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noisy chaos

lean nobody

nearly plump

take of in time incoming

8. Retell the text.

9. Choose the right word.


Reaching over Danny's shoulder, Mel picked up a direct line

___________________________ to Air Traffic Control. The tower watch

___________________ answered.

" What's the story on that Aereo-Mexican 707? "

" Still there, Mr. Bakersfeld. They've been working a ___ of hours trying to move it. No luck yet."

That particular trouble had begun shortly after dark when an Aereo-

Mexican _____________, taxiing out for takeoff, _______________

passed to the right instead of left of a blue taxi light. Unfortunately, the

ground to the right, which was normally___________________________ covered,

had a drainage problem, due to be worked on when

_____________________ ended. Meanwhile, despite the heavy

____________________, there was still a pool of mud beneath the sur­face. Within seconds of its wrong-way turn, the hundred and twenty ton ________ was deep in mud.

When it became______________________________ that the aircraft could not

get out, loaded, under its own power, the_____________________________ were

asked to leave the plane and helped through mud and snow to the buses.

Now, more than two hours later, the big jet was still stuck, its ________________ and tail blocking________________ three zero.

Winter, fuselage, grass, captain, phone, aircraft, chief, passengers, run­way, snow, couple, mistakenly, obvious.

10. Insert the missing prepositions and adverbs where necessary.


When Wilson got... the airport, his flight was already being an­nounced... the loudspeakers. The day before he had cancelled his ticket... a morning flight and had booked an afternoon flight.... He had to go... the reservations desk to get his new ticket.

He apologized... being late. The reservations clerk smiled and be­gan to look... the reservations... her.... her smile disappeared and she began to look worried.

" Your ticket doesn't seem to be here, " she said. " Let me check it... the computer."

The computer clicked and lights began to flash.... then, his flight was called a second time. Wilson became very nervous.... the girl looked up.

" There's been a mistake. Your new ticket was sent... you... post. That's why it isn't..., " she said. It took her... a short time to write out a new one. Wilson managed to catch the plane just... it took off. " What a way to start a holiday! " he thought.

(to, for, over, through, in front of, with, by, up, instead, before, then, here, finally, just)

11. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your rea-




For agreement use:

I think so. I agree...

Yes, I should think so. Certainly it did. Exactly.

For disagreement use: I don't think so. I disagree...

I don't agree with you here. Definitely not. Not in the least.



1. The airport was functioning very well that evening.

2. Air Traffic Control had instituted flow control procedures because of the snow.

3. All incoming flights were cancelled.

4. All outgoing flights were delayed.

5. Danny Farrow was the airport general manager.

6. Danny was supervising the maintenance snow crews.

7. The United's flight to LA took off without food.

8. Mel was tired.

12. Discuss.

1. Weather is a key factor to the success of the airport operation.

2. If at least one runway is blocked, the airport stops functioning well.

3. Bad weather usually creates emergency situation at an airport.

4. If you happen to fly on a bad weather day you shouldn't complain of delays and cancellations.

5. It is better to fly without food than to wait two more hours at the


6. Any delay or cancellation of a flight is the result of bad manage­ment.

7. Passenger relations agent is an important person for an airline.

8. An airport is an interesting place to work in.

9. An airport is a difficult place to work in.

13. Speak about... possible solutions for the airport problems dis­cussed in the text.

14. Explain why:

1. The airport was functioning with difficulty.

2. Mel was wondering that the airport was continuing to operate at all.

3. Runway three zero was out of use.

4. Boeing 707 blocked the runway.

5. The United Ail Lines' flight to Los Angeles took off without food.

6. Mel was excited to drop by Trans America on his way to the ter­minal.


Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogues.


A: Can I see your passport, please? Thank you. Are you here on holi­day?

B: No, I'm on business. A: That's fine. Enjoy your stay.

B: Excuse me. Where are the trolleys? C: They're over there.

B: Could you change this for me, please? I need a coin for a trolley. C: Yes, here you are. B: Thank a lot.


15. Read and translate the form. Fill out the form for yourself.

Department of the Treasury United States Customs Service









2.DATE OF BIRTH (Mo./Day/Yr.)
4. CITIZEN OF (Country)


5. RESIDENT OF (Country)






9. Are you or anyone in your party carrying any fruits, plants, meals, other plant or ani­mal products, birds, snails, or other live organisms of any kind?


10. Have you or anyone in your party been on a farm or ranch outside the USA in the last 10 days?


11. Are you or any family member carrying over $ 5000.00 (or the equivalent value in any currency) in monetary instruments such as coin, currency, traveller's checks, money or­ders etc?

If yes, you must file a report on form 4790, as required by law. YES NO

12. / certify that / have declared all items acquired abroad as required herein and that all oral and written statements which I have made are true, correct and complete





13. U.S. VISA

ISSUED AT (place)

14. VISA DATE (Mo./Day/Yr.)

Give full forms of all shortened words in the CUSTOMS FORM.

Read and translate the advertisement.



The ultimate Las Vegas Wedding experience! Truly an exciting and dazzling setting for your Las Vegas Wedding... whether you are Getting Married or Renewing your Vows with the one you love!

This spectacular Las Vegas wedding package includes transfers by lim­ousine to Heli USA's Air Terminal. Enjoy a champagne toast celebrating your special day. Rise above the 'City of Lights' in your private $ 1, 000, 000 A-Star jet copter, your minister will marry you on board over the daz­zling Las Vegas 'Strip.' Cruise past Wynn Las Vegas, New York — New York, Bellagio, Venetian, Downtown and Fremont Street. You will pass the space beam of the Luxor Pyramid!

A Night to Remember

Las Vegas Wedding Package Includes:

• Private helicopter party up to 5 persons, plus minister.

• > 6' wedding cake and champagne.

• > A 12' rose cascade bouquet for the bride.

• > A rose boutonniere for the groom.

• > Minister's donation and driver's gratuity.

• > Limousine transfers.

Las Vegas Wedding Duration: Allow 2 hrs. hotel to hotel.

Additional Services for your Las Vegas Wedding: Such as photogra­pher, videography or additional flowers or amenities, contact Candlelight Wedding Chapel at (800) 962-1818 or (702) 735-4179 in Las Vegas and refer to Heli USA tour code W-01.

Notes on Las Vegas Weddings: The driver will chauffeur the wedding couple from hotel to private helicopter, then return them to their hotel. The $50 cost of the marriage license is not included. If your country re­quires a certified copy of the marriage license, follow the instructions on the reverse side of the license. It is the passenger's responsibility to ver­ify, in advance, their country's requirements.

18. Answer the questions.

1. Where will the ceremony take place?

2. What is a " wedding package"?

3. What is included in the package?

4. What additional services you'll need to pay for?

5. What do you need to know about the marriage license?

19. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word


Wedding, to get married, to renewing vows, wedding package, heli­copter, A-star jet copter, minister, champagne, wedding cake, wedding couple, bouquet for the bride, rose boutonniere for the groom, donation, gratuity, additional services, marriage license, certified copy, reverse side, responsibility, to verify the requirements.

20. You are a travel agent. Speak about the flight tours your agen­cy can suggest to the customers. Invent as many options as


21. Translate into English.


Внуково — один из старейших аэропортов Московской авиа­ционной зоны, который в последние годы начал активно разви­ваться и модернизироваться. В настоящее время отсюда ежеднев­но выполняется более 80 регулярных рейсов в города Дальнего Востока, Сибири, Северного Кавказа, Армении, Грузии, Украины, Молдавии и до 30 рейсов в страны дальнего зарубежья. По итогам Прошлого года, из Внуково было выполнено 31, 9 тыс. самолето­вылетов, обслужено свыше 1, 2 млн пассажиров. По объему реали­зованных услуг Внуково занимает третье место, уступая аэропортам Шереметьево и Домодедово. Однако масштабная программа рекон­струкции воздушной гавани может изменить соотношение сил.

Сегодня аэропорт Внуково имеет две пересекающиеся взлетно- посадочных полосы: ВПП-1 (3000 м на 60 м, укрепленные обочи­ны по 10 см с каждой стороны, общая ширина взлетной полосы 180 м, свободные зоны по 400 м с каждой стороны) и ВПП-2 (3060 м на 60 м, общая ширина взлетной полосы 180 м). Общая Площадь летного поля (перрона) составляет 55 га и имеет 90 обо­рудованных мест стоянок воздушных судов.

Аэровокзальный комплекс Внуково-2, обслуживающий прези­дента и правительство РФ, использует взлетно-посадочные поло­сы аэропорта Внуково. На аэродроме установлено радиотехничес­кое и светосигнальное оборудование, которое обеспечивает производство посадки самолетов в условиях метеоминимума.

Оперативно-техническое обслуживание воздушных судов осу­ществляется компанией по наземному обслуживанию. В аэропор­ту работают несколько операторов по обеспечению авиакомпаний бортовым питанием.

Аэропорт Внуково расположен в 28 км от центра Москвы. Между аэровокзалом и станцией метро «Юго-Западная» курсиру­ют автобусы-экспрессы, маршрутные такси и рейсовые автобусы. От станции метро «Киевская» до Внуково можно доехать электро­поездом до станции «Аэропорт».

22. Write an essay on the topic " Airport" (choose any airport in the world and describe it.)


1. You are an airline manager Present your airline to travel agencies. Describe all services you provide. Stress the advantages of your airline. Use any additional information you find necessary.

2. You are a travel agent. Present " A Flight Tour To Remember" to your customers.

Unit 3. Travelling By Sea


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Have you ever travelled by sea? Have you ever been on a cruise?

If yes: If no:

1. When and where was it? 1. Would you like to go on Tell about your experience. a cruise? Why?

2. Did you enjoy it? 2. What are the pleasures and

3. What are the pleasures discomforts of a sea trip, do and discomforts of a sea trip? you think?

4. Would you like to go on a cruise again?



ihip — корабль

to sail — плавать (на корабле), отплывать, управлять судном

lail — парус

sailor — матрос, моряк

teaman — моряк, матрос

treasure — сокровище

crew — команда, экипаж (корабля, самолета) pirate — пират

enemy — враг

in order to — для того чтобы captain — капитан

first officer — первый помощник (старший помощник)

sea-officer — морской офицер

on foot — пешком

dock — док

tar — смола

Read and translate the text.


Dear Livesey,

The ship is bought and ready for sea. You've never seen a better ship — a child can sail her. Her name is the Hispaniola.

I got her through my old friend, Blandly, who worked hard to find her for me. In fact, so did everyone here in Bristol as soon as they heard where we wanted to go — for treasure, 1 mean.

'Redruth, ' 1 said, stopping for a moment, 'Dr. Livesey won't like that. The squire has been talking after all.'

Blandly himself found the Hispaniola. There are some men in Bris­tol who say that the Hispanoila was actually his ship and that he sold her to me at a very high price. But I don't believe them.

Then, I had trouble with the crew. I wanted to have twenty men in case we met pirates or enemy ships. I tried my best but could only find six.

And this time I was lucky again — I found the very man that I need­ed, an old sailor, who keeps an inn and who knows all the seamen in Bristol. Long John Silver is his name. He only has one leg and wants to get work as a ship's cook in order to go to sea again.

Well, Sir, I thought that I had found only a cook, but it turned out that I had actually found a crew. In just a few days Silver had helped me to gather a company of real sea dogs.

Long John even sent two men away out of the six I had already tak­en on.

I'm in wonderful health and spirits, eating like a bull, sleeping like a log. But I shall not enjoy a moment until the Hispaniola goes to sea. So now, Livesey, there's no time to lose. Let young Hawkins go at once to see his mother and then come quickly to Bristol.

John Trelawney.

PS: Blandly has found us an excellent man to be captain. His name is Smollett. Long John Silver has brought a very useful man for first officer; a man named Arrow.

You can imagine the excitement into which that letter put me. The next morning Redruth and I went on foot to the Admiral Benbow Inn to My goodbye to my mother.

I found her in good health and spirits. The squire had given her mon- §y to repair everything. All the rooms and the sign had been already re­paired and Mr. Trelawney had also added some furniture. He had found ft boy to help her while I was away. When I saw him, I realized for the first time that I was really going away. Up to that moment I had thought if the adventures ahead of me, not at all of the home that I was leaving. And I cried for the first time.

The evening passed and the next day, after dinner, Redruth and I were ®fl the road again. I said goodbye to my mother and to the cove where I had lived all my life and to the dear old Admiral Benbow. One of my last thoughts was of the captain, who had so often walked along the beach With his old telescope. The next moment my home was out of sight.

That night I slept like a log in the carriage that had picked us up on f)Ur way to Bristol. When I opened my eyes later, I found that we had ®ome to a large building in a city street.

'Where are we? ' I asked.

'In Bristol, ' said Tom. 'Get down.'

We had to walk to the dock and, though I had lived by the sea all my life, it seemed as if I had never been near the sea until that moment. The Smell of tar and salt was something new. I was going to sea myself, to sea ID a ship, with real seamen, to look for buried treasure!

While I was still dreaming, we suddenly arrived at a large inn and met §quire Trelawney, dressed like a sea-officer, coming out with a smile on flis face.

'You're here! ' he cried. 'And the doctor came last night from Lon­don. Bravo! The ship's company is complete! '

'Oh, Sir, ' I cried, 'when do we sail? '

'Sail? ' he said. 'We sail tomorrow! '

from Robert Lewis Stevenson


1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if


Treasure, squire, actually, crew, pirates, excellent, imagine, excite­ment, repair, while, adventure, captain, sight, eyes, buried.

2. Answer the questions.

1. Who wrote the letter to Dr. Livesey and Jim?

2. What was the name of Mr. Trelawney's ship?

3. Was she a good ship?

4. Did the squire keep his promise to hold his tongue?

5. Who helped the squire to get a crew for the ship?

6. What did Long John Silver want to do on the ship?

7. Who was to be captain?

8. Who found the captain for the ship?

9. What time was it for Jim going to sea?

10. Who did Jim visit before leaving for Bristol?

3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word

combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the



Ready for sea, as soon as they heard, to go for treasure, enemy ships, I tried my best, this time I was lucky again, to keep an inn, to work as a ship's cook, to gather a company, real sea dogs, to send away, two out of the six, I'm in wonderful health and spirits, I shall not enjoy a moment until, you can imagine the excitement, while I was away, added some furniture, the adventures ahead of me, to think of the home, not at all, to be on the road again, my home was out of sight, carriage, the smell of tar, to come out, with a smile on his face, ship's company is complete, we sail tomorrow.

4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word


Вы никогда не видели лучшего корабля; он потрудился найти ее для меня; как только они услышали; я имею в виду; в действи­тельности; продал мне ее втридорога; у меня были проблемы с командой; в случае...; я нашел именно того человека, который мне был нужен; старый моряк; оказалось, что; я ем как вол (волк); я сплю очень крепко, сплю без задних ног; нельзя терять ни мину­ты; сразу; капитан; первый помощник; идти пешком; попрощать­ся с матерью; я обнаружил, что она в добром здравии и в хорошем расположении духа; чинить/ремонтировать; в первый раз; до насто­ящего момента; прогуливаться по пляжу с телескопом; по дороге в Бристоль; подобрал нас; я обнаружил, что; жить у моря; казалось как будто; отправляться в море; с настоящими моряками; искать сокро­вища; одет как морской офицер; мы отплываем завтра.

5. Compare and mind the difference:

to go to sea to go to the sea

to sail the ship to sail on a ship

to find a crew to gather a company

pirates sea dogs

to go to the dock to walk to the dock

to come to arrive

I found that... I found it on the beach

6. Make up your own sentences with these word combinations to show the difference in meanings.

7. Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the text.

to go a crew

old seamen

to keep an inn

to find night

to gather sailor

no time moment

imagine treasure

real to lose

buried for treasure

next the excitement

last a company

8. Match the synonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and

find them in the text.  
seaman understand
crew problem
look for sailor
realize go away
leave yesterday evening
sea dog search
trouble experienced sailor
last night company

1 б Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

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