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management programs employees duration tours diverse activities 6. Match the antonyms in the find them in the text. supply accommodation high separate mass approximate ordinary senior the former rallies 7. Make a summary of the text. 8. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons. For agreement use: For disagreement use: I think so. I don yt think so. I agree... 1 disagree... Yes, I should think so. I don't agree with you here. Certainly it is. Definitely not. Exactly. Not in the least. 1. Business travel is a highly profitable part of world tourism. 2. Business travel is the oldest form of tourism. 3. MICE is a separate branch of tourism. 4. The demand on business travel is growing rapidly. 5. Incentive tourism is usually individual tourism. 6. Incentive tours are aimed at business activities of the tourists. 7. Senior management prefers investing money into traditional entertainment tours. 8. There are separate incentive programs for senior management. 9. All incentive tours are aimed at team-building or effective team work. 10. MICE is an important sector of world economy. 9. Discuss: 1. What is business travel and why does it exist? 2. The reasons why the perception of business travel has changed.
3. The demand structure of MICE. 4. The factors that support the growth of MICE. 5. The world annual turnover of incentive tourism in comparison with Russia. 6. The reasons why incentive tours become more diverse. 7. There are separate " mass" tours for ordinary employees and VIP programs for senior management. Is it necessary? 10. Speak about...business travel demand in your city/region. 11. Explain why? 1. The demand on business travel is growing. 2. There are agencies working only in the sphere of MICE tourism. 3. Businessmen prefer dealing with specialized travel agencies. 4. Incentive tours are gaining popularity. 5. There are separate team-building tours are gaining popularity. 6. There are separate " mass" tours for ordinary employees and VIP programs for senior management. DIALOGUE 1 Read, memorize and dramatize the conversation. AT THE AIRPORT Stephen Brooks, managing director from Acme Bikes, a small British company, is meeting his Dutch colleague, Henk Jansen, at the airport. Henk is in the arrivals hali Stephen and his wife Christine approach him. Stephen: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Jansen? Henk: Yes. Pm Henk Jansen. Stephen: How do you do, Henk? Pm Stephen Brooks from Acme Bikes. Henk: How do you do, Mr. Brookes? Stephen: Did you have a good journey? Henk: Yes. It was fine, thanks. Stephen: (picking up Henk's suitcase) Oh, I'll take your suitcase. Henk: That's very kind of you. Stephen: Not at all. Let me introduce you to my wife, (to Christine) Christine, this is Henk Jansen. Christine: Hello, Henk. Nice to meet you. Henk: How do you do, Mrs. Brookes? Christine: Oh, do call me Christine. Henk: Thanks, Christine, (to Stephen) And may I call you Stephen? Stephen: Please, do. My car's just outside. I'll take you to the office. DIALOGUE 2 Read, memorize and dramatize the conversation. Stephen Brooks has taken his Dutch colleague to the office of Acme Bikes. Henk Jansen wants to meet Franck Green, the company's CEO. Carol is Mr. Green's secretary. IN THE OFFICE Carol: Mr. Henk Jansen to see you, Mr. Green. Mr. Green: Thank you, Carol, (to Henk) How do you do, Mr. Jansen? Henk: How do you do, Mr. Green? Mr. Green: Welcome to Acme Bikes. Henk: Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here. Mr. Green: I hope you enjoy your stay with us. Allow me to introduce one of our technical consultant, Jane Selby from New York. Henk: Pleased to meet you, Miss Selby. Jane: The pleasure's all mine. And please call me Jane. Henk: Thanks. Notes: The verb " to introduce" is used only in very formal conversations. Even at business meetings you can use a more colloquial phrase " This IS. • i
13. Translate into English. ДЕЛОВОЙ ТУРИЗМ Словосочетанием деловой туризм (Business travel) можно обозначить два понятия. Первое — это деловая поездка бизнесмена или менеджера с целью развития бизнеса. Второе — развитая индустрия по обслуживанию деловых поездок. Специалисты обычно рассматривают понятие деловой туризм как бизнес-систему, состоящую из четырех подсистем. Это четырехугольник, в углах которого находятся: «компании-заказчики» (они направляют своих сотрудников в деловые поездки), «компании-поставщики отдельного вида услуг» (авиакомпании, отели, бюро по аренде автомобилей, страховые компании и др.), «компании-поставщики полного комплекса услуг (туроператоры) в сфере деловых поездок» и «организации и фирмы индустрии MICE». В среде Business travel деловые поездки принято делить на несколько видов в зависимости от целей и пакета востребованных услуг. Это собственно индивидуальные деловые поездки, на долю которых в среднем в мире приходится 70—78 % от общего объема деловых поездок. Поездки для участия в конференциях, конгрессах и семинарах — 12—14 %. Поездки на выставки — 10—12 %. Поощрительные поездки как одна из форм мотивации и поощрения сотрудников, партнеров, клиентов, торговых агентов, дистрибьюторов и руководителей высокого ранга составляют 3—7 %. Виды деловых поездок могут тесно переплетаться, например, вы- ставочно-конгрессные и поощрительные поездки. 14. Write an essay on the topic " Business Travel in Russia". TEXT 2 Vocabulary to make arrangements — договариваться, уславливаться industry-specific exhibitions — специализированные выставки construction — строительство furniture — мебель military — военный fair — ярмарка wood processing — обработка древесины supply — предложение clock-art forum — форум часового искусства trend — направление, тенденция market share — доля рынка to note — замечать in advance — заранее to attend — посещать bulk — основная часть, большое количество pharmaceutical company — фармацевтическая компания insurance company — страховая компания charter flights — чартерные рейсы discount — скидка to require — требовать Read and translate the text. BUSINESS TRAVEL (Part II) Exhibition Tourism According to business travel statistics, the demand on exhibition tourism has been growing recently. Large travel agencies make arrangements to visit more than 100 exhibitions every year. The most popular industry-specific exhibitions and fairs are construction, furniture, food, computer, general industrial and military fairs and exhibitions. The demand on specialized exhibitions has been growing recently. For instance, professionals are not interested in general construction exhibitions, but in particular construction techniques, e.g. wood processing, or particular types of construction materials. Among the most popular European destinations the leaders are Germany and Italy, providing up to 70 % of supply to the existing demand. The third place is taken by France, with popular construction exhibitions and Le Burge air show. In Switzerland the primary attractions are auto show in Geneva and clock-art forums in Baselle. Great Britain is famous for design, interior and furniture exhibitions. The demand on exhibitions in other European countries is not high. One of the existing trends in exhibition tourism is the growing interest in South-East Asia, especially China. The location of the exhibition is gaining importance for clients, so exotic countries are being chosen more and more often for the location of the exhibition. It is true particularly for the exporting companies that want to enlarge there sales market's share in developing countries. Russian experts also note, that Russian businessmen used to remember about exhibitions " at the last minute". Now they plan visiting exhibitions in advance, especially during the high season of the exhibition tourism, which is from February to May and from September to November. Such thoughtfulness makes the work of travel agents easier, because in some hotels located near the popular exhibition centers the rooms have to be reserved at least a year before the exhibitions. Congress Tourism Congress tourism is a growing MICE market segment. Congress tourism takes up to 30 % of the hotel reservation around the world, but only 5—7 % in Russia. Some of the most popular congress places have always been Check Republic and Cyprus. Russian capitals Moscow and St. Petersburg are gaining popularity as well lately. According to HCD Group, a big consulting company, more than 150 large congresses, conferences and workshops are held in Moscow annually. Each event is attended by 100—300 participants, that is average for Europe, but less than in East Asia and America, where large congresses draw up to 5—7 thousands participants. As the specialists note, the major bulk of congress-conference clients are financial, computer, pharmaceutical and insurance companies. The average duration of the event is from two to four days. The typical service includes charter flights to and from the location and accommodation in best hotels of major resort cities. Popular travel destinations are gradually becoming popular congress destinations as well. Such countries as Turkey, Spain and Greece are in high demand during low season when 4—5 star hotels are not packed and offer accommodation discounts. Individual congress tourism differs from exhibition tourism because it doesn't require standard promotion and previous advertisement. Usually individuals come to a travel agency having received the invitations personally in need of standard travel package including visas, air tickets, transfers and accommodation. TEXT WORK 1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if necessary. Arrangement, industry-specific, exhibition, construction, furniture, fair, share, thoughtfulness, pharmaceutical, insurance, charter flight, discount, to require. 2. Answer the questions. 1. What are the changes in demand on exhibition tourism? 2. How many exhibitions a year do travel agencies make arrangements for? 3. What are the most popular exhibitions and fairs? 4. What kind of exhibitions are professionals interested in? 5. What are the most popular European exhibition destinations? Why? 6. What are the recent trends in exhibition tourism development? 7. What are the recent trends in Russian exhibition tourism? 8. When is the high season for exhibition tourism? 9. What is the place of congress tourism on the market? 10. What are the popular congress places? 11. How many congresses are held annually in different locations all over the world? 12. What are the major congress-conference clients? 13. What countries are in high demand during low season and why? 14. Which way does the individual congress tourism differ from exhibition tourism. 3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the text. Demand, make arrangements to visit, construction, furniture, military fairs, for instance, particular construction techniques, the third place is taken by France, primary attractions, clock-art forums, famous for, existing trends, to enlarge there sales market's share, used to remember about exhibitions " at the last minute", high season, thoughtfulness, congress tourism, growing MICE market segment, hotel reservation, gaining popularity, big consulting company, average for Europe, the major bulk of congress-conference clients, insurance companies, average duration, charter flights, major resort cities, are not packed, doesn't require standard. 4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Согласно статистике по деловому туризму; специальные выставки; ярмарка; общеотраслевая выставка; общестроительная выставка; деревообработка; строительные материалы; существующий спрос; автосалон; дизайн; интерьер; мебель; растущий интерес; особенно Китай; место проведения выставки; экзотические страны; популярные выставочные центры; особенно для экспортирующих компаний; как минимум за год до проведения выставки; развивающиеся страны; заранее; места проведения конгрессов; согласно...; проводятся ежегодно; участники; привлекать; как отмечают специалисты; финансовые компании; фармацевтические компании; пользуются большим спросом; во время межсезонья; отличается от; реклама; стандартный турпакет.
places reservation companies interest segment of the exhibition flights annually hotels event service note cities discounts duration congresses season companies bulk demand destinations ► columns. Translate the pairs and famous every year place workshop attend technique sector exhibitions columns. Translate the pairs and
industry-specific low season highly developed less
8. Make a summary of the text. 9. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons.
For agreement use: That's right. I am with you here. I fully agree. Definitely. Exactly. For disagreement use: I think that's wrong. I am not with you here. J don't really agree. Definitely not. On the contrary.
1. The demand on exhibition tourism has declined recently. 2. The most popular exhibitions are computer and military fairs. 3. Professionals are interested in general construction exhibitions. 4. Among the most popular European destinations the leaders are France and Great Britain. 5. German and Italy provide up to 70 % of all world exhibitions. 6. The primary attraction in Switzerland is the auto show in Geneva. 7. The location of exhibition is very important for clients. 8. China is not a very popular exhibition location. 9. Russian businessmen used to plan visiting exhibitions in advance. 10. Congress tourism is part of exhibition tourism. 11. Congress tourism is a growing sector of MICE market segment. 12. More than 100 large congresses, conferences and workshops are held in Moscow annually. 13. Average duration of a conference or congress is from two to four days. 14. Popular resorts are not popular congress destinations. 10. Discuss: 1. The structure of demand on exhibition and congress tourism. 2. What countries are popular exhibitions and congresses locations and why. 3. The time of high season for exhibition and congress tourism. 4. Reasons for Russian capitals to be gaining popularity as congress places. 5. The structure of a standard travel package. 6. The industries and types of companies that take part in the most popular exhibitions and congresses. 7. The average duration for exhibitions, fairs or congresses and the reasons for that. 11. Speak about... the differences between individual business travel, incentive tourism, conference tourism and exhibition tourism. 12. Explain why: • The demand on exhibition tourism is growing. • Congress tourism is a growing market segment. • Resort places become popular congress locations during the low season. DIALOGUE 3 Vocabulary to arrange a meeting — организовать встречу Read and dramatize the dialogue. Find out the meanings of the underlined words and phrases. ARRANGE A MEETING A: Good morning. B: Oh, hello. Could I speak to Mrs. Howard, please? A: Yes, speaking. B: Oh, hello, Mrs. Howard, it's John Cudmore from BF here. A: Oh, hello. How are you? B: Pm fine, thanks. Pm just ringing to arrange our meeting. A: Oh, yes. How about sometime next week? B: Well, Pm afraid I have to go to Paris tomorrow, and Pll be away till the weekend. But how about Tuesday or may be Thursday the 24th? Is that convenient for vou? A: Um, let me just look in my diary.
DIALOGUE 4 Read and dramatize the dialogue. Find out the meanings of the underlined words and phrases. INVITING
1. What are you doing this evening, Jules? I don't have anything planned. I'm going out for a meal with some people from our Toronto branch. Whv don't vou come with us? Great. I'd love to. Well, it's half past six now. Let's meet in the bar at eight o'clock. Fine. That'll give me time to get changed. 2.
Would vou like to join us for a drink. Henri? I'd love to but I'm a bit tired. It's been a long day. Some other time maybe? Yes, whv not Saturday evening?
Call your friend and invite him/her to go out with you to/for... (choose the place and occasion). Discuss time and place. Use phrases from the dialogues Receive a call from your friend who wants to invite you to go out with him/her. Thank for the invitation. Accept politely and willingly. Discuss time and place. Use phrases from the dialogues.
Swap roles. DIALOGUE 5
Read and dramatize the dialogue. Find out the meanings of the underlined words and phrases. PHONE CALL Parneil Investment Company. Hello, I'd like to speak to Wally, please. And your name, sir? This is Frank, Frank Baxter. Just moment, Mr. Baxter. Yes, what is it? Frank Baxter is on line two. Tell him, Г11 call him back. Yes, Mr. Parneil. I'm sorry, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Parneil is out right now. Can he call you back? No... no, that's all right. Tell him I'll call back later. Thank you. 15. Mr. Baxter called other friends. Dramatize the conversations using the phrases below. • I'm sorry, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Franklin is awav on business. Can I take a message?
• I'm sorry, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Trilling is in a meeting. Would you like to leave your name and number? 16. Role play. Student A
You want to call a person you need to talk to. But the person can not talk to you right now. Apologize and You are a secretary. A person wants to speak to your boss but you boss doesn't want to speak to him/her.
DIALOGUE 6 Read and dramatize the dialogue. Find out the meanings of the underlined words and phrases. MESSAGE Jeff: Hello? Pat: Hello, is Annie there? Jeff: No, Pm sorry, she stepped out. Pm expecting her back in about half an hour. Pat: Jeff, this is Pat. Jeff: Oh, hi Pat. Pat: Oh, hi, how are you doing? Oh, look, could vou give Annie a message for me? Jeff: Sure. Let me find a piece of paper here. Wait a second. Oh, I got one. What's the message? Pat: Pm supposed to be meeting Annie for lunch at Greenbeans restaurant. Would you ask her to look and check if she has my French- Italian dictionary? And if she does — tell her to bring it along. Jeff: OK, bring your French-Italian dictionary if she has it. Pat: Right. Thanks, Jeff. How are vou doing? Jeff: Oh, not bad. My knee hurts a lot after we had played tennis too much, how are you? Pat: Good. Pm busy now. Pm very busy in the office. Oh, Jeff. I almost forgot. Look, Pm running a little late this morning. Tell Annie that I can't meet her until 1: 30. Jeff: ОК. 1: 30 I'll tell her. Pat: Good, look, I got another call on another line. I've got to go. Jeff: OK. Have a good day! Bye. Pat: Bye! Thanks.
DIALOGUE 7 Read and dramatize the dialogue. A CALL FROM THE BOSS Louise: Andy, this is Louise. Can you hear me? Andy: Are you on the mobile? Louise: Yes, I'm on my way to London. But there's a lot of traffic. Listen, don't forget to book my hotel in Lisbon for tomorrow. Andy: I've already done it. I booked it yesterday. Louise: Great. Have you picked up my tickets yet? Andy: No, I haven't been to the travel agent's yet. I'm going this afternoon. But I've confirmed the flight times with the travel agent. You're leaving at 8.30. Louise: Have you rented a car for me? Andy: Yes, I have. You pick it up at the airport. Louise: What about the fax to Brazil? Andy: I've finished it but I haven't sent it yet. Louise: And the report? Have you written it yet? Andy: Yes, it's on your desk. Don't forget to sign it before you leave. Louise: Great. Oh, I nearly forgot! The most important thing of all! Have you found my passport? Andy: Yes, luckily! It was in your drawer under some documents. Louise: Brilliant. That's it then. See you later. Bye. Andy: Bye.
Student A
Call your friend or your mother or your secretary; ask him/her if he/ she has done something you asked to do before. (Use Present Perfect when asking) Answer your friend or son/daughter or boss. Give details of what you have done and give reasons why you haven't done something and tell him/her when you will do that. (Use Present Perfect or Past Simple or Future Simple where necessary)
Swap roles. 19. Translate into English. ДЕЛОВОЙ ТУРИЗМ: ЗАРУБЕЖНЫЙ ОПЫТ Мальта — одно из самых удачных мест в Европе для проведения конференций и конгрессов. На острове 12 бизнес-отелей уровня 5* на 4550 мест и 12 бизнес-отелей 4* на 5650 мест, в которых могут проходить крупные конференции, а также много других гостиниц высокого класса с прекрасными возможностями для деловых людей. Большинство этих отелей расположены неподалеку друг от друга, и даже очень большие группы участников конгрессов можно легко расселить в нескольких соседних отелях высокого класса. При этом Мальта очень компактна, переезды отнимают мало времени, поэтому программа конференций может быть очень насыщенной. Деловая часть встреч прекрасно дополняется экскурсиями и всевозможными инсентив-программами, например, обрядом посвящения в мальтийские рыцари или ужином в старинном замке с театрализованным рыцарским турниром. И конечно, огромным преимуществом проведения конференций на Мальте является наш прекрасный климат и возможности для всех видов морского отдыха.