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IV. Grammar Exercises

7. Поставте дієслова, подані в дужках, у форму пасивного стану. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.

1. The railway stations (to subdivide) into passenger stations, freight yards and marshalling yards.

2. Passenger operations (to carry) out at the through stations.

3. Everything (to do) to ensure our passengers with a maximum of comfort and conveniences in their journey.

4. At the passenger stations (to introduce) the mechanization and automation of ticket office operations.

5. Handling operations (to perform) at freight yards.

6. A railroad must have places where freight (to receive) and put into cars.

7. The railway stations (to equip) with novel machinery on ever increasing scale.

8. Great importance (to attach) to loading and unloading services.

9. The goods yard is the place where the freight (to deal) with.

10. Freight yards (to locate) in the vicinities of cities.


8. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Вантажні станції виконують масове навантаження і розвантаження.

2. Сортувальні станції використовують для масового розформування та формування товарних поїздів.

3. Пасажирські станції споруджують для обслуговування пасажирів у містах та промислових центрах.

4. Сортувальні станції розташовують в районах масового навантаження та розвантаження вагонів.

5. Великі пасажирські станції мають ресторани, буфети, медичні пункти та книжкові кіоски.

6. Пасажирські станції мають квиткові каси, зали очікування, довідкові бюро, камери зберігання, багажні відділення.


9. Складіть запитання до відповідей.

1. …

The construction of Kyiv-Balta and Kyiv-Kursk railway line was finished in 1970.

2. …

Railway stations are being subjected to intensive vibration and noise.

3. …

Construction of a new marshalling yard is expected to begin next year.

4. …

Plans for a rail tunnel under Edinburgh Airport have been dropped by the Scottish Parliament.

5. …

The passengers will be told about the change in the time-table by radio.

6. …

Great importance is attached to loading and unloading services of goods yards.

7. …

Trains were lengthened and the frequency of local passenger trains was stepped up.

8. …

According to the character of their work freight yards are subdivided into common freight yards and specialized ones.

9. …

Proposals have recently been announced for railway line to link New Delhi with the airport.

10. …

Time for sorting trains must be considerably reduced at the switching yard.


10. Перефразуйте речення, використовуючи дієслово у пасивному стані.

1. We use railways as a means of freight and passenger transportation.

Railways … by us as a means of freight and passenger transportation.

2. Direct route between Tokyo and the international airport at Narita will cut the journey time to 36 min.

The journey time … to 36 min. by direct route between Tokyo and the international airport at Narita.

3. Ukrzaliznytsya has renewed its rolling stock.

The rolling stock … by Ukrzaliznytsya.

4. Thousands of intercity passenger trains link almost all cities in the USA.

Almost all cities in the USA … by thousands of intercity passenger trains.

5. The railways make up different time-table for the summer and for the winter service.

Different time-tables … by the railways for the summer and for the winter service.

6. The diesel and electric locomotives can haul heavy trains.

Heavy trains... by the diesel and electric locomotives.

7. Marshalling yards widely use the computers to automate sorting yards operations.

The computers … by marshalling yards to automate sorting yards operations.

8. High-speed trains should serve all main lines.

All main lines … by high-speed trains.

9. The passenger can enter the waiting hall through the main tunnel.

The waiting hall … by the passengers through the main tunnel.

10. Railways usually number all passenger trains in order to facilitate the problem of their operation.

All passenger trains … by railways in order to facilitate the problem of their operation.


11. Прочитайте уважно текст та визначте, які з поданих нижче тверджень відповідають змістові тексту.

1. In large cities there must be high-speed communication between the city’s center and the railway stations.

2. The railway stations are subdivided into their passenger stations, freight yards and marshalling yards.

3. The launching of a high-speed train reduced journey time, increased passengers number and operating cost savings.

4. Passenger station is the place where you can book tickets and get information about departures and arrivals of trains.

5. The designing of a station building for a large city is a very complicated job for civil engineers and architects.

6. Marshalling yards are responsible for sorting and combining wagon loads.

7. The inspector of the sorting station must take a car away from service if he finds that the car is damaged.

8. Everything is done to ensure our passengers with a maximum comfort and conveniences in their journey.

9. The stations where the trains begin and complete their runs are called terminal stations or terminals.

10. Many stations of the underground railway are finished in granite and marble.


V. Складіть резюме тексту англійською мовою.

VI. Складіть ситуативний діалог з теми: “The Assignment and Classification of Railway Stations”.

VII. Спираючись на подані висловлювання перекажіть текст англійською:

To begin with, to my mind, in my opinion, as for me, the matter is that, I would like to say, I would like to stress, on the whole, in detail, in other words, I would like to add.


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