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Task 32. Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на форму інфінітива, що вживається після модальних дієслів may, m ight.


1.The career of scientist Kurchatov might have served as a model for any young scholar. 2. He might be slow but he was very sure in his research. 3. It might arouse suspicion but the ideas of K. Tsiolkovsky were far in advance of his time. 4. It might have been Victor’s research or it might have been some other student’s one. 5. From the first years of Lomonosov’s work at the Academy of Sciences he might have carried on a struggle for the development of science and culture. 6. Did you know that a stream of electrons in a circuit might develop a magnetic field around the conductor along which the electrons were moving? 7. It might have been static electricity or it might have been electric current. 8. One may obtain a continuous supply of electrical charges by two general methods. 9. Electrons may accumulate at the end of the wire and their repulsion back along the wire may stop the current flow. 10. You may show the experiment of charging an electroscope from a distant point by means of a long copper wire and a charged rubber rod. 11. The electron tube may depend for its action on a stream of electrons that act as current carriers. 12. These attractive surface forces tend to keep the electrons within the cathode substance except for a small portion that might have sufficient kinetic energy (energy of motion) to break through the barrier.

Task 33. В нижченаведених реченнях вставте модальні дієслова can, may, must у відповідних формах.


1. Our scientists…place automatic devices on the moon. 2. The cosmic flights have shown that man’s abilities…be unlimited. 3. These reactions… give mankind an inexhaustible source of energy. 4. But here we… come up against the question of how new sources of energy… be utilized. 5. Your efforts with these reactions… give incomparably more energy than in the previous experement. 6. This young scientist… find some new ways of using the atomic energy. 8. One …foresee that in the next century three long-term sources of energy will be available. 9 …our University undertake some studies to solve difficult energy problems? 10....fusion have any advantages over fission?


Task 34. Поєднайте модальне дієслово may /might з правильною формою інфінітива, що в дужках.


1. I know the concept that may (to bring) him success. 2. It may (to mean) that the determining factors in those reactions should (to be) different from the previous. 3. On Friday the results of your research might (to expect) to arrive at the University laboratory. 4. You may (to tell) me something about the application of semiconductors. 5. May the properties of minerals (to increase) with heating and may they (to fall) with cooling? 6. May I (to mention) the new properties of minerals in my report? 7. It was unwise of him to hurry like that because he might (to rush) towards a group of students waiting for their monitor and (to ask) them what to do next. 8. Possibly our groupmates may (to have) practical training in the laboratory of semiconductors. 9. Our teacher of physics may (to arrange) a short quiz next week. 10. You may (to fail) in your exam in chemistry if you don’t study hard.


Task 35. Перекладіть подані речення українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на форму інфінітива з модальним дієсловом must.


1. Man must use his intelligence in order to create conditions under which his talents can develop. 2. In the application of electronic instruments the engineer must have knowledge of their characteristics. 3. There must be some important works in the field of chemistry in our library. 4. This student must have known something about the experimental work. 5. These raw materials found in the crust of the earth must be very important. 6. Some substances must have existed as crystals of different forms upon given conditions. 7. The visible side of the moon must have been already studied. 8. Friction is an important force that must be dealt with in nearly all kinds of motion. 9. These results obtained by Tsiolkovsky must be followed by a number of very important works. 10. One must note that the amount of electricity on any proton is exactly the same as that on an electron.


Task 36. Перекладіть українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на виділені конструкції. Складіть свої власні речення за допомогою цих конструкцій.


1. I must tell you that there are dozens of ways of liberating electrons from atoms.2. You must remember that the matter is composed of atoms. 3. You must not forget that an electron is very small and that it has a very small mass. 4. You must let me know if a small electrical current is flowing in this conductor. 5. You must admit that Yuri Gagarin was the first who penetrated the spheres where no human being had ever been before. 6. You must admit that Ukrainian scientists have given the possibility to perform technological progress. 7. You must remember that the weight of the proton is always less than the whole weight of the atom. 8. But I must tell you that the nucleus of hydrogen contains only one proton.

Task 37. Дайте переклад речень з першого по п’яте українською мовою. Завершіть речення англійською мовою, починаючи з шостого.


1. You must allow me to say that radio is playing an increasing part in human life. 2. You mustn’t think that radio is insignificant nowadays. 3. I must say that radar has many peaceful uses. 4. You must be surprised that very small atomic batteries have already been constructed. 5. I must begin by saying that semiconductors occupy a position between conductors of electric current and non-conductors. 6. It must be wonderful… 7. You must let the teacher know…8.You mustn’t worry… 9. I must say that… 10. I must begin by saying… 11. It must be splendid… 12. You shouldn’t rely upon… 13. I’d like to tell you… 14. You must be sure that… 15. He must let me know that… 16. She must be astonished to learn… 17. He is not likely to find out that…


Task 38. Завершіть наведені речення, вживаючи модальне дієслово ought to.


1. You don’t know the characteristics of a semiconductor diode, I must say. You …. 2. Our new groupmate doesn’t know much about these substances. He…. 3. You look rather exhausted after the exams, I must say. You …. 4. Your experiments are very useful but everyone says they must be more practical. You …. 5. He doesn’t know about the current flow in semiconductors. He …. 6. Our students should be interested in lectures of such kind. They …. 7. Did you really spend our winter vacations at home? You …. 8. Do you really sit up so late in the laboratory? You …. 9. Our group came to the experimental workshop too late. We …. 10. Yesterday we were late for classes of electric systems and networks. We ….


Task 39. Дайте переклад українською мовою та вкажіть, в якому значенні вжито дієслово should: як модальне чи допоміжне.


1. I was really upset that he should speak so little about condensers as I knew the material perfectly well. 2. Why should the Exibition of students’ achievements not be opened in a day or two? 3. I wondered if I should ask the teacher about the imaginary condenser. 4. I should confess that now I can’t give an example of this kind of substances. 5. The scientists of our country should predict the future of power engineering. 6. I should like to know how the magnet loses some of its magnetism. 7. My friend told himself that he should not be too disappointed if he couldn’t give the proper answer about nuclear energy. 8. I should like to take this opportunity of telling you that these materials can generally be divided into some categories. 9. I wondered if I should know so much about such kinds of liquids. 10. I wonder if my groupmates should help me in preparing this experiment.


Task 40. Прочитайте і перекладіть нижченаведені речення, звертаючи увагу на модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти.


1. Every student must know that information or data can be stored in the computer’s memory or storage. 2. I was pleased when I was allowed to work at the computing center. 3. Our students are allowed to visit the computing center to see the operation of the most modern computers. 4. Every student must know about the physical properties of matter. 5. Every student of our speciality has to know the important property of atoms. 6. What may occur when atoms are close together? 7. Some operations for this computer have to be changed and new instructions have to be added. 8. You should know the difference between these kinds of substances. 9. We ought to help him to solve the problem by a personal computer. 10. We were permitted to attend the conference dedicated to conductors and semiconductors.


Task 41. Завершіть нижченаведені речення з модальним дієсловом should, вживаючи опрацьовану лексику технічних текстів.

1. I should know …. 2. You should never have told the professor …. 3. You should be grateful our teacher …. 4. He shouldn’t speak about semiconductors that …. 5. Perhaps we should do the research and find out …. 6. I should like to know …. 7. The results of our experiment should be …. 8. Our groupmates should …. 9. The latest achievements of up-to-date computing should …. 10. You should have reminded me ….


Task 42. Завершіть нижченаведені речення, вживаючи еквіваленти модальних дієслів.

1. Today the students of our group … to learn the fundamental principles of coding and programming. 2. My friend … to perform the computations clearly and accurately. 3. Every student … to know the stages in programming. 4. The students involved in the project … to know what reasonable operations should be performed a succession. 5. A good enginneer … the latest achievements of modern electronics. 6. Today our students … to be instructed by the professor. 7. To perform reasonable operations a computer … know the way of accepting data. 8. An educated man … to say what he means in suitable words and expressions. 9. A well-educated man … at least one more language besides his own. 10. Every modern engineer … to understand scientific methods and … to get some elementary knowledge of at least one science.


Task 43. Перекладіть українською мовою речення з модальним еквівалентом to be, який виражає заплановану дію.


1. This week every student of our scientific club is to speak at the conference. 2. Our laboratory assistant is to demonstrate a new electronic device at 5 o’clock p.m. 3. Today you are to pass the exam in mathematics at 2 o’clock after classes. 4. Our group is to check up the results of the experiment. 5. Tomorrow at 12 o’clock we are to solve this problem by a computer. 6. The data of computations are to be written in the form of tables. 7. We are to meet a well-known scientist at 2 p. m. 8. According to the time-table you are to begin your classes at 8.15 in the morning. 9. This post-graduate is to present his thesis in the conference hall at 10 o’clock a.m. 10.You are to learn at least one foreign language besides your own, my friends.


Task 44. Перекладіть українською мовою нижченаведені речення з модальним дієсловом must та його еквівалентами.

1. Electrical engineering must deal with all kinds of electrical instruments and devices. 2. Every educated person must have heard about French mathematician Pascal who invented the first mechanical computer. 3. A modern engineer must work at research laboratories, at design institutes, at plants, at hydropower stations, etc. 4. When working with these building blocks our engineers have to invent new ways of using them. 5. All our groupmates have to work hard during the students’ summer practice. 6. One has to find a way out of a difficult situation. 7. The authorities of our university must provide the most necessary equipment for medical apparatuses. 8. On completion of studies all students must present their graduation theses or take the finals. 9. If you want to do a post-graduate course you must pass entrance examinations. 10. The study process must be planned with the use of computers.


Task 45. Дайте переклад нижченаведених речень українською мовою та вкажіть в якому значенні вжито дієслово to have.


1. I have a close friend in our group. 2. To take this trend a young person must have scientific aptitude, imagination, initiative and good judgement. 3. In our country housing construction must have been carried out on a large scale since the downfall of the empire. 4. If you want to be a qualified engineer you have to know the scale and the specifications of this field. 5. The electrons must have performed a certain amount of work to overcome the restraining surface forces and to escape from the surface of the material. 6. To do this work the electrons must have sufficient energy imparted to them from some external source of energy. 7. Engineering must have been defined as a kind of science by which natural forces and materials are utilized in structures, machines or mechanisms for man’s benefit. 8. The students who are on duty in the laboratory have to switch off the devices in time. 9. Serhiy has to use these data in his experimental work. 10. We will have to listen to the lecture on accident prevention.


Task 46. Дайте переклад нижченаведених речень, звертаючи увагу на модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти.


1. Before carrying out this experiment Oleh had to examine all the instruments carefully. 2. In our country great progress must be achieved in developing all branches of science and engineering. 3. During this lecture the students must be told about a number of problems connected with the development of radio electronics. 4. Scientists could not improve radar without making numerous investigations in this branch of radio engineering. 5. When testing this device you were able to show the desired results. 6. The device being applied at our plant may be quite necessary. 7. One can be sure that every application of electricity in modern life depends upon Faraday’s discovery. 8. Scientists had to make a great number of investigations to improve radar equipment. 9. The radio operator was able to determine the exact location of a distant object. 10. We shall be allowed to switch on a radio set in a few minutes. 11. The booklet “Fault-Tolerant Codes” must have been already published in Ukrainian. 12. The article “The Golden Section in the Measurement Theory” must be included in the prestigious American magazine.


Task 47. Змініть теперішній час на минулий в нижченаведених реченнях. Зробіть всі необхідні зміни.


1. He has to take his examinations next month. 2. The post-graduates may carry on research at the laboratories and shops of the Universities and Institutes. 3. Our scientists are able to make great contributions to the development of world science. 4. Vasyl can enter the University in two years. 5. The students of our group must apply to the library for scientific literature every month. 6. My friend is allowed to carry on research at the laboratory of our University. 7. This young man can achieve good results in his work. 8. Your work must be of great value to us. 9. Once admitted, the students must study 5 years. 10. In their final year they have to write theses based on the work done in their speciality or they are to take state examinations. 11. Chinese students of our university can celebrate their New Year on the 6-th of February.


Task 48. Перефразуйте нижченаведені речення, вживаючи дієслово to be в його модальному значенні. Зробіть всі необхідні зміни.


1. It was planned that the students should wait for the teacher in the reading hall. 2. It is planned that the meeting must take place in a week. 3. It is planned that my friends should make a report at our conference tomorrow. 4. It is agreed that the students must perform their laboratory work at 2 o’clock p.m. 5. It was agreed that chemists should gather at the conference hall at 10 o’clock a.m. 6. It is planned that students will have their business trip to Kyiv next week. 7. It is settled that two students from our group will begin this research. 8. It was arranged that our monitor would meet the guest-professor from Poland at the railway station. 9. The conference is supposed to be held in the main building of the University. 10. The dean of our department is expected to be present at the meeting dedicated to self-government. 11. It is planned that the prospectus on the development of self-correcting analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters will be published next year. 12. It is planned that the portraits with the biographies of our university professors will be put on the central wall near rector’s councel hall. 13. The musicle “We believe in love” dedicated to the Saint Valentine’s Day is supposed to be held on Monday at 6 p.m. 14. It is arranged that the delegation from Belgium will be accepted today at 11 a.m. 15. It is settled that school-leavers will write tests in May this year.

Task 49. Перефразуйте нижченаведені речення, вживаючи модальне дієслово to be. Дайте переклад українською мовою.


1. It is agreed that you should ring me up at 6 o’clock. 2. The meeting is postponed till 12 o’clock p.m. 3. The train is late for 2 hours. 4. I am supposed to have my summer vacation in July. 5. According to the plan all students will arrive today at 2 o’clock. 6. It is planned that many students in the higher classes begin to do independent research. 7. I am supposed to write a thesis in June. 8. It is agreed that we should make an experiment in the laboratory at 2 o’clock. 9. I am expected to help my friend to demonstrate the experiment during the conference. 10. My friend is expected to receive state allowance next month. 11. He is believed to be involved in this activity on his own accord.


Task 50. Вставте, де необхідно, частку to. Дайте переклад українською мовою.

1. Organic chemists would be able … make materials better and more versatile. 2. Chemists realize that the giant molecules must … be composed of a large number of smaller atoms connected end-to-end. 3. We know that each molecule of cellulose must … be made of strings of simple glucose molecules. 4. We have about 40 materials at our disposal which can … be used as monomers. 5. The story of man’s civilization may … be called the story of his study of nature and application of his knowledge in practice. 6. If we are…make effective use of the principles and measurements of physical science, we must … have a workable knowledge of mathematics. 7. By measuring the changes of the paths of satellites we can…find out how much atmosphere exists there. 8. All students must... have strong wish to obtain knowledge. 9. One should not … think that students are interested only in lectures and seminars. 10. You are not able … see an individual atom since every atom is very small.


Task 51. З амініть теперішній час на майбутній в нижченаведених реченнях. Вжийте еквіваленти модальних дієслів, якщо необхідно.

1. At present a qualified building worker must be able to read a technical drawing, he must know the scale and the specifications. 2. The building profession nowadays may attract many young people. 3. Those who enter the profession of a builder must have scientific aptitude, imagination, initiative and good reason. 4. An architect has to think not only of what he wants the building to look like when it is finished, but also what it is to be used for. 5. The efforts of an engineer and the constructor may be directed toward the same goal. 6. The application of engineering fundumentals and analyses to construction activities may reveal methods of improving the quality. 7. The engineer should study every major item to determine if it is possible to reduce the cost of the project. 8. It may be possible to change the design and to modify the requirements for construction. 9. A specialist should be certain in architectural methods which may provide challenging prospects.


Task 52. Поєднайте модальне дієслово need з правильною формою інфінітива, що в дужках.


1. I don’t see that you need (to worry), Serhiy.You know the subject quite well, I hope. 2. You needn’t (to take) some advice of your friend. You are not the worst student. 3. You needn’t (to come) so early. The exam will start at 10 o’clock. 4. You don’t need (to ask) the professor about this article. It’s already written correctly. 5. You needn’t (to explain) this rule to the students again. 6. I need (to explain) this exercise once more. It is a difficult one. 7. I needn’t (to ask) permission to use this magazine. It belongs to me. 8. You needn’t (to worry) about your homework every day. You’re a diligent student.


Task 53. Встановіть, в яких реченнях дієслово need є модальним, а в яких – функціональним. Дайте переклад українською мовою.


1. This experiment is quite difficult. You need years of studying and training to succeed in it. 2. You needn’t worry. You have a great variety of conference proceedings at your disposal. 3. I need some help, Victor. I want to study the scale and specifications of the building. 4. I need a supply of existing modern materials. 5. Listen, Martha. You needn’t write about very ancient structural components in your report. 6. You needn’t worry about your thesis. All you really need is to include the new material. 7. I think you need to speak with this outstanding person. He can help you a lot. 8. I need some more scientific experiments. 9. You needn’t bother about my trip to Kyiv, Mum. My friends will go with me. 10. This chapter needs rewriting. It needs to be rewritten. 11. You needn’t pay for your studies in advance. You may pay the whole sum twice a year.


Task 54. Перекладіть українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на виділені конструкції. Складіть свої власні речення, вживаючи ці конструкції.


1. I’m sure you need not be nervous. The atmosphere during the exam is very friendly. 2. You need not trouble the professor once more. He has already delivered his lecture. 3. Our groupmates are never late for their classes. You need not worry about it. 4.We need not go further with this experiment. I think we did our best in this case. 5. At present we need not go on with the discussion of the subject. Everything is very clear about your research. 6. Peter need not discuss this matter further. He has already got an exellent mark. 7.Doyou need to read my article once more? 8. You need not be nervous about your future. You will definitely find a good job. 9 You need not worry about your term paper. All calculations are correct.

Task 55. Завершіть нижченаведені речення. Дайте переклад українською мовою.


1. You needn’t trouble …. 2. You needn’t stay at the University …. 3. You needn’t speak about …. 4. You needn’t be afraid that …. 5. My friend needn’t tell the teacher …. 6. I wish we needn’t …. 7. You needn’t worry about …. 8. You needn’t have been worrying about the exam …. 9. You needn’t bother the professor …. 10. You needn’t tell our tutor about your problems in the hostel once more ….


Task 56. Завершіть подані речення модальним дієсловом need.


1. The report was too long, you …. 2. Your answer was incorrect, you…. 3. You’ll have to wait until the conference is over, you …. 4. Entering college requires a complete secondary education, you’ll …. 5. You will not be provided with all necessary books, you …. 6. My friend has not enough money, he …. 7. If you don’t want to fail in the exam, you …. 8. I can hear you perfectly well, you …. 9. The weather is fine, we …. 10. Your suitcases are not heavy, you …. 11. Your textbook looks shabby. It …. 12. Her heart was torn by grief, she ….


Task 57. Складіть короткі діалоги, вживаючи наведені речення. У запитаннях використайте модальне дієслово must.


1. You needn’t write your report in details. 2. You needn’t do everything possible to finish your research till Monday. We have enough time. 3. You needn’t take care of the job in summer. You will definitely get a grant in September. 4. You needn’t pay for your studies. College tuition is completely free. 5. You needn’t explain your point of view to the audience. It’s quite clear from your report. 6. You needn’t bother your parents with request for money. You will get your scholar-ship this semester. 7. As for attending higher school regularly you needn’t bother yourself. There is part-time and correspondence education at our University. 8. You needn’t worry about your examination period. All correspondence students are given paid vacations twice a year.


Task 58. Дайте відповіді на запитання, звертаючи увагу на модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти.


1. Do you have to get up early every day? 2. When do you have to get up not to be late for classes? 3. Does your mother have to wake you up? 4. Did you have to get up early yesterday? 5. When did you have to get up? 6. Did you have breakfast today or did you have to go to the university without it? 7. Why do you sometimes have to go to the university without breakfast? 8. Did you go to your native town last week-end or did you have to stay in the hostel? 9. Why did you have to stay in the hostel? 10. Have you got to stay at home this week-end or are you going to the country? 11. Why must we prepare all tasks given by teachers? It’s impossible!

Task 59. Поставте модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти в правильну форму. Вжийте, де необхідно, частку to.

1. Foreign students … study at the preparatory department. 2. The students … decide themselves which department to choose. 3. The course of tuition … last 5 years. 4. Our University … train intelectually developed young people. 5. Theory … be combined with practice. 6. The students of technical universities … pass state exams in foreign languages. 7. The students … be trained for research work. 8. The majority of pupils … begin doing independent research in the higher forms. 9. Every fourth-year student … write a Bachelor thesis or sit for state examinations. 10. Today we … meet at the stadium for playing football. 11. Practical cultural training at VNTU … give students versatile knowledge of arts, poetry, music, etc.

Task 60. Вкажіть значення модальних дієслів і дайте переклад українською мовою.

1. Don’t you think that aluminium must be very expensive? 2. Aluminium alloys can possess the strength of steel though having less weight. 3. Cows may give good milk, but there must be cool, heat-reflecting aluminium roofs on their dairy barns. 4. Nearly indestructible, aluminium can be remelted over and over. 5. All metals including mercury can be melted. 6. The temperature in the container must not have been very high. 7. You ought to mention more important properties of those metals. 8. The engineer had to consider all the characteristics of transformers. 9. The students have to learn all the peculiarities of non-ferrous metals. 10. You must also explain why soft iron has higher permeability than steel.


Task 61. Поєднайте модальні дієслова з правильною формою інфінітива, що в дужках. Перекладіть українською мовою.

1. I think the exam ought (to start). 2. Something new must (to do) in this field of physics during the experiment. 3. What process must the raw materials (to be; to subject) to? 4. How can silicon (to be; to purify) further? 5. The third-year students ought (to know) the amplifying effect of these devices. 6. Concrete can (to be; to devide) into two classes. 7. Builders must (to use) two types of new building materials. 8. The water used for mixing cement, lime and plaster must (to be; to clean) reasonably. 9. You ought (to be able to; to explain) the quality of building materials on the exam. 10. You must (to know) what kind of crystals can be used for transistors. 11. Your proposal about our scientific cooperation in the area of the AMD processors must (to be) rather challenging.

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