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The Beginning 2 страница

" The princess is conflicted about the future, Em, so we will do our best to ease her mind. Take her silent shadows for a walk so I can talk to her."

" Are you packed? "

Bebo put her hands down and cracked open an eye. With Emelda's arrival, meditation time was over. " According to you and my mother, all I need to bring is my wits."

" And your sharp tongue won't hurt either. Come and walk with me, highness, I wish to tell you a story."

The temple was surrounded by one of the most beautiful gardens found in the world. Every citizen pledged time here throughout the year to keep it in pristine condition. Beyond the flowered and manicured trails was the aqua water of the Aegean. It was along the white beach that the old woman wanted to walk.

" This is a story told for generations because it is worth the telling, " she began. " The Amazons had lived in secrecy for awhile, feeding the rumors and myths that surrounded their existence, when the mask was claimed by someone very different from those who had worn it before. A bard who used words rather than her fists, and who tried to reach out to the world she lived in rather than hide in the trees. Beside her, throughout her life, stood a warrior who loved her and kept her whole so that her message could have an opportunity to grow in the hearts of the women she led. They both died with the tribe after a long and prosperous rule, but for years the bard would leave the leadership of everyday life to others while she and the warrior wandered the countryside fighting for the greater good."

" Grandmother, I've heard this a million times already, " whined Bebo. A slap to the back of her head kept her from doing it again.

" The warrior, with time, came to believe in the ways of peace and chose only to lift her sword to defend the defenseless, or at the command of her wife. It is from her that our tradition of going when called comes, though history has been rather inaccurate when giving credit. But no matter, that's why the bard is so important to the story. She is just as important as the deeds of her warrior. The world may not have acknowledged her endeavors, but it doesn't mean they won't be remembered. "

" Because she keeps the warrior alive…through her stories, " Bebo looked down the beach and then at Emelda's face. " I never thought of it that way."

" You never had to, sweetheart. Your mother was born the teacher and bard. It was her destiny to claim the mask and to keep our history alive through her words. She's a shining beacon of light who has moved her people forward in her time, but only because she was brave enough to claim that which was hers."

" The warrior who stands at her side."

" Precisely. Your mother understood the balance the first two created and what they brought to those who followed. Like our ancestors your mother is no dictator, but someone who speaks her mind and is confident to do so because she has your other mother's strength at her disposal. In you she has tried to forge the two parts together, but still you have much of Consort Boden's blood running through your veins. You need to leave so you may find your light. The one who'll sing your praises and keep your story alive for your children's children."

The pair stopped at a cove of rock by the water and sat on the sand. " Have you a vision for me then? "

" In history you will find your mate, highness. She's fair like your mother, and like her, finds comfort in words. When you find her though, you'll also find that there is a fork in the road to your ultimate decision."

" What do you mean? "

" Visions are just that, highness, a glimpse of the future, not an exact map. You'll know what the goddess wants you to know when the time comes. There is one thing though, " warned Emelda.

" She belongs to someone else? Or perhaps she won't be able to stand me? "

A white brow went up at the princess' comment. " That's right. I guess the goddess didn't wish to make your journey too easy. Only through proving yourself worthy of her, will you manage to turn her heart to your own."

Bebo interrupted her before the priestess could go on. " Prove myself how? " She scooped up a handful of sand and watched it run through her fingers.

" Do you want me to be honest, or perhaps you want to go and find out for yourself."

" Wisdom tells me to wait…"

" But your instinct tells you otherwise? "

The tall princess threw her head back and laughed. " Are my instincts wrong then? "

" Can I tell you something first? "

" Grandmother, there'll never be a time in our existence that you'll have need to ask me that. You may ask or tell me anything whenever you please."

" I saw you as you slipped out of your mother's womb, just as I witnessed her own birth years before. But with you, Bebo, with you, I wept because I was born too early."

The young woman brushed her hands of sand and took hold of Emelda's. " Why would you do that? "

" I cried for the life some other woman would have at your side. Call it a jealous whim of an old woman, but what I would have given to be the one your eyes would fall upon on the day Aphrodite would make your heart melt."

The smile that had made more than one female in the realm sigh appeared for Emelda. " I would have been damned lucky if it were so."

" You're a charmer like your mother, the gods bless you for humoring an old woman. Now listen." She rested her head on Bebo's shoulder and squeezed her hands. " In your battle you will find two roads. The first is the one you'll take if you think this young woman worthy. But in your case, the choice will be as easy as taking on the whole of the US Army alone. What I mean is that when the time comes, you think that no matter what your choice is it will lead to happiness. One will be easier than the other to make, but that is where the problem will lie."

" I hate to ask again, but what's that mean? You're being as clear as fog here."

" What I mean is that only one path holds true happiness. The other only holds contentment, but comfort is not passion."

Thinking on everything Emelda had said so far, something else stuck out in Bebo's mind. " I thought I had to prove myself worthy of her? Which is it? "

" This is your heart, so what you think of her is just as important as what she thinks of you. Any partnership, especially for the two who will one day rule, is forged on mutual love as well as respect. What this trip will show you is the road to love starts and ends here in Amazonia. Perhaps if we are all lucky you'll return to us that which has been missing for far too long."

" And the other path? "

" The other will have to wait until you return to us. Its path leads to Grazel and its sand dunes. If you return alone, to the desert you go to find your own vision."

Bebo kept her counsel and asked no more questions making Emelda proud of her for not wanting too much information. " Thank you, grandmother."

" One last thing." The priestess released one of Bebo's hands so she could cup her face. " No matter the outcome with this woman, I see great things coming from your journey. Your skills will surpass Boden's and your reign will be chronicled as one of the best in our history."

The dark head lowered in respect to the priestess' observation. " Thank you for saying so. It is a humbling experience to even have the chance to lead my people."

They walked back to the temple in silence where they found the royal guards waiting at the gate with Emery. In a gesture of affection, Bebo brushed her lips against Emelda's softly. " Goodbye, my friend. I'll write to you as often as I can while I'm away."

With one hand on Bebo's forehead and the other over her heart, Emelda's lips moved in silent prayer. " Hurry home and good luck. Remember, Bebo, this is your time to shine."

The walk back toward the palace was more relaxed and the two holy women watched as the princess never looked back. " Will she be gone long? " asked Emery.

" Long enough. She will return to us changed by both battle and love. Let us begin to pray that it's the first path that I spoke to her of that rises to meet her."

" And if it doesn't? "

The hum of bees in the garden and the sound of waves in the background prevailed for a long while making Emery think there was no answer forthcoming. " Then she will return to us still, but will find happiness only in her responsibilities. Her heart though, will find solace in nothing because her true mate will never be replaced."

Emery couldn't help but let tears fall. " That sounds so sad."

" That is at times the will of the gods, child. Our job has always been to follow and not question them. You'll find with age that you can give of yourself and love unconditionally but it doesn't guarantee you the same in return. Sometimes the greatest pain can be done by those who are supposed to love us the most."

" What a shame, " said Emery with a sigh.

" What a shame indeed."


Boden walked her sister Leslie to the war room in the palace; each lost in her own thoughts as they moved down the corridors. The world was a different place after the terrorist attacks of the previous years, and the two soldiers knew things would only get worse before they got better. It was their expertise in small unit warfare that had precipitated the call from the United States government. For the greater good, Audrey would send their best warrior, with just a bit of a heavy heart, to train an elite unit of soldiers until they could master the Amazonian techniques.

Sitting at the conference table were the queen, Bebo's royal guard, and the princess. They all wore their dress uniforms, and the young women stood when Boden and Leslie stepped into the room. The four soldiers placed a fist over their chest in salute to their commanding officers after turning and bowing to the queen.

" Sit, please, " said Leslie. She walked to Audrey and kissed her hand before sitting across from the young women. " The situation as we know it now isn't one of combat, only training. The president has growing problems in Iraq from the first war there, and Iran and some of the other surrounding countries are heating up with the conflict. The recent competition has proven to your mother and I, Bebo, that you are the best person for the job. Granted desert terrain is different from the sacred forest, but you all have trained in Grazel as well. For the coming months you'll work with General Patrick Paddio and his unit of special operations forces."

Boden pulled out a file and placed eleven pictures on the table. " This is the general and his unit of soldiers. Remember you'll work with them but you take orders from no one outside Amazonian authority. From my own experience they'll push you if you give them the opportunity. Do not under any circumstances give them the opportunity."

" What my sister means, Bebo, is that there'll be one in these faces, " Leslie pointed to the pictures on the table, " Who'll try to show his or her fellow soldiers that we as a people are overrated. A woman who lives on an island of only women is somehow a freak who needs to be taught a lesson. Soldiers having to take orders from you will be a different breed of people than those you have encountered on your travel thus far. The Cobra Special Ops Unit is one of their best, and so are the egos that come along with that, I would imagine."

" There is one other thing, love, " interrupted the queen.

" I don't know if I could stand it, this sounds so good so far, " teased Bebo.

" With you, are going quite a few treasures from the archives. The national gallery in Washington asked for an exhibition and I granted Erica permission to put together a good cross section of things to show the world the wonders of our lives and history. Just enough to keep them guessing, but I would like you to see that our generosity is being treated with respect. If one piece comes back full of sticky fingers I may never hear the end of it."

" As you wish, mama."

" It'll be in Washington for awhile then travel south with you to New Orleans later when you move to the field part of your training." The queen stood to let Boden finish her section of Bebo's briefing, prompting everyone to their feet until she left the room.

The meeting lasted four hours and when it was done, Bebo had an idea of how long this would take. Maneuvers of combat indoors until the unit got the basics of them down and then to the swamps of Louisiana to put the ideas into motion. The forests of the swamps were different than she and the guards were used to, but it was similar to some hotspots around the world into which the American forces could be called. From the easy part, considering there were places to hide in trees, to the desert section of their training would take at least four months if the unit learned fast.

In the time of Consort Laine's service, the states were at war in the jungles and her advice during training and combat weren't heeded. One of Boden's saddest days was standing at the wall of the Vietnam memorial with her mother-in-law and seeing the overwhelming number of names lost in that conflict. The one thing Boden prayed for more than anything was that nothing of the same sort haunted Bebo's memories for years to come.

" Do you have any questions? " asked Bo of her daughter.

" What, I'm not allowed to call you once I board the plane? "

" You call me whenever you want, I just need to know if you have any questions now."

" If you go over this again my eyes will gloss over, mom, I think we got it." Bebo stood and stretched. " Let's go find mama before she thinks you're in here telling me where all the good bars are."

" You mean you don't want to know? " asked Leslie.

" Some things are better researched on your own, my dear aunt. All those investments in computers my mother made years ago are good for more than one thing, and the Internet is a wondrous place." The others laughed at Bebo's teasing.

" And this is no time to share with your mother all the talks we've had on this subject over the years, " warned Bo. " You have fun, but remember, you're there representing your queen. Not to mention my wife, and I have a feeling if you go over there and leave a wake of broken hearts, I'll be to blame some how."

They retired to a private dining area to share a last meal together as a family before Bebo left the next morning. There was much story telling and laughing as they ate and drank some of the wine bottled on the island the year of Bebo's birth. One by one their friends went to bed until only Bebo and Audrey were left.

" Mama, can I ask you something before I go? "

" If it's where to go to find women, sweetheart, ask your mother. She never left me alone when we went to fulfill my duty, but those guards of hers had stories that could curl even our hair."

Bebo laughed and relaxed back into the pillows they were lying on. " I think I have that one covered but thanks for the advice. What I want to know is how did you know mom was the one who held your heart? "

" Of all the questions you could ask me that's the hardest and easiest to answer." Audrey pulled on Bebo's sleeve to get the young woman to put her head in her lap. " The year I turned nineteen, my mother Laine took me with her on a trip to the forest to visit with the regent of the area at the time. The competition for the year was just over and the next class of recruits were starting their training. While your grandmother Laine met with the trainers I sat under one of the great trees reading a scroll. Not an hour had passed when an arrow came from somewhere above me and embedded itself just above my head."

" Did mom ever forgive Bear that infraction? "

" That's never discussed when I'm around, but I think bad weather is not Bear's friend after the broken arm your mother treated her to that afternoon. But that's not why I'm telling you this story, " Audrey pulled gently on a lock of Bebo's hair. " When I looked up from my book and saw her standing there with a bow strapped to her back I almost fainted just form the overwhelming sight of her."

" Was it then? "

" Maybe this isn't something you want to hear, but no, it wasn't then. Instant lust is a little different than falling in love at first sight. Like you, your mother was as impressive sight when dressed for combat, she still is to me. It was when she dropped to her knees and took hold of my hands to ask if I was all right, that's when it happened. Her voice wove itself into my brain and into my heart, and all I could do was listen and nod."

" Have you ever heard her tell this story? "

" No, she always tells me I'm the storyteller in the family."

" One night you should ask her to recount the day for you."

" I'll have to do that, but to answer your question, it was then that I started to fall in love with her, but with time I knew my instincts were right. Our patron goddess is Artemis, but I feel that her sister Aphrodite is also always looking out for us. The outside world may not understand us, but as long as we respect what a precious thing we have in our families, then it is more than we need to be happy. Why all the interest in love? "

" No reason, mama, maybe I just wanted you to tell me a story before I go." She felt another tug to her hair and Bebo knew she wasn't fooling her mother. " Emelda thinks I will find my mate on this trip. If I do, I want to know if there's something I'm supposed to look for that shows me she's the one."

" Only this will tell you, " Audrey placed her hand over Bebo's heart. " If you're lucky other parts of your anatomy will soon follow and the picture will be complete."

" And the realm thinks mom's the crude one between the two of you, " teased Bebo.

Audrey laughed and leaned down to place a kiss on her daughter's forehead. " I hope that Emelda is right. I can only imagine Bo with a grandchild to spoil. It's a wonder you ever learned how to walk, she carried you around everywhere."

" Let's not get ahead of ourselves, mama. The vision wasn't clear and it might not happen at all."

" This face, " Audrey pinched the cheeks between her hands together, " Will get the girl to be curious. When you spend time with her, she will be lost just as I was in the eyes of a warrior. That is if she's a smart woman."

" Thank you, mama. Mom may officially be your champion but you have always been mine."

" And you remain my greatest treasure. Have fun and you come back to me in one piece. Do you promise? "

" I promise."


" What do you think this is? A sex toy perhaps? " Terry Olsen held up a piece of the exhibit Audrey had commissioned and showed it to her two fellow employees and friends. Eris laughed but Annie stepped over and took the weapon out of her hands and put it in the case designated for its display. " Lighten up will you, Annie, I was just having a little fun."

" You do realize this is the first time in history that any Amazonian queen has allowed this stuff out of their national archive, so forgive me if I don't feel like fooling around."

The two assistant curators looked at their friend and shook their heads. Annie Paddio loved being able to handle history even though she may not agree with the people it pertained to. The Amazons were no different, and Annie was no less enthralled. An island full of women wasn't something any of them understood, but that wasn't their job. Their jobs were to lead people of all ages through the museum and try and teach them a little something about what they were looking at.

" Do you think you'll get all this information down in time for the opening? " Eris asked her two companions.

" Considering Queen Audrey wanted the first people through here to be grade school children what does it matter if we don't have the total package down yet. No one knows much about these women, so who's going to contradict you if you get something wrong? " Terry moved to the next box and placed the sculpture of a young woman in the glass case above it.

The blonde directing some of the men working with them for the larger pieces shook her head and counted silently to ten. Terry and Eris had been her friends since they had been in the third grade, and through the years they had attended different schools around the world together as their fathers were transferred with the service. It didn't mean though that the tall redheaded Terry couldn't be a huge pain in the ass.

" Over there, Stan, and be careful. Some of this stuff is made of wood and I don't think they would do well hitting the marble floor in here. For the most part though, I think we're done. Once all this is in its proper place we can call Mr. Baxter down for a final walk through, and then call the cleaning crew, " directed Annie.

" What do you really think about all this stuff, Miss Annie? " asked Stan. " I don't know who did all the carving but it's the best I've ever seen come through here. Look at this one's features, " he pointed to a statue of Aphrodite made from a piece of olive wood. " It looks like she could come alive and talk to you."

" That one's good, but this one is my favorite." Annie walked him to the center of the room where a velvet rope stood as protection for the marble figure behind it.

It must have taken the craftsman who made it a lifetime to complete it the statue had so much detail. The subject was a warrior dressed in full regalia as if heading out to war. On her face was a mask of stone feathers, much like the feathers braided into her hair. Into her boots were tucked what looked to be knives, on her back was strapped a sword and in her hand was a bow and the frozen figure was in the process of nocking an arrow.

" How scared the enemy facing hundreds of these women must have been when they got their first look. My father told me that in small fights, the Amazons have never been beaten they know the art of war so well."

" Yeah well, she's never met the unit he commands now, baby, " said the masculine voice behind her.

Hearing Captain Titus Walker, Stan touched his fingers to his head and bid Annie good night. The cocky military man wasn't his favorite person and the construction worker was having a hard time picturing the sweet young woman he worked with married to him eventually. " Good night, Miss Annie, I'll see you in the morning. I'm anxious to hear you tell me about all this stuff during the tour tomorrow."

" Thanks for all the help, Stan, and please call me just Annie. We've sweat together too much putting all these exhibits together for you to still be so formal with me." She gave the older man a quick hug before giving Titus her attention. " How did you get in here? "

" I've been gone for three weeks, and all you can ask me is how I got in here? " He held his arms out and she met him half way, making him close the gap. " Miss me? "

" Just a little bit. How did it go? " asked Annie after she'd kissed him hello.

" We were in and out, and that's all I can tell you. Your father said he might give me command of the unit the next time out though. He was impressed with my thinking in the field as he calls it."

Annie laughed and pulled on the belt around his coat. " Don't be all impressed with that, honey, he's been telling Reggie and I that for years just when we make it back in one piece from a date." She took his hand and started for her office. " Can you come over tonight, or do you have some debriefing to go to? "

" Actually I'm free and ready to take you out to dinner."

" Sorry, but I have a lot of work to do tonight to get ready for tomorrow. The exhibit is opening and I'm first up in the docent role in the morning."

He opened the door and grabbed her coat off the rack and held it open for her. " We're going out to dinner, Annie, I've already decided. It's not like we ever get to see each other, so we have to take advantage of the situation when we can. Besides when we get married and start moving with my job, you won't have to worry about getting ready for anything except getting pregnant. The general says he wants a grandson since your mother only knew how to make girls."

She wanted to argue, but Titus had just gotten home and if dinner was quick she could finish her reading. Dinner turned out not to be quick when a lot of his unit met them at the restaurant to relive their adventures through their little secret codes. He dropped her off after two and insisted on coming in, and Annie didn't argue again when he wanted to catch up on their physical relationship. After all the beer and stories it didn't take him long to fondle her a little and roll over and start snoring.

The alarm clock was set for five the next morning so she could make a dent in the last chapter of the booklet Queen Audrey had her librarians put together explaining the pieces they'd sent and their history. It was only two and a half hours of sleep but it beat getting none.

" Where are you going? " he said in a rough voice from the bed.

" To work, Titus. Try and get out of here before Reggie gets up. I'm not really in the mood to hear any lectures from my baby sister later if you're drinking milk out of the carton naked again."

" But it's still dark out, " he complained, already heading back to sleep. " Come back to bed and I'll make it worth your while."

" Are you kidding, I'm still reeling from last night, " she said as she picked up her coat and headed out to the living room to get her briefcase. To the man in her bed the comment sounded a little sarcastic.

" You and the crew did a wonderful job, Annie, " said Carl Baxter the head curator as they walked the floor in the quiet of the early morning. " I'm hoping this goes well enough to be rewarded with a trip to the Amazonian archives in their capital. It's never been seen or entered by an outsider, but a man can dream. Queen Audrey, from my telephone conversations with her, seems to be genuinely interested in forging some lines of communications and sharing scholarly interests with people."

Not wanting to fool with it, Annie had pulled her hair into a bun at the base of her neck and it felt strange when she nodded her head. " That would be great. After all they can't blame people for getting the wrong idea of them, or writing inaccurate accounts of their lives if they don't want to share something as precious as books."

" Are you okay with all of this? "

" What do you mean, sir? "

" It's just that I've overheard some of the comments you girls have made during the unpacking and I don't want any trouble if you decide to interject your personal biases into this. The gallery and key people in the government have worked too hard to get to this point only to be shot down by someone who has a problem with Amazonia as a whole." His tone stayed even with no reprimand in it, but it was a clear warning to her. " We've worked together long enough for you to be honest with me."

" Mr. Baxter, I'd hope you know me well enough to know it doesn't matter how I feel about the Amazons as a people, I would never embarrass you or the gallery with any inappropriate comments."

They stopped at the statue of the warrior and they both fell silent to admire the workmanship once again. There was something about this fierce looking warrior that spoke to something in Annie's heart. It was like this unknown woman was not afraid of any outcome. She was unafraid of speaking out in defense of the life she wanted and the way she wanted to live it. Perhaps the tribe of women living on some far off island were happier than most if that's how they faced their days.

" Then you do have something about all this that's bothering you? " asked Baxter, being the first to break the silence.

" Trust me, sir, it's nothing I can't handle. I just don't see how they can be happy living in a society that excludes half the world's population. Not everyone living on Amazonia is gay; it can't be. Does that then mean they force women to live a life that doesn't make them happy? It doesn't make sense to me since they're supposed to stand for a place where women can be free to be whatever they choose." Annie stopped before she really got going and scared Baxter into a sweat. " I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean to go on like that. If you don't mind I have a few things to finish up before we open up."

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