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Advice or suggestion as to what is the best thing to do.

VII. Сопоставьте каждое слово из левой колонки с его сино­нимом из правой колонки.

foreword inform
summarize evaluate
tell illustration
assess preface


reveal appendix
graph resume
addendum make clear
clarify find out

VIII. Приведите в соответствие английские фразы из левой колонки и их функции в правой колонке.

Phrase Function
1. By the way а) Начать новый пункт
2. As I was saying earlier б) Закрыть пункт
3. In a nutshell в) Отступить
4. That deals with the question of actions г) Соединить два пункта
5. I'll come to that point later д) Сослаться на предыдущее
6. Let me conclude by saying е) Сослаться на последующее
7. Let's turn to the question of ж) Вернуться к вашей структуре
8. There's a further point I'd like to make з) Прибавить дополнительный пункт
9. This brings me to the next point и) Резюмировать
10. Let me get back to what I was saying к) Заключить

IX. Дополните таблицу существительными и прилагательны­ми, производными данных глаголов (первый дан как пример).


Verb Noun Adjective
Write Writer/ writing Written



X. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The report intended to review the vast amount of information. 2. One more point may perhaps be mentioned in detail. 3. An attempt was made to review the vast amount of new facts obtained in this field. 4. Great mass of fact and theory is to be taken into account. 5. The method was proved to be of considerable commercial value. 6. We expect the last two alternatives to be the most satisfactory. 7. The principle followed here has received wide attention. 8. Much attention was paid to the data reported. 9. The results are likely to be effective. 10. Many earlier data cannot be regarded as being precise. 11. In each section below will be found comments on the use of the method. 12. The accuracy of definitions depends upon the terms being carefully formulated. 13. If account is taken of the illustrations given in Fig. 9, both the principles will apply. 14. We should summarize the information available on this subject. 15. Proof of the correctness of this interpretation would seem to call for some modification of our notions. 16. We cannot yet understand this phenomenon, nor can we explain its origin. 17. Presented in the table are the results obtained recently. 18. However reasonable the suggestion may be it should get the approval of the specialists.

XI. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Цель доклада — предоставить читателю или слушателю нуж­ную ему информацию. 2. Форма доклада должка быть простой для понимания. 3. Доклады бывают аналитическими, информацион­ными, официальными и основанными на фактах. 4. В одних слу­чаях вы информируете читателя о проделанной работе. 5. В дру­гих случаях вы предлагаете способ претворения новых идей в жизнь. 6. Одна из задач любого доклада — повлиять на процесс принятия решений. 7. При подготовке доклада всегда необходи­мо анализировать информацию. 8. Доклады пишутся по опреде­ленному плану. 9. Иллюстрации делают доклад понятнее и инфор­мативнее. 10. Дополнительные материалы составляют приложе­ния, библиография, глоссарий и указатели. 11. Цель научных материалов — анализировать и интерпретировать факты и делать выводы, опираясь на исследования. 12. При написании отчета или статьи вы как бы ведете неторопливый разговор с читателем.



XII. Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите един­ственно правильный.

1. If drivers obeyed the speed limit, fewer accidents....

A. occur

B. will occur

C. would occur

D. occurred

2. A report needs... with the customs office.

A. file

B. filing

C. to file

D. to be filed

3.... wind is an ancient source of energy.

A. a

B. an

C. -

D. the

4. My elder brother now gives me... advice.

A. little

B. a little

C. few

D. a few

5. Many books... about success, but one of the best is How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegy.

A. have written

B. written

C. have been written

D. has been written

6. The works of Picasso are quite... during various periods of his artistic life.

A. differ

B. different from

C. different than

D. different

7. Most stores in the USA close... five o'clock or five-thirty on weekdays.

A. at

B. in


C. on

D. till

8. One needs to have other interests... studying.

A. beside

B. besides

C. but

D. also

9. We expect the weather at weekend to be____

A. sunny and warm

B. both sunny also warm

C. sunny as well warm

D. both sunny and warm

10. If Napoleon had not invaded Russia, he... the world.

A. had conquered

B. would conquer

C. would have conquered

D. conquered

11. John is studying hard... he can finish his education.

A. so

B. so that

C. why

D. for

12____on clear days one can see mountains from here.

A. Sometime

B. Some

C. Sometimes

D. Somestime

13. Her knowledge of languages... in her work.

A. aid her

B. aids her

C. she aid

D. her aids

14.1 wish we could see each other____

A. frequenter

B. the frequenter

C. more frequently

D. more frequenter

15. Cupid, one of the ancient Roman gods, ____

A. was represented as a little child

B. representing as a little child

C. were a little child


D. a little child I6.Valentine's Day is on----

A. fourteen February

B. the fourteen February

C. the fourteenth February

D. the fourteenth of February

17. Professor White cannot seem to make his ideas understood in class.

A. get his ideas down

B. recall his ideas

C. summarize his ideas

D. get his ideas across

18. In order to be issued a passport, one must give evidence concerning his identity.

A. investigate

B. testify

C. falsify

D. evaluate

19. Something made that first meeting of two strangers into a productive friendship.

A. usual

B. unusual

C. useful

D. useless

20. Judy gets her primary satisfaction from her career.

A. main

B. full

C. adequate

D. worst.

Дополнительные тексты/ диалоги

XIII. Прочитайте и переведите текст доклада. Выпишите и выучите незнакомые слова.

Обязательные элементы ежемесячного отчета (The Monthly Report)

Name of chapter Перевод Содержание раздела
Time period: Отчетный пери­од За какой период времени вы отчитываетесь
Purpose: Цели и задачи Что было сделано за отчетный период



Name of chapter Перевод Содержание раздела
Key issue: Основные результаты Главные темы, которые выно­сятся в отчет
Actions taken: Принятые меры Описание принятых мер с ука­занием сроков
Actions scheduled: Календарный план Последовательность прини­маемых мер
Request or recommendation: Просьбы или рекомендации Ваши просьбы или рекомен­дации на основании информа­ции, содержащейся в отчете

Sample of a Brief Business Report

Promotion Procedures

All managers should have a promotion review every two years. This does not mean that promotion cannot take place in the interim. However, promotion is normally gained after the promotion review session.

The procedure for conducting a promotion review is that the promotion interview panel meets after having received SOPs (Standards of Performance) from all departments. Before asking an employee for a informal interview, the interview panel meet and discuss each employee. The panel should analyze not only the employee's past record, but also his or her potential in the future. This will mean that the information on promotion possibilities when they have done all this, they can invite the employee to an informal interview.

The informal interview should aim to assess the employee's own expectations and ambitions. Having completed this session, the panel should meet privately to decide on recommendations which are finally submitted to the Board.

Ключи к упражнениям

VII. Foreword — preface; summarize — resume; tell — inform; assess — evaluate; reveal — find out; graph — illustration; clarify — make clear.

VIII. 1. в); 2. д); 3. и); 5. e); 6. к); 7. a); 8. з); 9. г); 10. ж).

IX. Observe — observation/ observer — observational; propose — proposal/ proposition — proposed; describe — description —


descriptive; prove — proof — proven; interpret — interpreta­tion — interpretative; add — addition — additional. XII. 1. C; 2. D; 3. D; 4. A; 5. B; 5. C: 6. D; 7. A; 8. B; 9. D; 10. C: 11. B; 12. C; 13. B; 14. C; 15. A; 16. D; 17. A; 18. B; 19. C; 20. A.


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