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III. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

1. Дайте назву наступним речам із тексту.

1) The place where freight can be received and put into cars;

2) The place where passengers can book tickets and board or leave trains;

3) The place where trains stop;

4) The place where the journey of the trains begins or ends;

5) The place where one engine is taken off the train and another put on;

6) The place from which people get on a train;

7) The place where one can see ticket offices, waiting rooms and luggage-rooms;

8) The place where handling operations are performed;

9) The operations which are performed at freight yards;

10) The operations which are mostly carried out at through stations.


2. Знайдіть в тексті українські еквіваленти англійських слів та словосполучень.

Freight, to receive, an engine, a car, assignment, to subdivide, a freight yard, handling operations, a marshalling yard, a train, passenger services, stub station.


3. Знайдіть в тексті англійські еквіваленти наступних українських слів та словосполучень.

Пасажирська станція, вантаж, сортувальна станція, призначення, сортування вагонів, квиткова каса, камера зберігання, підрозділяти, зал очікування, вагон.


4. До слів з лівого стовпчика знайдіть пояснення, наведені у правому стовпчику. Поставте відповідну літеру біля кожного слова.

1. railway 2. station 3. train 4. goods yard 5. a ticket-office 6. waiting-room 7. terminal 8. luggage 9. marshalling yard 10. journey a) end of a railway line; b) a road or a track laid with rails on which trains run; c) an office for selling tickets for travel; d) a room in a railway station used by people who are waiting for trains; e) a locomotive and a number of railway cars joined together; f) a stopping place for railway trains; g) a railway yard in which goods trains are assembled; h) going to a place; i) end of a railway line; j) bags, trucks and their contents taken on a journey.

5. Замість крапок поставте відповідні за змістом слова з тексту.

1. To transport people and goods a railway must have …, where freight can be received and put into ….

2. A railway … is the place where the journey of trains begins or ends.

3. According to their … the railway stations are subdivided into passenger stations, freight yards and ….

4. … perform handling operations.

5. Passenger stations perform passenger ….

6. … are responsible for sorting and combining wagon loads.

7. There are two kinds of large passenger stations: … stations and … stations.

8. In a passenger station one can see waiting rooms, …, luggage-rooms.


6. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Where can passengers book tickets and board or leave trains?

2. Where does journey of trains begin or end?

3. How are railway stations subdivided?

4. What are marshalling yards used for?

5. What kinds of large passenger stations are there?

6. What can one see in a large passenger station?

7. Where do trains end or start their run?

8. What do nearly all large passenger stations have?

9. Where is one engine taken off the trains and another put on?

10. What is done for our passengers in their journey?


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