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Electronic Mail and How to Use It

Electronic mail (E-mail) combines the advantage of writing with the responsiveness of the telephone. E-mail systems turn computers into in-boxes. As quickly as the term E-mail was established, the ability to communicate with different libraries and countries has increased through linking it to an electronic network such as Internet. E-mail is used widely


for internal and external messages and suits itself particularly well to short informal messages. Increasingly, organizations are adopting e-mail as the primary mode of internal communication. Some organizations have policies in place that treat e-mail as a business asset, not a personal asset; thus from a legal perspective, e-mail is admissible in court.

All you need to get started in E-mail is access to a computer with the right hardware, the appropriate software, and an E-mail address.

Guidelines for using E-mail:

• You will need to arrange for an E-mail address.

• Learn to write E-mail headings.

• Learn to write the body of the message entering it directly on the keyboard.

• Users of E-mail often use special abbreviations and emoticons to make their points.

In writing E-mail messages, you can depart from common writing conventions, but make sure that the speed the technology provides does not cause you to become careless. Veteran users of e-mail offer the following suggestions and cautions.

• Address one topic per e-mail message.

• Write an informative subject line.

• Keep screen length in mind when organizing.

• Make it easy for your reader to respond.

• When you respond to an e-mail message, include the context in your reply.

• Be concise.

• Re-read your message in various tones of voice to prevent misunderstandings.

• Don't forget that many people may read your message.

• Don't be too quick to push the " Send" button.

• Don't send highly confidential messages.

• Realize that e-mail cannot fully replace the need for other forms of communication.

II. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What are the main sources of information nowadays?

2. What are advantages of using the computer?

3. Name what is necessary to begin computer based information search.

4. When were network electronic systems first introduced?


5. What can you do through Internet?

6. How can you use home computer?

7. What do you need to get started in E-mail?

8. How should you use E-mail?


III. Запомните эти слова и составьте с ними предложения.



Nouns Существит ел ьные
data данные
database оаза данных
search поиск  
____" __L    
research исследование  
network сеть  
source источник информации
topic тема
subject предмет  
term термин, срок
reference ссылка  
message сообщение  
provider провайдер
r charge/fee плата за услуги
graphics графика
emoticon компьютерный символ
responsiveness реактивность  
Verbs Глаголы
communicate передавать информацию
gather собирать
locate локализовать
analyze анализировать
access получить доступ
afford позволять себе
procure добывать, обеспечивать
accomplish совершать, завершать
narrow down сузить


Adjectives & Adverbs Прилагательные и наречия
cost-effective рентабельный, эффективный с точки зрения затрат
in-depth глубокий, углубленный
on line интерактивный, диалоговый, оперативный
pertinent уместный, подходящий
available доступный, имеющийся в наличии
admissible приемлемый, допустимый

IV. Запомните толкование этих слов на английском языке.

Research (n) study or investigation of a subject
Source (n) place where something can be found
Deadline (n) date or dates that assignments must be given to an
  customer or instructor
Selection (n) choice
Feedback (n) reactions to ideas or text
Detail (n) piece of information
Emoticon (n) computer symbol
Sequence(n) anything that follows a special order
Electronic mail (n) special messages sent communicated on an elec-
  tronic network
Response (n) answer
Respond (v) reply
Communicate (v) convey
Analyze (v) study in all parts
Propose (v) suggest
Define (v) find
Accurate (adj) free from errors
Adequate (adj) enough; sufficient


V. Приведите в соответствие термины и их перевод.

database поиск
search сеть
communicate совершать


network база данных
cost-effective уместный
access передавать информацию
accomplish получить доступ
pertinent рентабельный

VI. Приведите в соответствие термины из левой колонки с их толкованием из правой колонки.

Inquire find  
Respond ask  
Response choice  
Define reply  
Selection answer
Detail (n) special messages sent communicated on an electronic
Emoticons piece of information
Electronic mail computer symbols

VII. Выберите подходящее из выделенных слов и вставьте его в предложение.

1. research/ researcher

A. Defining the problem is often the hardest step in the_process.

B. When the problem has been carefully defined, the_sets objectives.

2. collecting/ collection

A. Primary data_calls for decisions about the research


B. The second step involves developing a plan for_the information.

3. implementation/ implemented

A. The work must be monitored to make sure the plan is correctly_.

B. The_phase is generally the most expensive and the

most subject to error.

4. communicated/ communication

A. Insects such as ants have a highly effective system of_.

B. Through signs Mary_that she wanted to drink.


5. analyzes/ analysis

A. George carefully_a situation and suggests solutions.

B. He offers a calm_of the situation.

VIII. Сопоставьте каждое слово из левой колонки с его сино нимом из правой колонки.

gather easy to get
in-depth perform
admissible deep  
pertinent expense
accomplish collect  
charge look for  
available relevant  
search permissible  
IX. Классифицируйте на исчисляемые и неисчисляемые су-

Desk, office, furniture, screen, telephone, information, service, product, diary, equipment, personnel, screen, paper, security, newspaper, person, advice, honesty, computer, data.

X. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Компьютер ускорил поиск информации и сделал его бо­лее дешевым и эффективным. 2. Один исследователь может те7 перь выполнить больше операций, чем целый штат сотрудни­ков. 3. Огромное количество информации доступно через Ин­тернет. 4. Ряд электронных сетевых систем стал доступным с 1989 г. 5. На любую тему можно найти много источников ин­формации. 6. Интернет считается ненадежным источником информации. 7. Исследователь сам решает, какие источники информации он считает надежными. 8. Домашний компьютер открывает широкие возможности. 9. Электронная почта соче­тает преимущества письма с реактивностью телефона. 10. Пи­сать электронные сообщения проще, чем обычные, хотя для этого существуют определенные правила.



XI. Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите единствен­но правильный.

1. If you... them well in advance, they will come.

A. informed

B. inform

C. will inform

D. would inform

2. The project... a great success.

A. has

B. does

C. gets

D. are

3.... my friends there are many who have been to different countries.

A. Between

B. Along

C. Among

D. Within

4. The train... the station.

A. was coming up

B. was arriving

C. was coming

D. was approaching

5. The committee is not interested... this project.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. of

6. It was... for her to speak on public.

A. rather a difficulty

B. enough difficult

C. difficulty enough

D. rather difficult

7. I wonder if he... his promise to arrive in time.

A. keeps

B. would keep

C. will keep

D. had kept

8. The air hostess told the passengers to... their seat belts. A. attach


B. fix C tie D. fasten

9. His mother's life is now... danger.

A. out

B. of

C. against

D. out of

10. How many... did you study during your previous semester?

A. objects

B. subjects

C. themes

D. topics

1 I.John... that he had known nothing about that.

A. made up

B. made up to

C. made out

D. made off

12. I'm...that they are right.

A. doubt

B. suspect

C. convinced

D. feel

13. We are looking... to starting the new class.

A. for

B. forward

C. after

D. up

H.They... in persuading me to start working

A. managed

B. achieved

C. fulfilled

D. succeeded

15.There is a... cash in the bank.

A. short

B. shorten

C. shortage

D. shortage of

16. Everyone... Alan is ready to take exams.

A. except

B. accept

C. beside

D. despite

17.... studying for three hours we got tired.

A. During

B. Since

C. After

D. For

18. We know nothing about Kate. She... writes nor phones.

A. either

B. neither

C. nor

D. doesn't

19. A pessimist is a person who always expects bad thjngs____

A. to happen

B. happened

C. happen

D. happening

20.The article concerns our country's economic----

A. politics

B. political

C. politician

D. policy.

Дополнительные тексты/ диалоги

XII. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выпишите и выучите незнакомые слова.

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