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Нескучная Европа 4 страница

Российский рынок инсентив-туризма в своем становлении про­шел несколько этапов. До конца 90-х он в основном представлял собой «поощрительную» часть выездных конференций, включав­шую экскурсионные программы, отдых у моря и активное засто­лье. Теперь это самостоятельные поездки с целью поощрения и мотивации отдельных сотрудников или сплочения коллектива.

20. Write an essay on the topic " Business travel in..." (choose and city or country).


Work out a week-long business travel program for a group of busi­nessmen working in... (choose any industry). Include meetings, visiting exhibitions, conferences or congresses and sightseeing. Work out the itin­erary comprised of one or several cities or countries. Make all necessary travel arrangements including visas, tickets, transfers and accommoda­tions. Present your program to your clients.

Unit 7. Jobs And Careers At Tourism And Hospitality



• Have you thought of the career you want to have? What is it? Why? What are your goals?

• What are your plans to achieve your goals?



buzzword — модное словечко, специальный термин, произносимый

с целью произвести впечатление на дилетантов solely — единственно, исключительно, только, самостоятельно booming — резкий подъем, расширяющийся, процветающий to expand — расширяться council — совет

responsible for — нести ответственность, отвечать за... employment — занятость human resources — человеческие ресурсы incredibly — невероятно, чрезвычайно, крайне diverse — разнообразный, многообразный to comprise — включать, содержать conventions — конвенция, собрание, съезд beverage — напиток

ancillary — вспомогательный, добавочный, служебный piece — зд: статья

consolidation — объединение, укрепление, слияние mode — образ действий, вид, состояние to merge — поглощать, сливать(ся), соединять(ся) to acquire — приобретать career — карьера

exposure — подвергание какому-то воздействию facets — грань, аспект, сторона relative — относительный

job security — гарантия занятости у данного работодателя, обеспе­ченность работой obvious — очевидный

option — выбор, альтернатива, возможный вариант patience — терпение flexibility — гибкость

interpersonal skills — коммуникабельность, умение общаться, нала­живать контакты с людьми service — обслуживание

first and foremost — прежде всего, в первую очередь, во-первых sensitivity — чувствительность, восприимчивость, способность к

быстрому реагированию awareness — осведомленность, информированность executive — зд: директор

MBA = Master of Business Administration — степень магистра в сфе­ре бизнеса

to transfer — перемещать, переносить, переводить experience — опыт, жизненный опыт academic credential — аттестат, диплом об образовании advanced studies — занятия, курс повышенного типа для продолжа­ющих обучение pros and cons — за и против benefit — выгода gratis — бесплатно, даром actually — действительно

downside — отрицательная сторона, обратная сторона, нижняя сто­рона

especially — особенно

to work long hours — работать много времени, больше 40 часов в неделю, работать сверхурочно, работать в вечернее время и вы­ходные

notice — извещение, сообщение, уведомление, предупреждение ethics — этика to require — требовать

profound — сильный, глубокий, основательный implications — последствия, результаты profit — прибыль

community — сообщество, общество, община fair — справедливый

wage — зарплата

to exploit — эксплуатировать

environment — окружающая среда

Read and translate the text.


Globalization is not a buzzword solely associated with international business. It has translated into a booming new career possibility: expand­ed services in the travel and tourism industry.

According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), the industry " already is responsible for more than 10 percent of global em­ployment." Dr. Brian White, director of the WTTC's Human Resources Center in British Columbia, says the field is incredibly diverse and com­prised of seven major areas:

• Airlines/transport;

• Conferences and conventions;

• Arts and culture;

• Hotels, food and beverage;

• Ecotourism;

• Outdoor recreation;

• Ancillary services associated with tourism.

Industry Trends

With all this opportunity, where should you concentrate your efforts? Focusing on the market's demands may lead to more job openings.

On the corporate side, according to a piece on the industry trends online, the travel and tourism industry is " in consolidation mode." This means that smaller companies are merging or being acquired by the big players like American Express, Marriott and Carlson Wagonlit. So it might make sense to begin your career with one of the larger corpora­tions, where you can gain exposure to many facets of the business while having relative job security.

An obvious trend is the increase in Internet service. The Web has cre­ated new and different career options for those interested in travel ca­reers. Individuals can work for sites like CheapTickets.com, Orbitz and Travelocity.com.

Additionally, journalists may see more travel writing opportunities available in the traditional magazines like Conde Nasi Traveller and Na­tional Geographic Traveller, as well as online publications.

Characteristics for Success

You must have patience, flexibility and excellent interpersonal skills. This is a service industry, first and foremost. Cultural sensitivity and awareness are critical, as tourism professionals deal with different coun­tries and cultures.

Senior level executives generally have MBAs and develop skills and competencies that can be transferred across sectors. Mid-level profession­als heed a mix of practical experience and academic credentials, accord­ing to Dr. White, who also teaches in the field. For example, individuals might work full-time in the travel sector while going part-time for an advanced certificate in travel and tourism.

Pros and Cons

One obvious benefit of working in the travel and tourism industry is the opportunity to actually hop on a plane and see many locales at low prices, or even gratis. Another benefit for many is the fact that it is an international field that changes along with global trends.

One of the downsides to the business, especially the hotel and res­taurant side, is the long hours. Management must often work evenings and weekends. Individuals are often asked to move to a new location without much notice.

Ethics and Tourism

Dr. White reminds us there is a strong set of ethics required in the field of tourism, noting the industry has profound economic implications for a country's economy and people. It is important for individuals to consider their responsibilities, says Dr. White. Tourism is about more than making a profit; it involves benefiting local communities, creating jobs that provide fair wages and not exploiting the environment.

By Nina Segal


1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if


Buzzword, council, human, resources, incredibly, diverse, ancillary, piece, merging, to acquire, career, security, obvious, increase, patience, flexibility, excellent, interpersonal, service, first, foremost, awareness, senior, executive, experience, credentials, might, while, gratis, actually, especially, ethics, required, profound, communities, fair, wages, exploit­ing, environment.

2. Answer the questions.

1. What impact has globalization on tourism industry?

2. How many people does the tourism industry employ?

3. What is tourism business comprised of?

4. What should you concentrate on to be successful?

5. What is the trend in tourism industry on the corporate side?

6. Why is it better to start a career with one of the larger corpora­tions?

7. What is going on with the Internet services?

8. Which way does this change influence different career options?

9. What career opportunities does the Internet offer?

10. What characteristics do you need for success?

11. What education does a senior manager need?

12. What are the benefits of working in the travel and tourism indus­try?

13. What are the downsides of the business?

14. What ethic principles are required in the field of tourism? Why?

15. What is tourism business all about?

3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word

combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the


Buzzword, booming new career possibility, expanded services, World Travel and Tourism Council, global employment, Human Resources Center, conferences and conventions, outdoor recreation, with all this opportunity, more job openings, on the corporate side, a piece, in con­solidation mode, make sense, gain exposure to many facets of the busi­ness, career options, individuals can work for sites, additionally, online publications, a service industry, first and foremost, cultural sensitivity, senior level executives, MBAs, transferred across sectors, work full-time, advanced certificate in travel and tourism, obvious benefit, hop on a plane, downsides to the business, long hours, without much notice, a strong set of ethics required, profound economic implications, consider their responsibilities, benefiting local communities, fair wages, not ex­ploiting the environment.

4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Ассоциируется только с...; международный бизнес; согласно..; отвечает за..; очень разнообразный; состоит из; искусство и куль­тура; гостиницы; еда и напитки; ассоциируется с туризмом; на­правления развития индустрии; сконцентрировать свои усилия; требования рынка; может привести к...; слияние компаний; при­обретаются крупными компаниями; начать карьеру; относитель­ная уверенности в сохранении работы у данного работодателя; оче­видная тенденция; увеличение Интернет услуг; традиционные журналы; личные качества, необходимые для успеха; терпение; гибкость; коммуникабельность; осведомленность; иметь дело с...; навыки и компетенции; профессионалы среднего звена; смесь практического опыта и академического образования; работать не­полный рабочий день; за и против; возможность; увидеть много мест за низкую плату или даже бесплатно; другое преимущество; изменяется в ногу с глобальными тенденциями; работать вечером и в выходные; переехать на новое место; напоминать нам; эконо­мика страны; получать прибыль; создавать рабочие места.

5. Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the
international with tourism
career trends
tourism services
global efforts
human recreation
incredibly demands
outdoor business
ancillary openings
associated career
industry possibility
concentrate your side
market's diverse
job industry
on the corporate mode
consolidation employment
big players make sense
begin resources

larger gain

facets of job













transferred across













consider their


















the business





communities professionals a profit













the environment

to the business


6. Match the synonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and find them in the text.

article trade over the world drink opportunity work focus jump various board salary alone location buy web job option
solely business possibility council global hop beverage concentrate job opening acquire piece diverse wage internet job locate



7. Match the antonyms in the columns. Translate the pairs and

find them in the text.  
diverse decrease
major full time
outdoor lose
gain downside
supply indoor
more similar
increase high
senior level entry level
part-time demand
low international
benefit less
local minor


8. Form antonyms using negative prefixes ил-, in-, И-, im-, ir-, dis-, mis-. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

Possible, fair, responsibility, to lead, interesting.

9. Retell the text.

10. Choose the right word from the list below. Mind the forms of the words. Translate the article.


Weekends________________________ many workers a much-needed

chance to relax and recharge — unless they______________________________ in the

catering business. That's because Saturdays and Sundays are usually prime___________________ for catered events. In fact, for catering work­ers, many of whom are students and stay-at-home_________

in need of flexible schedules, weekend and____________________________ hours are

made to order.

So if you like to mingle with____________________________, prefer a flexible

work schedule and favor an active work_______________________________, the

catering industry may be right for you.

A Flexible Job

Catering jobs come in all_______________________ shapes and sizes,

according to Bill Hansen, president of Miami-based Bill's Catering and

Leading____________________ of America. " There are jobs in

__________________ halls, off-premises caterers that cater in a vari­ety of arenas, as well as home-party caterers, " he says.

What's more, the catering industry offers hourly workers much more

________________ than the restaurant business does. Once you begin

to work for a catering firm, you can pick and_____________________________ ____________________________ when

you want to work, " he says, adding that being available at a moment's notice can___________________________ you land assignments.

Stranger; parent, caterer; banquet, time, evening, environment, flexi­bility, to help, to offer, to work, to choose, different.

11. Give missing derivatives (nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives) from these words and translate them.

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
to travel      


12. Fill in the blanks with prepositions from the last below where

necessary. Translate the article.


Stamina is a key ingredient... success... catering. " There is a lot... schlepping, walking and heavy lifting, " warns Hansen.

" You spend a lot... hours... your feet, " says Feinstein. " These are not 9-...—5 jobs. Your call time [the time you need to appear] could be 6 a.m."

... the same time, a benefit associated... this type... work is free food. " You definitely get fed, " she adds. " Sometimes you get... really good food, and other times you get... the staff meal."

Job seekers should pay close attention... personal grooming. As is true... the food being served, looks matter. When walking......................................................... an inter­view, look like you are applying... a job and not the role... a guest... a party.

At, to, in, on, of, for; with.

13. Put the verbs in the right forms. Translate the article.


The most important piece of advice to job seekers with minimal ex­perience (to be) (to be) honest. Experience in this field (to be) not some­thing you can (to fake). Someone (to see) through you. Instead, (to ap­proach) potential employers with a can-do attitude. " Offer to do anything to get your foot in the door, " the seasoned people (to advise). " This (to include) washing dishes, food prep and being a gofer." This (to be) also a great way (to see) if the catering business (to be) right for you.

" Be willing (to make) a little bit less (to start) and you probably (to get) a break, " they (to add).

If you (to prepare) (to start) as a server, for instance, you (to have) a pretty good chance at landing a long-term job in the field without for­mal training or experience, because some caterers would rather (to train) someone (to do) things their way.

14. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your rea­sons.



For agreement use: I entirely agree. I think it is so. Fm with you here. As far as I know it's true.

For disagreement use: I don't really agree. I don 7 think so. I think you are mistaken here. As far as I know that's not right.



1. Globalization has no impact on international business.

2. The tourism industry is incredibly diverse.

3. The industry is comprised of ten major areas.

4. Travel and tourism industry is in consolidation mode now.

5. The increase of Internet services offers more job opportunities.

6. Tourism industry is a service industry.

7. Tourism professionals must be patient and tolerant.

8. Travel business is an international business field.

9. One of the benefits of the restaurant business is long hours.

10. Tourism has no economic implications for a country and its people.

11. Tourism is all about making a profit.

15. Discuss:

1. The impact globalization has on tourism industry.

2. The trends that help you find a good job in travel and tourism in­dustry.

3. The impact Internet development has on the travel and tourism industry.

4. Characteristics you need for success in travel and tourism business.

5. Education needed for senior management and mid-level profes­sionals in the travel and tourism industry.

6. Economic implications of travel and tourism industry for coun­tries and people.

16. Divide into two groups: discuss pros and cons of travel and tourism industry.


17. Read and translate the cover letter.

12 October, 2005

Human Resources Department Rembrandt Travel, Ltd. 76 Fulton Street, London N5 KL4.

To Whom It May Concern,

I wish to apply for the position of Assistant Manager, advertised in the " The Sunday Times" on October 11, 2005.

As you will see from the enclosed resume, I have two years expe­rience working for different hotel groups in Russia and the USA. During this period I gained an intimate knowledge of the hotel industry in both countries and I feel I'm ready for this new chal­lenge.

At present I am taking the English for Tourism course at William & Mary College.

My native language is Russian, and I also speak good French and basic Spanish.

Consider me for an interview.

Yours sincerely,

Shestak Julia Shestak

18. Write your own letter of application to the desired position. Use the pattern.

Date Address

Greeting (Dear Mr./Mrs. Simpson, or Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern, depending on the situation)

You objective and short description of your experience and/or qualifications that make you the best candidate for this position. Make notice of the enclosed resume or CV. (max 2—3 sent.)

Reference to the source of information or how you came to know about the particular open position. (Give name, date and issue number for the newspaper; or full address for the web site; or full name of the person who told you about the particular position.)

Consider me for an interview. (A necessary phrase to be used in cover letter or letter of application.)

Closing (e.g. Yours faithfully, or Yours sincerely, or Yours truly,) Your signature in ink Your full name (Firstname Lastname)


19. Read and translate the resume.

Julia Shestak 83 St. James St, Willamsbours, VA, USA

Phone: 1-640-345-5527 E-mail: julial5yahoo.com

Objective: I apply for the position of Assistant Manager. I have a two years experience of hotel work and possess an intimate knowl­edge of the hotel industry in Russia and the USA.


1998—2003, South-Russia State University of Economics and Service, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, Department of Service, the Chair of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, Honour De­gree Diploma. Majors: Hospitality Industry, English.

1988—1998, Secondary school # 5, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Cer­tificate of Maturity with Honours (Silver medal).


April 2005 — present, Holiday Inn Hotel, Jamestown, USA. Re­sponsible for improving administrative methods, general supervi­sion of the front desk work and housekeeping staff work. Manage groups of receptionists (4 people) and housekeepers (12 people), do scheduling, maintain productivity.

May 2004 - April 2005, Holiday Inn Hotel, Jamestown, USA. Front desk receptionist. Responsible for reservations, check-ins and check-outs, room service, timely housekeeping, phone calls and assistance to hotel guests. Promoted to the position of the assistant manager.

June 2003 — May 2004, hotel " Moscow", Rostov-on-Don, Rus­sia. Receptionist. Responsible for phone calls, reservations, check- ins and check-outs, housekeeping. Was offered a receptionist po­sition at Holiday Inn.

January 2000 — May 2003, university library, South-Russia State University of Economics and Service, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, part-time position of a secretary. Duties: typing and filing corre­spondence, answering phone calls, sending and receiving faxes, general office work.

Interests: reading, tennis, swimming.

Languages: Russian (native), English (fluent), French (good), Spanish (basic).

Computer skills: advanced user of all Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point, Corel Draw, Visio, and Adobe Photoshop).

References available upon request.

20. Write you own resume using the following pattern and the ex­ample above.
Full name (Firstname Middle initial Lastname)
Phone number  
E-mail address  
(in case you have two addresses, give both)
Winter address: Summer address:
Dates to write to this address Dates to write to this address
(e.g. September — May) (e.g. June — August)
Address of the place where you Address of the place where
live while studying you live in summer or your
  parents' address
Objective (max 1 sentence)  
Education (in the reverse order, i.e. put last received education


Date of entering (year) — date of graduation (year) or present, name of the institution or high school, location, department and chair if applicable, major subjects studied, degree, type of the document received or " Diploma/Degree/Certificate expected in (date)".

Working experience (in the reverse order, i.e. put last position first) Starting date (month, year) — date of leaving (month, year), name of the company, location, type of business if necessary, position(s) held, duties, promotions, awards if applicable, reasons for leav­ing.

Describe three last positions in detail, giving quantitative-quali­tative characteristics; describe other positions briefly.

Volunteering work (if applicable)

Language skills (including level of proficiency for foreign languag­es e.g. basic, good, fluent; indicate the native language).

Computer skills (name computer programs you are familiar with, indicate the level of proficiency, e.g. literate, user, advanced user, professional programmer).

Interests and hobbies.

Achievements and awards/rewards.

References (names of people and their contact information) or " References available upon request" if the necessity of references was not mentioned in the job advertisement.

21. Speak about... things to be stressed in a resume.

22. Translate into English.


Цель первой встречи с работодателем — показать, что навыки, знания и опыт соискателя как нельзя лучше соответствуют требо­ваниям рассматриваемой позиции. Во время интервью необходи-

mo продемонстрировать знание профессии, компании и отрасли, к которой относится искомая позиция, желание кандидата рабо­тать именно в этой компании. Проводя интервью, работодатель проверяет коммуникативные навыки соискателя, уверенность в себе, мотивацию и инициативность.

Как подготовиться к интервью?

Первый шаг в подготовке к интервью — сбор сведений о ком­пании, в которую вы идете на собеседование, и о людях, с кото­рыми вам предстоит встретиться. Полезную информацию можно получить разными способами. Первый и самый доступный — зна­комство с сайтом компании в Интернете. Кроме того, многие орга­низации распространяют свои проспекты и рекламные брошюры. Попробуйте найти статьи о компании в газетах или журналах. По­беседуйте с человеком, работающим или работавшим в этой орга­низации. От него можно узнать массу полезных вещей, но следует учитывать субъективную окраску таких рассказов.

Что желательно знать о компании, в которую вы идете на интервью:

• какие продукты или какие услуги предлагает;

• популярность предлагаемых направлений;

• какова история компании;

• стабилен ли состав сотрудников;

• имеет ли региональные представительства в России;

• кто основные конкуренты;

• входит ли в какое-либо более крупное объединение;

• с какими перевозчиками, страховщиками сотрудничает ком­пания.

Также необходимо провести самоанализ и обдумать ответы на вопросы, которые вам могут быть заданы на собеседовании. Одни вопросы могут носить чисто практический характер («Готовы ли вы проводить 30 % времени в командировках?»), другие — преследо­вать цель оценить вашу мотивированность, определить круг ваших интересов, проверить профессиональную компетентность, осве­домленность о компании и отрасли, умение быстро находить пра­вильные решения.

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