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The Beginning 1 страница

Amazonia Book 1

Quot; The acts of the one for the good of the many." This is the motto first adopted by the Amazons centuries ago and still upheld by the warriors of current day Amazonia. In " Amazonia - Book One, " we meet Princess Bebo of Leon as she sets off on her first diplomatic mission on behalf of her mother, Queen Audrey. On a cold day in Washington D.C. the tall warrior finds her path in the soft eyes of Annie Paddio. The only problem is, Annie is already committed to someone else. " Amazonia - Book One" brings to life a modern day warrior and the quest for her destiny. Join in the adventure as the ancient world of the Amazons is brought to life in the 21st century.

The Beginning

" Do you see her? "
" With all due respect, highness, unless she stops and waves into the camera you won't ever see her. It's what makes her so good in the forest arena of combat, " answered Kip, captain of the royal guard assigned to the queen.

Sitting with Kip watching the monitors were Queen Audrey, her Consort, Boden, and Bear, the kingdom's most experienced trainer. The annual competition of elite warriors had begun two days prior and Princess Bebo was leading in points for most kills. Running second was Max, Bear's daughter and the princess' oldest friend.

The competition was for bragging rights among the eligible warriors and the last bit of fun for Bebo before she embarked on a diplomatic mission on behalf of her mother and Amazonia. Their nation had once again been called on and Audrey had answered willingly with the backing of her partner who was known throughout the realm as Bo.

" Ooh, she never saw it coming, did she? " Bo pointed to the screen as one of the young women tried to wipe the blue paint off her forehead. The color of paint was Bebo's signature and the point counter in the upper right portion of the screen changed.

" That poor child, it'll take her a week to get that stuff out of her hair, " said Audrey, slapping Bo when she laughed. " It's not funny, she could aim for the chest like everyone else. One would swear you gave birth to her she's so much like you."

" Don't kid yourself, love. Those recruits would be disappointed without the sprout's personal touch. It's become a badge of honor in this year's contest. If you have to be taken out, then blue's the in color." The tall royal leaned over and kissed her wife tenderly.

After twenty-five years together, Audrey found it impossible to resist Bo's soft side. Deep down she cheered every time that blue paint dyed someone else's hairline, but the queen felt she had to be more reserved than her warrior partner. Bebo was no different in competition and fierceness than Bo had been at the same age. Audrey could still remember how she felt the first time she had laid eyes on the Warrior of Argase. It was the same feeling she still got when those blue eyes looked her way.

A buzzer rang out signaling the end of the contest. With the kill of two more contestants, Bebo had just registered enough points to put the contest out of reach for the others. For the first time in two days, proud parents watched their daughter as she flipped out of one of the high branches to the fern covered ground below and into view.

" Congratulations, your highnesses, " said Bear bowing to Audrey. She reserved the hard slap to the back for Bo. " She will make us proud for years to come."

" Thanks to you, old friend." The two clasped arms in the greeting of warriors. " Max has done your own house proud today, " Bo told Bear before turning to hug her wife.

" If you puff your chest out anymore you won't be able to fit it through the door to give the victor her laurels, " teased the queen. She had given birth to the princess, but Bebo was almost a carbon copy of her second mother. Artemis, thank you for granting me that one request.

" To tell you the truth, love, today is a day of great pride for me, and yet, a day of great regret."

With a wave of her hand the room emptied for Audrey. " Warrior mine, we knew from the beginning we couldn't keep her forever. My greatest regret was not being able to give you a house full of Bebos for you to spoil and gloat over." The petite blonde moved closer into the arms that had offered comfort and protection for years. With slow movements she ran her hands up Bo's chest until she was able to link her fingers behind her lover's neck. " I love you with all the passion I possess."

" Then I'm a lucky woman who has nothing to regret; and neither do you. Never think of having just one child as a failure, my queen. In Bebo you've given me the world, and now it's time for us to share her. She's the best of both of us, so it gives you the right to puff your chest out a little as well." The dark head lowered and Bo kissed her wife with all of the passion the queen had spoken of. " I love you just as much, Adie. You complete the person that I am."

" Let's go find our winner, then we can speak of passion in a more appropriate place." The tease earned her another kiss, and that's how Bebo found them.

" I see, " her voice did not part them. " I'm out protecting the family name and honor and you're in here making out. It's shameful I tell you." The princess was wiping away the camouflage paint with the towel one of the servants had handed her and enjoyed the love between her parents she had witnessed from the time she had memory. If there was one constant in her life, it was the love her parents had for each other.

" Get your own girl, then see if your opinion changes, sprout, " said Bo while never taking her eyes off of Audrey's face. " Did you win? We've been too busy to notice."

" With more points than your first victory, " boasted the princess.

" Did you now? I wanted to watch, but your mother's had other things in mind." She laughed when the queen blushed and slapped her backside.

" Can I have her exiled when I get the queen's mask? " Bebo asked Audrey when the queen wrapped her arms around her waist. " I can have a hut built for her in the Grazel Desert. You could take pity on her and visit her on weekends."

" You could, but think of all the trouble I'd get into with no one to look out for me." Standing on her toes, Audrey kissed her daughters' cheek. " Congratulations, baby, you did us both proud, but especially the prickly bear who lives with us." Audrey moved aside to let her girls embrace. " Not that she had any doubts in you at all."

By right of birth the queen's mask belonged to Audrey, but every so many generations a great warrior would claim the right to rule, but it had been years since one so strong led their tribe. When she joined with Bo, Audrey wanted to give her people a blend of what made them strong as individuals. Looking at the long bear hug the queen knew part of the mission was complete. Standing there embracing her wife was a child that was truly as much Boden's as she was hers. Bebo had a love of books and art like the queen did, but she was trained to be just as deadly as her second mother. Today was a day to celebrate the part of Bebo that Boden was responsible for.

Winning the yearly competition was no easy feat, especially when a royal competed. To be able to brag you brought down one of the ruling members was a prize for any serving recruit. Bebo's skill as a warrior had been learned a day at a time from the woman who now was being lifted off the ground by the young woman she affectionately called sprout.

" Put me down you overgrown cub, " teased Bo. Now that her daughter topped her height by a couple of inches Bo loved using all the monikers she had come up with through the years. " Go get changed so you don't miss the helicopter back to the capital.

" Thanks, mom, but I'll ride back with my unit."

" The victor always rides back with the royal family, " protested Bo.

" Only this time the winner already knows us, honey. The thrill of hearing your war stories is gone. Let her ride back with her friends if that's what she wants. There's no harm in it." Audrey shook her head when Bebo wasn't looking and gave Boden a beseeching look.

Bebo bent at the waist and bowed to her mother before moving to kiss the top of her head. " Thanks, mama, I owe you one. I'll see you both tonight at the ceremony."

" Don't be late, it'll embarrass your mother."

The young woman turned and shook her head at Boden. " I know better mom, I'll be there don't worry." With quick movements, Bebo feigned left with her upper body as she took Boden down with her legs when she lunged to the right, pinning her mother with a move Boden herself had taught the princess. " Besides, " she started as Bo tried to free herself from the hold. " Now that I won't be there to cramp your style on the way back, our queen can kiss it and make you feel better for being caught so easily. You're getting old, warrior, " teased Bebo. A slight twist of her hand got a yelp of pain out of her teacher.

Just as quickly, Bebo let go and ran from the room before Bo could retaliate. Her mother's peals of laughter were the incentive to move faster despite how tired she was from the competition.


The uniform consisted of soft brown leather pants and a tight vest. For this ceremony, her feet were left bare and her shoulder length hair had a few braids with beads and feathers woven in for adornment. The light armor covering her chest was embossed with the royal seal, the same seal both her mothers had engraved on the matching signet rings they wore. The royal guards assigned to her, helped Bebo finish dressing, excusing themselves when Emelda, the head priestess of Artemis' temple arrived.

" How does it feel to pass the one test you thought until now was the most important? " The old woman laughed, sitting even though the princess was still standing with her fists on her hips. " And with more points than your mother too, an accomplishment indeed."

" Can't you let me enjoy tonight without sarcasm? "

" Only if you promise to come by to see me before you leave."

Old gray eyes that had spent years reading books and scrolls of their history looked at this imposing young woman standing before her. It made her want to cry. Princess Bebo of Leon would go down in Amazonian history as one of their greatest rulers if the child found her path, a road of her own making and not one chosen by a parent or anyone else. Emelda just prayed to the gods she would live long enough to serve her as she had her mothers.

" I haven't decided to go yet, grandmother." Bebo used the term of affection everyone had bestowed on the old woman.

" A match of chobos with Boden in the morning to bring you back to earth a bit, and then come to see me. You'll need to hear what I have to say before you go." The comment was tossed casually out as if Bebo hadn't bothered to speak. It was always the same between them. Emelda talked to her as if she had a script of Bebo's thoughts and it aggravated the young woman to no end.

" If all it'll take to make you decide to go is getting the shit beat out of you with a pair of chobos, I volunteer, " said Steph, one of Bebo's guards. They were about to begin and she didn't want her charge to be late so she pointed to the door.

" I'll do the mop up work, " added Max. " Come on, Bebo, it'll be an adventure."

" For you maybe. You won't be the monkey on display everyone wants to knock off the tree branch because of who you are and what you're supposed to be. Let's move, we don't want to keep my mothers waiting." She helped Emelda up from her chair and escorted her to the door. As important as her part was tonight, Bebo knew the ceremony couldn't begin without Emelda.

The drums had started, and there were so many of them that they could be heard on almost every block of the capital. It was time for Amazonia to honor her traditions and her greatest assets - her warriors. Before the two thrones on the dais raised well above the crowd was the great fire, which burned to honor their patron goddess Artemis. Dancers moved in sync around the flames in traditional garb bringing the crowd to a frenzy as their steps picked up their pace along with the beat.

All sound and movement stopped when Emelda moved to a microphone set up on a lower stage. This was what Bebo and every other citizen looked forward to every year. To hear this story told by this woman made the princess pray to all their gods that Emelda lived to be three hundred. The only woman better at telling stories was her mother Audrey.

" Sisters, hark and hear me well. Tonight under a harvest moon we gather to honor a new warrior, one who will be added to the great scroll started hundreds of years ago. She has earned her right to be placed along side the great ones and tonight it will be so." The crowd erupted with noise because of whose name would be added to the scroll of honor. Bebo had been a favorite of the nation from her first breath and they had enjoyed watching her grow up.

" But first we must honor those who came before. Time to honor who we are by the telling of our history." Silence fell once again and everyone sat back anxious to get lost in Emelda's voice.

" In the beginning, we were outcasts and unwanted by the world as it was. Women who banded together to protect one another and build a place where we could thrive beholden to no one. We learned to plant to feed our families, to fight to protect our sisters, to toil to be better able to move our tribe forward and prosper, and lastly to choose our leaders well so all of this could be possible." She raised her arms and her voice grew stronger at the end, making the crowd break into applause again.

" For centuries we were dedicated to our patron goddess Artemis and her sister Athena and we were rewarded with the island of Amazonia. It is a paradise we have enjoyed ever since, and we have built it into a thriving nation." A murmur of thanks to the two goddesses ran like wildfire through the audience.

" Under our first great queen, Selene, we vowed to serve one of four clans for our service, but only one queen. All of the queens and tribes of the Amazons came under Selene's rule to live in peace in this place. So it was then, and so it is now. Tonight we welcome the province of Selena and their regent Vivian, " Emelda pointed to the red head sitting in the center of her clan. They all were wearing leather dyed a soft shade of green and none of them carried weapons. They were farmers and scientists; they had no interest or time for fighting. " We thank our sister and her people for their hard work and Vivian's leadership in our fields of agriculture and in our places of healing."

Next she pointed to an older woman dressed in a uniform very much like Bebo's. " We welcome our sisters from the Argase clan and their regent Leslie, blood sister of Consort Boden. Thank you, sister, for another great year of competition, and in continuing to train the next generation of warriors. Your tenure as the guardian of our sacred forest has done honor to our tribe." All of the serving recruits under Leslie removed their chobos and hit them together making the Consort smile at the racket.

The youngest regent sat with her clan facing the dais. Their leather was dyed a pale yellow and, like the women of Selena clan, wore weapons or armor. " Welcome our sisters from the northern province of Curasso and their regent Rena. The mines of copper and silver pave our way to a prosperous future and we thank you all for your tireless efforts."

Emelda turned to the last regent to be named and smiled. It was the largest contingency, simply because this ceremony took place in the capital, and they wore a shade lighter than Boden's blue leathers. " Princess Sean of the Leon clan, your sisters bid you and yours welcome. From the capital you drive our main areas of commerce and you welcome outsiders to our lands and beaches. You also serve our queen and her family well, and because you do, it brings honor to our tribe."

The blonde bowed slightly to the old woman then more deeply to the throne. Sean controlled the largest segment of the island, and a tremendous amount of power along with it, but Audrey never had cause to fear her. They were sisters by blood and devoted to each other.

" We come together tonight as Amazons to welcome a new champion into our fold, " continued Emelda. The drums started slowly and softly again, and all the women rose to their feet. " We have known her since the time her mother carried her with love in her womb, but tonight she starts down the road to becoming the woman she is destined to be."

The roar that arose with the priestess' words shook the ground, rising an impossible notch higher when Bebo stepped into view flanked by Steph, Beth and Max. A sea of flashbulbs went off when she started down the aisle toward her mothers, but no one outside those present and those whom lived on the island would ever see the photos. Keeping the secrecy of their ceremonies was an unwritten law no Amazon had ever broken, and what made the world crave information about them that much more.

Audrey looked at the young woman moving closer and tears filled her eyes. It seemed like only days before when another stunning warrior moved just as confidently toward the dais to receive her prize.

" Pay attention, child, and close your mouth, " admonished Queen Bekka, her consort Laine trying not to laugh as she stood beside her. " Not a word out of you, warrior mine, " the reprimand made Laine lose her battle at trying to hide her humor and she turned her head slightly so Boden wouldn't think she was laughing at her.

" Come, dear, I would like to think you looked at me like that not so long ago. Hades, even on nights when the moon shines down just right, you grace me with the look of a young woman in love. Why should the gods not bless our own little one with the same pleasure? I know for me it has always been the greatest feeling in the world when your eyes turn my way and I see how you feel about me shining so clearly in their green depths."

The petite woman sent the woman standing with her the look of which she spoke, and it promised great things when the ceremony was done and they returned to the palace. " Now who is the romantic fool? " She loved Laine but it wasn't often that the tough warrior showed her softer side in public. As much as the queen wanted to play and see how far she could push her consort, there was a duty she had to perform. Before her stood not only the winner of that year's competition but also the woman who had captured her daughter's heart. " Warrior Boden, you have proven yourself in battle and to your tribe, " Bekka felt she was wasting the words on the young woman whose eyes were so glued to her daughter. " What say you? "

The sword strapped to Boden's back came out of the scabbard and she laid it at the queen's feet. " To you I give my sword, my service and my life, Queen Bekka of Leon. Do with me as you will." As she said the words Boden dropped to her knees and lowered her head.

Bekka went to place the necklace of olive leaves around Boden's neck, but at the last moment, she stopped. The whispering that came from the crowd almost made Boden look up, stopping when she heard more than one sigh coming from the women watching. With a sigh of her own, Bekka handed the victor's wreath to her eldest daughter and waved her hand toward the future. She smiled when Laine's hands came to rest on her shoulders and a kiss was placed on her neck.

" You are still the romantic fool I fell for so many years ago. We make a good team in the arena of foolishness, my love, " whispered Laine as she moved her lips to her wife's ear.

" Just tell me she's as honorable and loves our daughter as much as she seems to." She was happy for Audrey, but it was hard not to look at it as losing her little girl.

Audrey looked out at the watching faces and held the wreath of leaves high over her head. " I declare Boden of Argase the winner of this year's competition."

The queen's consort clapped along with everyone else as she leaned over and whispered the answer to her wife's question in her ear. " More so, love. Bo will give Audrey the balance she needs. With her she will have what we share and hopefully, if the gods see fit, even more than that. I've spoken to her and it is easy to see how much she loves our daughter. The woman you see before you is not someone hungry for power and she will see that Audrey keeps hers. It's a good match, and she'll be a good champion."

The two royals joined in the applause when the warrior threw protocol to the wind and kissed the girl she loved. It was a memory Audrey would love retelling for years to come.

" Where have you flown off to, love? " asked Bo.

" To a place where a very similar young warrior was walking toward my mothers and finished stealing every bit of my heart."

The dark head, now peppered in spots with white, bent and Bo whispered into her wife's ear. " She's a little older, but perhaps that same warrior can show you how good a kisser she still is later on tonight." From her position slightly below them Bekka rolled her eyes as Laine covered her mouth to hide her smile. Years had done little to dampen the ardor between the current queen and her wife. It was something Bekka and her partner loved to tease them about.

They bumped shoulders, but Audrey and her partner never took their eyes off the princess as she made her trek to them. " Trust me, honey, you've gotten better with age." Audrey stopped her teasing and watched as Bebo stopped before them. " Warrior Bebo, you have proven yourself in battle and your tribe. What say you? "

The sword the princess carried was a gift from Boden and a replica of the one she carried the first time she took this walk. " To you, my queen, I give my sword, my service, my love and life. Do with and command me as you see fit. This is my solemn vow to you, your consort and my sisters." The words were a little different than the ones Boden had used, but Audrey wasn't surprised. As much as Bebo loved her second mother, she always strived to be her own person.

" Thank you, warrior, " said Audrey so just her family could hear. " Well said, love." She held the wreath high so the crowd could see it before repeating the words she'd first said for Boden. " I declare Princess Bebo of Leon the winner of this year's competition." With a kiss to the top of the dark head, the queen placed the wreath of leaves around her daughter's neck and laughed when mischievous blue eyes looked up at her.

" I asked your wife to recreate something for me, so I hope you don't mind, mama." With a quick tug she ripped a leaf from the wreath and tucked it over Boden's ear. Before Bebo finished her mothers were in a familiar embrace sharing a kiss that brought cheers from the crowd.

" I love you, my beautiful girl, and I'm so proud of you, " Audrey told her daughter when Bo let her go and Bebo got a turn at hugging her. " Now is the beginning of your time, and I want you to choose that for your life which will bring you the greatest joy. Whatever that might be, I hope she or it will make you as happy as you and your mom have made me."

" Thank you, mama. I can only hope to be so blessed."


" Have you decided? " Bo moved and twirled the chobos in her hand with expert ease. There was nothing better than a good sparring match to sober you up after a good party. Her daughter made the first move and the fight was on. Gone were the days when Bo had to hold back when wielding the short clubs or any weapon against Bebo.

" I want to go, but I'm not sure I'm good enough to represent the nation for what's needed." She blocked a blow to her thigh and sent a swipe at her mother's head in retaliation.

" Doubt is not a word for warriors, Bebo. If you doubt a good outcome, the gods will make it so. Chance is what I want you to focus on."

" Chance? " They were both starting to breathe hard from the exertion, but Bebo knew her mother could go on for hours.

" If you never chance anything, then how can you know that you'll succeed at anything? Through chance, great leaders are made, " Bo sped up the moves driving Bebo back toward the edge of a fountain in the courtyard where they were working out. " But the flip side to that is that chance also makes great fools."

Jumping up to the edge, Bebo used the height advantage to propel herself over Boden's head so she could go on the offensive. " Looking a fool is what I'm afraid of."

" That's something that doesn't worry me, sprout." A good strong down stoke knocked one of Bebo's weapons out of her hand.

The setback was no reason to surrender though. Bebo grabbed her mother's wrist with one hand while she used a disarming maneuver with the other to even the odds. Grunting to keep hold of the powerful limb, the young woman smiled. " Why is that? "

" I didn't raise a fool." Boden widened her stance and dropped her remaining chobo. " I raised someone I'd follow into Hades if she but ask it of me."

The words were more effective than any defensive move her mother could have used and Bebo bowed her head and gave Boden the match. " There's no one I'd rather have looking out for me."

" You do what's in your heart, sprout, and damn what the world thinks."

" And if what I decide is to do what's expected? "

" Then I'll be the one holding your mother during the days of crying that are coming when you leave." Boden grabbed Bebo by the back of the neck and pulled her forward into a hug. " But any excuse to hold the woman I love is welcomed, so don't worry about it."

Bebo laughed and held on to the solid body longer than usual. Later, during her shower she stood under the hot spray thinking of not having her mom to run to for advice in the coming months. The upcoming mission was something Boden had done for Audrey as her champion, but they'd had each other for the duration. Aside from Max, Steph and Beth, and a few other guards, she would be on her own.

In a pair of loose fitting cotton pants and t-shirt, Bebo walked to the temple, close to the palace. Along the street she greeted everyone who stopped and bowed in reverence to her title. She was beloved among the people, because like Audrey and Boden, Bebo never used her station to make others feel bad about their own.

When she entered the sacred place, she and her guards removed their shoes and walked to the altar. From her knees Bebo looked up at the large statue of their patron goddess. The likeness, carved from the trunk of a tree that once grew in their forest, had been in their tribe since the year they had settled on the island. Along with the national archives, it was one of the people's most treasured possessions.

Emelda watched as the dark head lowered and Bebo's hands went up in a position of prayer. The head priestess had been present the day the princess had been born and remembered how the queen had sobbed when they had placed the baby in her arms. They were not tears of despair or sadness, but tears of complete joy at getting everything she had hoped for. Audrey was a kind and giving person, and when she met and fell in love with Boden, she wanted to gift her with a child, but not just any child. She wanted Boden to help her raise a piece of both of them.

There kneeling in Artemis' temple was Audrey's wish. Bebo was tall and built like a fighter. Her body was lean and had just enough musculature to be extremely attractive. The eyes were the same sky blue of Boden's but her mouth and nose were more like Audrey's as was the texture of the thick black hair. Boden's hair was dark and slightly curly, but her mate's locks were on the other end of the color spectrum. The sun streaked blonde showed traces of red in certain lights in the straight tresses, so Bebo was, in a way, a compromise along those lines as well. The dark hair came from one mother but the thick strands showed no traces of Boden's curls.

A perfect blend of light and dark thought Emelda, just like her mothers and some of their ancient queens and their consorts. More importantly, the next generation would be blessed with a love story to continue where Audrey and Boden would leave off. The priestess had seen it in her visions and it was time to set the game in motion.

" Why does she look so sad, mistress? " asked Emery, Emelda's apprentice.

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