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Тренування навичок письма.

а) Формування граматичної та комунікативної компетенції.

Your Language Portfolio: Reading. WB p. 94 (a)

Read the comments made by the professional photographer Joe Harris to his photos of different parts of England (p. 190 of your Student's book) and write out the information that proves that England has:

• a rich variety of scenery;

• much to offer for history lovers;

• many points of pride.


1) Each one of England's counties has its own special flavour. This comesfrom England's landscape, its resources and its history.

Every region is full of stately views, and there is a rich variety of sce­nery to be found in every corner of this green country.

The Downs and Channel Coast embrace Hampshire, Surrey, East Sus­sex, West Sussex and Kent. This is " The Garden of England", green and rural, with rolling Downs.

Opposite the Royal Pavilion is Brighton Dome, an Indian-style build­ing that once used to be George IVs stables and now is a major arts scene.

As you move away from London, you soon reach the countryside im­mortalized by the landscape painter John Constable — East Anglia.

2) Each one of England's counties has its own special flavour. This
comes from England's landscape, its resources and its history.

Opposite the Royal Pavilion is Brighton Dome, an Indian-style build­ing that once used to be George IV's stables and now is a major arts scene.

In the West County you can find Europe's most famous prehistoric monument, Stonehenge. It's a group of very large, tall stones arranged in circles. Stonehenge was built in several stages from about 3000 BC.

East Anglia's name comes from the Angles, the people from Northern Germany who settled here during the 5th and 6th centuries.

When going North, you can't miss the city of York, where Roman and Viking relics exist side by side.

3) Each one of England's counties has its own special flavour.

The Downs and Channel Coast embrace Hampshire, Surrey, East Sus­sex, West Sussex and Kent. This is " The Garden of England", green and rural, with rolling Downs.

The liveliest resort on the southern coast is Brighton. It is known as " London-on-Sea", with its famous must-sees — Palace Pier and the Royal Pavilion.

In the West County you can find Europe's most famous prehistoric monument, Stonehenge.

East Anglia is home to one of Britain's top universities: Cambridge.

Walking into York's centre is like entering a living museum.

York's tiniest street has the city's longest name -— " Whip-ma-whop-ma-gate" — which dates from Saxon times and means " neither one thing nor the other".


Your Language Portfolio: Reading. WB p. 94 (b)

Summarize the information from the text connected with these content areas:





The former is Palace Pier, built in 18£ 9 out into the sea, with small buildings on it where people eat and amuse them­selves.

Despite popular belief, the circle was not built by the Druids, before the Christian religion, — more than 1, 000 years after Stonehenge was completed. East Anglias name comes from the An­gles, the people from Northern Germa­ny who settled here during the 5th and 6th centuries.

Henry VI, who founded King's College in 1441, gave specific instructions about its size: 88 m long, 12 m wide and 29 m high. He also decided that a choir should sing daily at services there.


The Downs and Channel Coast embrace Hampshire, Surrey, East Sussex, West Sussex and Kent. This is " The Garden of England", green and rural, with roll­ing Downs. The liveliest resort on the southern coast is Brighton. It is known as " London-on-Sea", with its famous must-sees — Palace Pier and the Royal Pavilion.

In the West County you can find Europe's most famous prehistoric monument, Stonehenge.

East Anglia is home to one of Britain’s top universities: Cambridge. The glory of York is the minster.

Opposite the Royal Pavilion is Brighton Dome, an Indian-style building that once used to be George IV's stables and now is a major arts scene. As you move away from London, you soon reach the countryside immortalize by the landscape painter John Constable — East Anglia.

When going North, you can't miss the city of York, where Roman and Viking relics exist side by side.

Jorvik, the Viking City, is built on the site of the original Viking settlemen uncovered by archeologists.

York's tiniest street has the city's longest name — " Whip-ma-whop-magate" — which dates from Saxon times and means " neither one thing nor the other".



ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку (5 хв)


1. Домашнє завдання.

a) Повторити граматичний матеріал про the Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Active and Passive.

b) Your Language Portfolio: Reading. CD 2, track 15.

Listen to the comments made by the professional photographer Joe Harris.

c) Your Language Portfolio:

Reading, (c) WB p. 94.

Think and decide on how a tourist can benefit from learning about Eng­land's past and present. Fill in the table below.


2. Підведення підсумків уроку

Діалог вчителя з учнями.

What did we speak about? What can you say about England? Have you ever been in Great Britain? What can you say about your journey?



Урок № Дата Клас 9

Тема: Враження про Північну Ірландію


Ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою.

Формувати комунікативну компетенцію.

Практикувати навички письма.

Розвивати фонетичну компетенцію.

Удосконалювати аудіативну компетенцію.

Виховувати миролюбиву особистість.

Обладнання: Підручник, зошит.


Хід уроку


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення (10 хв)


1. Привітання.

2. Повідомлення мети уроку.

Today we are going to talk about Northern Ireland, to express concern and to try to make a travel guide to Britain.


3. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Учні читають листівки, які вони склали вдома (Your Language Port­folio: Writing. SB p. 223, WB p. 107).


4. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

а) Формування фонетичної компетенції.

Rhyme and Reason. SB p. 224, CD 2, track 23

Listen to and read the poem " Impressions of Northern Ireland" and say what the poet is concerned with. Practise the sounds /i: / and /ei/.


Rhyme andReason. WB p. 107 (a)

Read the words in the box and complete the table with them. Pratise say­ing them.

  /еі/ /аі/
easy place neither
see hatred fighting
green grayness like
freeing sake righteous


Rhyme and Reason. WB p. 108 (b)

Read the poem " Impressions of Northern Ireland" (p. 224 of your Stu­dent's book) and write out the phonetic script to these words. Practise say­ing them in the lines of the poem.



II. Основна частина уроку (30 хв)

1. Формування комунікативної компетенції.

а) Презентація нової лексики.

Communication Box: How to express concern. CD 2, track 22, SB p. 223

Учні прослуховують вислови й мовні звороти, записані на диску, а потім читають один за одним по слову. Перекладають за допомогою вчителя.

I’ve been wondering if... — Я поцікавився (-лася), якщо (чи)...

There's plenty worth seeing in..., but I'm not sure if... — Багато чого варто побачити в..., але я не впевнений (-на), якщо (чи)...

It's a matter of concern because of... — Це підстава для хвилювання, тому що...

You probably know that... saw the worst of... — Ти, мабуть, знаєш, що... впало найгірше з...

Perhaps one of the first things that strikes the visitor to... is the way... — Можливо, одна з найголовніших речей, що приведе відві­дувача до... це шлях...

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? — Ти думаєш про те саме, що і я?

That's sad, but I guess... — Це сумно, але я припускаю...

One thing I'm learning is that... — Одна річ, яку я знаю напевно, це...

However, this has not always been the case. — Однак, це не завжди було так.

That's the best way to... — Це найкращий спосіб... Then I seem to know... — Тоді я, здається, знаю...


b) Активізація нової лексики.

Північна Ірландія (англ. Northern Ireland) — це частина Об'єдна­ного Королівства площею 13 460 км2 зі столицею Белфаст. Склада­ється з 6 графств (Антрім, Арма, Даун, Лондондеррі, Тайрон і Фермана), що формують частину північної провінції Ольстер.

Утворення Північної Ірландії датується 3 травня 1921 р. на підставі документу " Government of Ireland Act" (1920).

Північна Ірландія багато років була ареною гострого етно-полі-тичногю конфлікту між «націоналістами»-католиками і «юніоніста-ми»-протестантами. Націоналісти виступали за політичне приєднання Північної Ірландії до решти Ірландії, а юніоністи, яких у Північній Ірландії більшість, хотіли залишитися у складі Об'єднаного Королів­ства. Загалом, юніонісіти вважають себе британцями (або «ольстер-цями%), а націоналісти — ірландцями, хоча ці відмінності не одно­значні. З моменту підписання Белфастської угоди (так звана «Угода в Страсну п'ятницю») у 1998 р. більшість напіввійськових формувань, що брали участь у боротьбі, припинили військові дії.

Лондондеррі або Деррі (англ. Londonderry, Derry; ірл. Doire) — історичне графство і округ на півночі Ірландії. Входить до складу провінції Ольстер на території Північної Ірландії. Столиця і найбіль­ше місто — Лондондеррі.


Go Ahead! SB p. 224

Look at the map of Ireland and say into what two parts it is divided as the result of the Anglo-Irish conflict of 1918-1921. How do you think the division of the island influence^ the lives of people there?


Express Yourself! SB p. 225 (a)

Read and learn how to express concern. Look at the pictures and fill in the mini-dialogues.

1) —There's plenty worth seeing in Northern Ireland, but I'm not sure if I should go there now.

— Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

— Yeah, it's a matter of concern, because of the conflict that has raged for years.

2) — You probably know that Belfast saw the worst of the troubles in Ireland.

— That's sad, but I guess the situation is much more stable now.

3) — Perhaps one of the first things that strikes the visitor to Londonderry is the way the people speak.

—- One thing I am learning is that all people across Britain aren't the same.

4) — The relationships between Catholic and Protestant groups are
becoming more tolerant and friendly.

— However, this has not always been the case.

5) — At the beginning part of the twenty first century people in Northern Ireland began to make changes in their own minds.

— That's the best way to breakdown the walls of conflict


Express Yourself! SB p. 227 (b) Read and respond, expressing concern.


Express Yourself! SB p. 227fc) Read and give the context to

1) — Most of Northern Ireland's attractions are safe for children.

— However, this hag not always been the case.

2) —- More and more tourists are coming to Londonderry to nosy around.

— Yeah, it's a matter of public concern.

3) — Northern Ireland has been for many years the site of a violent conflict.

— One thing I am learning is that a new generation is growing up in Northern Ireland, free from the fear of violence.

4)— The country's turbulent past still resonates today.

— That's sad.

5) — The best way to break down the walls of conflict is to learn to live together.

— I guess people in Northern Ireland began to make changes in their own minds.

6) — The relationships between Catholic and Protestant groups are be-
coming more tolerant and friendly.

— That's the best way to learn to live together.

7) — There's plenty worth seeing in Northern Ireland, but I'm not sure
if I should go there now.

— Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

8) — You probably know that Belfast saw the worst of the troubles in

— However, the situation is much more stable now.


c) Тренування навичок письма. Express Yourself! WB p. 108 (a)

Look at the facial expressions of the teenagers in the pictures and guess how each of them expressed concern. Label these pictures with he sentences from the box.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? However, this has not always been the case.
That's sad, but I guess the situation is much more stable now. One thing I'm learning is that all peop­le across Britain aren't the same.


Express Yourself! WB p. 109 (c)

Compose micro-dialogues according to the following communicative tasks.


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