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The Action 1 страница

They watched the sun come up, neither of them wasting time sleeping. Outside it was another gray cold day, and Annie felt it matched the bleakness in her heart. For the longest time after they had finished making love, Annie's hands had moved slowly and relentlessly over Bebo's body as if trying to memorize every inch. Now the blonde laid quietly over her and listened to the beating of Bebo's heart.

The princess' head was also turned towards the window and she could feel the dropping of each of Annie's tears on her chest. Their time had come to an end for now, but she felt confident they would have years ahead of them. No greater power she thought would be so cruel as to give her a glimpse of this kind of happiness only to tear it away by death.

" Before I came here I asked both my mothers when they knew they had found the person they knew they would spend their life with, " started Bebo in a soft voice. She combed through Annie's hair with her fingers trying to make her feel better. " It amazed me how two stories of the same subject could be so different."

" How so, honey? " Annie lifted her head and rested it on Bebo's chest so she could look at her face as she told the story.

" My mother Audrey is a bit more flowery than my mother Boden, so there was a little more detail in her story about the way the sky looked and the birds were chirping, you know, that sort of thing. For the warrior's part, she saw and zeroed in on the girl. When I heard them, I thought mom hadn't bothered to remember the rest and only chose to remember the outcome in typical fighter style. It didn't seem a very good way to commemorate such an important event in your life."

Annie felt her body rise and drop as Bebo took a deep breath. " Some people just have a hard time expressing their feelings, it doesn't mean they feel any less."

" I know that now, and that's why I'm telling you all this. It just made me think of what I'll tell our children when they ask me the same questions years from now."

A smile spread over Annie's face at the thought of a family together, but it also made her start crying again at the thought of never having the chance to fulfill that dream. " What do you think your answer will be? "

" I won't be able to tell them about the room or what was in it aside from Larissa, but like mom, I'll be able to describe everything about you down to the color of lipstick you were wearing. The head priestess of Artemis' temple told me of a vision before I left, which foretold of me finding my path. You are my path, my love, and I pray for a long journey full of love and enjoyment." She pulled Annie up gently so she could kiss her and hold her closer. " Could I interest you in the same trip? "

" You fell in love with me that first day? "

" It was more like I was struck dumb that first day. After our first long talk together, that's when I knew."

Annie lowered her head for another kiss before going back to their talk. " When you get back I'll tell you my side of that story."

" You mean you don't know and have to think about it? " Bebo rolled them over and hovered slightly over her to tease with more than words.

" I know exactly what I'm going to say, goofy, I'm just giving you extra incentive to come back to me." She pulled the solid body down until she was bearing most of Bebo's weight. " It's time isn't it? "

" We have a few minutes." Bebo pushed up a little and ran her hand down the side of Annie's body. " Would it be too much to ask to let me love you again? "

Like she had before, Annie took hold of Bebo's hand and moved it until it came to rest between her legs. " I told you, I belong to you. That means you can do with me as you please."

" No, Annie, we belong to each other and I'd never take your feelings for granted. I desire you just as much as I love you, but I'd never force you to do something you aren't in the mood for."

She moved her hips upward until her center came in contact with Bebo's fingers. " Does it feel like you're forcing me to do something I'm not in the mood for? " When Bebo's fingers parted and squeezed the rapidly hardening bundle, Annie thought she would come on the spot. " What I meant was, it's only been one night but I already crave your touch." She groaned as the pinch got harder as if Bebo were trying to squeeze more pleasure out of her. " Please, baby, go inside."

As slowly as she could, Bebo let two fingers enter Annie's warm wet center, and in return she felt a leg lift and press against her own. The blonde's nails dragged up her back as they started to rock together building the excitement between them. It didn't take much before they both went over the edge together.

" I'm beginning to think there's something wrong with me, " said Annie as she looked up at the ceiling trying to catch her breath.

" Is there something I'm not doing right? " Bebo put her hands on the bed and pushed up until she was completely off of Annie.

" If you do anything more right, I may drop dead from pleasure. No, I'm just not usually this ravenous, " she looked away and could feel the blush run up from her chest. " Sexually I mean."

" I feel honored then to have awakened your appetites." Bebo stood up and offered her hand to Annie. " Want to take a shower with me? "

" At this point I want to do everything with you. I'm just trying to figure out how I can sneak into your pack or your back pocket so I don't have to let you go."

With ease Bebo picked her up and carried Annie into the bathroom. " You never have to let me go, love, just do without me for short periods of time."

The water felt good as it ran down her back, but the sight before her was even better. Annie gave into a whim and bit down on Bebo's nipple since it was so close. " If you think this is going to be a regular occurrence, you're crazy, highness, " she mumbled around the bit of flesh in her teeth.

" What showering together? " Bebo hissed.

" You leaving me behind to worry about you." She said it then wrapped her lips around where her teeth had been. " After this trip I'm planning on never letting you out of my sight."

" You keep this up and I'll rule from the telephone and through email since I'll never want to put on clothing." The threat only made Annie laugh and add her hands to her caresses. It was lucky for both of them the house had a good supply of hot water.


" The plane's ready and waiting, " Bear said when the two finally emerged from the bedroom. One more scream coming from inside and she was sure Bebo wouldn't be able to climb an anthill much less trees.

" We'll land in Jacolla and chopper in from there to a spot near where the unit was last heard from, " added Steph.

Bebo was paying attention as they walked to the dining room, but it was hard to ignore the way Annie was looking at her. " Sounds good. Could you all go on down without us? I need to speak to Miss Paddio alone for a minute." She waited until they were alone before saying anything. " If you keep looking at me like that, I'll never get out of here."

" Promise? " Moving closer Annie looped her fingers into Bebo's belt. " Okay I'll try to be good but it's going to be impossible with you wearing these pants." The whole Amazon Unit had donned combat fatigues with dark green t-shirts."

" I promise to take them off as soon as I get back if you don't like them, " teased Bebo.

" I never said I didn't like them, honey, but I do look forward to taking them off you when you get home."

Breakfast was a boisterous affair easing a little of the tension that had built up in Annie. She had over the weeks gotten to know the people who protected her future spouse and it helped somewhat to know these were the women who would be going with Bebo. From their conversations Annie could see that they were proud to serve, but it was more than a job. All of them also loved Bebo.

Sitting at Bebo's right, Annie reached over as the dishes where being cleared and placed her hand over the larger one. The move brought her bracelet into view and all talk ceased.

" I still have to speak with Miss Paddio's parents, but she has agreed to join with me, " explained Bebo to her friends. She raised Annie's hand to her lips and kissed it. " Amazonia will have a new princess soon."

All five women pulled their chairs away from the table and stood. As the senior, Bear spoke for all of them as they bowed in Annie's direction. " Highness, it will be as great an honor and privilege to serve you as it has Princess Bebo."

" Thank you, but it's just Annie."

" No, my love, you will never again be just Annie, " said Bebo. " But then that isn't something to fear.

" I've got a lot to learn, so don't take too long out there."

Reggie arrived as they were leaving and Bebo got a kiss from Annie for her thoughtfulness. Driving back alone from the base after dropping off the unit wasn't something Annie had been looking forward to. Before they were ready the plane engines started and the ground crew signaled they were ready to take off.

" Keep an eye on her until I get back, " Bebo said into Reggie's ear.

" You just worry about coming back, with daddy if you can."

The tall woman nodded then looked to Annie. She had no words or wisdom to share that would make this easier to bear, and even if she did, she was too choked up to say anything. The others tried to look away, but it was a special sight seeing the two young women sharing a long kiss.

" I love you, Annie."

" I love you too, now please promise me again. I need to hear you say it."

" A couple of weeks tops, then I'll be back. Count on it." Bebo kissed her one last time. " You stay strong and be safe."

From the door of the plane Bebo stopped and looked back. She raised her hand in the same signal she had shown her mothers the night before. Annie returned it now that she knew what I meant. It was just one of the many 'I love yous' she hoped to get from Bebo in a lifetime.

In what seemed like a split second later the plane roared over them and disappeared into the thick cloud cover. Bebo never saw Annie sobbing on her sister's shoulder. The die was cast and with it Bebo would shed light on hidden truths as she moved further away from Annie and deeper into the jungle.


" This is rather sudden, isn't it? " Reggie held up Annie's wrist in the car, having some idea of what the new and unique bracelet meant. " I mean a few months ago you were looking through bride magazines looking for the perfect cake for the day you married the extreme asshole."

" Do you have a problem with this because you were interested yourself or is it you just want to kick me when I'm down? " As drained as she was, Annie pulled free of the hold not wanting to pick a fight.

" She's gorgeous in a butch, 'I have the world by the ass sort of way', but no, that's not why I'm asking. You've lived your life a certain way from the time you could process thought, Annie, so forgive me if I'm a little confused. You've been after all the one who's tried to convince me to pick a more conventional life whenever you got the opportunity." She reached for her sister's hand again only this time it was to pull it into her lap and hold it. " What happened to change your mind? "

" It was a combination of things really, but the main thing, or I should say person, was Bebo. I guess when I dreamed of the person I'd live my life with, it was always a vague picture as far as looks but not when it came to what they would be like. We had a hard time reconciling what daddy does with our life choices, but I always admired him for the life he picked to live. He goes where he's needed and he fights the battles most other people don't have the courage to fight. Because he does, I know we have the freedom to complain about anything we want even if it's the Army we're bitching about. But that's all he centered his life around." The car crossed the bridge back into the city and Annie stared out the window as they moved through traffic.

" It's okay, you can finish. For the record though, I feel the same way you do about him, it's just the way he treats the people he supposedly loves that I had a problem with."

" I wanted someone with the same principles of service and self he has, but one who could see me as a person not an obligation he had to fulfill as part of what makes him a man and a soldier. Did you ever get the impression mom was just a prop for him? "

Reggie swiped at the tears filling her eyes from the pain she just knew her mother lived with. " She is a prop, but I have to think he loves her in his own way. Otherwise I just drive myself insane thinking about it I get so angry. Enough about them though, we were talking about you."

" I saw Bebo that first morning she arrived in the States, and she made me hungry, and I didn't even know I was starving. She's like a fictitious character from a book but you just know everything about her is genuine. For the first time I saw someone not as a gender I wasn't supposed to be interested in but as the person I couldn't live without. The first couple of times I was just trying to figure out what was going on in my head, then one afternoon I sat on a bunch of pillows as she fed me sushi and I just loved her." Annie turned from the window and laughed. " Insane huh? "

" More like romantic as hell." The young blonde laughed along with her. " Wait, you ate sushi? It must be love. So you're ready to pick up and move to an island full of women? "

" After last night, I'd be willing to move to a cardboard box in Times Square if it meant I get to be with Bebo and wake up in her arms every morning. I can see now what you've been harping about all these years."

Like she did when they were kids, Reggie bumped shoulders with her and said, " Told ya." She wanted to laugh, but Annie looked at Reggie and her lip started to quiver. " It's okay, Annie. I promise we'll get through this together." Reggie put her arms around her and held her until they arrived back at the embassy.

" Reed, could you wait and bring us back home? I just have to run up and get my things, " said Annie.

" Lady Paddio, her highness would find it comforting if you stayed in residence until she returned. I understand your status has changed within the Nation and until Princess Bebo can arrange for a royal guard detail, she thought you would be more comfortable staying here."

" I'd feel more comfortable with my sister, but thank you."

" The room across the hall from yours has been set up for Lady Reggie if she's also agreeable to staying. Please allow us to take care of you until the princess returns. I know I'd be more comfortable keeping watch inside here than on the street in Arlington." Reed leaned in from the door and smiled. Either way it went they would have to post guards.

" Are you sure you all wouldn't mind? "

" Trust me, miss, it would be our pleasure."

" Reggie? " Annie asked her sister.

" Do you have a cook on staff? " she directed the question to the driver.

" And a masseuse." Annie laughed as her arm was almost yanked off by a fast moving Reggie getting out of the car.

" Should I go ahead and fill out the change of address cards now after she discovers the heated pool? " Reed asked Annie in a joking tone.

" I hope you meant it when you said you didn't mind, cause you may never get rid of her now, " Annie teased back.

" If you continue to cause the kind of smiles I've seen on the princess' face I'll hand feed her myself."

" Then that won't be a problem at all."


The plane's crew stayed out of the passenger compartment not wanting to disturb the six sleeping women. They had been in the air for twelve hours and were getting close to their first stop. After refueling they had another six hours before reaching the rendezvous where they would leave their passengers with the sailors of the U.S.S. Lincoln.

" Did you get a load of that tall one? " The pilot looked over at his crew and wiggled his eyebrows. " The next time I go out drinking and am in danger of crossing any dark alleys I want to take her with me for backup. She's a looker, but she also looks like she'd beat the shit of you for trying anything remotely funny."

The airstrip came into sight silencing all conversation except with the tower. When the tires hit the tarmac Bebo's eyes opened but she didn't move. She'd been sleeping for at least ten hours of the flight and felt like she could sleep the other six they had left. Once they were on the ground she wanted to move as quickly as possible and cover some ground to take advantage of the cover of darkness.

Her mind drifted to Annie and how upset she had looked as they had driven to the base. It was an overwhelming feeling to have someone suddenly become the center of her world. She knew the proposal had not been too rushed, but there was still a lot they had to learn about each other and Bebo was looking forward to the process.

" She seems like a lovely girl, " said Bear from her spot next to her.

" That was really lame, oh wise one." Bebo decided to get up and move around. As tired as she felt, it wasn't good to be sitting in one spot for so long. " I'll tell you all about her as soon as we get back."

" It's good to know you can still mentally function with things other than love taking precedence, highness. I was starting to get a little concerned this morning in the hallway."

" I want to get my mind off of love at the moment so I can live to experience more of being on the receiving end of Annie's looks."

One of the crew came back with drinks and snacks in tow. " Thought you could use a little something, though you might want to take a seat to enjoy it, we're about ready to go again. Is there anything else I can get you all? "

" No thank you, sergeant. Tell the captain thanks for the smooth ride so far." Bebo cracked open the soda can and took a long swig. The landscape outside was already vastly different than their starting point.

Bebo closed her eyes again and listened to the soft murmurs coming from the others with her as they spoke of home and the people they were starting to miss. Adventure always sounded good until the reality of leaving people behind set in and you learned that no unknown discovery was more important than those you loved.

As she drifted back to the land of dreams another plane landed well to their west carrying with it its own set of surprises. Neither Bebo nor Annie had any idea the avalanche of emotions their finding each other was about to set off.


" Lady Paddio, may I come in? " The maid Sandra stood outside Bebo's bedroom and waited for an answer to the tap she'd given the door.

" Hey, what can I do for you? " Annie walked back to the bag open on the bed and continued her unpacking. After a nap she and Reggie had been driven home to collect some clothing for their stay. The ever-efficient Sandra had rearranged Bebo's closet in their absence to make sure Annie felt at home.

" Miss, you might want to change into something more appropriate and come downstairs as soon as possible."

She looked down at her jeans and sweater from the night before and wondered what was wrong with it. " What, did Reggie request a formal dinner or something? " Annie laughed and headed for the closet. " Please ignore her if she gets to be too much. If you're too nice it might just go to her head."

" Annie, you might want to look out the window before you make any more disparaging comments about me." Reggie walked in and put her hands on her hips. Little flags on the front of limos in Washington usually meant somebody important was sitting in back. " Me thinks we have company, and whoever it is has the house in a tizzy."

" We do, and at last check, she owns the house, " said Sandra as she turned and left the room.

" Guess who's coming to dinner, highness? Come on, I want to go down and meet your future in-laws, " joked Reggie.

" Wait, Sandra said I should change." As much as she was missing Bebo and worried about when she'd be back, Annie had a few murderous thoughts run through her head over the fact the princess didn't mention any impending royal visit.

" Whatever for? " The deep voice from the doorway made them both freeze. It was lightly teasing and it reminded Annie of Bebo's. When she looked up, Annie was amazed by how much the woman and her lover looked alike. If this was what Bebo was going to look like in about twenty-five years, Annie figured she'd be one big ball of want for some time to come. " Audrey owns more than one pair of jeans herself, and I see my daughter will have the same problem I do with keeping small blondes out of her clothes." The Amazon Consort pointed to the sweater she recognized and arched a dark brow.

The blush that colored Annie's cheeks made Boden laugh, only to be cut short by a slap to her middle. " Forgive my wife, Annie, " said Audrey as she entered and stopped before the Paddio sisters. " May I call you Annie? "

" Your highness, I'm so honored to meet you both." Annie and Reggie bowed and waited to be addressed.

" Well technically you haven't. Met us, I mean, " said Boden. " Please, Annie, we'll be family before too long if the goddess is willing, so look up and relax. I am Boden and this is my wife, Audrey." She held out her hand and was pleasantly surprised by the solid grip Annie returned.

" This is my sister Regina, and I'm Annie as you guessed. What are you both doing here? What I mean is, Bebo never said anything about it, we could've met you at the airport or something." Reggie hid her smile at Annie's rambling. Ever since they'd been children extreme conditions brought out the nervous habit in the otherwise confident blonde.

" Calm down and take a breath, little one, before we have to peel you off the carpet, " Boden put one arm around Annie and the other around Audrey. " Let's go down and have a drink in the garden, and you can tell us about what's going on. We didn't mean to surprise you but Audrey couldn't sit at home another minute worrying, so we came here so she'd have someone to worry with."

" There are a couple of other reasons for our visit, so don't let the tall one lead you astray." Audrey remarked as they walked together down the stairs where the staff had set out some trays with Audrey's favorite snacks.

" It doesn't have to do with Bebo and I getting together does it? If you have any reservations, I can assure you I love your daughter."

" Nothing like that, but I'm glad to know Bebo has found someone so quick and willing to pledge herself to her. I just thought that these coming weeks would be difficult for all of us, but I also feel that the real battles will ensue once she returns." Audrey poured a glass of wine for everyone having sent the servants away. " I don't mean to scare you but I think that you must be prepared to fight for the things you want, and for how you want to live your life. Before we talk of such things though, I want you to promise me something."

" Anything, highness."

" Please call me Audrey, those titles have a way of working your nerves when they're used too much by the people in your own family." She handed a glass to each sister and smiled at Annie. " I want you to promise me that you'll always listen and try not to let your emotions impair your ability to understand."

Reggie almost snorted the burgundy out of her nose. " She can promise to try, but you'll find Annie sometimes has a temper that's hard to deal with." She ignored the glare being sent her way. Watching the older couple made it easy to imagine Bebo and Annie years from now. " She's more of a shoot first and ask questions later kind of gal if the issue's important enough to her."

" Then you should fit in with our family just fine, " said Boden. She smiled at the young women as she nodded to Kip over their heads. " Love, your guest is here. Go on and I'll keep Annie and Reggie company with some stories of our sprout in her earlier years."

" I'll ask you girls to excuse me, but before I go I'd like to ask you, Reggie, if you'd be willing to make the same promise to me? You aren't bound by any law or other such thing, but I'll ask you just the same." Audrey looked at her for any type of reaction, thinking that the younger of the Paddio's was the hardest to read.

" Can I inquire as to why you'd ask either of us that? "

" You can, but I may choose not to answer. At this particular time, I choose just that. Would it be satisfying enough to say that it'll make perfect sense in a little while why I asked it? Life can sometimes surprise us with things that would have never crossed our minds to even imagine. There are reasons for such things, but if you let your anger overrule any explanation you'll never be ready to hear the truth, and sometimes others won't be willing to share with you again because of that anger."

" That makes sense I guess, " said Reggie.

" Then can I get you to promise me the same thing you sister is willing to give me? "

" Sure, but I can tell you nothing ever surprises me."

Audrey just smiled and nodded her head as if making a mental note of Reggie's response. " Try to not embarrass Bebo too much, warrior, with the stories you pick. Just remember that she has the ability and capability to give you a black eye if she really wants to."

The sisters looked on as Audrey dropped a kiss on Boden's lips before she walked off. From the time of their arrival not too much time passed before one of them reached out for the other. It was an interesting thing to watch two people so in love, having grown up in a family where physical acts of affections seldom took place.

The woman was sitting facing the desk in the study when Audrey walked in and closed the door behind her. It had been years since they'd seen each other but the queen found that time had done little to dim the beauty that had broken more than one heart in her younger years.

When she heard the click, Doris jumped up and turned around. " Queen Audrey, it's so good to see you again."

" Dothan, has all this time weakened our friendship? " Audrey stepped forward and opened her arms and Doris gladly accepted the embrace. " All these years and you still look the same."

" Hardly, but thank you for trying to humor a middle-aged woman. I've been sitting here thinking of the memories tied up in this house. Gods, it seems like a lifetime ago I walked out the front door for the last time, " she sat in the chair Audrey led her to. " At least I thought it was the last time. I should've believed when they told me in the temple my life would find a way to return to where I began. Now that it has though, how am I going to explain lying to them all these years? "

" Not telling the whole truth isn't exactly lying, but that's why I came. Had I known the girl Bebo's been pining for all this time was your Annie, I would've come sooner. You have to know I'd never turn my back on you, and neither would Bo." Audrey sat on the arm of the chair and put her hand on Doris' shoulder.

" Even if it was me who turned my back on you? " The blonde looked up at her and gave her a watery look. " Don't try to justify my actions, Audrey, we both know I'm right. My only excuse is that I loved him enough to sacrifice my family for the sake of having a family. I look at my girls and I've never thought it was a complete mistake. Perhaps feeling that profound happiness was also my curse for never being able to give Patrick what he really wanted - a son."

" Children aren't a matter of want as far as who they are and what gender they turn out to be, they are a matter of acceptance. I've only had a few minutes with your daughters but I can see you've done a wonderful job. If you hadn't, they wouldn't be such wonderful adults. Have you met our Bebo yet? "

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