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Task 17. Read a part of the interview with a politician about terrorism. With your partner act out a dialogue discussing the possible ways of preventing terrorist attacks.

Q: The British authorities hardly knew anything about the terrorists who struck in London and Glasgow last week. German intelligence agencies had never heard of the terrorists who deposited explosives in suitcases at German train stations in July 2006. Have investigators lost contact with potential terrorists in Europe?..................................................................................................
A: The problem is that such groups now form spontaneously. In the case of the suitcase bombers last summer, the suspected perpetrators met each other only a few months before. It seems to have been similar in Britain, according to the first investigation results. To that extent, it is true that we are far from knowing all potential attackers………………………………………………
Q: It seems as if it were now purely a question of luck whether or not an attack can be prevented………………………………………………...…………..
A: It was indeed luck that the suitcase bombs in Cologne did not detonate, but we must not rely on that. The intelligence agencies and the Federal Criminal Police Office in particular need to do everything conceivable. But in the case of us suffering a heavy attack, we should retain the necessary measure of composure, as the British are doing now. That is what I am thinking of when I say: We could be struck at anytime. It is a form of political precaution……………………………………………...................................
Q: Terrorism thrives on spreading fear. Is it wise for the interior minister and his state secretary to participate in this interplay and compare the situation today with the one shortly before the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks?......................................................................................................
A: When we say the likelihood of an attack is greater than ever before, there is no fear mongering involved in that. It is a representation of reality. Unfortunately, the public tends to believe we are not threatened…………
Q: In your view, the regular security policy tools are insufficient for dealing with Islamic terrorism, because it represents a blend of crime and war. Are you searching for a third way beyond adversary criminal law and the classic constitutional state?....................................................................................
A: The fact is that the old categories no longer apply. We are not waging a classic war in Afghanistan, but the international legal order does not fit there either, which is why we need new concepts. The fight against international terrorism cannot be mastered by the classic methods of the police, in any case. If for example potential terrorists, so-called endangerers, cannot be extradited – what do we do with them? One could, for example, create a law making conspiracy a criminal offense, as the United States has done. But the other question is: Can one treat such endangerers like combatants and detain them?.........................................................................................................
Q: You want preventative detention for Islamists?..........................................
A: No. But we have to clarify whether our constitutional state is sufficient for confronting the new threats. So-called preventive detention already exists today – for hooligans at soccer games, for example – albeit with tight legal restrictions. And we must discuss whether the degree of prevention that is already a feature of our police laws today is sufficient. One could for example impose conditions on someone who cannot be extradited, such as a ban on Internet or mobile phone communication. The legal problems extend all the way to extreme cases such as so-called targeted killing…………………………………………………………………………..

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