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Нескучная Европа 2 страница

2. Answer the questions.

1. How many National Parks did the Gabonese government create?


2. Who was a major force behind this decision?

3. What did Michael Fay do in Africa?

4. What kind of trees are mangroves?

5. Why did the people of Loango come to the bank of Congo River?

6. What was the steady source of food for the local people?

7. What were the paddling conditions there?

8. When did the fruit bats scare a big bird?

9. What did the bird look like?

10. What kind of bird was it?

11. What was written about this bird in the Guide?

12. What should be added to that description?

13. What happened when they advanced upstream?

14. Why did the water surge?

15. Why did the author's heart surge?

16. What did the hippo look like?

17. Why was the hippo trying to attack the author and his kayak?

18. How did the author and his companions escape form the hippo?

19. What was the author thinking about while running away?

20. What did the author do when they reached the opposite bank?

21. What did they see when they reached the safe place?

22. What was the safe place?

23. What did they do after the hippo had plunged into the black depths?

24. How did they go back? Why?

3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the text.

To announce the creation, driven (obsessed) biologist, Wildlife Con­servation Society, to make one's efforts, to celebrate the Loango's coast, to speak one's mind about conservation, to make the world's newest park system a success, stilt roots, mangroves, padauk wood, prized for its hard­ness and bright red color, to acquire slaves, paddling conditions, cumu­lus clouds, silvery wake on the dark surface, rich rusty brown, eyes about as big as a human's, the most wonderful avian delight I'd ever seen, Guide to the Birds of Western Africa, white-backed night heron, hardly an ad­equate description, the authors might have added, unbelievably beauti­ful product of nature, we advanced upstream, snags began to block our progress, bank began to surge, to plunge into the water, like a battleship released from dry dock, full-speed ahead, to judge a surprise attack, to paddle frantically, right behind the boat, to chomp the plastic kayak right in half, water's edge, to reach a tangle of mangrove roots, virtually un- grippable, to clamber and slither over the spaghetti branches, a boil of water erupting just behind the empty kayak, to plunge into the black depths, like spooked prey, passage on foot, to call the hippo's bluff, to stay calm.

4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Габонское правительство; объявить о создании; национальный парк; основная сила; увлеченный биолог; стабильное управление; частные инвестиции; вести дневник; высказывать свое мнение о...;

недоступная путаница; слоновая кость; соседние племена; стабиль­ный источник пищи; устрицы; легкий морской ветерок; муха цеце; крутой изгиб; фруктовые летучие мыши; острый клюв; ярко-белый; четкие черно-коричневые крылья; размером с ворона; очерченные широким белым кругом; самая красивая, восхитительная предста­вительница птиц, которую я когда-либо видел; ведущий преиму­щественно ночной образ жизни; осторожный днем; невероятно красивый; река сужалась; грязный берег; массивный бегемот; пе­ред лодкой; обращенный лицом к нам; как военный корабль; на полной скорости; мы напугали его; противоположный берег реки; мелодия из кинофильма; скользкий как макароны; я отбросил вес­ло; он нырнул в черную глубину реки; мы сидели неподвижно; большая часть часа; лабиринт из корней мангового дерева; неви­димый зверь; пузырьки; спокойно; я достал весло; водоворот.

5. Form adjectives from the names of these countries:

Gabon, Japan, Portugal, China, Vietnam.

6. Give full forms for:


7. Convert distances in miles into kilometers, temperatures in de­grees Fahrenheit into degrees Centigrade.

8. Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the text.

investment ivory surface journal tangle conditions delight force food management beak bend brown biologist
major driven conservation national central solid private daily stilt impenetrable padauk elephant acquire neighboring

source of bird
many breeze
paddling roots
slight generations
cumulus wood
tsetse society
sharp tribes
opposite fly
dark park
fruit slaves
a big bats
sharp clouds
rusty bank
avian Africa
  * * *
obsessed heron
bright spaghetti
night maze
largely nocturnal
adequate depths
unbelievably roots
muddy description
massive edge
dry white
full-speed motionless
surprise ahead
paddle beast
plastic biologist
theme prey
mangrove hippo
slippery like branches
virtually frantically
spaghetti beautiful
water's back
black kayak
looked part
sat bank
better ungrippable
spooked music
mangrove attack
invisible dock

9. Match the synonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text.






ungraspable get


move forward





throw aside



express one' opinion



10. Match the antonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and

find them in the text.  
major public
private light
success scarce
hardness heavy
nocturnal minor
progress in front of
abundant daytime
slight downstream
dark softness
upstream muddy
clean regress
behind failure


11. Form antonyms using negative prefixes un-, in-, il-, im-f ir-f dis mis-. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

shout scare beautiful instill journal driven solid speak one's mind ungrippable hop calm advance acquire bend massive behemoth appear toss aside coast

Visible, penetrable, believable, grippable, possible.

12. Make a summary of the text.

13. Choose the right word from the list below. Read and translate the story.


Welcome to the one of the__________________________ greatest zoo — the

Bronx Zoo! As the flagship of the largest_____________________________ ___________________________ of

metropolitan zoos in the USA, the Bronx Zoo is the heart of the Wild­life Conservation Society and its work_________________________ wildlife and wild

places around the globe.

With award-winning, cutting-edge exhibits featuring over 4, 000

___, there is no other zoo in the world that

___ the diversity, superb viewing, and world-renowned

expertise that assures a rewarding_____________________________ and the knowl­edge that visitors can make a difference in the world around them. Whether you're nose-to-nose with Wfestern lowland gorillas in our

___ Congo Gorilla Forest, spotting snow

___ in our naturalistic Himalayan Highlands

Habitat, or experiencing almost an acre of an indoor Asian rain

___, you're always within roaring distance of the

world's most amazing wildlife. In the end, you'll know that your admis­sion fees went to a______________________ organization that has

more expert researchers in the field than any other. Together, we're mak­ing a.

Visit the zoo and have______________________________ __ exploring it!

Experience, conservation, network, fun, world, difference, to save, to offer, famous, forest, animal, leopard.

14. Fill in the blanks with prepositions from the last below and adverbs where necessary. Translate the article.


Surrounding a high ridge... natural rock and just... a path... the Himalayan Highlands are griz­zly and polar bears. These cuties are anything but cuddly!

The grizzly bear is a race... brown bear and has been called the most dangerous animal... North America — next... hu­mans. Our grizzlies came here as part... a rescue effort... 1995.

Occasionally,... the wild, bears become too friendly... the locals and need to be relocated to more remote areas... wilderness. The US Fish & Wildlife Service gives them three chances. Our bears struck-out. Lucki­ly, they have found a permanent and comfortable home here... the zoo.

... their designation as land animals, polar bears are the most aquat­ic... all the bear species.... the wild, polar bears can swim... hours to get... one iced floe... another. There is no shortage... swim time here... the zoo either. Our charismatic polar bears love swimming year round — especially when there is a fishsicle (frozen fish treat) to catch.... your visit, you might see a bear taking a dip or playing... the snow.

Of, to, from, for, in, at, up, with, despite, during.

15. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your rea­sons.



For agreement use:

I quite agree. I agree with you. I fully agree. I think you are right.

For disagreement use: Actually, I don' agree. I don't think that's right. I don't think that's true (correct). Well, I am not sure if that's true (right, correct).



1. Gabon is the country where ecotourism is well-developed.

2. Flora and fauna of Africa are the most beautiful in the world.

3. Herons are nocturnal birds.

4. You will never find jungle in Gabon, only deserts.

5. Hippos are friendly animals.

6. Padauk wood and elephant ivory are not popular nowadays.

7. 80°F is not very not.

8. Hippos are not very good swimmers.

9. If you go downstream a river in a national park you need to be careful to avoid every swirl and bubble.

16. Read the article, put the verbs in the right forms and discuss the article.


You (to want) (to be) Mum to a giraffe? Or Dad to a gorilla? Lon­don zoo (to want) everyone (to adopt) one of its animals (to raise) mon­ey (to look) after them.

When you " adopt" an animal, you (to sponsor) it for a year. You can (to adopt) an animal for one year on your own, with your family or with your school group. The cheapest, for £ 15 per year (to be) tiny things such as ants, beetles, butterflies and small fish. A lion, tiger or rhinoceros (to cost) you £ 2000. The most expensive animal of all (to be) the Asian elephant.

What you (to get) for your money? An Adoption Certificate, a pho­to of your animal and a free entrance ticket. You can also (to have) your name on a sign near your animal cage.

London zoo (to have) over five thousands animals. It (to cost) over half a million pounds (to pay) for the animals' food for a year.

1. What does it mean " to adopt an animal at London zoo"?

2. Do you think it is a good thing to adopt an animal at the zoo?

3. Do we have the uAdopt an АттаГ' programme in Russia?

17. Divide into two groups. One group is for adopting an animal.

The other group is against it. Discuss pros and cons of adopt­ing an animal.

18. Speak about...


• Many wild animals are now threatened or endangered because of international trade. Stop by the Customs House and see confis­cated items illegally, made from our wondrous wildlife.

• Don't buy ivory. Plastics, resins, and even a very hard white nut can be fashioned into jewelry and other items once made from ivory.

• Primates do not make good pets and are illegal in many areas. Ecotourism helps bring hard currency to developing countries.

• Ecotourists like you who choose their destinations for their nat­ural beauty, have a large impact on countries with large wildlife population.

• Ecotourism makes certain species more valuable alive than dead.

• The way you live at home does influence the world. Support and participate in non-consumptive uses of wildlife such as bird watching, nature photography and scuba diving.

• Create conditions in your yard that will benefit birds, insects and plants. Reduce or eliminate your use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

• Plant trees and bushes.

19. Discuss the necessity of every tip.

20. Add more conservation tips (at least five more tips).

21. Explain why it is necessary to preserve nature and describe the ways to do it.

22. Role play.

Student A Student В
You think that to conserve nature everybody should become environ­mentally friendly and stop spoiling the nature. Explain your point of view to your friend. You think that governments of all countries on the world should pay attention to nature conservation. Common people can't do anything to change the situation of nowadays. Explain your point of view to your friend.
Swap roles. 23. You are going on an ecotour.' Speak about advantages, di comforts of an ecotour. Student A Ask advise from your partner ¥ ou need advice from your friend, sadvantages, pleasures and dis- Student В Give advice to your partner
What would you advise me to...? Where do you advise me to...? If you me, what (where) would you...? What do you think...? Really? What can you recommend...? Are you sure? If you ask me... If I were you, I'd... because... How about... (-ing)? Why not... (-ing)? I really recommend you... From my own experience lean tell you...

Swap roles.


24. Dialogue. Read, translate, memorize and dramatize the dia­logue.

Ann: Listen to this! It says in the paper that a tiger escaped from the zoo last night.

Ben: Did it? Not near here I hope? Was it London Zoo?

Ann: No, it wasn't. It was in Bristol.

Ben: Oh no. My parents live in Bristol, next to Bristol Zoo!

25. Make up your own dialogues about visits to the zoo or acci­dents that happened in the zoo you know about.

26. Translate into English.


Московский зоопарк, расположенный в самом центре города, старейший и крупнейший зоопарк нашей страны. Он был основан в 1864 году. Сейчас коллекция зоопарка насчитывает 6094 экземп­ляра 1001 вида животных.

За свою почти полуторавековую историю зоопарк очень силь­но изменился, особенно в последние годы, когда стала осуществ­ляться его генеральная реконструкция. Появились новые помеще­ния для животных, например, создан уникальный «Экзотариум» — павильон с морскими аквариумами. Открыты новые павильоны: «Дом птиц», «Ночной мир», «Теплолюбивые копытные», «Тепло­любивые кошки», «Ластоногие», «Приматы», «Фауна Индонезии». Для самых маленьких посетителей открыт специальный «Детский зоопарк».

Новый слоновник был построен в рекордно короткие сроки, в течение одного года, и был открыт для посетителей в сентябре 2003 года. Он получился просторным: отапливаемые зимние вольеры площадью 650 кв. метров, летние вольеры для прогулок площадью 1475 кв. метров. В нем многое предусмотрено для комфортного содержания животных: бассейны, много песка, стволы деревьев, крупные валуны. Новоселам, самцу и двум самкам азиатских сло­нов, очень понравился их новый дом. Павильон удобен и посети­телям — во внутреннем помещении им предоставлен двухуровне­вый смотровой зал.

27. Write an essay on a chosen topic.

1. Wildlife conservation societies in Russia.

2. Nature conservation in Russia.

3. Nature conservation in... (choose any city or country).

4. The necessity of nature conservation.


1. Create an ecotourism program in your region. Work out the itin­erary for an ecotour. Think of the ways your program can be beneficial for the community and for the nature. Present your tour to your custom­ers. Include conservation tips they should know while travelling.

2. Work out a nature conservation program for your region. Include all endangered animal and plant species. Publish conservation tips for people in the local newspaper. Present your program to the local group of environment activists.

Unit 6. Business Travel




Why do people travel on business? How often do people travel on business? Have you ever travelled on business?



stable — стабильный profitable — прибыльный

п оощрител ьн ы й

— конференция

— выставка отдельный

— полагать, считать

за счет...

approximate supplement - negotiation - to deal with enterprise - demand - workshop support — employee appraisal teamwork annual —

развлекательные поездки

- приблизительный дополнять переговоры

- иметь дело с...

— предприятие спрос

— семинар поддержка

— работник, служащий

incentive — conference exhibition - separate — to consider at the expense of entertaining trips development — развитие according to — согласно... prospects — перспективы

— похвала

— работа в команде ежегодный, годовой

turnover — оборот, товарооборот

average — средний duration — длительность diverse — разнообразный ordinary — обычный

vip = very important person — очень важный

senior management — высшее руководство

balloon flying — полеты на воздушных шарах

auto rallies — автогонки

psychologist — психолог

rope-courses — «веревочные курсы»

to comprise — включать в себя

emphasis — акцент, придавать значение

participant — участник

leadership skills — лидерские качества

adjustment — приспособление

sudden — внезапный

Read and translate the text.


(Part I)

Business travel is one of the most stable working and highly profit­able part of world tourism, and one of the youngest, too. Business travel or MICE (abbreviation from Meetings / Incentive / Conferences / Ex­hibitions) became a separate branch of tourism business in 1970s. First, business travel was considered by businessmen only as opportunities to have a good rest at the expense of the government or the company you work for. The situation changed greatly after 1998 when the number of entertaining trips has lowered and at the same time the number of cor­porate events has grown. MICE development in Russia is highly dynamic as well as in the rest of the world, and according to the prospects the prof­itability of this branch of tourism will grow up to $2 billion a year by 2020.

The demand structure of MICE today is: 75 % is individual business travel, intensive trips, conferences and exhibitions are 10—13 % each. The figures are approximate, of course; exhibitions and conferences are usually combined together in one event, and intensive programs usually supplement other types of business travel.


Most travel agencies offer businessmen going to a conference, exhi­bition or negotiations only standard package of visa support, air tickets,

accommodation and transfers. As a result those businessmen, who want their trips to be efficient, prefer dealing with specialized travel agencies working in the sphere of MICE tourism. Such travel agencies basically deal with corporate clients. Agencies can provide the corporate client with full package of business and travel services including dozens of meetings, visits to enterprises and professional exhibitions.

The biggest American travel agencies working in the sphere of MICE tourism are American Express Travel Services, Carlson Wagonlit Travel,


The demand on business travel is growing rapiudly. Numerous work­shops, professional exhibitions, journals and websites devoted to MICE support this growth.


Incentive tourism means travels financed by the company to give an incentive to employees as the appraisal of their work, to facilitate the teamwork and to stimulate work motivation. World annual turnover of incentive tourism exceeds $8 million, 80 % of which is spent on trans­port, accommodation and foods services, and only 15 % is spent on sight­seeing and entertainment programs. Throughout the world 70 % of all incentive tours are to Europe, 10 % are to the USA thought 60 % of all incentive tourists are Americans, and 15 % of the tours are to the South East Asia. The average duration of an incentive tour is from 3 to 7 days.

Incentive tours are becoming more diverse, both in the choice of the countries and in the tour programs. Some intensive tours are aimed at business activities or interests of the tourists, i.e. historical or wine tours; there are also separate " mass" tours for ordinary employees and VIP programs for senior management. The latter prefer adventure tourism or even extreme tourism such as auto rallies or balloon flying.

Recently senior management of many companies prefers investing money not into traditional entertainment incentive tours but in team- building tours. In this matter travel agencies work together with business consulting companies, professional psychologists, etc. The example can be so called " rope-courses". They last for 3—4 days and are comprised of different activities including sport, adventure and extreme. The em­phasis of the courses is placed not on sport abilities of the participants, but on effective teamwork, problem solution, leadership skills develop­ment and behaviour adjustment to different situations and sudden chang­es. Some travel agencies called incentive houses specialize at incentive tours only.


1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if


Incentive, exhibition, entertaining, approximate, negotiation, enter­prise, employee, appraisal, annual, turnover, throughout, diverse, choice, VIP, senior, psychologist, course, emphasis, adjustment, sudden.

2. Answer the questions.

1. What is the place of business travel in the world tourism?

2. What is MICE?

3. When did business travel become a separate part of tourism busi­ness?

4. What was the first perception of business travel by businessmen?

5. What is the situation nowadays?

6. What can you say about MICE in Russia?

7. What is the demand structure of MICE today?

8. What do most travel agencies offer to businessmen?

9. What can specialized travel agencies offer to corporate clients?

10. What are the biggest American agencies working in the sphere of MICE tourism?

11. What is incentive tourism?

12. What is the world annual turnover of incentive tourism?

13. What are the popular destinations for incentive tours?

14. What are incentive tours aimed at?

15. What kinds of incentive programs exist?

16. What does senior management prefer investing money into?

17. What is an example of a team-building tour in the text?

3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word

combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the


MICE, meetings, incentive, conferences, exhibitions, separate branch, opportunity to have a good rest, situation changed greatly, MICE development in Russia, highly dynamic, in the rest of the world, indi­vidual business travel, intensive, combined together in one event, sup­plement other types of business travel, travel agencies, air tickets, accom­modation and transfers, specialized travel agencies, in the sphere of MICE tourism, including dozens of meetings, numerous workshops, devoted to MICE, support this growth, incentive tourism, the appraisal

of their work, to facilitate the teamwork, to stimulate work motivation, annual turnover, throughout the world, more diverse, aimed at business activities, " mass" tours for ordinary employees, VIP programs, for se­nior management, the latter, adventure tourism, team-building tours, the emphasis of the courses is placed not on, incentive houses.

4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Деловой туризм; стабильно работающий; высокоприбыльный; считается; за счет...; развлекательная поездка; корпоративные ме­роприятия; согласно прогнозам; прибыльность этой отрасли туриз­ма; структура спроса; конференция; приблизительный; стандарт­ный турпакет; визовая поддержка; в результате; предпочитают

иметь дело с...; корпоративные клиенты; посещение предприятии; профессиональные выставки; быстро развивается; журналы и Ин­тернет-страницы; финансируется компанией; в качестве поощрения сотрудников; превышает; развлекательные программы и программы осмотра достопримечательностей; средняя продолжительность; по­ощрительные туры; исторические туры; винные туры; полеты на воздушных шарах; в этой связи; консалтинговые компании; «ве­ревочные курсы»; спортивные умения; решение проблем.

5. Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the

text. business stable highly tourism separate good changed entertaining at the same corporate highly demand combined intensive other travel
together profitable structure dynamic business events working branch programs types rest agencies greatly package trips time










visits to



support this




















consulting travel


of meetings








the teamwork






of work










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