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Use of the essential vocabulary. Task 2. Memorize the essential vocabulary and translate the sentences containing it: (1) aftermath(наслідки) – a consequence

Task 2. Memorize the essential vocabulary and translate the sentences containing it:

(1) aftermath(наслідки) – a consequence, especially of a disaster or misfortune. The aftermath of the war left many displaced persons.
(2) assassination(вбивство) – act of murdering an important person. He founded the National Iranian Resistance Movement, and had narrowly escaped an earlier assassination attempt in July 1980.
(3) blackout(затемнення; замовчування) – a situation in which a piece of news or information are not allowed to be reported. As crisis worsened, the authorities imposed a news blackout.
(4) couch(формулювати) – to express in a particular way. States often couch these actions in terms of self-defence.
(5) curtail(скорочувати; зменшувати) – to reduce or limit something. The government developed a new plan to curtail the terrorists’ activity.
(6) embassy(посольство) – a group of officials who represent their government in a foreign country or the building they work in. Britain has not yet received any formal demand for the extradition of the demonstrators who threw bricks at the Iranian embassy in London and smashed windows.
(7) halt(зупинити) – to prevent someone or something from continuing. Safety concerns have forced them to halt the work of the embassy.
(8) hijack(викрадати літак, машину тощо) – to use violence or threats to take control of a plane, vehicle or ship. The airliner was hijacked by a group of terrorists.
(9) hostage(заручник) – someone who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy so that the other side will do what the enemy demands. The terrorists are holding two tourists as hostages.
(10) incite(підбурювати) – to deliberately encourage people to fight, argue etc. They were charged with inciting racial hatred.
(11) indiscriminately(без розбору) – without thinking what harm it might cause. Soldiers fired indiscriminately into the crowd.
(12) induce(спонукати; спричиняти) – to persuade someone to do something, especially something that does not seem wise. Terrorism is meant to induce panic, fear, and alarm in the general population.
(13) intelligence(розвідка) – information about the secret activities of a foreign government, the military plans of an enemy etc, or a group of people who gather this information. According to our intelligence further attacks were planned.
(14) kidnap(викрадати людей) – to take someone somewhere illegally by force. Police appealed for witnesses after a woman was kidnapped.
(15) maim(калічити) – to wound or injure someone very seriously and often permanently. A lot of people are maimed in terrorist attacks every year.
(16) martyr(мученик) – someone who dies for their religious or political beliefs. A lot of ideological terrorists are considered martyrs by their comrades.
(17) overthrow(повалити) – to remove a leader or government from power, especially by force. Rebels were already making plans to overthrow the government.
(18) plant(підкласти; підкинути) – to hide something illegal or stolen. Two men are accused of planting a bomb on a plane.
(19) premeditated(умисний) – planned in advance and done deliberately. The police said that the explosion was a premeditated terrorist attack.
(20) secede(відокремлюватися) – to officially stop being a part of something. By 1861 eleven states had seceded from the union.
(21) suicide(самогубство) – the act or an instance of intentionally killing oneself. Suicide bombers use a unique form of terrorism in order to advance their message.
(22) surrogate(заступник; замінник) – a person or thing that takes the place of someone or something else. State-sponsored terrorism is a method of warfare whereby a state uses agents or surrogates to create political and economic instability in another country.
(23) tangible(відчутний; матеріальний) – clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen or noticed. The scheme must have tangible benefits for security improvement.
(24) target(ціль) – the object of attack. Airports are prime target for terrorist attacks.

Task 3. Match each word in section A with the one of the similar meaning in section B:

A) blackout; induce; halt; curtail; maim; assassination; indiscriminately; aftermath; premeditated; incite; secede;

B) stop; prompt; deliberate; cripple; separate; randomly; consequence; murder; cause; suppression; reduce.


Task 4.Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the words provided below:

targets; indiscriminately; embassy; blackout; hijack; inciting; tangible; maim; intelligence; overthrow; martyr; assassination; aftermath; halt; plant.

1. These guerrillas are seeking to … the Colombian government and use the drugs to trade for weapons. 2. The USA, Israel, India and their citizens have been declared as the … by almost all the terrorist organizations in the world. 3. Until last month heavily armed soldiers stood guard outside the US … in Beijing. 4. All the Kashmiri guerrilla groups denied any involvement in the … of the government leader, and many blamed the government security forces. 5. In the … of a terrorist attack and when faced with the threat of more attacks, civilians in global civil society typically, and quite justifiably, become preoccupied with security. 6. Prosecution in Malaysia charged an al-Qaeda-linked former army captain and a woman with … terrorist acts in Syria. 7. Today, virtually all states and the UN recognize the critical nature of terrorism threat and have pledged to … it. 8. After the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am flight over Lockerbie in Scotland, US and British … linked the bombing to Libya. 9. India has long had terrorists who kill and … to secure secession for various of its 25 states. 10. There’s evidence of a new breach of security at Heathrow as airlines are warned of an Easter … threat. 11. The terrorists attempted to … a bomb in the subway station. 12. Has this antiterrorist campaign had any … results? 13. They opened fire …. 14. He was seen as a ruthless terrorist by some people and as a … by others. 15. Most journalists were against the … organized by the government.

Task 5. Find the matching definitions for the words:

1) suicide-bomber a) a terrorist who blows himself up in order to kill or injure other people;
2) assassin b) an advocate of national independence of or a strong national government;
3) ambassador c) a person who tries to bring about political change by using violent or extreme methods;
4) terrorist d) someone who uses force to take over a vehicle (especially an airplane) in order to reach an alternative destination;
5) martyr e) a person who suffers greatly or dies for a cause, belief, etc;
6) hostage f) a diplomatic official of the highest rank appointed and accredited as representative in residence by one government or sovereign to another, usually for a specific length of time;
7) kidnapper g) someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom);
8) hijacker h) person who employs terror or terrorism, esp. as a political weapon;
9) nationalist i) a prisoner who is held by one party to insure that another party will meet specified terms;
10) extremist j) one who murders by surprise attack, especially one who carries out a plot to kill a prominent person;

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