George has travelled a lot. He can (or is able to) speak four languages. I haven't been able to sleep very well recently.
1. Tom … drive but he hasn't got a car. 2. I can't understand Martin. I've never … understand him. 3. I … stand on my head but I can't do it now. 4. Ask Ann about your problem. She … help you. 5. Last summer he … write the other part of his thesis. 6. I haven’t … concentrate on my studies because of my noisy neighbours next door.
Exercise 43. In this exercise you have to complete the sentence with the modal verb could. Model: I can't sing now but I could sing very well when I was a child.
1. He can't play tennis very well now but he … quite well when he was younger. 2. She can't run very fast now but when she was at school she … faster than anyone else. 3. I can't swim very far these days but ten years ago I … from one side of the lake to the other. 4. You can’t ride a bicycle now but when you were 6 years old you … it perfectly. 5. My grandfather can’t play chess attentively now but 10 years ago he … it splendidly. 6. This old man can’t climb the ladder very quickly but 5 years ago he … it faster.
Exercise 44. This time you have to answer the questions with was/were able to.
Model: Did you persuade them? Yes. It was difficult but we were able to persuade them.
1. Did they find your house? Yes. It took them a long time but they …. 2. Did you win the match? Yes. It wasn't easy but I …. 3. Did the thief escape? Yes. The policemen chased the thief but he …. 4. Did the doctor help you with your backache? Yes. It took him a lot of time but he …. 5. Did the mechanic repair the steering wheel of your car? Yes. It wasn’t easy but he …. 6. Did the private detectives manage to catch the dangerous criminal? Yes. It was very difficult but they ….
Exercise 45. Now you have to complete a sentence with could/couldn't or was/were able to.
Model: My grandfather was very clever. He could (or was able to) speak five languages. I looked for the book everywhere but I couldn't find it. The fire spread quickly but everyone was able to escape.
1. He had his leg hurt, so he … walk very well. 2. She wasn't at home when I phoned but I … contact her at her office. 3. I looked very carefully and I … see a figure in the distance. 4. They didn't have any tomatoes in the nearest shop I went to, but I … get some in the next shop. 5. My grandmother loved music. She … play the piano very well. 6. The boy fell into the river but fortunately we … rescue him. 7. Her dog was very intelligent. It … bring her slippers when she entered the apartment. 8. A month ago I was very nervous. I … shout at everybody, cry and bite my nails for no reason whatsoever. 9. My daughter had her hair cut yesterday. So she … wear her hair in a plait. Exercise 46. In this exercise you have to make suggestions. You may use the modal verb could.
Model: Where shall we go for our holidays? (Scotland) We could go to Scotland.
1. What shall we have for dinner tonight? (fish) …. 2. When shall we go and see Tom? (on Friday) …. 3. What shall I give Ann for her birthday? (a book) …. 4. What shall I do for you? (do me a favour). 5. Where shall we meet? (near Piccadilly Hotel).
Exercise 47. This time you have to use could have. Answer the questions in the way shown.
Model: “Did you go to the cinema? ” “No. We could have gone to the cinema but we decided not to. ”
1. “Did you go to the concert last night? ” “No. We ….” 2. “Did John take the examination? ” “No. He ….” 3. “Did you buy a new car? ” “No. I ….” 4. “Did Kate make up her mind to sell her apartment? ” “No. She ….” 5. “Did the theatre director change the actor in the first act? ” “No. He ….” 6. “Did our boss employ a new programmer? ” “No. He ….”
Exercise 48. In this exercise you have to write sentences with could or could have. Model: She doesn't want to stay with Linda. But she could stay with Linda. She didn't want to stay with Linda. But she could have stayed with Linda.
1. He didn't want to help us. But he …. 2. He doesn't want to help us. But …. 3. They don't want to lend us any money. But …. 4. She didn't want to have anything to eat. …. 5. He didn’t plan to find out her position in the society. But he …. 6. Constance doesn’t want to give people definitions. But she ….
Exercise 49. In this exercise first read this information about Ken:
Ken doesn't know any Spanish. Ken doesn't know anything about machines. Ken is very rich and generous. Ken can't drive. Ken was ill on Friday night. Ken was free on Monday afternoon. A lot of people wanted Ken to do different things last week but they couldn't contact him. So he didn't do any of these things. You have to say whether he could have done or couldn't have done these things (if he had known).
Model: His aunt wanted him to drive her to the station. He couldn't have driven her to the station (because he can't drive).
1. Ann wanted him to come to a party on Friday night. He … because …. 2. Jim wanted him to play tennis on Monday afternoon. He …. 3. Sue wanted him to translate a Spanish newspaper article into English. … because …. 4. Jack wanted Ken to lend him $20. …. 5. Ken's mother wanted him to repair her washing machine. ….
Exercise 50. Complete these sentences using must (have) or can't (have).
Model: “Is he British? ”. “Yes, he must be British ”. “Did she see you? ”. “No, she can't have seen me ”.
1. “Are they married? ” “Yes, they must ….” 2. “Is he serious? ” “No, he can't ….” 3. “Were they in a hurry? ” “Yes, they ….” 4. “Does Ann know a lot of people? ” ”Yes, she ….” 5. “Did Tom know about the plan? ” “Yes, he ….” 6. “Do they have much money? ” “No, they ….” 7. “Was he driving carefully? ” “No, he ….” 8. “Are they waiting for somebody? ” “Yes, they ….”
Exercise 51. Complete these sentences with must/can't + a suitable verb.
Model: You've been travelling all day. You must be very tired.
1. Brian has got three houses, six cars, a yacht and a helicopter. He … a lot of money. 2. (The doorbell rings.) I wonder who that is. It … Jim. He said he would come after 7 o'clock and it's only 6.30 now. 3. I wonder why Tom isn't at work today. I suppose he … ill. 4. John seems to know a lot about history. He … a lot of books. 5. Jack's putting on his hat and coat. He … out.
Exercise 52. Now you have to read a situation and write a sentence with must have or can't have. Use the words in brackets.
Model: The phone rang but I didn't hear it. (I must / be / asleep). ….
1. That dress you bought is very good quality (it must / be / very expensive). It …. 2. I haven't seen Jim for ages (he must / go / away). He …. 3. I wonder where my umbrella is (you must / leave / it on the train) …. 4. Don passed the examination. He didn't study very much for it (the exam can't / be / very difficult) …. 5. She knew everything about our plans (she must / listen /to our conversation) …. 6. Dennis did the opposite of what I asked him to do (he can't / understand / what I said) …. 7. When I woke up this morning, the light was on (I must / forget / to turn it off) …. 8. I don't understand how the accident happened (the driver can't / see / the red light) …. Exercise 53. In this exercise you have to make sentences with may or might. The first four sentences are present.
Model: 'Do you know if Jack is in his office? ' ' I'm not sure. He may be in his office '. 'Do you know if Ann likes ice-cream? ' ' I'm not sure. She might like ice-cream '.
1. “Do you know if they are married? ” “I'm not sure. They ….” 2. “Do you know if she wants to go? ” “I'm not sure ….” 3. “Do you know if he's telling the truth? ” “I'm ….” 4. “Do you know if he has a car? ” “I ….”
The next three sentences are past.
Model: 'Do you know if he was serious? ' ' I'm not sure. He might have been serious '. 'Do you know if they were looking? ' ' I'm not sure. They may have been looking '.
5. 'Do you know if she was ill? ' 'I'm not sure. She …. ' 6. 'Do you know if she told anybody? ' 'I …. ' 7. 'Do you know if they were listening? ' ' …. '
And now you have to use may not or might not.
Model: 'Is Jack in his office? ' ' I'm not sure. He might not be in his office '.
8. 'Does she want to go? ' ' …. ' 9. 'Is he telling the truth? ' ' …. ' 10. 'Are they ready? ' ' …. '
Exercise 54. This time you have to write sentences to explain each situation. Use the words in brackets to make your sentences.
Model: I can't find George anywhere. I wonder where he is. a) (he might / go / shopping). He might have gone shopping. b) (he could / play / tennis). He could be playing tennis. 1. Look! Sue's going out. I wonder where she's going. a) (she may / go / to the theatre) …. b) (she could / go / to a party) …. 2. Why didn't Tom answer the doorbell? I'm sure he was in the house at the time. a) (he may / go / to bed early) …. b) (he might not / hear / the bell) …. c) (he could / be / in the bath) …. 3. How do you think the fire started? a) (someone may / drop / a cigarette) …. b) (it could / be / an electrical fault) …. 4. I wonder where Tom was going when you saw him. a) (he might / go / to work) …. b) (he may / go / shopping) …. 5. George didn't come to the party. I wonder why not. a) (he might / have / to go somewhere else) …. b) (he may not / know / about it) …. Exercise 55. In this exercise you have to talk about your (and other people's) future plans. But you are not sure what is going to happen. Use may or might.
Model: Where are you going for your holidays? (to Italy???). I haven't finally decided but I may (or might) go to Italy.
1. What sort of car are you going to buy? (a Mercedes???) I'm not sure yet but I …. 2. What are you doing this weekend? (go to London???) I don't know for sure but …. 3. Where are you going to hang that picture? (in the dining-room???) I haven't made up my mind yet but …. 4. When is Tom coming to see us? (tomorrow evening???) I'm not sure but …. 5. What's Jill going to do when she leaves school? (a secretarial course???) She hasn't decided yet but ….
Exercise 56. This time you have to talk about possible happenings. Use the word(s) in brackets.
Model: Do you think it will rain this afternoon? (may). It may rain this afternoon. Do you think Ann will come to the party? (might not). She might not come to the party.
1. Do you think Tom will be late? (may). He …. 2. Do you think Ann will be able to find our house? (might not). She …. 3. Do you think there'll be an election this year? (might). There …. 4. Do you think Tony will pass the exam? (may not). …. 5. Do you think they'll be waiting for us when we arrive? (might). …. 6. Do you think it'll snow later? (may). ….
Exercise 57. Now you have to read these situations and make sentences with may/might as well.
Model: A friend has invited you to a party. You're not very keen to go but there isn't anything else to do. So you think you should go. You say: I might as well go. There isn't anything else to do.
1. You're in a cafe with a friend. You've just finished your drinks. You're not in a hurry, so you think you should both have another drink. You say: We … What would you like? 2. Someone has given you a free ticket for a concert. You're not very keen on the concert, but you think you should go because you have a free ticket. You say: I …. It's a pity to waste a free ticket. 3. You've invited some friends to dinner but they haven't come. The dinner has been ready for half an hour and you think you should begin without them. You say: We …. I don't think they are coming. Exercise 58. Read the situation and write what you would say. Use the words given in brackets.
Model: You've got a pound note but you need some change. You ask somebody to help you. (Can you...?) Can you change a pound?
1. You want to borrow your friend's camera. What do you say to him/her? (Could I...?). 2. You have a car and you want to give somebody a lift. What do you say? (Can I...?). 3. You have to go to the airport but you don't know how to get there. You ask a passer-by. (Could you...?). 4. You are telephoning the owner of a flat which was advertised in a newspaper. You are interested in the flat and you want to come and see it today. (Do you think I...?). 5. You are at an interview. You want to smoke a cigarette. What do you ask first? (May I...?). 6. You want to leave work early because you have some important things to do. What do you ask your boss? (Do you think I...?). 7. You want to invite someone to come and stay with you for the weekend. (Would you like...?). 8. The person in the next room has some music on very loud. How do you ask him politely to turn it down? (Do you think you...?).
Exercise 59. This time you have to decide how to say what you want to say. You may change the Model if you find it necessary.
Model: You have to carry some heavy boxes upstairs. Ask someone to help you. Do you think you could give me a hand with these boxes?
1. A friend has just come to see you in your flat. Offer him something to drink. …. 2. You want your friend to show you how to change the film in your camera. What do you say to him/her? …. 3. You're on a train. The woman next to you has finished reading her newspaper. Now you want to have a look at it. What do you say? …. 4. You need a match to light your cigarette. You haven't got any but the man sitting next to you has some. What do you ask him? …. 5. There is a concert on tonight and you are going with some friends. You think Tom would enjoy it too. Invite him. …. 6. You're in the post office. You want three stamps for Japan. What do you say? …. 7. You are sitting in a crowded bus. There is an old lady standing. Offer her your seat. …. 8. You're in a car with a friend, who is driving. He is going to park the car but there is a No Parking sign. You see the sign and say: …. Exercise 60. Complete these sentences with must or have to (in its correct form). Sometimes it is possible to use either; sometimes only have to is possible.
Model: Well, it's 10 o'clock. І must (or have to) go now. Ann was feeling ill last night. She had to leave the party early.
1. You really … work harder if you want to pass that examination. 2. Many children in Britain … wear uniform when they go to school. 3. Last night Don suddenly became ill. We … call the doctor. 4. Ann has … wear glasses since she was eight years old. 5. I'm afraid I can't come tomorrow. I … work late. 6. I'm sorry I couldn't come yesterday. I … work late. 7. Tom may … go away next week. 8. We couldn't repair the car ourselves. We … take it to a garage. 9. When you come to London again, you … come and see us.
Exercise 61. Now make questions with have to.
Model: 'Torn had to go to the police station.' 'Why did he have to go to the police station? '
1. 'Ann has to leave tomorrow.' 'What time exactly …? ' 2. 'We had to answer a lot of questions in the examination'. 'How many questions …? ' 3. 'George had to pay a parking fine.' 'How much …? ' 4. 'I have to get up early tomorrow'. 'Why …? ' 5. 'Robert had to walk a little after a big dinner.' 'Why …? '
Exercise 62. This time make negative sentences with have to.
Model: 'Did they change trains? ' 'No, it was a through train so they didn't have to change (trains) ' 1. 'Did you pay to get into the concert? ' 'No, we had free tickets so we ….' 2. 'Does Jack shave? ' 'No, he's got a beard so ….' 3. 'Did you get up early this morning? ' 'No, it's my day off so ….' 4. 'Do you work? ' 'No, I'm extremely rich so ….' 5. 'Did you pay a fine for parking your Rolls Royce there? ' 'No, there was a Parking Lot sign so I ….'
Exercise 63. Complete these sentences with or don't/doesn't have to.
Model: I don't want anyone to know. You mustn't tell anyone what I said. I don't have to wear a suit to work but I usually do.
1. I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I … work. 2. Whatever you do, you … touch that switch. It's very dangerous. 3. You … forget what I told you. It's very important. 4. She … get up so early. She gets up early because she prefers to. 5. We … leave yet. We've got plenty of time. 6. You … shout so loudly in the yard. The neighbours won't like it. 7. I … wear glasses at home. It's only a habit. 8. He … leave home so late. It's dangerous. 9. The boy … stay in bed for a week because he doesn’t have a high temperature. 10. If you are told not to do it please, don't. You … violate the law. 11. Please, don't beat around the bush. You … answer for your behaviour. Exercise 64. In this exercise you have to write a sentence with needn't.
Model: Shall I do the shopping now? (no / this afternoon). No, you needn't do it now. You can do it this afternoon. 1. Shall I clean the windows today? (no / tomorrow) No, you …. You … tomorrow. 2. Shall I type these letters now? (no / later) No, …. You …. 3. Shall I go to the bank this morning? (no / this afternoon) …. 4. Shall I send a massage to my friend? 5. Shall I take a Business Course in Summer?
Exercise 65. In this exercise you have to complete the sentences with must, mustn't or needn't.
Model: We haven't got much time. We must hurry. We've got plenty of time. We needn't hurry. 1. 'Do you want me to wait for you? ' 'No, it's okay. You … wait.' 2. Tom gave me a letter to post. I … forget to post it. 3. You … come if you don't want to but I hope you will. 4. 'What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big? ' 'Well, it … be big - that's not important. But it … have a nice garden - that's essential.' 5. We have enough food at home so we … go shopping today. 6. This book is very valuable. You … look after it very carefully and you … lose it. 7. We have enough gas in the tank. We … look for a gas station.
Exercise 66. This time you have to make a sentence with needn't have.
Model: I don't know why we hurried. We needn't have hurried.
1. I don't know why they left so early. They …. 2. I don't know why she shouted at me like that. She …. 3. I don't know why he read the whole book …. 4. I don't know why she cancelled her holiday. …. 5. I don’t know why he is nervous …. 6. I don’t know why Gerbert is depressed. …. 7. I don’t know why they rushed along the street at such a late hour. …. 8. I don’t know why Steve looked for the key where he didn’t put it. …. 9. I don’t know why Eleonor taught Spanish at summer school. …. 10. I don’t know why he refused to take part in the gala concert. …. 11. I don’t know why he did the work carelessly. …. 12. I don’t know why it took you so long to get there. …. Exercise 67. Now read these situations and make sentences with needn't have.
Model: Ann bought some eggs. When she got home, she found that she already had plenty of eggs. She needn't have bought any eggs.
1. Tom went out and took an umbrella with him because he thought it was going to rain. But it didn't rain. …. 2. Jack got very angry with Jill and threw a book at her. Later Jill said: 'I know you were very angry but …. ' 3. Brian had no money, so he sold his car. A few days later he won a lot of money in a competition. …. Exercise 68. You are giving advice to a friend. Use should or shouldn't.
Model: Your friend is always coughing because he smokes too much. Advise him to stop smoking. You should stop smoking.
1. Your friend has a bad toothache. Advise him to go to the dentist. You …. 2. Your friend rides his bicycle at night without lights. You think this is dangerous. Advise him not to do it. …. 3. Your friend is going to visit Greece. Advise him to learn a few words of Greek before he goes. ….
Exercise 69. This time you give your opinion about something. You may use I think / I don't think...
Model: Tom has just been offered a job. You think it would be a good idea for him to accept it. I think Tom should accept the job.
1. You think it would be a good idea for all motorists to wear seat-belts. I think …. 2. You don't think it would be a good idea for Jill and Sam to get married. I …. 3. Your friend has a bad cold. Tell him that you think it would be a good idea for him to stay at home this evening. ….
Exercise 70. Now you have to read the situations and write sentences with should (have) and shouldn't (have). Sometimes you have to use the present, sometimes the past.
Model: The speed limit is 30 miles an hour but Tom is driving at 50. He shouldn't be driving so fast. When we got to the restaurant there were no free tables. We hadn't reserved one. We should have reserved a table.
1. It's very cold. Mr Taylor, who has been ill recently, is walking along the road without a coat. He …. 2. We went for a walk. While we were walking, we got hungry but we hadn't brought anything with us to eat. We said: We …. 3. I went to Paris. Marcel lives in Paris but I didn't go to see him while I was there. When I saw him later, he said: You …. 4. The notice says that the shop is open every day from 8.30. It is now 9 o'clock but the shop isn't open. …. 5. The driver in front stopped suddenly without warning and I drove into the back of his car. It wasn't my fault. …. 6. The children normally go to bed at 9 o'clock. It is now 9.30. They are not in bed; they are watching television, (make up two sentences) …. Exercise 71. In this exercise you have to use should to say that you think something will happen.
Model: Do you think Margaret will pass the examination? Well, she should pass the examination. She has studied very hard.
1. Do you think Ted will get the job he applied for? Well, …. He's got all the necessary qualifications. 2. Do you think Jim will win his tennis match against Tom? Well, …. He's a much better player than Tom. 3. Do you think £ 10 will be enough to do all the shopping? Well, it …. But take a bit more in case it isn't.
Exercise 72. In this exercise you have to use if … should ….
Model: I don't suppose you'll see Tom this evening but if you should see him can you ask him to phone me?
1. I don't think Ann will arrive before I get home but … can you look after her until I come? 2. I don't think there will