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I doubt that it will pass inspection. – Вряд ли машина пройдет техосмотр. I’m always on the go. – Я всегда в пути. In the middle of nowhere my car had a flat tire. No garage or service station. It really drove me nuts. – Посреди дороги спустилась шина. Нигде рядом ни гаража, ни автосервиса. Я чуть с ума не сошел. It’s a real treat. – Это настоящее наслаждение. My car is a real lemon. – Моя машина это сущий ужас. His sports car accelerates in no time. – Его спортивная машина разгоняется я в одно мгновение.
Спорт beat stress – побороть стресс build character – формировать характер cost a pretty penny – стоить довольно дорого daily trainings – ежедневные тренировки do judo/karate/yoga – заниматься бегом трусцой/дзюдо/карате/йогой go jogging /skiing/ skating/swimming – заниматься лыжами /конькобежным спортом/плаванием go to the gym – ходить в тренажерный зал keep fit – поддерживать себя в форме play football/ volleyball – играть в футбол/ волейбол ride a bike – кататься на велосипеде
Выражение отношения к чему либо How do you feel / what do you think/ what’s your opinion about soap operas? – Как вы относитесь к мыльным операм?
I really like / love painting. – Я очень люблю живопись. I’m really fond of/ keen on/interested in gardening. – Я очень увлекаюсь садоводством. I’m very much into sports. – Я горячий поклонник спорта. I find collecting stamps really interesting/fascinating/ exciting. – Я считаю коллекционирование очень увлекательным занятием. I personally adore scuba-diving. – Лично я обожаю ныряние с аквалангом. What I like most is singing. – Больше всего я люблю пение.
I can’t bear/detest/hate playing cards. – Я терпеть не могу играть в карты. I don’t have the brains for strategic thinking in chess.– У меня не хватает стратегического мышления для игры в шахматы. I find playing draughts rather boring/ dull. – Я считаю игру в шашки скучным занятием. I’m not a music lover. – Я не любитель музыки. I don’t care. – Мне все равно. I don’t have an opinion on it. – У меня нет мнения на этот счет. It’s OK/ alright I suppose. – Я отношусь к этому нормально. It doesn’t bother me either way. – Меня это никаким образом не трогает. Tastes differ. – О вкусах не спорят.
Прочитайте и прослушайте диалоги. 2.1 Andy Hi, Mack. I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have been to all this time? Mack Ifyou remember, I’ve been attended a well-known scuba-diving club in our city. Andy Yes, I’ve heard something about it. So what? Mack This summer all the members of our group went to the Red Sea to dive. Andy Great. It was your first experience, wasn’t it? Mack Yes. It was fascinating. Andy Are you going there next summer? Mack We haven’t decided yet, but I‘d love to.
2.2 Chloe Hello, Doris. So strange to see you in the gym. As far as I remember, you couldn’t bear physical training. Doris Life is changing. Frankly speaking I’m supposed to be slimming. Chloe Good. If you ask me, besides keeping fit it helps me to beat stress and negative emotions. How often do you go here? Doris Um, three times a week. Chloe That’s reasonable, because overtraining is even dangerous for heart. Doris Yes, sure. And I do jogging as often as it possible. We have a wonderful park next to us. I personally adore jogging there when the morning air is fresh and birds are singing. Chloe And what about winter? Doris I’ll try to do it at any weather.
2.3 Russell Hi, Owen. Have a new object to care? Owen Hi, Russel. It’s a real treat. A new car is something more than a means of transportation. Driving is a drive for me. Russell Lucky you are. And my car is a real lemon. Owen What’s wrong about it? Russell In the middle of nowhere my car had a flat tire. No garage or service station. It really drove me nuts. It was just yesterday. I doubt that it will pass inspection next month. Owen Oh, my goodness! And I’m always on the go. I want my wife to attend driving courses, but she has no free time at all. Her passion is singing in a choir. She spends every free minute there. Russell Yes, I see. And my wife attends the arts and crafts club in the city centre. She decorated our home with her original works. I think they are absolutely fascinating.