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Система высшего образования

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выпишите и выучите не-
знакомые слова.    
There is a justifiable opinion investment required for success in that leaning is the indispensable the 'information age' the world is

entering. Education has always meant opportunity. Knowledge, learning, information, and skilled intelligence are the new raw materials of international business.

Higher Education in Great Britain

Most big towns in Britain have both a university and a college of higher education. There are 91 universities and 47 colleges there. Universities offer three- and four-year courses; the colleges offer both two-year HND (Higher National Diploma) courses, as well as degree courses.

A degree is a qualification one gets from university when he or she passes their final exams. One is then awarded a Bachelor or Master degree in such areas as arts, science or education. Undergraduates — students who are studying for degrees — go to large, formal lectures, but most of the work takes place in tutorials: lessons in groups often or more when the students discuss their work with the lecturer.

Only a quarter of the student population go on to higher education. Competition to get into one of Britain's universities is fierce and not everyone who gets A level can go. Students usually need three A levels to go to university and grades at A level go from A, the highest grade, down to F (failed). Students apply to universities months before they take their A levels. The applicants are given personal interviews and the universities decide which of them they want. If applicants do not get the grades a university asks for, they may try another university or college before the new term starts in early October.

Until 1998, British students did not have to pay for university. Now they must pay about £ 1, 000 a year as a tuition fee. Not all students study full-time at university or college. Many of them combine their studies with work. Some companies release their staff for training one or two days a week or for two months a year. Large companies often have their own in-house training schemes. The British Government is very enthusiastic about such training schemes. It wants at least half the work force to have a formal professional qualification.


System of Education in the USA


  Postdoctoral Study and Research
Ph. D. or Advanced Professional Degree Professional Schools (Teaching, Medicine, Doctor Degree Study Doctor Degree, 4 years
Master Degree Law, etc.) 2-4 years Master Degree 2 years  
Bachelor's Degree Undergraduate Liberal Arts or General 4 years
Associate Degree or Certificate Technical or Vocational Institutions, 2 years Junior or Com­munity Colleges, 2 years  
High School Diploma (17) High Schools, 4-years (14-17) Senior High Schools Combined Junior and Senior Schools
Junior High Schools (12-16)
6-13 year old Elementary (or Primary) Schools

II. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why is education so important?

2. How many universities and colleges of higher education are there in Britain?

3. How long does it take to be awarded a degree?

4. What part of the student population go on to higher education?

5. Is it difficult the enter a British university?

6. What is the difference between education and training?

7. When was a tuition fee introduced in Britain?

8. How do you understand the term Mn-house training scheme'?


III. Запомните эти слова и составьте с ними предложения.

Nouns Существительные
admissions office приемная комиссия
director of admissions председатель приемной комиссии
president (Am. E.) / rector (Br. E.) ректор


Nouns Существительные
dean декан
college колледж, среднее учебное заве-
university/ college of higher университет, высшее учебное
education заведение
technical school техникум
vocational school профтехуч и л и ще
undergraduate studies додипломная подготовка (до по­лучения степени бакалавра)
graduate studies дипломная подготовка (до полу-
чения степени магистра)
doctorate (Ph.D.) докторантура
Bachelor Degree степень бакалавра
Master Degree степень магистра
full-time student студент стационара
part-time student студент-заочник
academic advisor/ tutor куратор
lecturer/ reader/ professor преподаватель вуза
tutorial практическое занятие
credit-hour зачетный час
credit балл
grade/ mark оценка
department факультет
term/ semester семестр
campus территория, на которой разме-
щаются здания университета
curriculum учебная программа
competition конкурс
scholarshio стипендия
OWIIV/ HU -'111 I' Verbs Глаголы
apply подавать заявление
r r J___ award присуждать
provide require/ demand обеспечивать требовать
adapt адаптироваться


Verbs Глаголы
develop развивать, разрабатывать
involve задействовать, включать
utilize использовать
release (from) освобождать (от)
Adjectives & Adverbs Прилагательные и наречия
justifiable обоснованный
fierce жестокий, суровый
sophisticated сложный, запутанный
advanced передовой, продвинутый

IV. Запомните толкование этих слов на английском языке.

Sciences (n) biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and
  sometimes mathematics
Liberal Arts (n) university subjects except sciences, mathematics
  and practical subjects that prepare one directly
  for job
Associate degree (n) a degree given after two years of study, usually at a junior college
Bachelor Degree (n) a degree given after two-four years of study at a university
Master Degree (n) a degree given after four-six years of study at a
Ph.D. = Doctor title given after completion of any research, no
of Philosophy (n) matter what subject one studies
Major (n) the main or special subject at a university
Case study (n) a detailed study of a person or group in order to
  learn about their social development and
  relationship with other people in society
Credit hour (n) unit of educational load
Alternative (n) choice, another possibility
Underestimate (v) put a too low value on something
Overestimate (v) put a too high value on something
Adapt (v) adjust to a situation
Justifiable (adj) reasonable  



V. Сопоставьте слова и их перевод.

curriculum стипендия
provide присуждать
advanced обоснованный
release обеспечивать
scholarship декан
dean учебная программа
justifiable передовой
award отпускать

VI. Сопоставьте термины из левой колонки с их толковани­ем из правой колонки.


Major university subjects except sciences
Sciences choice, another possibility
Liberal Arts the main or special subject at a university
Credit hour adjust to a situation
Adapt unit of a student's educational load
Master's degree a degree given after two-four years of study at
  a university
Bachelor's degree a degree given after four-six years of study at a university
Alternative biology, chemistry, physics, engineering and sometimes mathematics

VII. Сопоставьте каждое слово из левой колонки с его сино­нимом из правой колонки.

semester academic advisor
require engage
provide term
major complicated
tutor supply
involve demand
sophisticated main



VIII. Прочитав предложение, выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Tom told his adviser that he is not interested in taking theoretical courses.

(A) Tom told his adviser that theoretical courses are not interesting to him.

(B) Tom's adviser is not interested in his taking theoretical courses.

(C) Theoretical courses are not interesting to Tom's adviser.

(D) Tom told his adviser to take theoretical courses.

IX. Прочитав текст, выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Application for admission to the Graduate School at this university must be made in forms provided by the Director of Admissions. An applicant whose undergraduate work was done at another institution should request that two copies of undergraduate transcripts and degrees be sent directly to the Dean of the Graduate School.

Both the application and the transcripts must be on file at least one month prior to the registration date, and must be accompanied by a nonrefundable ten-dollar check or money order to cover the cost of processing the application.

1. This passage would most probably be found in a.

(A) university catalog (C) newspaper

(B) travel folder (D) textbook

2. According to this passage, where would a student secure application forms for admission to the university?

(A) From the chairperson of the department.

(B) From the Dean of the Graduate School.

(C) From the institution where the undergraduate work was done.

(D) From the Director of Admissions.

3. Which of the following documents must be on file thirty days before the registration date?

(A) Two copies of recommendations from former professors.

(B) A written approval of the Dean of the Graduate School.

(C) One set of transcripts and an English proficiency score.

(D) Two copies of underground courses and grades, an application form, and an application fee.


X. Прочитайте и переведите диалог. Составьте свой диалог на тему образования в России.

The conversation between an American (Smith) and a Russian (Klimov) turned to the education problems.

Klimov: Is your daughter a student? Smith: Not yet.

Klimov. Does she know what she wants to major in?

Smith: She hasn't made her mind yet, but I believe that she'll be a

student of economics. Klimov: Economics is a very broad concept. Smith: She's keen on marketing.

Klimov: Oh, that's a good career. Can the students go to the university free of charge?

Smith: No, everyone must pay a tuition fee. However, some universities offer a number of scholarships to deserving students.

Klimov. Are scholarships given only by universities?

Smith: Not really. Scholarships and assistantships come from different

sources. They may come from private and public companies,

various funds and churches. Klimov: Is high education expensive in the USA? Smith: Rather expensive. The tuition fee ranges from $ 3, 000 to 22, 000

a year. It is the lowest in community colleges and technical

training institutes. Klimov: Is it the same for all students?

Smith: No, it isn't. Out-of-state student pay about twice more than the local one.

Klimov: How much does a year of studying plus maintenance cost for

a foreign student? Smith: From $ 10, 000 to 30, 000. A lot of foreign students cover these

costs by scholarships from their countries. However, most of

them get financial support from parents and relatives. Klimov. Is high education popular in your country? Smith: Yes. Studies show that in the United States there is a 6 to 12

percent increase in earnings for each year after secondary


Klimov: So, that's an excellent investment. Smith: Yes, I think so.


XI. Прочитав текст, выберите правильный вариант ответа.

In the undergraduate schools and colleges, a student will be classified according to the number of academic quarter hours that he or she has completed with an average grade of 2.0 or better.

Classification Hours Completed

Freshman Less that 45 hours

Sophomore At least 45 hours

Junior At least 90 hours

Senior At least 140 hours

1. How would a student with 45 credit hours be classified?

(A) Freshman (C) Junior

(B) Sophomore (D) Senior

2. How would a student with 96 credit hours be classified?

(A) Freshman (C) Junior

(B) Sophomore (D) Senior

3. Which is the following would most likely represent the number of credit hours earned by a senior?

(A) 100 (C) 139

(B) 140 (D)90.

XII. Во многих школах и университетах принято составлять рейтинги читаемых курсов. Вам предлагается заполнить анке­ту-опросник.


Training Course Questionnaire
(Scale: 3 = high, 2 = OK, 1 = low) Degree of satisfaction
1. Pre-course information      
2. Flexibility of trainer and responsiveness to needs      
3. Duration of course      
4. Range of topics covered      
5. Theory      
6. Practical exercises      
7. Materials: quality      
8. Materials: quantity      
9. Advice for follow-up      


XIII. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Хорошее образование очень важно в «век информации». 2. В Великобритании имеются как университеты, так и коллед­жи, дающие высшее образование. 3. В вузах проводятся лекции и практические занятия. 4. После успешной сдачи выпускных эк­заменов студенту присуждается степень бакалавра или магистра. 5. Оценка А — самая высокая, a F — самая низкая. 6. Существует острая конкуренция за получение высшего образования. 7. Что­бы поступить в университет или колледж, студент проходит не­сколько отборочных этапов. 8. С 1998 г. плата за обучение в кол­леджах Великобритании составляет в среднем около 1000 фунтов в год. 9. Многие студенты учатся заочно. 10. Крупные фирмы орга­низуют обучение на местах без отрыва от производства.


XIV. Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите един­ственно правильный.

1. After her famous husband's death, Eleanor Roosevelt continued... for peace.

A. work

B. working

C. the working

D. to work

2. We had better... the schedule.

A. to check

B. checking

C. check

D. checked

3. When they have enough money, Alan and... will return to school.

A. she

B. her

C. herself

D. hers

4. Harvard... a school for men, but now it is coeducational.

A. was used

B. used to be

C. was used to

D. was used to be


5. Jane always helps my brother and... with our home assignments.

A. I

B. me

C. myself

D. mine

6. Jim is unemployed now, so he is looking for....

A. works

B. a work

C. job

D. ajob

7. I would be glad to take a message for....

A. she

B. her

C. hers

D. herself

8. It is generally known that an M.B.A. degree is a good preparation for a career in...

A. a business

B. businesses

C. business

D. one business

9. George had... when he first came to State University.

A. a good luck

B. good a luck

C. the good luck

D. good luck 10. This tea is... hot to drink.

A. so

B. such

C. much

D. too

1 l.The line is busy; someone... the telephone now.

A. must use

B. must have used

C. must be using

D. must using 12. Last month we had a

A. very

B. too

C. so

D. such

high electric bill.

13. George's values and mine are...

A. similar

B. like

C. same

D. as well

14. One of the least effective ways of storing information is learning... it.

A. how repeat

B. repeating

C. to repeat

D. repeat

15. Many embarrassing situations occur... a misunderstanding.

A. for

B. of

C. because

D. because of

16.Tom and Peter are very successful; the former is a dentist, the... is a businessman.

A. second

B. last

C. latter

D. latest

17.Television, radio, newspapers, and other kinds of mass... influence our emotional attitudes.

A. medium

B. media

C. mean

D. means

18. Judy doesn't look... her elder sister.

A. like to

B. like as

C. like

D. alike

19. In most American schools, sports are compulsory.

A. free of charge

B. required

C. excellent

D. easy

20.The Civil War in 1863 cutihe United States into Confederacy and Union. A. severed


B. acknowledged

C. integrated

D. alienated.

Дополнительные тексты/ диалоги

XV. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выпишите и выучите незнакомые слова.

Educating Tomorrow's Entrepreneurs

Over the past two decades there has been a growing debate about how well education systems prepare young people for adult life in general and " enterprise" in the world of work in particular. This debate recognizes the need for societies, organizations and individual citizens to improve their capacity to cope with an increasingly competitive, uncertain and complex role involving higher rates of innovation and change. While the concept of " enterprise" is ambiguous enough to embrace a wide range of educational initiatives — including industry awareness, business management, and new venture creation, and the development of personal and social skills, among others — there is an increasing awareness of entrepreneurship as a distinct educational challenge that needs to be addressed.

There is a worldwide potential to build more entrepreneurial approaches around existing schools (colleges or universities). Existing programs that can be " entrepreneurially enhanced" include those focused upon:

• creating a much greater economic awareness among young people of all ages;

• creating a wider understanding of industry, business and management;

• developing understanding of small business and its management systems;

• introducing the concept of new venture development via simulation exercises in schools to the young people;

• developing transferable skills such as communication, presentation, negotiation, problem solving, as well as information technology competence;

• opening gateways to better career planning;

• providing work experience for students and teachers; and

• creating business partnerships between schools and colleges and individuals or groups of firms.


The above list underlines the potential role of business in partnering education with entrepreneurship. If it is successful, then care must be taken to find clear concepts and objectives so that the challenges of entrepreneurship education are clearly recognized. There needs to be new kinds of partnerships between schools and business. Overall, business will need to reappraise its own role in designing new ways of preparing young people for the entrepreneurial challenge of the 21st century.

Ключи к упражнениям

VII. Semester — term; require — demand; provide — supply; major — main; tutor — academic advisor; involve — engage; sophisticated — complicated.

VIII. (A).

IX. I. (A); 2. (D); 3.(D). XI. 1. (B); 2. (С): 3. (B).

XIV. 1. B; 2. C; 3. A; 4. B; 5. B; 6. D; 7. B; 8. C; 9. D; 10. D; 11. C; 12. A; 13. A; 14. C; 15. D; 16. C; 17. B; 18. C; 19. B; 20. D.


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