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This is Ms. Papadopoulos speaking. – Говорит миссис Пападопулос.

It’s Alice Douglas here. – Говорит Элис Дуглас.


Could I speak to Mr. Romanov? – Могу я поговорить с мистером Романовым?

Could you put me through to...? – Не могли бы Вы соединить меня с...?

I’d like to speak to Norman Miller. – Я бы хотел поговорить с Норманом Миллером


I’m calling about the latest agreement. – Я звоню по поводу последнего соглашения.

I’m returning Mr.Miller’s call. – Мистер Миллер просил меня перезвонить.


The connection is very poor. –Связь очень плохая.

I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. – Извините, я не расслышал.

Could you speak a little louder/ more slowly please? – Не могли бы Вы говорить чуть громче/ помедленнее?


Are you free to talk? / Can you talk? – Вы можете сейчас говорить?

Can I call you back? – Могу я перезвонить Вам?

I’ll call him again at 3 in the morning. It’s not urgent – Я перезвоню ему в 3 часа. Это не срочно.


I’m short of time. I’ll call you when I get back to Moscow. – У меня очень мало времени. Я перезвоню Вам как только вернусь в Москву.

Thank you for your help. – Благодарю Вас за помощь.


Прочтите и прослушайте диалоги.


A Nordic Pipe speaking. Can I help you?

B Could I speak to the head of Finance?

A Who shall I say is calling?

B This is Otto Drexler from Fau Chemicals.

A Just a moment, Mr. Drexler. Putting you through.

C Kekkonen speaking.

B It’s Otto Drexler. I’m just phoning to give an invoice number.



A Good morning, ABC International. How may I help you?

B It’s Gloria Swenson here. Could you put me through to extension 301 please.

A I’m sorry. I didn’t get your name. Could you spell it please.

B Swenson. S-W-E -N-S-O-N.

A Thank you. Hold the line. I’m putting you through.

C Greg Mancini speaking.

B Hello, Greg. It’s Gloria Swenson here. I’m returning your call.



A Hello, I’m Helena Farrah. I’d like to speak to Dagmar Stielmann.

B I‘m afraid she is not available at the moment. Will you hold or shall I take a message.

A I’ll leave a message please. I would like to make an appointment with her for tomorrow

morning. At around 10. Could she call me back?

B Ms. Stielmann will call you back as soon as possible. What’s the number please?

A It’s 012 3856 4479.

B Right. I’ve got that. I’ll make sure she gets the message

A Thank you for your help.

19.Заполните пропуски в диалоге словами и фразам из раздела «Как позвонить по телефону».


A Simplico speaking. ---------------?

B It’s Boris Sokolov from Rosmetal here. ---------------to Bill Santana please?

A ---------------- company?

B Rosmetal. R-O-S-M-E-T-A-L

A Thank you, Mr. Sokolov. I’m putting you through... Hello, --------------- line. Would you

like ---------------?

B No, --------------- 3 in the evening.



A --------------- to Mr. Rodionov?

B Rodionov speaking.

A Hello, Gleb. It’s George Knight here. Are ---------------?

B I’m sorry. ---------------. I’ll call you after the meeting.

A How long do you think it’s going to take?

B It won’t be long. Good-bye, George.



A Good morning, KDC. ---------------?

B ---------------to Bob MacGregor please.

A Who --------------?

B It’s Ho Chang from the Tindall Group.--------------?

B I have to postpone our appointment. I can’t make it at 2 p.m.

A I’m sorry, I --------------- that. -------------- slower please.

B Certainly. I can’t meet Bob at 2 p.m. Could we arrange another date?

A I will pass ---------------.

B Thank you ---------------.


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