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Supervisor _______________________ Reference information Term descriptions QUALITY OF WATER – is a characteristic of the composition and properties of water which determine whether the water is fit for specific purposes. CENTRALIZED WATER SUPPLY is the system which supplies the population with water through water supply systems и предназначенной для потребления в питьевых и бытовых целях. NONCENTRALIZED WATER SUPPLY - использование жителями населенных мест подземных источников водоснабжения для удовлетворения питьевых и хозяйственных нужд при помощи водозаборных устройств без разводящей сети. NON-CENTRALIZED WATER SUPPLY is the system which supplies population with water using ground water supply sources without a water intake. The water is generally used to meet the needs of the population for drinking water and agricultural needs. The main source of a noncentralized water supply system is ground water which is obtained by means of using special equipment (e.g. water bore wells and tubular wells). Hygienic requirements and standards imposed on the quality of water from centralized water supply Table 1 Microbiological and parasitological indicators
Table 2 General indicators and pollution rate
Table 3 Organoleptic properties
Table 4 Radiation safety
Table 5