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II. Reading.


· In an interconnected world, the defeat of international terrorism – and most importantly, the prevention of these terrorist organizations from obtaining weapons of mass destruction -- will require the cooperation of many nations. We must always reserve the right to strike unilaterally at terrorists wherever they may exist. But we should know that our success in doing so is enhanced by engaging our allies so that we receive the crucial diplomatic, military, intelligence, and financial support that can lighten our load and add legitimacy to our actions. This means talking to our friends and, at times, even our enemies.

BARACK OBAMA, speech, Nov. 20, 2006

· Terrorism has become the systematic weapon of a war that knows no borders or seldom has a face.


I. Warm-up.


1. Revision.

1.1. Answer the questions.


· What is terrorism?

· What are the main causes of terrorism?

· What is international terrorism?

· What international terrorist organizations do you know?

· Is it possible to stop terrorism?


2.1.Form the words with opposite meanings using –un; -in; -im +.

























Popular Reasonable



II. Reading.

1. Develop your own idea answering to the following questions.

1. How does terrorism, and its threat, affect your life on a daily basis?

2. Are you concerned about a terrorist attack in your home country? Why/not?

3. Do you think there will be another terrorist attack somewhere in the world within 1 year? 5 years? 10 years? Why/not?

4. What would you do if there were a terrorist attack in the city where you now live?

5. What would you do if there were a terrorist attack in your hometown?


2. Read the text. Be ready for the discussion.

The anti-terror movement is spreading throughout the globe.

Counterterrorism is the efforts of a nation to protect itself from terrorist attacks, espionage, foreign intelligence and even cyber-based attacks. Several United States-based government organizations are poised to meet the everyday challenges of counterterrorism. These organizations include the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The United Nations (UN) is a powerful global organization that also makes advances in efforts to improve counterterrorism strategies.

It is vital to the safety of the international arena to protect itself. Each nation protects its interests by researching terrorist organizations and developing action plans to dismantle and prevent terrorist attacks, also known as counterterrorism.

Counterterrorism is an international initiative. This fact can most be exemplified by the United Nations Global Counterterrorism Strategy. The Strategy was adopted in 2006 by Member States to enhance global efforts to thwart terrorism. By adopting this resolution, Member States resolved to initiate a common strategic approach to the practice of counterterrorism.


Counterterrorism Functions

The primary targets of global counterterrorism efforts are to reduce the terrorist actions performed by terrorist groups and individuals, such as members of al Qaeda, its affiliates, Islamic jihad groups and even domestic terrorists. Additionally, many counterterrorism efforts seek to reduce terrorist access to nuclear arsenals and neutralize nuclear threats.


Promotion of Stable Environmental Conditions to Prevent Terrorism

Many efforts are being undertaken in the international arena in the name of counterterrorism. The reversal of social vices conducive to the rapid growth of terrorism is the first step to engaging in productive counterterrorism.

The UN, in its UN Action to Counter Terrorism, states its efforts to constantly implement successful conflict resolution, negotiation, peace-building, mediation and conciliation processes. The organization's aim is to prevent and manage unresolved conflicts and prevent them from escalating.

Also, the UN seeks to promote tolerance, inter-faith dialogue, communication and mutual respect for differences such as nationality, religion and ethnicity.

Efforts to eradicate poverty that often leads to political instability is another area that the UN undertakes as a method of counterterrorism. Social and economic development is essential to preventing global citizens from retaliating against governments. Choosing to prevent negative conditions from sprouting into violence is an area on which the UN focuses.

Counterterrorism Actions

The UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy was constructed to advance counterterrorism operations and thwart terrorist efforts. The plan includes the following:

Member States of the UN encourage the global community to refrain from providing a safe haven, asylum or refuge for terrorists, and seek cooperation with global leaders to disclose timely information regarding the whereabouts and plans of known terrorists.

Additionally, the Member States of the UN are considering the creation of an international center for terrorism to bring together global leaders to actively engage in discussions regarding methods of counterterrorism, and have imposed guidelines for nations to improve border control and customs regulations.


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