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Нескучная Европа 1 страница

Сегодня любой клиент может без особых усилий подобрать в турфирме практически любой экскурсионный тур в Европу, будь то знакомство с остатками античной цивилизации в Греции или экскурс в историю Шотландии. Бесспорные европейские лидеры — это Италия, Франция, Испания, страны Скандинавии, Австрия, Германия, Бенилюкс и Соединенное Королевство.



Стандартные программы посещения туманного Альбиона — это туры в Лондон. Они есть в арсенале всех операторов по Вели­кобритании. Например, старейший туроператор на этом направ-

Unit 4. Sightseeing

лении компания BSI предлагает набор из трех еженедельных гаран­тированных экскурсионных программ продолжительностью 7 или 8 дней: «Экономичный» тур с двумя экскурсиями, «Классичес­кий» — с четырьмя и «Экскурсионный» — с шестью экскурсиями. Важная особенность работы агентства — ежедневное выполнение гарантированных групповых экскурсий по Лондону. Каждый по­недельник проводятся сразу две экскурсии: автобусная обзорная, а также пешеходная в Лондонский Тауэр. Во вторник туристы ос­матривают исторический центр города, в среду — совершают экс­курсию в Британский музей. В четверг организуется посещение Национальной картинной галереи, а в пятницу — автобусная экс­курсия в Виндзор или Хэмптон Корт.

Примером популярного типового маршрута может служить недельный тур «Экскурсионный Лондон». Программа включает автобусную обзорную экскурсию по городу, во время которой ту­ристам демонстрируются Трафальгарская площадь, Уайт Холл и Даунинг Стрит, Вестминстерское Аббатство, здание Парламента, Букингемский дворец (резиденция королевы), знаменитые мос­ты — «Лондон Бридж», «Тауэр Бридж», Гайд Парк, Сант Джеймс Парк, замок Тауэр, крейсер «Бэлфаст», Ист-Энд и Вест-Энд, рай­он Сити, старое здание Скотланд Ярда, а также собор Святого Павла. Помимо этого, в турпакет входят экскурсии в Нацио­нальную Галерею, Британский Музей и Вестминстерское Аббат­ство. По заказу представитель компании может организовать до­полнительные экскурсии за пределы Лондона.

Новинки предстоящего сезона

Одной из интересных новинок летнего сезона обещает стать десятидневный тур «Англия — Шотландия — Уэльс». Туристы уви­дят Йорк, Эдинбург, замки Шотландии, посетят завод по произ­водству виски, озеро Лох-Несс, а также города Карлайл (здесь на­ходится резиденция династии Стюартов), Честер, Карнарфон (древняя столица Уэльса), Стратфорд-на-Эйвоне (родина Шекспи­ра), Оксфорд и Лондон. В столице Великобритании туристов ждет обзорная экскурсия по городу.

17. Write an essay on the topic " Undiscovered" Places In My City/




1. Create a sightseeing tour around Russia. Vfork out the itinerary for the tour. Make the schedule. Write an advertisement of the tour to the local newspaper. Make a presentation of your tour to the customers.

2. Create a sightseeing tour around your city. Work out the itinerary. " Publish" a booklet with information about the most important and in­teresting sights. Make your booklet attractive for customers. Make a pre­sentation of your tour to the clients.

Unit 5. Ecotourism






1. What is ecotourism do you think?

2. What do you think of ecotourism?

3. Do you think it is an important trend in tourism? Why?

4. Have you ever been on an ecological tour?



If yes,

1. Did you like it? Tell about your experience.

2. Would you advice our friends to go on an ecotour?


If no,

1. Would you like to go on an ecotour? Why?




essentially — по существу

connotation — значение

to define — определять

current — действующий, нынешний

responsible — ответственный

to conserve — сохранять

conservation — сохранение

environment — окружающая среда to improve — улучшать well-being — благосостояние people — народ

to favor — предпочитать, оказывать предпочтение, благоприятство­вать

vehicle — транспортное средство, двигатель

sustainable — стабильный

to satisfy criteria — удовлетворять критериям

justification — оправдание, основание

diversity — разнообразие

protection — защита

promotion — продвижение

to provide — снабжать

benefits — выгода, приносить пользу

community — общество, община

indigenous — коренной, местный

consent — согласие

enterprise — предприятие

increase — увеличение

impact — воздействие

affordabiiity — доступность

lack — недостаток

waste — отходы

luxury — роскошь

marginal activity — незначительная деятельность

to intend — намереваться

means — средство

significant — значительный

revenue — доход

chunk — большое количество

concept — концепция

tool — инструмент

related to — относящийся к...

to claim — утверждать, требовать

to abuse — злоупотреблять

splendid — великолепный

detriment — ущерб

to sensitize — делать чувствительным fragility — хрупкость to condemn — осуждать

to argue — спорить

precious — ценный

data — данные

to estimate — оценивать

majority —■ большинство

to cause — быть причиной, вызывать

controversy — спор, противоречие

Read and translate the text.


Ecotourism essentially means ecological tourism, where ecological has both environmental and social connotations. It is defined both as a concept / tourism movement and as a tourism sector. Born in its current form in the late 1980s, ecotourism came of age in 2002, when the Unit­ed Nations celebrated the " International Year of Ecotourism". The In­ternational Ecotourism Society (IES) defines ecotourism as " responsi­ble travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people". However, this is a vibrant, new move­ment and there are various definitions.

Many global environmental organizations and aid agencies favor ec­otourism as a vehicle to sustainable development.

Ideally, true ecotourism should satisfy several criteria, such as:

• conservation (and justification for conservation) of biological di­versity and cultural diversity, through ecosystems protection;

• promotion of sustainable use of biodiversity, by providing jobs to local populations;

• sharing of socio-economic benefits with local communities and indigenous people by having their informed consent and partici­pation in the management of ecotourism enterprises;

• increase of environmental & cultural knowledge;

• minimisation of tourism's own environmental impact;

• affordability and lack of waste in the form of luxury.

For many countries, ecotourism is not so much seen as a marginal activity intended to finance protection of the environment than as a ma­jor sector of national economy and as a means of getting currencies. For example, in countries such as Kenya, Ecuador, Nepal, Costa Rica and Madagascar, ecotourism represents a significant chunk of foreign revenue.

The concept of ecotourism is widely misunderstood and, in practice, is often simply used as a marketing tool to promote tourism that is relat­ed to nature. Critics claim that ecotourism as practiced and abused of-

ten consists in placing a hotel in a splendid landscape, to the detriment of the ecosystem. According to them, ecotourism must above all sensi­tize people with the beauty and the fragility of nature. They condemn some operators as " green-washing" their operations—that is, using the label of " ecotourism" and " green-friendly", while behaving in environ­mentally irresponsible ways.

Although academics argue about who can be classified as an eco- tourist, and there is precious little statistical data, some estimate that more than five million ecotourists — the majority of the worldwide popula­tion — come from the United States, with other ecotourists coming from Europe, Canada and Australia.

Currently there are various moves to create national and international ecotourism certification programs, although the process is causing con­troversy.


1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

Ecotourism, essentially, environment, environmental, social, society, define, current, conserve, conservation, vibrant, ideally, vehicle, justifi­cation, diversity, cultural, through, ecosystem, communities, indigenous, affordabiiity, luxury, marginal, currencies, Ecuador, foreign, revenue, widely, misunderstood, nature, abused, sensitize, fragility, condemn, al­though, precious, majority, certification, causing, controversy.

2. Compare and mind the difference:

BrE to favour minimisation
AmE to favor minimization



3. Answer the questions.

1. What is ecotourism?

2. What connotation does " ecological" have?

3. When was ecotourism " born"?

4. What is the definition of ecotourism by IES?

5. Why do many global organizations and aid agencies favor ecotour­ism?

6. What criteria should true ecotourism satisfy?

7. How is ecotourism seen by different countries? Why?

8. Why is the concept of ecotourism misunderstood in practice?

9. Which way do the travel agencies abuse the concept of ecotour­ism?

10. How many ecotourists are there in the world? What countries are they usually from?

11. Why does the process of creating ecotourism certification programs cause controversy?

4. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate the sentences with them in the text.

Environmental connotation, social connotation, responsible travel, to conserve the environment, aid agencies, sustainable development, jus­tification for conservation, to provide jobs, local populations, socio-eco­nomic benefits, local communities, indigenous people, informed consent, marginal activity, major sector of national economy, foreign revenue, splendid landscape, to the detriment of the ecosystem, to sensitize peo­ple, " green-washing" their operations, green-friendly, certification pro­grams, the process is causing controversy

5. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Экотуризм; экологический туризм; значение для окружающей среды; существующая форма; международный год экотуризма; природные зоны; улучшать благосостояние; местные жители; ко­ренные жители; местные народы; организации по защите окружа­ющей среды; удовлетворять нескольким критериям; биологичес­кое разнообразие (2); культурное разнообразие; стабильное использование биологического разнообразия; управление экологи­ческими предприятиями; повышение уровня культурных знаний; воздействие на окружающую среду; доступность; отсутствие загряз­нения; финансовая защиту окружающей среды; значительная часть; концепция экотуризма; на практике; инструмент продвиже­ния на рынок; злоупотребление; красота и хрупкость природы; безответственно по отношению к окружающей среде (природе); статистические данные; мировое население; различные движения; национальные и международные программы сертификации экоту­ризма.

6. Give singular for:

Phenomena, criteria, data, people, million.

7. Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the text.

ecological social tourism current United ecotourism responsible natural local various environmental sustainable several biological ecosystems socio-economic marginal cultural environmental tourism
society development diversity movement impact definitions criteria protection area tourism knowledge organizations form people sector activity connotation travel benefits Nations

indigenous finance major national significant foreign widely cultural marketing promote splendid fragility of irresponsible statistical
revenue diversity controversy tool nature sector landscape people population misunderstood data moves chunk programs

worldwide various certification cause
protection ways economy tourism

8. Match the synonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text.

in practice




at present


environmentally friendly meaning

indigenous people




society various vibrant in fact chunk local people income impact currently connotation define organization green-friendly estimate



9. Match the antonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text.

maximization much decrease excess expenses minority destroy narrow local major difficult
majority foreign simple increase minimization minor revenue wide little lack create



10. Form antonyms using negative prefixes ил-, in-, il-, im-, ir-, dis-, mis-. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

To understand, to use, to satisfy, to inform, legal, significant, respon­sible, affordable.

И. Retell the text.

12. Choose the right word from the list below. Mind the forms of the words. Translate the article.


The____________________ has the cleanest air in the world, so

nature's palette shows through without the contamination of urban pol­lution. And for colour, nothing beats Tasmania in_______________________________.

Smell the delicate_________ __________________________ of tiny white Kunzea blos­soms in the Narawntapu National Park, where a family of wombats may

amble past you in the coastal heathlands. An____________________________ later

you're surrounded by a riot of vivid red, yellow and blue in

_______________ of tulips and irises that roll across Table Cape, in the

north-west, to the edge of a sea cliff.

The contrast between___________________________ beauty on a grand scale

and gardens formed by human hand exists throughout the State. Some

of the oldest______________________________ on earth, forests of the ancient

single supercontinent of Gondwanaland, flourishes in the Tasmanian World Heritage Area, which has its northern boundary in the Cradle

Mountain-Lake St Clair____________________________ Park.

Tasmanians love their gardens and in the_____________________________

of the State, European cottage courtyards co-exist with exotic __. Delightful heritage gardens have been protect­ed over the decades in colonial villages along the Heritage Highway.

On the___________________________ coast, roam through the Freycinet

National Park, watching closely for native orchids. Paddle a sea kayak

past the red___________________________ peaks of the Hazards Range. Then

open a picnic hamper at Honeymoon Bay and_____________________________ the

sun set.

Field, bloom, to watch, hour, island, national, natural, centre, aroma, granite, east, vegetation, spring.

13. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions and adverbs where necessary. Translate the article.


... the north you can follow... the wine trail through the Pipers Brook and Tamar Valley area. Sip a cool climate pinot noir... a balcony over­looking the Tamar River and discover what a signature wine is all about.

Chat... the winemakers... the region's superb sauvignon blancs and char- donnays, produced... passion... stunning locations.

... the south, 40 ha... English oaks and rambling gardens have been carefully restored... one... Australia's leading historic sites, Port Arthur. Its stark convict past is evident... more than 30 buildings and ruins clus­tered... the edge... a peaceful bay.... the snap... a playing card, the world- class Visitor Centre invites you to step... the shoes... a convict to expe­rience his life... a day.

The west coast fishing village... Strahan is... the banks... Macqua- rie Harbour — almost six and a half times the size... the whole of Syd­ney Harbour but... less than a thousand people living around its shores. It is the departure point... cruises... the Gordon River... the Franklin- Gordon Wild Rivers National Park, and... wilderness flights. Step... the history... local Huon Pine gatherers, the early mining boom and wilder­ness explorers... the Strahan Visitor Centre.

Australia is an ideal destination... self-drive holidays,... endless rea­sons to stop, explore and create an itinerary as you travel. Bring your own car... the overnight ferry or hire a car or campervan.

And when it comes... the clear air and light, there's even more op­portunity to enjoy it... spring when Australia begins its six months... daylight saving. Dusk doesn't begin... about 8.30 p.m. and it's a slow twilight — perfect... evenings outdoors.

14. Compare your perception of ecotourism with the one given in the text.

• Do you agree with the definition of ecotourism given in the text?

• Do you want to add something or to eliminate something?

15. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your rea-




For agreement use:

That's an idea. Sounds good. Sounds like a good idea. Yes, I agree with you. Right you are.

For disagreement use: That's not a good idea. I don't think so. I disagree... Of course not. Not for me.



1. Ecotourism is a travel to a natural area.

2. It is important to celebrate " International Years of Ecotourism" regularly.

3. The most important criterion the ecotourism should meet is min imization of the tourism environmental impact.

4. For some countries ecotourism is a major sector of economy.

5. To create an ecotour it is enough to place a hotel in a splendid landscape.

6. The aim of ecotourism is to conserve the environment.

7. A lot of travel agencies abuse the concept of ecotourism.

16. Discuss.

1. It is a good ideal to create national and international ecotourism certification programs.

2. Ecotourism has some very important tasks.

3. The main task of ecotourism is to increase the environmental and cultural knowledge.

4. Ecotourism is increasing in popularity because people start think­ing about nature more.

5. The majority of ecotourists come from the United States, because they have more money to spend on tourism.

6. Many global environmental organizations and aid agencies favor ecotourism as a vehicle to sustainable development.

7. Ecotourism is the most important and the most profitable trend of tourism development.

8. Ecotourism will continue to increase in popularity.

17. Speak about...ecotourism in Russia.

18. Explain why ecotourism gains popularity and attention

throughout the world.



19. Role play.

Student A

You are a member of Wildlife Con­servation Society. Describe your work to your partner and persuade him/her join the Society.

__________ Student В_________

You don't like nature very much, so you don't want to be a member of any conservation group. Tell your friend about drawbacks of conserva­tion societies' work.



Swap roles.


20. Translate into English.

Обитатели следующей вольеры «Ост­рова зверей» — львы. Львы в Московском зоопарке не обычные — африканские, а редчайшие — азиатского подвида. Когда- то львы широко населяли юг Азиатского континента, их ареал охватывал даже Кав­каз, но затем азиатские львы были повсе­местно истреблены и сумели выжить толь­ко на небольшом пространстве Гирского леса в Индии.

Как и амурские тигры, азиатские львы внесены в Красную Книгу Международно­го Союза Охраны Природы, и зоопарки ве­дут активную работу по их сохранению и разведению, причем в этой работе зоопарки активно сотрудничают между собой, так, лев- самец прибыл в Московский зоопарк из Финляндии, а львица — из Англии.

21. Write an essay on the topic " Ecotourism in Russia".



to announce — объявлять

creation — создание

force — сила

obsessed — одержимый

to inspire — вдохновлять

to instill — внедрять

journal — журнал, дневник

experience — опыт, жизненный опыт

to celebrate — отмечать, восхвалять

to speak one's mind about... — высказывать свое мнение о... to describe — описывать success — успех

mangroves = mangrove trees — манговое дерево stilt — свая, ходуля tangle — узел, связка

jungle — джунгли

gym — спортивный зал

to exist — существовать

padauk woodкрасное дерево

ivory — слоновая кость

to acquire — приобретать

oyster — устрица

paddle — весло

to paddle — грести

cumulus clouds — кучевые облака

bend — поворот, изгиб

abundant — обильный

surface — поверхность

bat — летучая мышь

to scare — пугать

overdressed — слишком нарядно одетый

beak — клюв

breast — грудка

throat — горло

back — спина

wing — крыло

eyes — глаза

raven — ворон

human — человек, человеческий avian — птичий

delight — восторг, прелесть, наслаждение heron — цапля nocturnal — ночной

shy — застенчивый, робкий, скромный

hardly — едва

unbelievably — невероятно

to advance — продвигаться вперед

upstream — вверх по течению

to narrow — сужаться

snag — затруднение, загвоздка

muddy — грязный

bank — берег реки

to surge — вздыматься, нахлынуть, колыхаться to plunge — бросаться, рухнуть, резко падать вниз battleship — военный корабль to judge — судить

surprise attack — внезапная атака frantically — отчаянно

to chomp — брать кусок не по зубам, грызть slippery — скользкий to slipper — скользить

ungrippable — который невозможно схватить

to toss — подкидывать, подбрасывать, отбрасывать, откидывать

to clamber — карабкаться

to slither — скользить

edge — край

to erupt — разразиться, извергаться spooked — напуганный prey — добыча

to stir — шевелить, волновать

beast — зверь

to struggle — бороться

to fetch — догнать

bow — изгиб, край

calm — спокойный

bubble — пузырь

swirl — водоворот

Read and translate the text.


Last September the Gabonese government announced the creation of 13 national parks, covering 11 percent of the country. A major force behind this decision was J. Michael Fay, a driven (some would say ob­sessed) biologist with the New York based Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), who had walked some 2, 000 miles across central Africa to doc­ument its flora and fauna. In Loango National Park, a model for the other parks, Fay made his efforts to instill solid management and inspire pri­vate investment, keeping a daily journal of his experiences. In his entries he celebrates the Loango's coast, speaks his mind about conservation, and describes some of the work that's making the world's newest park system a success.

The Heron

The mangroves here are big trees, their stilt roots forming an impen­etrable tangle like some kind of jungle gym.

I thought about the village. The people of Loango came to the bank of Congo River for padauk wood (prized for its hardness and bright red color), for elephant ivory, and to acquire slaves from the neighboring tribes. It's clear that oysters supplied the villagers with a steady source of food over many generations.

Paddling conditions were perfect — slight breeze coming off the ocean, cumulus clouds shading the sun (no more than 80°F), and not a tsetse fly to be seen. As we rounded the sharp bend leading us inland, the kayak leaving a silvery wake on the dark surface, some fruit bats scared up a big bird.

We got into position for a look, and my eyes met with what looked like an overdressed clown with a sharp beak. Its breast was a rich rusty brown, the throat a bright white, the back and wings a crisp blackish brown. But the eyes: Wow, what eyes! In a bird the size of a raven they were about as big as a human's and lined with a thick white ring. This thing was the most wonderful avian delight I'd ever seen. A look in A Guide to the Birds of Western Africa revealed the bird to be the white- backed night heron. " Largely nocturnal; secretive and very shy by day, " the book said. Hardly an adequate description of what we saw. The au­thors might have added: " Yet another little known and unbelievably beau­tiful product of nature that can be seen on any day in Loango National Park."

The Hippo

As we advanced upstream, the river narrowed, and snags began to block our progress. My eyes scanned the muddy bank, which suddenly began to surge. So did my heart, as the form of a massive hippo materi­alized no more than 25 feet in front of the boat. Face-on to us, he plunged into the water like a battleship released from dry dock full-speed ahead. He'd been sleeping under a tree, and we had scared him in what he may have judged a surprise attack. We paddled frantically for the mangroves on the opposite bank, which seemed a mile away.

" Go, go, go, " shouted Jane, " he's coming. He's right behind the boat." The theme music of " Jaws" popped into my head, along with vi­sions of this behemoth chomping our plastic kayak right in half.

When we reached a tangle of mangrove roots — slippery like spaghetti and virtually ungrippable (ungraspable) — 1 tossed the paddle aside and catapulted Malia up into the tree. Jane and I followed, clambering and slithering over the spaghetti branches until we had about ten feet of jun­gle between us and the water's edge. We looked back only to see a boil of

water erupting just behind the empty kayak. The hippo had plunged into the black depths.

We sat motionless for the better part of an hour, eyes fixed on the water like spooked prey. Because passage on foot through the mangrove maze wasn't an option, we'd have to hop back in that boat and get our­selves downstream without stirring the now invisible beast. All was qui­et. Would it stay that way?

Jane and Malia struggled through the mangrove roots until they were about a hundred feet downstream. I jumped in the kayak, tipping it hard from side to side to call the hippo's bluff. The water stayed calm. No bubbles, no movement. That was good. 1 recovered the paddle and lost no time in zipping downstream to fetch the ladies, slipping as quietly as possible past every swirl and bubble.


1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if


Government, wildlife, society, fauna, inspire, journal, experiences, coast, success, mangrove, jungle, gym, padauk, bright, ivory, acquire, neighboring, oyster, source, cumulus, surface, scared, clown, beak, breast, throat, human, avian, delight, guide, reveal, nocturnal, adequate, nature, eyes, surge, heart, release, judge, jaws, reach, spaghetti, virtual­ly, depths, motionless, because, through, quiet, struggle, swirl.

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