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The Beginning 4 страница

" My sister tells me otherwise, and she insists on calling me Prince Art whenever it's just the two of us." He hugged her again as if to convince himself she was really there with him. " I hear congratulations are in order. Boden must still be walking on clouds that you won the annual competition."

" Mom's like the trees of Argase, they grow older but they seldom change much. Thank the gods she found someone who thinks she's just perfect the way she is, but yes, she's as proud as any parent could be."

" You're smart, kid. You waited until you were taller and faster than she is before you started teasing her."

" I inherited her skill for fighting, but I got the smarts from the Leon side of the family, and I should thank you since you had a lot to do with that part. Are you free for the afternoon? You can come back to the house with us and we can spend the time catching up."

" I'd love nothing better."


The president wasn't in attendance but top officials who worked for him at the Pentagon stood around the room in tuxedos drinking champagne. Secretary of Defense Moines watched the door as he spoke to Patrick Paddio and his wife Doris. It didn't really matter to him that the general wasn't happy with Bebo being there, he was just thrilled Audrey was willing to work with them. If he played it right, there would be soldiers from Amazonia along on some of the more covert operations in years to come.

For the welcome dinner, the White House staff had chosen one of the small dining rooms, but the space was one of the more ornate the stately home possessed. The food was a blend of some American favorites along with a selection of appetizers that would remind Bebo and her party of home.

" Will it be some sort of international incident if one of my guys breaks her nose or something? " asked Patrick.

" Not that you'd encourage that kind of behavior I'm sure, " answered Philip Moines before finishing his whiskey. He detested champagne almost as much as he did stupidity. For the first time since the couple walked up to talk to him, Phil took his eyes off the door and looked at the soldier. " If she and her fellow soldiers could so easily be beaten, general, we wouldn't be here. What you and your unit have to understand is that the wars of today and the future will in no way resemble what we're used to. Princess Bebo holds one of the important keys, as will those who come after her, for us to continue our winning ways. Just for added incentive, how about a little wager? "

" What kind of wager? "

" A friendly bet, if you will. Five hundred bucks says she ends up sending someone to the infirmary before you lay a hand on her. I promised her mother we wanted the princess to give you her all without fear of reprisal. That means the fights will be for real." The Secretary held his hand out knowing Patrick wouldn't back down from the dare.

" Easiest money I've ever made, " said the general with a laugh. Earlier he had seen the fire in Titus' eyes when the Amazons had walked into that meeting. He had a feeling the boy wouldn't let him down.

" We'll just have to wait and see as they say. I know we're early but you and Doris should mingle. This could be a good opportunity to talk some of us bureaucrats out of some funds for your operations. After all, you do have other responsibilities besides the Cobra Unit."

Patrick gave the Secretary a smile then escorted his wife to a corner. " Where are the girls? "

" Annie was running late, but Regina promised they'd be here as soon as they could. Don't worry, dear, " the still attractive blonde put her hand on his arm. " They won't let you down or embarrass you by being fashionably late."

" She should've come with Titus, " the general said referring to his eldest child. " She keeps putting him off and he might just move on. That would be a pity, the boy's a good soldier."

" That isn't always what a girl is looking for, General Paddio."

" Annie knows what's important, Doris. Our job is to set Regina on the right path."

Doris shook her head and rolled her eyes. " Not tonight, you promised."

Outside two cars pulled under the portico slowly. The two women in the sedan wondered who was in the limo behind them. It had been a rushed job to get what they called presentable, but the two blondes looked vastly different from their everyday personas. One of the attendants opened Annie's door and took her hand to help her out of the car. He welcomed her as she smoothed down the dark green, off the shoulder full-length gown she'd chosen. From the passenger side, Reggie went through the same ritual with her maroon strapless dress. Each had forgone wearing a coat figuring they wouldn't be outside for very long.

When they reached the door, Annie was surprised to find Bebo standing there with her hand on the knob. The attendant whose job it was to open the door just stood back looking amused. The princess opened the door and bowed for them to go in.

" Ladies, I'm glad I was on time to provide such a pleasant service, " said Bebo without looking up.

Reggie laughed along with the three women standing behind the chivalrous stranger. They were all wearing dark blue coats with an insignia embossed over the left breast, the difference, the younger blonde noticed, was that the woman at the door had a few other things written under hers. Another big difference was that the woman at the door had a sword in her other hand.

" Thank you, highness, " said Annie, giving the now visibly smiling woman a slight bow of her own.

" It was the least I could do since I had to run off this morning without properly introducing myself. As my mother Boden would say, 'I was raised better than that.' I'm just glad to see I'll have the opportunity to deliver that apology sooner than I thought."

" Highness? " Reggie mouthed the word when they stepped in and had turned their backs on the woman outside. " Oh my God, she's gorgeous." She didn't say anything when Annie gave her a look before facing the door and watched as the coats came off.

" I didn't have the chance to give you my own apology. As a student of history I should never have attempted to make up my own just because I didn't do my homework." She wanted to go on but the sight of Bebo standing there with the dark blue uniform that made her eyes seem brighter just knocked the wind out of her lungs.

The blue wool jacket was held closed by silver buttons with her mother's royal crest embossed on them, whereas those the guards wore signaled their positions as Bebo's personal guardians. On each shoulder a thin silver bar for each year they had completed in warrior training gleamed, and on the front was a symbol for every weapon they had mastered. The white shirts underneath were pressed with a stiff starch and the shoes peeking out of the blue matching trousers were black and shiny enough for the sisters to apply lipstick if they chose to use them as mirrors.

" How about if we pretend this morning never happened? " offered Bebo as she passed the sword to Steph to free up her hands. " I am Bebo of Leon, miss, and I'm glad to make your acquaintance." Bebo offered Annie her hand with a smile.

" Highness, this is my sister, Regina Paddio and I'm Annie."

Bebo shook hands with both of them and turned to retrieve the gift she'd brought. " Could we walk with you? It looks like we're headed to the same place, " said the princess.

" We'd love to, " Reggie jumped in and took Bebo's arm. " This might not turn out to be a boring evening after all."

" I'm glad one of us is confident then, " joked Bebo. " Shall we, Lady Paddio? "

" We shall, highness." Reggie pulled the princess in before Annie could say anything. The Amazon went willingly when she noticed for the second time that day the diamond ring on Annie's left finger. It wasn't their custom to give rings for the purposes of betrothal promises, but she still knew what one meant.

After being announced, Bebo gave Philip the sword Boden had sent him as a gift. When the consort had accompanied Audrey to Washington to provide training and advice, she had met a young man assigned to one of the under Secretaries and they had become friends. Philip graciously accepted the gift and the meaning behind it. It was Bo's way of asking him to look after her child. The only surprise of the evening came when they sat for dinner and Bebo noticed who sat next to Annie and held her hand for most of the night.

Engaged to an asshole, and straight. The gods do have a sense of humor, thought Bebo as she sat back in her chair and sipped her wine. If Emelda was right and this was her destiny it made her tired just thinking about it. There were just certain things in a person's heart and mind that no amount of charm and affection could change. Her luck would run better if it were Regina. At least that blonde was willing to talk to her and looked a little miffed that she wasn't invited to sit at the head table with her parents.

Bebo spent the evening talking with mostly Philip and Arthur. Every so often she would look toward Annie and more than once found the young woman looking back at her. Her date was so busy talking to his buddies he never took note of the more than one blush that had colored Annie's cheeks.

As soon as the servants came to clear away the dessert dishes Bebo folded her napkin and placed it on the table. " Philip, thank you for a lovely evening. We really do appreciate the hospitality."

" Are you leaving us so soon, highness? " asked Philip when she offered him her hand and bid him good night.

" I'd like to take the opportunity to take a walk in your beautiful city before it gets too late. Don't worry, Mr. Moines, I promise not to get into any trouble or stay out too late, " she said with a wink.

" It's amazing you know, how much you look like your mother."

" And to my other mother's bad fortune I act like Boden all too often. Before my time here is done, I'd like to have lunch or dinner with you so you can tell me about the time you spent with her. I feel like I've known you for years my mothers speak so highly of you."

" That would be great. I'll have my assistant set something up."

They walked out together and separated in the foyer. With a wave of his hand, Moines sent an escort to tag along with the princess without asking her. The men would follow far enough behind to give her privacy, but close enough to keep anything from happening to her.

" Excuse me, Titus, I have to go to the ladies room, " said Annie, prying her hand out of his. She used the excuse to be able to talk to Bebo before she left, not knowing when she would have the opportunity again. Without too much thought, she walked out the door and followed the little entourage headed towards the mall.

Bebo walked at a slow pace toward the Lincoln Memorial seeming to be oblivious to the cold wind blowing in their direction. At the steps, the royal guard stayed behind as the princess proceeded up at the same unhurried pace. When she stood in the middle of the Greek temple styled structure, she just stared at the sad looking man sitting in the great chair.

" What do you suppose people think about when they come here and look at him? " The question went unanswered so Bebo turned and lifted an eyebrow to get the woman to say something. Without another word she took off her coat and wrapped it around the shivering Annie.

The gesture warmed the blonde almost as much as the material, still cozy from Bebo's body heat. " How did you know it was me? "

" I heard your teeth chattering from the moment we left."

The historian laughed and looked up at Lincoln to find a good answer to Bebo's question. " I wish I could say they saw something deep, and perhaps some of them do, but for most it's a place to take pictures. What do you see when you look at him? "

" I see another form of the statue I told the story of today, with only one variation aside from the obvious."

It was Annie's turn to lift a brow to go on, only Bebo had turned back to study the president and didn't see her. " Well? "

" Your Abraham Lincoln was a brave warrior in his own way, but unlike Larissa, he sacrificed the many for just the one."

" I've read a lot about him and none of the texts portrayed him as an egotistical man, " she replied a little indignantly. Under the coat she ran her hands up and down her arms trying to get warm.

" Miss Paddio, I think you misunderstood me. It's sometimes easy to sacrifice yourself for the greater good of your people, but think of how difficult it is for a leader to sacrifice the sons, husbands and fathers of so many to preserve the whole of his country. To go to bed each night and realize your orders and actions have sent so many to their deaths in your name and for the cause you think is the most just. President Lincoln sent thousands of his countrymen to their deaths to preserve the United States, that's what I meant. It had nothing to do with him as a man; but then again it had everything to do with what made him a man. He was very deserving to have such a place built in his honor, even if only to take pictures as you say."

" For someone here to further the cause of war, you're an eloquent speaker, highness."

Bebo laughed and it echoed through the empty chamber. " And for a student of history, you are a cynic, Miss Paddio."

" Touché, highness, " said Annie bowing her head.

" Now that we've finished our verbal sparring, I'm hoping, and I believe we're done with apologies - to what do I owe the pleasure of your company? "

" You left without saying goodbye."

" You've walked all this way in the cold dressed like that to tell me I displayed bad manners because I didn't tell you goodbye? " Annie smiled instinctively knowing that Bebo was kidding. " Can I be totally honest with you? "

" I'd like that. After all it's just you and me here, " Annie turned her head to the Doric columns. " The same can't be said for out there."

" A woman with the sense and courage to voice what's oblivious to everyone else, how refreshing." Bebo took a step closer and lowered her voice. " The truth is I'll begin sparring with Capt. Walker soon enough, there was no reason to ruin a good dinner and start tonight. That's why I left without saying goodnight. I try to pick my fights carefully, Miss Paddio. I meant no slight by doing so."

" A woman with the courage to voice the truth of the obvious to everyone else, how refreshing. Army personnel have certain feelings about how the world should treat the women in their lives. I've heard it's started wars over the course of human history, petty jealousies that can turn into major skirmishes. What I've found is that usually people form their own opinions of a situation and it never resembles anything close to the truth…"

Bebo put her hand up and stopped her before she could utter the title of respect again. " Like you said, Annie, it's just you and me here. Just Annie and Bebo." The princess pointed from the blonde to herself.

" Okay. These fights you choose, are they only the ones you think you can win? "

" My mother told me recently I must have the courage to take chances, for it's the only way to know if you could succeed at something. She was trying to bash my head in with a small stick at the time, but I was only trying to return the favor. What I'm trying to say I guess is that, I was raised to think I'd win all the fights I choose to fight or not fight. When I choose not to fight it's because I'm using judgment, not hiding behind fear. It is the most important trait in a good leader."

" Good answer, it's a shame more of the world's leaders don't think along the same lines."

" Now that we've gotten all that bullshit behind us, why are you really here? "

The curator laughed and wondered if all of Amazonia's royalty was this charming as well as blunt. " I wanted to talk to you before you disappear to play war games. That's the best answer I can give you I guess. You could have called me on my little story today, and yet you didn't. It just made me curious about you, and tonight hasn't helped any."

" What, I have something stuck in my teeth or something? "

A small hand made its way out of the warm coat and slapped Bebo in the arm. " No, I just pegged you for the escape to a bar type. This is the last place I figured you'd come."

" You think I'm spoiled and shallow? Then I should've given you Hades for telling that story today."

Annie's small evening bag started ringing and she put up a finger to keep Bebo from going on. " Hey." She listened to the person on the other end as Bebo wandered over to the wall with the Gettysburg address to give her some privacy. " Actually I'm at the Lincoln Memorial so can you come and pick me up? No, I wasn't dragged out by my hair." Her voice stopped and the small laugh from the end of the building made Annie smile. " Thanks, sis, I owe you another one."

" So the world finds a way in after all. It was nice talking to you, Annie, and if you like, I'll walk you to the street."

" I'd like it better if you agree to have lunch with me and tell me some more stories. You don't have to, but I thought it might be nice."

Bebo pulled the coat open just a little and the blonde mistook the action for her wanting it back. " No keep it before you catch something in this weather." The tall woman just wanted to find the hand she'd seen earlier. When she did, Bebo leaned over it and kissed the fingers gently. " I would love nothing better than to see you again."

Annie pulled back in a panic. " I'm not…it's only lunch."

" I'm not going to attack you, calm down. I could say it's just an old Amazon custom when accepting an invitation, the kissing of a woman's hand."

" It is? "

" I said I could've said that, not that it's true."

" Then why did you do it? " Annie felt a small dose of her courage come back when Bebo moved further away from her.

" Because I wanted to. I don't consider myself shallow, but spoiled, there you've got me pegged." Bebo put about four feet between them and started toward the stairs. " Please keep the coat and I'll send one of my guards with you to the street. I'm thinking it'll make you more comfortable if it's not me, and me more comfortable that you're not alone. Good night, Miss Paddio."

" What happened to Annie? "

" The world awaits us out there, my lady." Bebo stopped at the top step and smiled at her. " I see that it provides the gulf between us that makes you the most comfortable, and it will always be there to separate us I'm afraid. I thought we were done with apologies, but I was wrong. I'm sorry for my actions in there, I really didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. It will never happen again."

Annie looked on as Bebo took the steps down at a rate that looked unsafe, her heart torn between anger and sadness. She was angry at herself for acting the way she did and making the princess think she was some prude, and sad that she believed what Bebo had said last. Anyone who spoke with such conviction actually had some and Bebo's honor wouldn't allow anything to happen between them again.

She turned to the statue in the building. " What are my chances here, Abe? " Trying to stay warm, Annie pulled the coat around her tighter, catching the slight aroma of what she assumed was Bebo's perfume. It smelled like the clean scent of rain after a summer shower. " Well, old buddy, you don't have to be that honest about it." The fingers of the hand the princess had kissed were still tingling making Annie feel light despite what had just happened.

Continued in Chapter 2

Comments to: terrali20@yahoo.com


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