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She gave me her phone number and I gave her mine.
20 2) They gave you their car and you gave them yours. 3) He gave them his documents and they gave him theirs. 4) We gave her our books and she gave us hers. 5) You gave us your games and we gave you ours. 6) I gave him my toys and he gave me his. Сопоставьте эти русские и английские фразы. 1) 1—10; 2) 2 — 7; 3) 3—2; 4) 4 — 8; 5) 5 — 9; 6) 6 — 3; 7) 7 — 4; 8) 8 — 1; 9) 9 — 5; 10) 10 — 6; 8. Переделайте предложения так, чтобы использовать стра 1) The weather is forecast everyday. 2) Is English spoken all over the world? 3) The textbooks are brought to the lesson by everybody. 4) The rain wasn't expected this week by us. 5) Cabbages aren't grown in front of the house. 6) Books are always read by parents to their children at bedtime. 7) Animals are kept in cages by people. Isn't it awful! 8) Lessons are never done by good pupils late at night. 10. Составьте список традиционных хобби в России. Сравните их со списком традиционных британских хобби. Какие по-вашему мнению наиболее наименее популярные хобби в обоих странах. Russian hobbies: doing crosswords, walking, listening to music, taking photographs, playing computer games, reading, going to the cinema, playing football, playing table games (cards, chess, etc.), fishing, watching videos, making something and collecting something. 21 I think that both countries have the same hobbies. And I think that the most popular hobby is listening to music, while the least popular is taking photographs. 13. Моя собака Дюк Мою собаку зовут Дюк, это длинношёрстная немецкая овчарка. Дюк самая большая собака на моей улице и каждый раз когда почтальон или кто-либо другой проходит мимо, он лает до одури и почти доводит их до сердечного приступа. Многие люди боятся идти ко мне домой потому, что он агрессивный. Но он замечательный пес, когда его лучше узнаешь. Он любит играть с мячами и с моей уткой Джорджем. 15. a) Посмотрите на страницы из дневника Каролины и ска 1) Food will be bought on Monday. 2) Aunt Polly will be met at the station on Tuesday. 3) A letter to John Baxter will be written on Wednesday. 4) The flat will be cleaned on Thursday. 5) A meal for the family will be cooked on Friday. 6) A birthday present for Mum will be looked for on Saturday. 7) Brother Peter will be taken to the National History Museum on Sunday. b) Вы видите, как занята будет Каролина на следующей не 1) The books won't be returned to the library. 2) The flat won't be cleaned. 3) Granny won't be visited. 4) A story for the Young Writer's Competition won't be written. 5) Some new flowers in her garden won't be planted. 16. Сделайте предложения полными. Используйте таблицу. 1) The story must be told to him. 22 2) The cat should be fed immediately. 3) The plants ought to be watered as soon as possible. 4) The gallery can be visited this evening. 5) The address has to be found out until tomorrow 6) The telegram must be sent in a few days.