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Developing speaking skills. Task 17. Read the Just War Principles below, discuss them with the class, do you agree with them, or would you change some articles?
Task 17. Read the Just War Principles below, discuss them with the class, do you agree with them, or would you change some articles? Principles for Engaging in War Just cause. The cause of initiating war must be just. Competent authority. War cannot be initiated justly except by those who hold the proper authority and responsibility. Comparative justice. The moral merit on our side must clearly outweigh the moral merit on the other. Right intention. The intention of going to war must be to obtain or restore a just peace. Desires to punish or humiliate are not adequate intentions. Last resort. All non-violent alternatives must be exhausted before resorting to war. Probability of success. If the prospect of success is hopeless, war is not justified no matter how just the cause. Proportionality of projected results. The good expected must be greater than the estimation of anticipated costs. Right spirit. War should be regarded as a tragic necessity. Principles for Conducting War Proportionality in the use of force. No action should be taken that generates more harm than good. Discrimination. A strong distinction must be maintained between combatants and non-combatants. Non-combatants must never be deliberate or primary targets of military action. Avoidance of evil means. No use of evil means (even for a just cause). Good faith. As much as possible, the enemy must be treated in good faith in order to keep open the possibility of reconciliation.