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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Напишите то же самое на английском. a) 1. If we can solve ecological problems, we will safe the world

a) 1. If we can solve ecological problems, we will safe the world. 2. People will be more healthy, if the pollution of air is stopped. 3. If different countries test nuclear weapons, it will cause radioactive pol­lution. 4. If factories pour waste into the rivers, the water there will be poisoned. 5. We will survive if we protect the nature all together.

b) 1. When you go to the south, try not to stay under the straight sunbeams too long. 2. When we take part in the TV show, we will discuss ecological problems. 3. When ecology becomes better, ani­mals will return to their habitats. 4. You will learn about rare and ex­tinct species of animals when you read this book. 5. Little Peter will be able to see different species of mammals, birds, reptiles and in­sects, when he goes to the zoo with his Mum.

32. Напишите предложения о Джоне для того, чтобы пока­
зать, что он всё время хочет быть похожим на Ника. (Упр. 12).

1) Nick likes crocodiles. So does John.

2) Nick has never seen a bee. Neither has John.

3) Yesterday Nick ate 10 ice-creams. So did John.

4) Nick can't swim at all. Neither can John.

5) Nick is going to be a butcher. So is John.

6) Nick was flying in his dream. So was John.

7) Nick must cook supper for the whole family. So must John.

8) Nick will be thirteen years old tomorrow. So will John.

33. Вы готовите контрольную работу по географии для своих
друзей. Составьте вопросы о некоторых интересных фактах. От­
веты у вас уже готовы.

1) Which is the largest city in the USA?

2) Which is the highest top?

3) Which is the largest country in the world?

4) Which is the longest river in Africa?


5) Which is the longest river in South America?

6) Which is the biggest ocean?

7) Which is the largest state in the USA?

8) Which is the hottest continent?

34 Напишите несколько предложений по одной из экологи­ческих проблем, которая по вашему мнению самая серьезная.

As for me I think the water pollution is the most important eco­logical problem. Different cars and buses, plants and factories pollute the air we breathe in. If we don't solve this problem quickly we won't survive. The polluted air can also cause acid rains and ozone holes.

Lesson 5

1. Дайте название:

1) poison

2) safe

3) dump

4) weapon

5) population

6) pollution

7) ton

8) shortage

9) waste

2. Найдите лишнее слово:

1) to create

2) nuclear

3) population

4) bare

5) waste



1) Speaker, speaking

2) buyer

3) destroyer, destruction

4) creator, creation

5) dumpier, dumping


6) picnicker
1) operation, operator
2) illustration, illustrator
3) radiator, radiation
4) cooperation, cooperator
1) calmness
2) illness
3) softness
4) darkness


a) Какие прилагательные вы можете образовать из следую­
щих существительных при помощи суффикса — less?

Penniless, landless, hairless, luckless, sunless, moonless, hopeless, lifeless, sleepless.

b) Составьте 6 правильных предложений с этими прилага­

1) This girl is almost hairless.

2) What a sunless summer day!

3) There are moonless nights in the big city.

4) This wicked boy is hopeless.

5) Just look at this lifeless glance.

6) I spent a sleepless night yesterday.


а) Подумайте, как правильно сказать то же самое на рус­ском.

1) Бездомные люди; защита окружающей среды; город с населением свыше 3 миллионов; дальнейшее развитие страны; настоящая свежесть воздуха; ясно видеть; легко справиться с ра­ботой; безводные места; загрязнять атмосферу; населять район; управлять страной; лично я думаю...; важное сотрудничество; говорить властно.

2) Подогреть обед; отравить врага; прогнозировать погоду; сбрасывать мусор; испытывать ядерное оружие; вредить окру­жающей среде; влиять на государство.


b) Придумайте правильные предложения с этими словарными сочетаниями и напишите не менее пяти из них.

1) There are a lot of homeless people in the big cities.

2) This man did the job easily.

3) The protection of the environment is one of the most impor­tant tasks nowadays.

4) People often dump rubbish in the places that are not intended for it.

5) No one can damage the environment as seriouslyas people can.


Sports: to row, chess, boating, rugby, cricket, athletics, hockey, golf, team, horse-riding, competition.

Shopping: the baker's, the grocer's, the butcher's, to buy, to sell, to wrap, the fishmonger's, to pay, a sweet shop.

Health: headache, sick, a stomach, earache, ill, toothache, to hurt, blood pressure, pulse, cottage, lungs, to recover, to cough, to sneeze, a throat, to cure, pain, a prescription, medicine.

Food: pancakes, cream, a loaf of bread, pork, a jar of honey, cheese, dairy products, sour cream, a pound of bacon, a soft drink, a packet of biscuits, to fry, a bar of chocolate.


to ruin — to spoil, a little — a bit, a crisis — a disaster, help — cooperation, litter — rubbish, to try — to test, to make dirty and dan­gerous — to pollute, to surprise unpleasantly — to shock, to take away — to clear away, to begin working — to set to work.


Общество по чистке сельской местности

(Линда Блэк, 12 лет) Вики возвращалась из своей маленькой деревенской школы и это был один из последних дней четверти. На небе было солнце, и птицы пели свои красивые песни. Вики любила сельскую ме­стность и прожила здесь всю свою жизнь. Погода была такой прекрасной, что Вики решила пойти по более длинному пути, к коттеджу, где она жила. Она проходила через маленькую рощу, где она привыкла играть. Вики была шокирована, увидев, что


роща выглядела ужасно: она была наполнена мусором. Вики бе­жала все дорогу назад домой. Ей нужно было что-то сделать с этим безобразием. Вдруг у неё появилась идея. Она создаст своё собственное общество по очистке сельской местности.

Когда Вики пришла домой, она позвонила четырём своим школьным друзьям: Элис, Рози, Кэти и Джейн. Они все согласи­лись встретиться с ней в роще. Девочки принялись за работу, на­полняя большие черные пластиковые пакеты мусором. Это была тяжёлая работа, но вскоре весь мусор был собран и лес снова вы­глядел красиво.

На следующий день у общества была другая встреча. «Сего­дня мы должны пронаблюдать за людьми, которые устраивают мусорные свалки на природе».

Все согласились. Вскоре Рози и Джейн заметили отдыхаю­щих. Отдыхающие заканчивали свой пикник и оставили весь му­сор на земле.

Что вы собираетесь делать со всем этим мусором, который вы оставили? — спросили девочки.

Я не знаю, что вы имеете в виду, — сказал высокий муж­чина с американским акцентом.

Вы только подумайте, — сказала Вики. — Подумайте об этих стёклах, которые вы оставили от всех этих банок с колой и подумайте, как безобразно будет выглядеть замусоренное таким образом место.

Юная леди права, — сказала женщина с маленькой шляп­кой на голове. —Мы не можем оставить здесь весь этот мусор.

Правильно, — сказала Вика. — Вот, возьмите этот пакет.

Спасибо Вам, девочки, — сказали они, — за то, что помог­ли нам понять, что деревня красивое место и что мы не должны загрязнять её.

Затем он все сели в свою американскую машину и поехали в город. Вики и ее друзья закричали:

— Троекратное УРА! Нашему обществу! Гип-гип, ура! Гип-
гип, ура! Гип-гип, ура!

Вы можете представить себе как удивлены были девочки, ко­гда на следующее утро их учитель естествознания, мистер Берд, рассказал классу об экологии и важности содержания окружаю-


щей среды в чистоте. Он сказал, что загрязнение ухудшается и ухудшается, что легко может привести нас к глобальной катаст­рофе. Результатом кризиса окружающей среды было то, что во многих частях света люди начинали страдать от нехватки еды и чистой воды для того, чтобы выжить. Но мистер Берд сказал, что всегда есть надежда. Люди уже узнали некоторые правила, как защищать окружающую среду.


Опишите рощу, перед тем как девочки убрали её и после это­го.

1. There was a terrible mess in the grove. It was pilled with rub­bish. A lot of litter was thrown around: bits of glass from bottles, plastic bottles, paper and plastic bags, broken branches; it looked really ugly.

2. The litter was cleared away. It was picked up and put into spe­cial plastic bags. The grove began to look wonderful again. It was clean and tidy. There were no rubbish under the trees and bushes. It was a great place to live in, a healthy habitat for animals.


Напишите то же самое на английском.

1. The teacher asked Anna what international organizations she knew. 2. There was a terrible mess in the room. 3. Little Nick said that his father praised him. 4. Marry wanted to know where we would plant trees. 5. Granny said that last winter was very cold and they had to feed animals. 7. Masha asked me not to leave rubbish in the gar­den. 8. Bob said that he always switched off the light when he went out of the room. 9. The speaker advised us to economize energy and to use less electricity and gas.

Lesson 6


Экология человека

Это может звучать смешно для вас, но человек нуждается в защите и уходе так же, как животные. Места обитания людей — их дома, городки и города — должны содержаться экологически


чистыми. В местах, где люди пьют отравленную воду, едят плохую пищу и дышат загрязнённым воздухом, они страдают от серьёзных заболеваний и рано умирают, их дети рождаются сла­быми. Никакие лекарства, прописанные докторами, не могут по­мочь им. Эта проблема становится все более и более серьёзной с каждым днём. Современный образ жизни, когда люди имеют наибольшую физическую активность, используют машину вме­сто прогулок пешком, смотрят телевизор много часов подряд и работают на компьютерах, превращает их в безногих созданий.


То forecast weather, climatic changes, to solve the problem, a shortage of drinking water, nuclear energy, to be the cause of destruc­tion, air pollution, to survive, habitat, below zero, the greenhouse ef­fect, ozone holes, to influence on environment, extinct species of ani­mals, to cure diseases, to destroy forests, to throw waste into the rivers.


The teacher asked Anna what international organizations she knew. 2. There was a terrible mess in the room. 3. Little Nick said his father praised him. 4. Marry wanted to know where we would plant trees. 5. Granny said that the last winter was very cold and they had to feed animals. 7. Masha asked me not to leave rubbish in the gar­den. 8. Bob said that he always switched off the light when he went out of the room. 9. The speaker advised us to economize energy and to use less electricity and gas.

Lesson 7

6. Русская девочка, Ольга, приезжает в Британию 30-го ок­тября. Она собирается жить в английской семье. Элис, старшая дочь, собирается взять Ольгу на праздник Хэллоуина. Прочитай­те их диалог и скажите, почему Ольга так удивлена.

Olga is so surprised because she has never known anything about Hallowe'en. She has never known that in Hallowe'en people dress up in strange costumes and pretend they're ghosts and witches. They play games and dance and when the party is over they put on white sheets and knock on their neighbours' doors asking if they would like a «trick» or a «treat». If they give them some sweets, nuts or cakes 38

they go away but if the neighbours don't, they make a lot of noise and throw flour on their front doorstep. And this day people also cut an ugly face in a pumpkin and put a candle inside. It shines through the eyeholes.

11. Напишите несколько предложений по одному из оглавле­ний из упр. 9.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an island state: it occupies the territory of the British Isles and is com­posed of some 5, 500 islands, large and small. The two main islands are: Great Britain (in which are England, Wales and Scotland) to the east and Ireland (in which are Northern Ireland and the independent Republic of Ireland) to the west. They are separated by the Irish Sea.

Lesson 8

1. Посмотрите на компас и дайте название всем цифрам.

3) the east

5) the south

6) the south-west

7) the west


1) Its, its

2) Its

3) It's, it's

4) Its

5) Its

6) It's

7) It's
9) Its

8. Составьте 6 (3+3) предложений с its и it's.

1) This film is famous for its actors.

2) I like this car for its safety.

3) People like to stay in/at this hotel because of its service.

4) It's the most unbelievable thing I" ve heard.

5) It's too late to go for a walk.

6) It's her book, not mine.


9. Дайте английские эквиваленты:

1) a laughing girl,

2) playing children,

3) falling leaves,

4) a smiling woman,

5) a flying bird,

6) a swimming duck.


a) Девочка, говорящая с Томом; самолёт, летящий в небе; птица, поющая на дереве; восходящее солнце; дети, плавающие в море; заводы, производящие пищу; люди, живущие в городах.

b) The girl talking to Tom is his sister.

There were many clouds and we could not see the plane flying in the sky.

The bird singing in the tree is not a pigeon, dear.

Let's get up early tomorrow and go and watch the rising sun.

The children swimming in the sea were laughing loudly.

11. Дайте английские эквиваленты:

a finished letter, a written poem, forgotten rule, a destroyed town, cooked dinner, a broken plate.


а) История, рассказанная моей бабушкой; фотографии, сня­тые в Лондоне; ошибки, допущенные в тесте; подарок, куплен­ный для моего брата; обеды, приготовленные мамой; разрушен­ные замки; письма, полученные вчера.


1) I have brought you the pictures taken in London.

2) The teacher was surprised at Tim's mistakes made in the test.

3) I can tell you the story told by my Granny.

4) Vegetables cooked by Mother are always tasty.

5) The letters received yesterday should be translated immedi­ately.


1) shown

2) separating


3) called

4) built

5) brought

6) discovered

7) defending

8) living

17. Просмотрите упр. 14, и упр. 15 и выберите слова, подхо­дящие к этим категориям:

a) places: lowlands, highlands, waterfall, birthplace, university, scenery, a plain, a meadow, a valley, a hedge, attract, flat.

b) People and their occupations: holiday-makers, pirates, ruler, to admire, to excite, exciting, attractive, rest, a shape, to connect, position.

26. Назовите З факта о каждом регионе в Англии, консуль­тируйтесь с текстом только, если это необходимо.

1) The Southeast is a highly populated region of England. Lon­don, the capital of the UK, and such historical cities as Windsor, Do­ver and Brighton are situated there. Heathrow Airport, one of the world's busiest airports, is also situated there.

2) The Southwest is a region where the main activity is farming. It is known for its pirates. The famous Stonehenge is situated there.

3) East Anglia has cities with fine historic cal buildings such as Cambridge. It is more than half surrounded by the sea. It used to be partially covered by the sea and now produces good harvest.

4) The Midlands are known as the heart of England. Manchester, Sheffield, Liverpool and Birmingham are situated there. Stratford-upon-Avon and Oxford are also there.

5) The North of England has some of the wildest and loneliest parts of the country. This part of the country is rich in coal. The main attractions there are the Lake District, the cities of York and Newcas-tle-upon-Tyne.


Is, came, giving, talks, spent, exploring, been, got, was, reading, gave, looked, saw, admired, decided, becoming, went, felt, taken, spent, explored, been, been, go, starting, arriving, going, took, dis­covering, been.



a) 1. Oxford, an old English university town. It is situated in the Midlands to the north-west of London. 2. Sheffield is famous for its steel industry. It is situated to the west of Manchester. 3. Brighton is a resort town, situated in the south of England. 4. It's very interesting to visit the county of Kent. Tourists always admire its wonderful gardens. 5. The Lake District of England is situated in the north-west of the country. It's a very romantic place, famous for its valleys, mountains, lakes and waterfalls.

b) 1. The south-east of England is famous for its flat plains, where a lot of farms are situated. 2. Valleys and meadows always attract a lot of tourists. 3. Hedges in England divide fields. 4. English landscape is fa­mous for its hedges and green meadows. 5. I admire people that travel, discover new lands and explore. 6. My father has already been to North Ireland, but he hasn't seen other parts of Great Britain yet.

c) 1. What area of England is rich in coal? 2. Where do the famous resort towns of England situated? 3. Where were William Shakespeare and Oliver Cromvel born? 4. Why did roman ruler Hadrian order to build a wall in the north of England? 5. What cities of England are connected with English culture? 6. What area of England was covered with sea? 7. Why does the area of the south­west counties attract holidaymakers? 8. Does the airport of Heathrow situated far from London? How far?

Lesson 9


1. What dry weather! 2. What important news! 3. What a bitter orange! 4. What an exciting thought! 5. What beautiful long hair! 6.What fresh vegetables! 7. What a big potato! 8. What a sweet carrot! 9. What an unusual landscape! 10. What wet climate!


1) I can buy fish at the fishmonger's.

2) I can buy flour at the grocer's.

3) I can buy a cake at the supermarket.

4) I can buy sour cream at the dairy.

5) I can buy potatoes at the greengrocer's.


6) I can buy a loaf of bread at the supermarket.

7) I can buy beef at the butcher's.

8) I can buy fresh milk at the dairy.

9) I can buy sausages at the butcher's.

10) I can buy a carton of cream at the dairy.

11) I can buy a pound of bacon at the butcher's.

12) I can buy a tin of fruit at the greengrocer's.


1. The day was so exciting. 2. It is such a good idea. 3. Her health is so poor. 4. Life in the Highlands is so lonely. 5. The weather in Russia is becoming so changeable. 6. You shouldn't make such silly jokes. 7. It's such nasty weather today! 8. She spends a lot of money on such expensive books. 9. They have always so such happy to­gether. 10. My baby brother is such a little dear.


1) reasons

2) crowns

3) reminds

4) character

5) politics

6) owns

7) residence

8) classical

9) reigns

10) touched

11) tragedy

12) official



1) Prince Henry is Lady Diana's younger son.

2) Princess Anne is the Queen Mother's granddaughter.

3) Princess Margaret is the Queen Mother's daughter.

4) The Queen is Princess Anne's mother.

5) Prince William is Prince Philip's grandson.

6) The Queen is Princess Margaret's sister.


7) Prince Henry is Princess Beatrice's cousin.

8) Prince Andrew is Prince Edward's brother. b)

1) There are 17 members in the Windsor family.

2) No, not all of them are married.

3) The Queen has got six children.

4) The queen is married to prince Philip.

5) She has a sister, Princess Margaret.

6) Prince Charles is the Queen's eldest child.

7) Prince Edward is the Queen's youngest child.

8) Prince Charles and Lady Diana are their parents.

9) Prince Charles can be the next monarch after Queen Eliza­beth.


1. What a beautiful procession! The people are so happy, their clothes are so bright. 2. How beautiful this world is! 3. My elder brother is so clever and kind! 4. What wonderful weather is today! The sky is so blue! And the sun is so warm! 5. How boring this film is, it is so long. I don't like such films. 6. What a wide avenue and how green it is!

1. What palace is the official residence of the Queen? 2. Where does the London Zoo situated? 3. Who ruled England at the end of the XVI century? 4. Why was King Henrih VIII one of the important monarchs of Britain? 5. Whose government was the longest in the history of England? 6. When was the Spanish Armada defeated? 7. What museum in London is connected with the names of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert? 8. When did Queen Elizabeth II come to the throne? 9. What places in London remind us of the Royal Family? 10. Queen Elizabeth II is a granddaughter of Queen Victoria, isn't it?


1) Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen.

2) Regent's Park is the home of London Zoo.

3) King Henry VIII ruled England at the end of the XVI cen­tury.

4) Because under him Britain became independent of the Ro­man Catholic Church, it got richer and more powerful.


5) Queen Victoria government was the longest in the history of England.

6) During Queen Elizabeth's reign the Spanish Armada was de­feated.

7) The Victoria and Albert Museum (V& A) in London is con­nected with the names of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.

8) Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne in 1952.

9) There are many places in London reminding us of the royal family. There are royal palaces, royal parks, roads and streets where beautiful ceremonies are held. The most important building is Buckingham palace.

10) Yes it is, queen Elizabeth II is a granddaughter of Queen Victoria.

Lesson 10


1) public

2) throne

3) empire

4) avenue

5) control

6) classical

7) politics

8) tragedy

9) monarch


How long her reign was!

What an exciting trip it will be!

It is such a silly thing to destroy the world!

It is so old!

They are so brave and desperate!

No wonder they are such beantiful areas!

How vivid it is!

What an awful fact it is!


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