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Бухгалтерский учет

I. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выпишите и выучите не­знакомые слова.

An Accounting Overview

Accounting is frequently called the " language of business" because of its ability to communicate financial information about the organization. Various interested parties, such as managers, potential investors, creditors, and the government, depend on a company's accounting system to help them make informed financial decisions. An effective accounting system, therefore, must include accurate collecting, recording, classifying, summarizing, interpreting, and reporting of information on the financial status of an organization.

In order to achieve a standardized system, the accounting process follows accounting principles and rules. Regardless of the type of business or the amount of money involved, common procedures for handling and presenting financial information are used. Incoming money (revenues) and outgoing money (expenditures) are carefully monitored, and transactions are summarized in financial statements, which reflect the major financial activities of an organization.

The work of accountants is rather sophisticated. People who specialize in the field of accounting are known as bookkeepers and accountants. Bookkeepers deal in taxes and different business transactions of the company. The accountant's responsibility is to analyze and interpret the financial data and make it understandable for users. In the United States, accountants are usually classified as private, government, and public. Private accountants work solely for private companies or corporations that hire them to maintain financial records, and governmental accountants work for governmental agencies. Both private and governmental accountants are paid on a salary basis, whereas public accountants receive fees for their services. Public accountants work independently and provide accounting services such as auditing and tax computation to companies and individuals.

Many accountants have special certificates after they pass examinations in Institute of Accountants. Certified accountants in England are called chartered accountants. In the USA the certified accountants are called certified public accountants (CPA).

Through effective application of commonly accepted accounting systems, accountants provide accurate and timely financial information


that is necessary for organizational decision-making. No expansion or reorganization is planned without them. New products and advertising campaigns are also prepared with the help of the accountant.

II. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why is accounting called the " language of business"?

2. What are revenues and expenditures?

3. How is a standardized accounting system achieved?

4. What is the difference between a bookkeeper and an accountant?

5. How are accountants classified in the USA?

6. What kind of services do certified accountants provide?

7. How are they called in Britain and the USA?


III. Запомните эти слова и составьте с ними предложения.

Nouns Существительные
accounting бухгалтерский учет
accountancy бухгалтерское дело, счетоводство
audit аудит
auditing аудит как предмет
tax computation расчет налогов
accountant бухгалтер-аналитик
bookkeeper бухгалтер-счетовод
asset актив
liability пассив, обязательство
party сторона-участник
posting проводка, разноска по счетам
balance 1) баланс, 2) остаток
financial status финансовое положение
financial statement transaction финансовый отчет
revenue доходы
expenditure расходы
payroll платежная ведомость
salary зарплата (служащих)



Nouns Существительные
fee гонорар
chartered accountant аудитор в Англии
certified public accountant (CPA) аудитор в США
Verbs Глаголы
collect собирать
record регистрировать
classify классифицировать
summarize обобщать
total сводить
interpret и нтер претиро вать
report отчитываться, докладывать
handle обращаться, управляться с чем-либо
post разносить
withdraw удерживать (из зарплаты)
present представлять
Adjectives & Adverbs Прилагательные и наречия
sophisticated сложный, запутанный
standardized стандартизованный
certified сертифицированный
accurate точный
timely своевременный
solely только, единственно
independently независимо

IV. Запомните толкование этих слов на английском языке.

Agency (n) the organization that provides services
Fee (n) money paid to professional people
Take into account (v) take into consideration
Monitor (v) watch closely
Appropriately (adv) in the right way
Revenues (n) incoming money
Expenditures (n) outgoing money
Quotation (n) estimate of how much something will cost
  add together a set of numbers or objects
1 otal (v)



Report (v) present data to someone(s)
Procedure(n) a formal way of doing something
Process(n) a series of transactions, changes, or functions that bring about a particular result
Express (v) indicate by words and symbols
Reflect (v) give a particular impression of something
Detail (v) provide information item by item


V. Приведите в соответствие термины и их перевод.

accountant бухгалтер-счетовод
bookkeeper классифицировать
revenues расходы
expenditures бухгалтер-аналитик
record разносить
summarize доходы
classify регистрировать
post обобщать

VI. Приведите в соответствие термины из левой колонки с их толкованием из правой колонки.

Procedure money paid to professional people
Monitor present data to someone(s)
Revenues outgoing money
Agency a formal way of doing something
Reflect watch closely
Expenditures incoming money
Report give a particular impression of something
Fee the organization that provides services



VII. Сопоставьте каждое слово из левой колонки с его сино-


нимом из правой колонки.
method fee
charge for services financial status
keep corresponding
strict complicated
collect maintain
appropriate gather
financial condition procedure

VIII. Выберите вариант, который лучше всего дополняет ут­верждения.

1. Accounting information is used by_to help them make financial


A. creditors

B. potential investors

C. managers

D. all of the above

2. Regardless of the type of business or the amount of money involved:

A. all companies use identical accounting systems

B. all companies use different accounting systems

C. common procedures are used in handling financial information

D. no standardized accounting system is being used

3. Business monetary transactions are summarized in:

A. bank books

B. financial statements

C. computers

D. journals

4. Accountants may become certified by:

A. paying a fee

B. becoming private accountants

C. becoming governmental accountants

D. passing an exam in accounting

5. Private and governmental accountants are paid on a_basis.

A. monthly

B. salary

C. fee

D. weekly

IX. Выберите подходящее из выделенных слов и дополните им предложение.

1. information/ informative

A. Getting Acquainted with Accounting, by John L. Carey, is a very _book.

B. Many interested parties require specific financial_.

2. fulfdlment/ fulfill

A. Before the accountant could become a CPA s/he had to_

a number of requirements.

B. People there find_in working for a common goal.

3. record/ records

A. Bookkeepers_business transactions and periodically do a trial

to see if both sides of an account match.

B. Accountants analyze financial_and decide how to present


4. standards/ has standardized/ standard

A. There are some_procedures for recording financial data.

B. The computer department_its procedures for storing and

retrieving data.

C. The North Sea oil contributed in_of living in Britain.

5. monitored/ monitoring

A. The Board of Directors exercises_of the project.

B. The student's progress is being_.

X. Выберите нужное слово и подставьте его в предложение.

1.The real estate in other countries is included into the company's money
2.International cooperation between banks makes it possible imports and exports. data
3.Both management and stockholders can use provided by accounting records. ownership
4.An accounting helps the business's performance. transaction



5. An importer can buy from another country using only the currency of that country. finance
6. Our last influenced greatly the financial standing of the company. profit
7. A modern economy is based on the use of evaluate
8. We will from the association with this company. goods

XI. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Бухгалтерский учет часто называют «языком бизнеса». 2. Имеется несколько сторон, заинтересованных в получении ин­формации о финансовом состоянии фирмы. 3. При составлении финансовых отчетов необходимо соблюдать ряд принципов и пра­вил. 4. Существуют общие принципы обработки финансовой ин­формации. 5. Финансовые отчеты отражают деятельность любых организаций. 6. Людей, специализирующихся в области бухгалтер­ского учета, называют бухгалтерами. 7. Бухгалтеры-счетоводы обрабатывают первичную документацию. 8. Бухгалтеры-аналити­ки интерпретируют эту информацию так, чтобы она стала понят­ной для пользователей. 9. Большинство бухгалтеров получают зар­плату за свой труд. 10. Независимые бухгалтеры, или аудиторы, получают гонорар за свои услуги.


XII. Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите един­ственно правильный.

1. Please get someone

A. fix

B. to fix

C. fixing

D. fixed

2. I'm very busy today

A. during

B. however

C. but also

D. else

... the phone right away.

..., we can discuss the matter tomorrow.


3. I had to teach... to swim.

A. I

B. me

C. myself

D. mine

4.... provides people with both money and personal satisfaction.

A. working

B. work

C. the work

D. to working

5. Linda felt... about the mistake.

A. bad

B. badly

C. worse

D. worsely

6. There are... hundred students attending this school.

A. approximate

B. until

C. as many as

D. more

7. The climate here is... than that of Russia.

A. mild

B. milder

C. mildest

D. the mildest

8. One's fingerprints are... any other person.

A. different from those of

B. different from

C. different

D. differ from

9. Sheila will feel much better when----

A. she will stop smoking

B. stop smoking

C. stopping smoking

D. she stops smoking

10. Virginia was among the few who... to continue studying.

A. want

B. wants

C. wanted

D. have wanted


11.Although your visas will expire in June, you may have... extended for three months.

A. it

B. they

C. them

D. their

12. Jim took a lot of books... pass his exam.

A. so he could

B. so that he could

C. he could

D. so could

13.1 want to have this book..., please.

A. renew

B. to renew

C. to be renewed

D. renewed 14.1 asked him...

A. who he was calling.

B. who was he calling.

C. whom he was calling.

D. whom was he calling.

15. Please... the telephone on the night table over there.

A. set

B. sets

C. sit

D. sat

16. My mother was in complete charge of all monetary matters affecting the household.

A. boring

B. fiscal

C. stationery

D. scrupulous

17.The purchaser of this automobile is protected by the manufacturer's warranty.

A. thread

B. fund

C. issue

D. guarantee

18. The population of the United States is roughly 250 million.

A. unfortunately

B. ideally


C. approximately

D. usually

19. It's all right if you just change the furniture around.

A. replace

B. use

C. transform

D. direct

20. This is an entirely feasible proposal. I suggest we will adopt it.

A. theoretical

B. practical

C. premature

D. timely.

Дополнительные тексты/ диалоги

XIII. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выпишите и выучите незнакомые слова.

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