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The Beginning 3 страница

" If you really don't feel comfortable, Annie, just be honest with me and I'll assign you to something else. I just thought you'd be as excited about this as I am."

" Thank you for saying that, sir, but I'm sure I'll be fine."

She kicked her shoes off as soon as the door to her office closed and she looked through her bag for the booklet she'd brought home the night before against museum regulation. The booklet was not to leave the building and everyone signed a contract not to copy or share it in any form. Annie had ignored the directive since they would be sharing the booklets content during the tours they would be giving in the coming weeks. Well it's not like I'm going to copy it and start selling it on Ebay. That thought crossed her mind as she leaned back in her chair and propped her feet on the desk.

Whoever had written the information guide had written it in the form of an adventure story. It was like no history book she'd ever read and Annie found that it kept her interest as much as her Nancy Drew novels when she was in school. Each piece Audrey had sent as her ambassadors had a story to tell since they were, to the Amazons, real people, even the goddesses. The warriors commemorated in either wood or stone had lived and done something extraordinary to help further the cause of the Amazons.

It was the knocking on her door that made Annie jump up and knock the booklet from her lap. Her bun had come undone and the last chapter of the material was left unread when she fell asleep despite the interest she had in what it had to say. She walked to the door hunched over from the pain in her back from the uncomfortable chair.

" I figured when your car was gone this morning you could use this, " Terry held a large cup of coffee in her hand and she offered it to Annie. " I also stopped calling you at twelve when Reggie threatened to have me killed if I dialed y'all's number one more time and woke her up. Something about a big test today. And since your father is the head of some black ops group I decided to take heed of her threat." She pushed Annie back in her chair and pulled the hairbrush out of the top drawer. " Late night, honey? "

" You saw him here last night. Titus is about as easy to say no to as my father is. We didn't get in until two and then he wanted to have a little fun."

" TMI, honey. He's handsome as all get out, Annie, but you'd better start speaking up for yourself before you find yourself barefoot and pregnant in Guam or something. If that happens I'll be here all by myself and you're the one who talked me into this career in the first place."

Annie took a sip of her coffee and almost spit it out when Terry started whining. " Did you finish reading all this stuff? "

" You know something, Annie? " Terry brushed out the wavy blonde hair and started twisting it back into the bun her friend had picked that morning. " I couldn't put that thing down. Can you believe I turned down a date with Billy to finish it? Are you ready? "
" I wish I could say I was. You don't want to take the first shift do you? "

" I wish I could, but Mr. Baxter has me going over to the holding facility to accept shipment of the artwork heading over to the White House this afternoon. They're changing up some of the landscapes for a state dinner tonight."

" Shit, I forgot all about that."

" Care to share with the peasants? "

" My father wanted me and Reggie to go with him and my mother tonight. The dinner is for Princess Bebo and her royal guard."

Terry finished with her hair and twirled the chair around to see if her handiwork was all right. " That sounds like fun. You could ask her for a refresher course if you run into any snags today. Have fun and call me later."

Finishing her coffee, Annie tried to skim through the rest of the booklet as she picked up the phone and called her sister. " Reg? "

" Annie, you've got some nerve calling me this early. Your friends kept me up till all hours and I just got a treat when I headed into the kitchen to get coffee this morning. I'd love to talk to you but I'm busy packing all your stuff so I can put it out by the curb."

" Tell me at least that he was dressed when you walked in? "

" Trust me, there's nothing I'd like better than to tell you that, but sadly it ain't so. Now if all you called me for is to ask how your fiancé looks drinking juice alfresco in the morning light, I'll have to tell you all about it later. I have a test this morning and I'm running late since your Prince Valiant decided to take forever in the shower." Reggie pulled her mop of blonde hair into a ponytail and ran around her room picking up all the stuff she needed to bring with her.

" Wait, Reg, please don't hang up the phone, I need you to do me a favor." Annie was doing her own running as she stood hopping behind her desk trying to get her pumps back on.

" Make it fast, I really am running late and my morning hasn't exactly been peachy so far."

" I need you to run to the mall and find me something to wear tonight. You do remember about that dinner daddy told us about? "

" Shit! " The word was said just like Annie had uttered it just before.

" Yeah, thank God Terry just mentioned it in some other context or else the general would have had us spend the night in the brig. Could you go? "

Reggie grabbed her pack and keys and slammed the front door closed. " Fuck, " she screamed when she saw Titus' car blocking her in.

" What? " Annie tried to get her attention.

" Your idiot blocked me in. Jesus, Annie, we're really going to have to set some ground rules for sleepovers." She pried open the door to her old jeep and started the motor.

" Reg, think about this before you do anything stupid." She knew it wouldn't do any good, but Annie was trying to avoid a fight later. Titus and her sister already hated each other and if what she thought was about to happen did, it would only make matters worse.

" Stupid is acting like you rule the world because you're licensed to carry a gun. You know there isn't some unwritten rule that you have to marry daddy incarnate just because that's what the general wants." She gunned the engine getting the front door to open again and it gave her a big feeling of pleasure to watch his face when she put the jeep into reverse and put her foot on the gas before he could make it down the steps of the brownstone she and her sister shared.

" Stop, you little idiot, " Annie could hear Titus screaming in the background. His yells were drowned out by her sister's back bumper meeting the front of Titus' car. His Mustang, that Annie sometimes thought he loved more than he did her, left two huge rubber marks in their driveway when Reggie pushed it into the street.

" I'll see you tonight, Annie, have a great day, " said Reggie with a laugh as she sped off before he could make it to her door.

" Sure you'll have a great day; I on the other hand won't hear the end of this for a long time to come, " Annie said to the telephone receiver like it would answer her. There was no time to think about that now.

She walked to the front of the museum to a group of eager faces from the all girls academy started under the Clinton administration in the capital's inner city. In her talks with Baxter, Audrey had asked that they invite the magnet school's entire population of students to come and see the exhibit. Seeing how excited they looked, Annie had to agree with the woman's logic. To behold what women could do with help from no one but themselves would only inspire these young minds for years to come.

" Welcome, everyone, to the National Gallery. My name is Annie Paddio and I'll be your docent today. Together we'll try and learn a little about the citizens of Amazonia, and if at anytime you have any questions please just let me know and I'll try my best to answer them."

They walked around the gallery and the girls from the third and fourth grades pressed in whenever Annie stopped and started talking about whatever object they faced. They listened to her and their eyes lit up when she spoke of the weapons included along with all the artwork on display. As much as she and Reggie detested guns of any kind, Annie was just as curious as the young girls to see some of the things in the glass cases in action.

It was when they reached the last objet d'art that Annie ran out of words. The story of the great warrior in the pose of an impending fight was in the section she had yet to read. She was ashamed to not be able to tell the woman's story because she hadn't read the text. Going against her nature to just be honest and say she didn't know, Annie tried a different approach thinking there was no harm in it.

" What's her name, Miss Annie? " asked a young woman toward the middle of the group.

She looked at the sea of bright faces and tried to find something to say. From the back wall an amused woman watched and held her hand up so that her companions would stop their whispering. Annie closed her eyes for a moment and picked out the strange name she'd seen in her reading and christened the statue with it.

" Her name was Bebo, and she was a great warrior of the Amazons, " started the blonde. " In her boots you see she carries knives, on her back a sword and a bow with the quiver of arrows on her hip. Right after she dressed and gathered her weapons she was in a battle with a group of barbarians during which she was able to turn the tide and beat back the invaders. One look at the warrior dressed in the feathered mask and one bellow of her war cry sent them running back to where they lived never to return."

The clapping coming from the back stopped her streak of imagination, and Annie held her hand over her eyes to cut out the glare of the overhead spotlights. " Can I help you? "

" I was just wondering if you didn't like the story she came with so much that you decided to make up your own. My clapping is to commend you on a wonderful attempt. Though your story had merit, your facts had none." The voice held a hint of teasing, but it made Annie blush all the same. It had to be a teacher, but the question was; how did the woman know her account was a complete fabrication?

" I don't want to argue with you, but Bebo was a warrior and fought for the Amazons, " Annie had yet to see who was calling her on her bluff.

" When exactly did Bebo die to have this wonderful statue made in her honor? " The woman purposely stayed in the spotlight to keep Annie off balance.

" No one knows the exact date of her death, but the Amazons thought her contributions important enough to make this tribute."

" Would you mind if I try and tell her story? " The voice moved closer and yet Annie hadn't seen her face.

" If you think you could do better, go right ahead."

The petite historian watched as the tall woman came into view and moved the velvet ropes aside. When she looked into the blue eyes, Annie wanted to go and sit with the girls to see what this woman had to say. She was dressed casually but something about her made her as imposing as the statue behind her. Annie could just imagine her dressed in leather and holding off a legion of men by herself with just a sword and a smile.

" Thank you, I don't believe I'm as good a storyteller as you, but I promise to do my best."

Bebo leaned on the base of the statue and looked at the young girls looking up at her. This must be what mama feels like when she has time to head into the classroom. Before Audrey took the mask from Bekka, she had been a kindergarten teacher. To be so bold wasn't in the princess' nature, but like Annie had felt about her, something about the petite blonde drew her from her hiding place at the back of the room. If only just to see what color her eyes were thought Bebo as she took a deep breath to start her story. The conservative suit and hairstyle did little to hide the beauty of the blonde who had up to that point been right on her facts.

" A long time ago on the island of Amazonia there lived a great warrior who found herself alone on a patrol at the edge of the great forest in the province of Argase. To the Amazons the forest of Argase is sacred because it is believed that it is where the goddess Artemis spends most of her time and feels the most at home in the earthly realm. If you choose the path of a warrior you learn to move within the trees as a method of fighting but it is also where a warrior feels most at peace. In this warrior's case, " she pointed up to the statue, " From the top of a tree she looked out to the water to find warships sailing to the side of the island where the Grazel desert is located. The hoard of barbarians, " said Bebo before whispering to Annie. " At least you got that part right."

" What happened to her and what was her name? " the question came from one of the older girls in the audience.

" Her name was Larissa and if you'll give me a minute I'll share with you what happened to her." The princess stood and put a hand on the top of the statue's boot. " She watched to see where they would put down anchor, then set out at a run for most of the night to meet up with her unit and warn them. Before she did, our hero met up with some of the men who were there to take slaves and treasures back to their homelands."

" What happened? Did they kill her? " asked another little girl.

" Her first choice of weapon was the sais, " answered Bebo putting her hand on the stone handles of the weapons that weren't coming out. " They aren't knives, but more like little swords that are just as deadly. With one in each hand she was able to take out four of the bad guys. Next she drew her sword and fought with five more."

For the first time in her life, Bebo felt what her mother had spoken of for so long, the pride for where she came from and what that meant. " As she headed back to the trees, her last chance to outrun them, one of the men was able to drive a spike through her leg. Even though she was bleeding profusely, she reached for the bow she'd left in the high branches and started making her way to the south. With her last act for her sisters, Larissa shot an arrow to the next guard post to warn them of the invasion. Her body fell to the forest floor forgotten by the men who had come to a land where they didn't belong, but to the Amazons, she will never be forgotten."

" Was she a great general then? " asked one of the teachers who had come with the children.

" No, Larissa was just, what in this country is called, a foot soldier. One of the many who make great armies, but she understood what some who serve do not. The sacrifice of the one can be the salvation of the many. To her sisters her story has been told for generations and a team of our best sculptors made this so that her tale will never be forgotten because for the many, she made the ultimate sacrifice. Larissa is visiting you now, but usually she watches over the entrance to the great archives in Amazonia. There every child who lives on the island visits her every year that they are in school. If you are lucky, one of our master story tellers is there the day you visit, and with their talents, you can feel the story come to life as you watch her as she takes her last shot to the trees beyond to warn of the oncoming invasion."

The guards with Bebo moved forward and removed the velvet ropes as the princess came to the end of her story with her hand on the right foot of the masterpiece. " When the story is done, the girls come and pay homage by rubbing her foot for good luck. If you like, I'd invite you to do the same. Perhaps some of Larissa's good fortune and bravery will stay with you after you leave here today." The girls in the front could see that the toe of the boot was worn smooth by the many little Amazons who must have rubbed it over the years. To actually be allowed to touch something so precious raised a din of young voices throughout the space.

" I don't think that's a good idea, " whispered Annie as she tried to put herself between the little hands and the statue.

" What's your name lady? " asked the little girl standing on Bebo's feet to get her attention.

" My apologies, Miss…" Bebo bent at the waist and offered her hand.

" My name's Caroline."

" Miss Caroline, I am Bebo of Leon." Hearing the name made Annie move out of the way and let the children touch the statue. " And I want to thank you all on behalf of my mother, Queen Audrey, for coming today."

" Kill me now, " whispered Annie to no one in particular.

" Don't worry, the penalty for not knowing stuff in Amazonia usually gets you more duty of some sort, but death isn't one of the options, " teased Steph. " Well not yet anyway." The guard was still in shock at the passionate way Bebo had told Larissa's story. Maybe she was paying attention all those times Queen Audrey told it. " And please forgive our princess for interrupting you like that. But then again, if she hadn't, we all would've never known that she has inherited her mother's gift for storytelling. It's hard to imagine when she's running rings around us on the training fields that she has the ability to string words together so well."

" Are you all here to check up on me? " Annie watched as Bebo held up the children who couldn't reach and graciously accepted more than one kiss to the cheek from the braver girls in attendance.

" We just arrived this morning and Bebo was fulfilling a promise to her mother. I think maybe the queen is having a little separation anxiety having all this where she can't see it, " Steph waved her hand around the room filled with pieces of their home. " Now I believe I'm the one being rude, " she held out her hand. " I am Steph Pech of Amazonia, I serve as one of Bebo's royal guard."

" Annie Paddio, it's a pleasure to meet you, " Annie accepted the woman's hand but her eyes never left the activity near the center of the room. " Is your boss the forgiving type? "

" She's more the pain in the ass type, but I think all the things we've seen in the city so far just from the car window have her excited enough to forgive any gaffs on your part. You did a wonderful job until the end."

" That she did, Steph. Perhaps our new friend didn't have time to finish the written text to give old Larissa her due, " said Bebo when she moved closer. " Forgive my interruption of your lecture, dear lady, but my mother would've had my hide if you'd given me the credit for her contributions, " she pointed to the statue behind them. " Audrey's many things, but a stickler for the facts tops the list. Though with someone so beautiful as yourself, I could be persuaded to listen to any story or yarn you wish to spin for me."

The compliment wrapped firmly in a flirtatious tone made Annie blush as well as nervous. In an old habit she lifted her hand and combed some stray hair back behind her ear. It was the motion that made Bebo notice the ring. " I'm the one who's sorry, highness, I didn't have the opportunity to fully prepare and while it's no excuse, it's the only reason I tried to fly by the seat of my pants as it were. The children were lucky you were here. Your story was much better than mine."

" Nonsense, my mother has always applauded people with quick minds and wonderful imaginations. I hate to tell stories and run, but we have to get going. I just wanted to come by so I could call our queen and tell her that Larissa and the rest of the exhibit are in good hands." Bebo bowed her head a little before turning and making her way to the back entrance. They did have a meeting at the Pentagon to attend, but she wanted to get out of there before she gave into the urge to take the small curator into her arms and kiss her.

" Highness? "

The clear voice stopped Bebo before she could make it out. " Yes? "

" If you'd like, please stop by again when the children are here, or anytime you like. Hearing some of these stories from you would be invaluable."

" Just to the children? " Bebo wanted to laugh at the lost look on the blonde's face. " I'd love nothing better. Like I said, you were so delightful, I could listen to you for hours." The girl was taken but it didn't hurt anything to just play a little figured Bebo.

When she came in earlier and turned the corner with Baxter, Bebo had stopped and listened to the soft but strong voice describing what staffs were used for and why. She leaned against an alcove in the building and studied the blonde speaking so eloquently of her homeland and the traditions Audrey had included in the text. While she studied Annie, the guards studied the princess and smiled. Blue eyes devoured every move of delicate fingers as they brushed back strands of blonde hair that had escaped from the bun, and the way she bent to answer questions from short inquisitive listeners. With every move and every word, Emelda's vision resonated in Bebo's mind.

" Pretty girl, " commented Max as they got into the car the army had sent for them.

" I hadn't noticed, " said Bebo.

" Bebo, Larissa may shoot that last arrow in this direction for telling such lies, " said Beth from the front seat. " You'd swear she was performing a striptease the way you couldn't take your eyes off her."

" I'm just an art lover, " said Bebo with a smile.

" You're a lover all right, now clear your head of pretty things and put that tough warrior look on your face. It's time to scare the natives a bit, " said Steph as they turned into the Pentagon.


The room they were brought to had no windows and the walls consisted of cinder blocks painted a pale yellow. Seated around a large conference table were twelve soldiers dressed in the casual khaki uniform that was just a shirt and matching pants. In front of each person sat the black berets every branch of the army had adopted as their headwear. There were two generals seated at either end of the conference table but the attractive man with blond hair accented with white at the temples who was closest to the door had one more star on his lapels.

A man seated next to the commanding general called everyone to attention and as a unit they stood and saluted their visitors. " Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, but please stand at ease, " said Bebo. They had stopped at the house her mother kept on embassy row and changed into their own military uniforms, dark blue pants and a shade lighter shirt.

" Welcome to Washington, Princess Bebo, I'm General Patrick Paddio, " the man held out his hand and smiled. He didn't particularly care to participate in this exercise but sometimes the life of a soldier was to just follow orders. There was nothing a pack of lesbians living on an island and playing at war games could teach him or his unit, no matter what he'd told his girls in the past. Now was his opportunity to prove he and his men were better, as well as rid himself of the few women who'd managed to be assigned to him.

" Thank you, general, allow me to introduce my companions, Commanders Steph Pech, Max Blackard and Beth Carmouche. Once we start field training, we'll be joined by a few others of my mother's personal guard."

" We're looking forward to getting down to business and completing the training as soon as possible. I'm sure that once we begin you'll be able to report to your government and mine just how exceptional our training has been so far. I'll let my men introduce themselves, " said the general ignoring the fact some of the people present were women.

" Captain David Norris, ma'am."

" Lieutenant Douglas Triggs, " said the brunette standing next to him.

" Lieutenant Brian Turner, ma'am."

" Lieutenant Lacey Lecompte, ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you."

" Lieutenant Billy Wade, ma'am."

" Captain Titus Walker."

" Captain Michelle Redmond, ma'am. Welcome."

" General Junis Curtis, highness, " said the man at the other end of the table with a slight bow to his head.

" Lieutenant Frances Burke, ma'am."

" Lieutenant Carey Sanders, ma'am."

The last man hadn't taken his eyes off Bebo from the time she stepped into the room and it took Carey bumping shoulders with him to open his mouth. " Forgive me, " the blond stammered. " Captain Arthur Leon, highness. It's so good to see you here, " he added with great emotion. " Finally."

It was to him that Bebo offered her hand next and she looked into his green eyes for a long time without letting go of him. To have the time to talk to him was worth making the trip since it had been over two years that she'd had the opportunity to see him at all. Finally she released him and turned to General Paddio.

" We're looking forward to the exchange of ideas and techniques. If you want, general, we can begin in the morning. From your comments I can see you're anxious to be done as soon as possible. I hope you and your people understand this venture will be done with as much hand-to-hand combat as you can stand. What I mean to say is we'll not be holding back and I hope you don't as well."

" Don't worry, highness, I'm sure we're more than capable of defending ourselves against any well placed slaps you can land. I command one of the most lethal black ops units in the army. Once this is done, I'm sure it'll be you and your soldiers who learn a few new moves."

A black brow arched and Bebo held back a laugh. " We'll try and keep up and keep the slapping down to a minimum then. I hope to see you all tonight."

Titus was one of the last to leave and he looked Bebo over from head to foot. When he had the opportunity in the morning, he was going to try and take the big Amazon down. Aside from the personal satisfaction it would give him to show them that women didn't have any place on the field of combat, it would earn him points with the old man. He winked and gave her a little smirk before donning his beret and following his fellow soldiers out the door. It was his way of trying to intimidate her.

" Something in your eye, Capt. Walker? " asked Bebo.

" No, ma'am, just trying to be friendly. I know you don't probably go for that sort of thing, but I can't wait to get you on the mat tomorrow. Like you said, I promise to not hold anything back. When we're done, you might find you liked it."

She held up her hand when Max opened her mouth to put him in his place. " You're right, you aren't my type, but I promise to give you a time on your back you won't soon forget."

Arthur laughed and thought if he closed his eyes, he could imagine Boden standing before him. He had been just as braggadocios once and like the trainer Bear, the broken arm it had earned him was good for telling him when it was going to rain. The little girl he'd watched grow up in pictures and during their frequent visits was like a pillar of power.

" Highness, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were flirting with our Titus, " he teased.

" Please, Arthur, I think our relationship allows us to drop the formality of titles when it's just us, " said Bebo. She moved closer and put her arms around him and kissed his cheek. " And trust me, flirting is the last thing on my mind."

" If you're anything like your mother Boden, and just looking at you that's more than obvious, Titus will be sporting a weather vane of his own when you're done. I tried to warn Patrick, but he bleeds army green and women aren't part of his world when it comes to teaching him anything."

" We'll discuss these people enough while I'm here, let's not waste time doing so now. How are you? "

" Good. I'm happy and thinking about retirement soon. The life of a soldier is one you can't keep forever. More importantly how's your mother? "

" She's good, looking forward to your next visit to Leon. I think mama sometimes regrets that the Amazons don't have room for princes in the realm. She feels like she missed out on a special relationship when you came to live here."

He nodded and tried to choke back his emotions. Bekka and Laine had spent a lot of time with him, but the visits were never enough time. The relationship he had with his sisters was just as special to him and he had served Audrey and Boden with pride when they had called on him not long after their joining. Before him stood the one person who made him regret the distance between their worlds. Audrey had carried Bebo, but her existence was owed to Boden and Art. If he were to leave his mark in her life, it would come in the next few months.

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